War God Asura

Chapter 93: The secret of the jade pendant [Second update]


The deep blue water is boundless, and from a distance it is connected to the blue sky, heaven and earth. Like a blue scroll, hanging between heaven and earth.

At this moment, it has been a week since Xing Jue and others set sail. During this week, the huge sailing ship has officially entered the "boundless sea".

At this moment, the lagoons that are ten feet high on the sea level are floating one after another. If some smaller fishing boats sail in this kind of sea area, this lagoon alone can overturn them.

However, these giant langs seemed a bit insignificant in front of the huge sailing ship that was a thousand meters long and a hundred meters high.

The huge sailboat sailed steadily, and during the paddling, it set off a large amount of squid. Looking down from the sky, it looked like two white tails, following closely behind, and it was instantly beautiful.

Xing Jue is lying on the bedside at the moment, eating delicious snacks on the pillow, thinking...

Uncle Pan said that he could reach the realm of the Martial God within one year, but the round trip time between the Yufeng Empire and the outer islands of the boundless sea would take one year, and this year was spent almost non-stop on the road, even if he was practicing. Cultivation is not stable.

Xing Jue couldn't figure out what method Uncle Pan could use to upgrade his power from a Martial Lord to a Martial God.

"Did Uncle Pan lie to me?" Xing Jue muttered to himself. But his intuition told him that Uncle Pan had no ill intentions towards him.

"Hey, I don't want to"

Xing Jue scratched his head, then turned his wrist, and a golden talisman emerged. This was exactly what he had obtained in the cave, the Nangong Family's palace-suppressing martial arts "Rising Dragon Blade".

After taking out the "Rising Dragon Blade", Xing Jue put it on his forehead to try to see if it could be used.

However, what Xingjue was helpless about was that the "Rising Dragon Blade" did not react at all. As Zhou Lianfeng said that week, it might really be sealed.

"Seal? Uncle Pan said that my jade pendant can break the sealing formation. I wonder if it can break the seal of the Shenglong Blade?"

Thinking of this, Xing Jue did not hesitate and quickly took out the jade pendant from his arms and immediately placed it on the "Rising Dragon Blade" charm.

However, what disappointed Xing Jue was that after the jade pendant was placed on the charm, the charm did not change at all.

Then Xing Jue picked up the jade pendant again and observed it carefully.

The jade pendant used for the execution was condensed from the letter left by his father. Moreover, Uncle Pan fused two jade pendants together in front of him, so Xing Jue knew that his jade pendant was definitely not simple, but he just didn't know how to use it.

However, after studying for a long time, except for the faintly glowing objects flowing in the jade pendant, there is almost no difference from ordinary jade pendants, let alone switches and the like.

"The spirit of martial arts"

At this moment, Xing Jue suddenly remembered the fragment of the scroll, and immediately poured the martial spirit into the jade pendant. However, to Xing Jue's disappointment, after pouring a large amount of martial spirit into the jade pendant, the jade pendant still remained. Nothing has changed.


Xing Jue sighed helplessly and put his head down.

"Yes, soul power."

However, after a moment of silence, Xing Jue's eyes suddenly lit up and he said immediately.

Xing Zhi thought that this jade pendant was left to him by his father, and it must have a lot to do with the Soul-Eating Clan. Since the Soul-Eating Technique can only be practiced by the Soul-Eating Tribe, then this jade pendant should only be used by the Soul-Eating Tribe.

Thinking of this, Xing Jue did not hesitate. He pressed his palm lightly on the jade pendant, injecting the dark soul into the jade pendant.

"Buzz buzz..."

What surprised Xing Jue was that after Xing Jue infused the dark black soul power into the jade pendant, the jade pendant actually began to emit a faint light, and the light became stronger and stronger.

Seeing this, Xing Jue's face instantly became excited, and then he increased the infusion of soul power.

"Buzz buzz..."

With a few buzzing sounds, the jade pendant actually floated, and on the surface of the jade pendant, there were several strange gases swirling around the jade pendant.

Seeing this, Xing Jue picked up the jade pendant and immediately placed it on the "Rising Dragon Blade" talisman again. This time, as soon as the jade pendant touched the talisman, the gases poured in very quickly. Within the spell.

After the gas poured into the talisman, the talisman even set off a small ripple of energy. After that, the jade pendant and talisman returned to their previous appearance.

Seeing this, Xing Jue quickly put the talisman on his forehead again, and this time as his forehead came into contact with the talisman, a large amount of text poured into Xing Jue's brain like a flood. .

And with the influx of large characters, an excited smile appeared on Xing Jue's face.

After a while, Xing Jue had all the training methods of the "Rising Dragon Blade" in his mind, and then he put away the rising dragon blade with a wave of his sleeve.

After putting away the charm, Xing Jue picked up the jade pendant and played with it in his hand before putting it in his arms. But at this moment, Xing Jue discovered that this jade pendant was simply a master key to breaking the seal, and it would surely be of great help to Xing Jue in the future.

After putting away the jade pendant, Xing Jue read the contents of the Dragon Blade. What shocked Xing Jue was that the Dragon Blade was actually a local-level intermediate martial skill, and it was infinitely close to the earth-level advanced martial skill. Excellent.

