War Prisoner

Chapter 15: I have always been a countryman


Simultaneously with Jiang Tangzhou's words, was the sound of arrows piercing through the air.

There was only a "shua" sound, and an arrow that was so fast that it was almost blurred passed through the dense forest and went straight towards Yin Wenzheng's chest. Wen Zheng didn't have time to respond.

Jiang Tangzhou pulled Yin Wenzheng's hand and pulled it back violently. The two of them almost lay down on the horse's back. The frightened horse raised its hooves and gave a long cry. Yin Wenzheng quickly grabbed the reins and pulled the horse Push down hard, and control it for the time being.

"Who is it!" Yin Wenzheng's face darkened, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

I swept around, but there was no one there. Among the airtight woods, only the sound of insects and birds could be heard faintly. There was a breeze from time to time, but the leaves were rustling and falling, just like the emptiness just now. An arrow came, but it was just a phantom.

Yin Wenzheng blocked Jiang Tangzhou behind him, and rode a horse around here, but found nothing: "How did you hear that?"

"The ears are good." Jiang Tangzhou said, "There should be at least ten people who come here. The movement is very small, and they are very cautious."

"Let's go out from here first," Yin Wenzheng said, "There is a flat ground a few meters ahead, let's rest there for a while."

After all, the way to go back at this moment is a narrow path, which is more dangerous. It is better to go to an empty place where it is difficult to avoid people, and take a short rest.

Yin Wenzheng rode his horse up, but in the flash, the group of assassins seemed to have noticed their intentions, and another long arrow pierced through the dense forest, and this time there was nothing Without giving them a chance to react, several long arrows came towards them at the same time.

With experience, Yin Wenzheng knew how to dodge. He was agile and quickly dodged these hidden arrows. He grabbed a lot of arrows in his hand, and saw that the arrows were all black, and they didn't look like ordinary arrows. arrow.

So he lifted it up and shook his nose, and a strange fragrance filled the air: "Arrows are poisonous."

It happened that Yin Wenzheng was distracted for such a second, and a long arrow came roaring like a bamboo.

Before Jiang Tangzhou had time to answer his words, he frowned fiercely, argued his position with his voice, grabbed Yin Wenzheng by the corner of his clothes, and pulled him into his arms. At a certain speed, the long arrow still passed by Jiangtangzhou's back, and with a "tearing" sound, a huge hole was cut.

Yin Wenzheng touched the blood on his hand, his face was gloomy, his eyes were dark, and his tone was a little more angry: "What are you protecting me for?! With your three-legged cat kung fu, why don't you protect yourself first!"

Jiang Tangzhou put half of his strength on Yin Wenzheng's body, took a deep breath, and said with a smile: "Didn't you say that anyway, I want to make a living under your hands, if something happens to you, wouldn't I To starve to death?"

Yin Wenzheng met his eyes, and suddenly felt that the smile on Jiang Tangzhou's face was very dazzling.

He turned his head away uncomfortably and said, "I was joking with you, why are you still serious?"

Jiang Tangzhou half-closed his eyes, leaned against the tree trunk and said, "We must not love to fight, let's leave first."

Yin Wenzheng clenched the long arrow tightly in his hand, and it was cut into two pieces with a click. He looked gloomyly into the dark forest, and saw only mist.

A moment later, he looked away calmly and said, "Let's go." Then he fished Jiangtang Zhou onto the horse.

At this moment, those who only know how to hide in the dark and hurt people finally catch up with their swords.

Jiang Tangzhou was indeed a three-legged cat kung fu, so he couldn't help much. Yin Wenzheng had to drive a horse and beat people at the same time, so he had several wounds on his body.

"There is a cave ahead." Yin Wenzheng hugged Jiangtang Zhou, who was already a little weak, and said, "Let's hide in first."

Jiang Tangzhou only let out a "huh" before falling asleep.

The cave is a bit damp.

Although the fire was burning very vigorously and made a crackling sound, it still made people feel cold and stuffy involuntarily.

Jiang Tangzhou woke up with a start, and subconsciously called Yin Wenzheng's name. The next second, a pair of hot hands grabbed his and squeezed his palm lightly.

"woke up?"

"Where are we?" Jiang Tangzhou asked.

The light should be very dim, because his eyes were pitch black and he couldn't see anything.

"In a cave," Yin Wenzheng still gritted his teeth when he mentioned the group of assassins, "There are still people blocking the entrance of the cave waiting for us to get out. Damn it, it was tricked by this group of people."

Jiang Tangzhou propped himself on the ground and wanted to sit up, but his arms were weak. Yin Wenzheng hurriedly helped him up, and asked, "What's wrong with you? There is poison on the arrow, but I don't know what kind of poison it is."

"..." Jiang Tangzhou lowered his eyes to hide the emotions in his eyes, and said lightly, "It's okay, I'm fine, but the wound hurts a little."

Yin Wenzheng saw that he didn't seem to be pretending to be reluctant, so he also breathed a sigh of relief: "We can't stay here all the time, the wound on your body needs to be treated, and the poison needs to be removed in time. In this way, when the sun sets today, we will Then kill them."

