War God Asura

Chapter 78: Father’s letter [Second update]



But at this critical moment, Xingjue's power actually began to fade. Seeing this, Xingjue quickly took out a "Zheng Pain Pill", threw it into his mouth, and then prepared to use Soul Explosion again.


However, the nine-tailed demon fox did not give Xingjue a chance at all. He only saw his figure move, and his huge body turned into a line of crimson lightning, rushing towards Xingjue at extremely fast speeds. It also brought up gusts of strong wind, and even the grass and gravel under the feet were picked up by it.

In the blink of an eye, the nine-tailed demon fox had rushed in front of Xing Jue, swung its sharp fox claws, and struck Xing Jue hard with a sharp wind.

At this critical moment, Xing Jue wanted to use the Wind Technique to escape, but suddenly found that he could not move at this moment. It was pressure. The nine-tailed demon fox actually poured powerful pressure into its giant claws.

"Damn it," Xing Jue said unwillingly in the face of the fox's claws descending at extremely fast speeds.

This nine-tailed demon fox is so cunning that it actually puts all its coercion into its claws to restrict Xingjue's actions. This method is not cruel.



With a muffled sound, the nine-tailed demon fox, with its bayonet-like nails, pierced Xing Jue's body fiercely, and finally penetrated Xing Jue's body and then inserted it into the lawn. At the same time, a large area The dust is also filling the air.


Xing Jue was nailed to the ground by the demon fox's nails, and the powerful force shocked Xing Jue, causing him to spurt out a mouthful of blood, and his face became even more frighteningly pale.

At this moment, Xingjue really discovered that facing the nine-tailed demon fox, he had no ability to resist at all. In the face of absolute strength, he was really too weak.

Large amounts of blood continued to flow out from Xing Jue's wound. Xing Jue could clearly feel that his blood was gradually decreasing, but just as Xing Jue's body gradually weakened, the dark soul hidden deep in his body But he started to feel uneasy.

There was actually a surge of wanting to break out of the body, and this feeling also appeared when Xing Jue accidentally entered the training pavilion and encountered the wind monkey.

It was this soul power that saved him at that time. Thinking of this, Xing Jue opened all the soul channels and allowed the soul power to flow out.


Under Xing Jue's indulgence, the dark soul surged out of Xing Jue's body like an erupting volcano, and finally struck hard at the nine-tailed demon fox.


However, in the face of that tyrannical soul power, the nine-tailed demon fox suddenly opened its huge mouth and roared, and an equally tyrannical power surged out of its mouth, finally suppressing the dark black soul power.

Looking at the dissipated soul attack, Xing Jue discovered that the soul power in his body was not unlimited. Exerting too many soul bursts would lead to the consumption of soul power, and this consumption also directly led to The weakening of soul power.

At this moment, Xing Jue finally felt the smell of death. He knew that he might really die this time. At this moment, he also began to feel some regret for his recklessness.

Challenging an enemy who is too powerful when you are not strong enough is actually very ignorant. If he could be given another chance, Xing Jue would never do such a reckless thing without absolute certainty. .


At this moment, Xing Jue suddenly felt a hot burning pain on his chest, and it became more and more intense, as if there was a flame burning his skin in his body.

This kind of pain even covered up the pain caused by the nine-tailed demon fox, causing Xing Jue to yell uncontrollably.

At the same time, Xingjue's chest began to emit a pale white light, and the light became more and more bright. Later, it slowly flowed, and after it reached the end, it actually formed a strange pattern.

Looking at the light pattern on Xing Jue's chest, the nine-tailed demon fox hurriedly pulled out the nails inserted into Xing Jue's body, and then slowly backed away, because it felt an extremely terrifying feeling from the bright light pattern. thing.


But just when the nine-tailed demon fox was about to retreat, a bright light shield spread out from Xing Jue's chest, and the terrifying energy contained in the light shield made the nine-tailed demon fox's pupils shrink, and then Without thinking, he started to run away at high speed into the distance.

But the light shield didn't give the nine-tailed demon fox any chance at all. The light shield shrank slightly and actually exploded.

After the light shield exploded, a destructive force spread rapidly, and this terrifying power condensed into a huge light shield.

And it began to expand extremely quickly, submerging the nine-tailed demon fox in the blink of an eye, and wherever the light barrier passed, almost all objects would turn into nothing and be wiped out in an instant.

"What a powerful force" At this moment, the light shield erupted, and in the city thousands of miles away, the cabinet elder suddenly felt the terrifying energy emitted by the light shield.

Immediately, his body swayed and he came to the city wall. Looking towards the direction of the explosion of the light mask, he stared uneasily.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh"

At this moment, three old figures also flashed out and landed next to the great elder, and these three were naturally the three elders from other forces.

"Buzz buzz"

At this moment, a bright light suddenly emitted from the deepest part of the Warcraft Mountain Range.

And when that bright light flashed, the four elders all frowned. The energy that could be seen at such a long distance, if you were in it, you can imagine what a terrifying attack it was.

"So strong, too strong." Looking at the bright light in the distance, the elder of Netherworld Palace said with a shocked expression.