"This time I found a treasure."

Xing Jue smiled excitedly, and then he was ready to read the specific training methods of the Dragon Blade.

"Dong dong dong"

But at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the cabin door of Xingjue...

"Master, in order to relieve your boredom during the journey, we have specially held a dance, and you in the first-class cabin can watch it from the first-class VIP seat."

After Xing Jue opened the cabin door, a graceful woman said to Xing Jue with a smile on her face.

Xing Jue looked around and found that there were indeed many people in the sailing hall at this moment. On the stage in the middle, there were several coquettish and beautiful women, dancing with enchanting figures and dancing gracefully.

This huge sailing ship is very large, but there are not many cabins for guests. There are 10 upper-class cabins, 30 middle-class cabins, and 100 lower-class cabins. Including the crew, the total number does not exceed 200 people.

Therefore, the internal facilities of the sailboat can be said to be very comprehensive. There is an extremely spacious hall in the middle of the sailboat. Xing Jue has never known what such a large hall is for, but now he finally knows.

"Haha, thank you." After Xing Jue replied politely to the woman, the woman went to inform the guests in other cabins.

Xing Jue was aroused by the rising dragon blade at the moment, so he was not in the mood for this so-called dance appreciation.

But just when Xing Jue was about to return to the cabin, the figures of three men caught Xing Jue's attention.

I saw three men sitting in the middle seat with great interest, enjoying the dance of the women. And those three are the three master disciples of the Nangong family, the three masters of the first level martial arts.

However, there are ten more high-end seats in front of them, which are obviously VIP seats prepared for upper-class cabin guests.

After seeing the three disciples of the main palace, Xing Jue suddenly changed his attention. Xing Jue already disliked the disciples of the Nangong family, and he was even more displeased with Ma Zhong, so Xing Jue prepared to deliberately get angry. them.

Thinking of this, Xingjue pulled Uncle Pan into the hall, and Xingjue specially picked a seat in front of "Ma Zhong" and sat down.

After sitting down, he couldn't help but straighten his back in order to block Na Ma Zhong's sight. After seeing Xing Jue's move, Na Ma Zhong was indeed aroused.

After the beautiful dances of several women, they changed to several very good programs, while Xing Jue kept dangling in front of Ma Zhong. Ma Zhong was extremely frustrated.

However, because this was the sailboat of the "Business Association", he did not dare to challenge Xing Jue. Although the Business Association on the outer islands was not as loud as the Nangong family in the east of Dongxuan Continent, it was still extremely strong.

This time Ma Zhong and others went to the outer island to do business, so naturally they didn't want to provoke such an enemy.

"Hey! You just watch the show, what are you doing?" Ma Zhong finally couldn't help but speak.

"Am I bothering you if I shake mine?" Xing Jue turned his head slightly and rolled his eyes at Ma Zhong fiercely.

"This little brother is pretty good. I wonder which sect he belongs to?" At this moment, a disciple next to Ma Zhong said with a smile. But there was a hint of danger in that smile.

Xing Jue naturally knew what he meant. Xing Jue got on the boat with them. He was obviously from the three empires, and among the three empires, the Nangong family was the boss.

So he must have wanted to take advantage of the Nangong family's momentum to suppress Xing Jue, but Xing Jue refused to follow his lead.

"Yufeng Pavilion" Xing Jue raised his head and replied proudly.

"Oh, it turns out to be Yufeng Pavilion, a second-rate force that has been stepped on by my Nangong family for hundreds of years." At this moment, Ma Zhong said with a sarcastic smile.

"If Yufeng Pavilion is a second-rate force, then the Nangong Family is a third-rate force."

Just when Xing Jue was about to refute, a loud voice suddenly sounded from behind Xing Jue, and after this voice sounded, it attracted everyone's attention.

I saw that this was a man in his early 20s. The man had black hair tied in his head. His face, which was not outstanding, had a heroic spirit.

The man was wearing a light blue robe that was extremely neat, and behind the man was a strange wooden sword. What surprised Xing Jue the most was that this man was actually a junior Martial God.

"Hmph, the Nangong family is a third-rate force? Do you dare to say this in our Nangong Empire?"

At this moment, the main disciple who had been talking to Xing Jue suddenly stood up, pointed at the man and yelled.

"It's really sad that the Nangong family has arrogant disciples like you."

The man smiled slightly, then came to Xing Jue's side and looked at Xing Jue and said: "This brother has reached the level of an intermediate martial master at such a young age. He must be a disciple of the cabinet, right? I don't know. What’s your surname?”

"I am a disciple of the cabinet. My name is Xing Jue. Is this senior brother also a disciple of the main pavilion of Yufeng Pavilion?"

And Xing Jue also stood up quickly and replied politely. From what the man just said, Xing Jue guessed that this must be a disciple of Yufeng Pavilion.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to stand up for the Yufeng Pavilion and offend the disciples of the Nangong family, and with his strength, he must be a disciple of the main pavilion.

"No, I am a cabinet disciple just like Junior Brother Xing. My name is Xu Changqing," the man replied with a smile.