"—Impossible." Jiang Tangzhou shook his head calmly, "The group of people outside are all coming for you. If you don't succeed, you will never let it go. If we go out directly, I'm afraid all the firepower will be concentrated on you alone. body, at that time, even if you want to escape, you will not be able to escape."

"Then what do you think we should do?" Yin Wenzheng threw the stick in his hand into the fire, and smiled coldly, "They'd better pray that I don't go back alive, otherwise..."

"Okay, stop talking harshly." Jiang Tangzhou interrupted him, leaning on the ground to sit closer to him, and asked, "How's your injury?"

Yin Wenzheng's expression paused, and he turned his head away: "I'm not injured."

"I can already smell it, haven't you been hurt yet?" Jiang Tangzhou grabbed his wrist and pulled it in his direction, and said, "I have medicine for golden sores here, you should put it on first, it will make you feel better."

Yin Wenzheng froze for a moment: "You still carry the golden sore medicine with you?"

"En." Jiang Tangzhou lowered his eyes, took out a bottle of golden sore medicine from his arms, and threw it to Yin Wenzheng.

Yin Wenzheng took it over, and with the help of the dim eyes in the hole, he shook the medicine foam on his hands while looking at him with no clear meaning—his eyes are clear and dim, but he can always see things that ordinary people can't see, Even if the other senses are more acute, it is impossible to be born this way... How did Jiang Tangzhou train it

Yin Wenzheng sprinkled some golden sore medicine on his wound at will, and stretched out his hand to hold the other's wrist: "Come over here."

Jiang Tangzhou said "Huh?"

"I'll apply the medicine for you." Yin Wenzheng said, "You can't see where your body is hurt, so naturally I can only apply it for you."

"...No need." A trace of embarrassment flashed across Jiang Tangzhou's face, and he said, "The injury is not serious..."

"Then it's just a skin injury." Yin Wenzheng didn't know what he was awkward about, but he knew that he had to wipe it off today, so he grabbed Jiang Tangzhou's arm and pulled him into his arms fiercely. Jiang Tangzhou threw himself into his arms.

Relying on his memory, Yin Wenzheng lifted the corner of Jiang Tangzhou's clothes, and sure enough, he saw a large arrow wound on his side waist, the opening was split open, turned outwards to a bloody mess, and there was a little black air oozing faintly—a sign of poisoning .

Yin Wenzheng's expression turned very ugly in an instant, the action of spraying the medicine seemed to be angry, Jiang Tangzhou was buried in his arms, his scalp ached from the stimulation of the golden sore medicine, but he forbears not saying a word.

"You can really bear it, King Zhen." Yin Wenzheng stabbed him anyway.

Jiang Tangzhou smiled softly, but said nothing with a pale face.

What can he say? He has suffered more pain than this since he was a child. Such a small wound is really just a flesh wound to him.

After Yin Wenzheng finished spraying the medicine, he focused his attention on his slender body, which was glistening and white in the firelight, and when the shadow of the fire drifted away, it seemed like a shadow flashed in front of his eyes. Yin Wenzheng's cheeks turned dark red involuntarily, coughed a few times, and said, "It's done."

"Thank you." Jiang Tangzhou didn't feel the suddenly ambiguous air.

He put down his clothes, put one hand on Yin Wenzheng's lap and tried to sit up, but this movement was not easy to exert strength at all, instead it made him fall into Yin Wenzheng's arms again, Because he didn't want to fall, he put one hand on the opponent's shoulder.

The distance between the two was so close that they could even hear each other's breathing clearly.

The air froze for a few seconds.

In the end, Yin Wenzheng coughed twice and broke the silence: "Why, are you so reluctant to leave Gu's embrace?"

Jiang Tangzhou immediately sighed at him and sat up: "Don't make such a joke with me."

Yin Wenzheng stretched out his hand and casually rubbed Jiang Tangzhou's disheveled hair: "How do you know it must be a joke?"

Jiang Tangzhou stopped talking.

The firewood in the firelight "cracked" and made a slight explosion sound. Yin Wenzheng picked up some dry firewood from the side and threw it in from time to time, so that the fire could burn more vigorously.

Jiang Tangzhou sat for a while before saying, "There are at least ten people ambushed outside."

"You can hear that too?" Yin Wenzheng stirred the fire, and the flames shot higher, "I'm getting more and more curious, how did you acquire this skill, it's quite useful, I'd love to, too."

Jiang Tangzhou was silent for a moment: "...you don't want to try."

Yin Wenzheng half-closed his eyes, looked at him with an inexplicable look, and said, "I don't have one myself, but if I keep you by my side, wouldn't it be equivalent to having one?"

Jiang Tangzhou: "..." This person turned out to have his idea on his head.

No, he had already put his mind on his head.

Jiang Tangzhou shook his head with a smile, and said, "Prince, there is one thing you have never figured out. I am always from Qin Kingdom, and I will return to Qin Kingdom sooner or later."

Yin Wenzheng also smiled and said: "It seems that this is not up to you to decide." When he said this, he became a little more certain that could not be refuted, as if he had some other idea.