But at this moment, the great elder of the cabinet moved slightly and was actually preparing to fly towards the place where the light came from.

However, the elder of the Nangong family on the side stopped him, and then said with a smile: "Elder of the cabinet, I'm afraid it's not good to leave here at this time."

After hearing the words of the elder of the Nangong family, the elder also trembled, and then stopped. During the hunting competition, the elders were indeed not allowed to leave the city without preventing cheating.

"The person who caused the destruction is obviously not a member of our four major forces. With such a powerful person appearing among the three empires, shouldn't we go and investigate?" After a moment of silence, the cabinet elder said slowly .

"Elder Luo, I know how you feel, but if I guess correctly, the strength of the person who took action earlier is at least..."

"So even if I wait, I will definitely not be a match for that person. I might as well just wait and see what happens."

"I think that the strong man probably didn't attack our disciples. Otherwise, with his strength, he could crush them to death with just a flick of his finger, and he wouldn't be able to launch such a powerful attack." At this time, the elder of the Tibetan Medicine Villa said slowly.

In fact, he could see that the chief elder of the cabinet was worried about his disciple, but he was not the same. However, the attack just now was too strong. Even with the strength of the four of them, they were far from his opponent. This The gap is really huge. Not to mention them, even among the four major forces, there are probably no more than 5 people who can fight against that person.

"Hey." After hearing the words of the elder of the Tibetan Medicine Villa, the chief elder of the cabinet also sighed helplessly. Indeed, with his strength, even if he meets that person, he is just seeking death. At this moment, he can only hope that it is not a punishment. The others provoked the strong man.

Just when the elders of the four major forces thought that the attack was caused by a certain strong person, Xing Jue was lying quietly where he was before.

It's just that at this moment, the injury caused by the nine-tailed demon fox has actually healed, and there is not even a scar left. If it weren't for the huge hole left on the purple robe, others would definitely not have it. It is believed that Xingjue once suffered a fatal attack.

Xing Jue just lay there quietly, as if he was sleeping in a beautiful sleep. Even though the breeze blew through his body, he had no intention of waking up.

Maybe Xing Jue was really too tired. In the past few days, Xing Jue had hardly rested in order to get better results. At this moment, he could finally relax.

It wasn't until a few hours passed that Xing Jue's fingers trembled slightly, and then his closed eyes slowly opened. However, when Xing Jue stood up and looked at everything in front of him, his expression suddenly changed. .

Because the execution at this moment is actually in a plain that is dozens of miles long, and there are still green smoke rising above the purple-black surface.

The ancient trees and mountains that had existed before had all disappeared. If he hadn't looked at the vast boundless mountains in the distance and still existed, Xing Xing would have thought that he had been moved at this moment.

"Oh my God" Xing Jue couldn't help the shock in his heart and said in wonder.

Just now, he only felt the burning pain in his chest. Then a dazzling light flashed in front of his eyes, and then he fainted. When he woke up, everything in front of him changed.

"This is?"

But at this moment, Xing Jue suddenly discovered that in the air behind him, there were several large characters floating neatly. These characters were translucent dark green and stood in the air, just like letters hanging in the air.

And after reading the content of the letter, his body froze even more, and then he actually started to tremble violently.

Because, then this is actually a letter left by Xing Jue's father.

"Son, don't be surprised when you see this letter, because this is a gift left to you by your father. At this moment, maybe you will find that you are not actually an orphan."

"I'm sorry, not only can my father not be by your side and watch you grow up, but he will also seal your soul and let you be an ordinary person. But please don't blame your father. For some special reasons, I really hope you I can live a more ordinary life.”

"At least that way, your life can be guaranteed. You have to know that no matter how you live, only living is the best thing."

"Actually, I really don't want you to see this letter, because when you see this letter, it means that you must have encountered some fatal danger, and that is what I least want to see."

"But at this moment, if you really encounter some enemies that you cannot fight against and have nowhere to stay, take this jade pendant and go to the "Peace Village" in the eastern part of Yufeng Empire to find a person named "Uncle Pan" , as long as he sees this jade pendant, he will help you."

"Because of the rush of time, I can only say this much to you. Don't look for me and your mother, don't blame me and your mother, and don't ask Uncle Pan about us. You just need to know that father and mother love each other deeply. Yours, that’s enough.”


Looking at the big characters floating in the air, Xing Jue's eyes became moist. At this moment, he finally understood why he was still alive. It turned out that his father had saved him. And Xingjue can see from the words his father left for him that his father actually cares about him.

Xing Jue read this letter over and over again, as if his father was talking to him. Xing Jue had never felt father's love or mother's love since he was a child. Although Mr. Zhang was kind to him, he only regarded Mr. Zhang as his grandfather. Just look, deep down in his heart, how much he wants to have a father and mother who love him.

At this moment, he finally felt the feeling of father's love, which turned out to be so warm.


But at this moment, the fonts began to become distorted, and became more and more serious. Later, they turned into green lines, condensing towards the center, and finally condensed into a dark green jade pendant. It fell to the ground.