War Contractor

Chapter 89: letter


"A letter!"

A shout in the dark night made the camp that was boiling even more boiling. Some soldiers rushed out of their houses with cheers and surrounded the postman, expecting that they could have a letter from home.

Yu Zhiqian followed the crowd and came to the middle of the camp. A middle-aged man wearing a white cloak and two shoulder bags seemed to have broken half of his palm and was wrapped in the middle.

The postman was crowded and led into a relatively large room, near the fire, and a group of people surrounded him, eyes full of expectation. On the battlefield, there was nothing more than a letter from home. More able to make ordinary people feel warm.

"Your campsite has been changed. If it weren't for the mark, I really couldn't find this place. I will read the name, and if I hear the name, come over and fetch the letter. Everyone stand up, don't be crowded!" After speaking, Reached out and opened the first backpack on his left, took out the envelope inside, and began to read the name.

"Wilshilian! Wilshilian of Hain!"

"Papodom! Papodom from the capital!"


"Jones Jackson! Jones Jackson from Sherman!"

"Here, here too!" A soldier raised his hand excitedly, and the postman handed the envelope over: "That's a good place. After picking up the boy, you are great! Go there soon after reading it. Write back!"

The names were read out one after another. Some people cried immediately after they got the envelope, and they burst into tears with excitement while holding the envelope. But there are more people who haven't read their names but are still waiting. It's like in a kindergarten class, the teacher is giving out small red flowers to classmates, and many people are waiting for the one that belongs to them.

A small shoulder bag can’t carry so much hope. In the end, more than 30 people received their letter from their family. Some soldiers looked at the postman with excitement: “Sir, look for it. Do you have Pal’s letter? I’m Pal from Harding Town!"

"Brave boy, your letter may be on the way, don't worry, it will be brought to you next time I come over!" The postman was always smiling, and slowly collected the rest of the envelopes. Looking at the depressed soldier who did not receive the letter: "Children, warriors, your letter may only be a little slower. The next time my old Huck comes, I will definitely bring all your letters. You can now. Go write a letter you want to send back, and I will take you back!"

In the end, the crowd slowly dispersed, tears of excitement mixed with disappointed eyes, everything was like a sentient being. Yu Zhiqian was in the crowd, looking at his constantly waving hands, shouting with excitement, and felt like he was Yu Qian. Dispersed among the thousands, it seems that he does not belong to this world, and a sense of loneliness arises spontaneously.

Human is a kind of perceptual animal that needs to communicate and talk. In war, this feeling will be infinitely magnified, and a family letter worth a lot of money is the best sustenance, but Yu Zhigan does not, even one can write No one believes.

"Child, why don't you write a letter?"

Yu Zhigan looked at the old man in front of him, opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he couldn't speak. No one of him could accept and write a letter without an address? Yu Zhiqian shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, no matter how far away we are, we will send your letter back. Even if there is a conflict with your family, remember to tell your family about your current situation, they will miss you!"

"But, they are all abroad!"

Yu Zhiqian spoke slowly, while Old Huck was taken aback for a moment. He had never encountered such a situation: "In a foreign country? In that country?"

"In China, do you know? It's the country in the East!"

"Oh, I know, I heard that there is gold everywhere, but it seems that it hasn't been too peaceful for the past few years, so far? But don’t worry, it should be possible to send it. Now that the technology is so advanced, with the ship, it can be mailed up to one month Where you want to go!"

"Is that so? Then I will try!"

After Yu Zhiqian finished speaking, he returned to his little room and found an envelope and a pen. He picked up the pen and began to write. He has no parents and no family here, but he still has a motherland. He can Writing letters to celebrities you know is also a kind of sustenance.

Yu Zhigan thought for a long time, and finally decided to write a letter to Shaanxi. He didn’t know why. He just wrote some things roughly. He remembered some things in history. He used very few pens and inks, but only took the big things. Wrote it out, then packed it carefully, and found Old Huck.

After mailing the envelope, Yu Zhiqian was also very worried. Will the letter reach the destination Mr. Zhou? Even if it does, will Mr. Zhou reply? What if someone sees it? Yu Zhigan didn’t think too much about these things. After all, he was not a person in this time and space, he was just a passer-by, and writing these things was just pinning some of his thoughts about home in it, and he wanted his biggest home. That is, the motherland becomes more beautiful.

"Oh. It's really far enough, don't worry, it will be mailed!"

Old Huck took a sip of wine while talking. Yu Zhigan smiled and did not speak. The rest of the Finnish soldiers were still writing swiftly, one piece of paper, two pieces of paper, three pieces of paper, the more they wrote. Many things on the battlefield, greetings relatives at home, it seemed that there was no topic before, but now there are things that are unclear. New Bayi Chinese website debut

The soldiers who received the letter read the letter a little bit repeatedly, and could feel some strength from it. This sense of concern made them feel warm.

Soldiers are also human beings, even in cold-blooded killing machines, they are after all a human being, and later soldiers obeying orders. For them, behind the cruel battlefield is what they defend with their lives.

At the end of the night, the old Huck paddled his sleigh at dawn and took the letters carrying the hopes and dreams of countless people to the next stop. The scenes here will repeat themselves again, everyone They are all waiting for his next arrival to bring hope.

What Yu Zhigan didn’t know was that his letter, after numerous obstacles, followed a Finnish ship bound for China, arrived in Guangzhou, and then from Guangzhou to Shanghai, Beijing, and finally came slowly and wanted to deliver it. In the hands of the person, it took a total of four months. When the letter arrived, the recipient was also at a loss. He didn't know that he still knew a Finn.

But when he opened the letter, the world finally changed drastically.

ps: This is a big foreshadowing, and then want to know the content of the letter? I'm tearing it up, hahahaha, let you tear up the ticket, let you not give a reward, just don't let you know, come and hit me, can't beat me! (End of this chapter)