War Prisoner

Chapter 30: Wait for me to find you


The sound of swords, lights, swords and shadows around was chaotic and noisy. Jiang Tangzhou listened to the sound and debated his position. His attention was all attracted by Ting Yu's piece, and he didn't even notice that he was in danger. He tore off a large piece of his sleeve, and pulled his arm to make a long cut, blood dripping down his fingers.

"Master!" Ting Yu was so angry that she raised her sword and was about to step forward to smash the man in black, but her hand was lightly pressed.

"I'll do it," Xie Yi stood in front of the two of them, pursed his lips and asked, "Are you alright?"

Ting Yu glanced at Jiang Tangzhou subconsciously, and said, "I'm fine."

Xie Yi gave a "hmm" and raised his sword. Just now, there were only three of them left in their team, and there were heavy casualties. After all, they were all bloody corpses, and the scent of osmanthus in the air was completely covered by the smell of blood.

Jiang Tangzhou guessed that if they could last a while, they might be able to wait for Yin Wenzheng and his party to come back.

But I'm afraid that with their strength, it will be difficult to hit a stone with an egg.

Ting Yu tore off a piece of his sleeve to bandage Jiang Tangzhou's wound, and the cloth was soon soaked in blood. Jiang Tang Zhou's face was pale, and he was already a bit ill standing there.

Ting Yu felt resentful in her heart, but she was extremely helpless.

Xie Yi fought against the crowd with one man's strength, and he couldn't hold on any longer. There were more or less wounds on his body, the blood kept flowing down, and he looked extremely miserable.

Although Jiang Tangzhou couldn't see it, he could smell the smell of blood getting stronger.

"You can't sit still," Jiang Tangzhou said, "At least I can help a little bit."

After Jiang Tangzhou finished speaking, before Ting Yu could stop him, he groped for the saber beside him and stood up. He hurt his right hand, so he held the sword with his left. Although it was awkward, it was not impossible.

Jiangtangzhou joined the battle, and attracted all the men in black to take his life. There were wolves in front of Jiangtangzhou and tigers in back, and he was forced to retreat steadily. Seeing that today is really about to die at this time, the sound of horseshoes in his ears is like stars The fire brought him a glimmer of hope. He raised his hand and stabbed it into a body, then pulled it back violently, and subconsciously shouted at the source of the horse's hooves: "Yin Wenzheng!"

"Here we come." The man was dressed in white, tapped the horse's ear with the jade flute in his hand, clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and the horse suddenly picked up its strength and came here with all its might.

Yin Wenzheng lowered his eyes slightly, and when he saw the glaring blood on Jiang Tangzhou's hand, the corner of his mouth twitched, his expression froze, he raised his hand to hold the horse's back, and flew down with one foot on the horse's back.

Before the sword of the man in black touched a corner of Jiang Tangzhou's clothes, his throat suddenly snapped. Before he died, his eyes were wide open, not knowing what happened.

Yin Wenzheng stepped on the body of the man in black, and stomped his feet fiercely. Then he grabbed Jiang Tangzhou into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"Injured?" Yin Wenzheng glanced over his right arm, his eyes were cold.

"Yeah." Jiang Tangzhou said, "It's nothing serious."

Others gradually arrived, and the group of black-clothed men who had the upper hand turned out to be the last of their strength. Just as Jiang Tangzhou was about to speak, he suddenly felt a very light object placed on his face—he froze for a moment before realizing that it was Yin Wenzheng's finger.

"It's bloody." Yin Wenzheng wiped away the bright red blood on the corner of his mouth for him.

"It's okay." Jiang Tangzhou frowned, "Remember to leave someone alive."

Yin Wenzheng's eyes were dark: "No, I don't want to keep any of them."

Jiang Tangzhou was a little helpless: "But you must know who wants my life."

"That's it..." Yin Wenzheng pretended to be thinking. Although he had long thought about it, when he saw Jiang Tangzhou's helpless expression, he found it interesting no matter how he looked at it, so sometimes he couldn't help but want to tease him. tease each other.

This time, seeing Jiang Tangzhou's pale face and having to explain to himself, I couldn't bear it again.

He raised his hand to cover Jiang Tangzhou's face, and said, "Okay, I understand, I will stay. Don't worry."

Jiang Tangzhou breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you."

Yin Wenzheng suddenly understood that Ling Yingchong would be so angry when he heard Jiang Tangzhou's "thank you" when he came here—a sense of unfamiliarity came over his face, which meant that Jiang Tangzhou didn't regard him as one of his own at all.

Yin Wenzheng snorted and said, "Then how do you plan to repay me?"

Jiang Tangzhou froze for a moment: "This..."

"How about..." Yin Wenzheng leaned forward, his lips almost touching the other's ear, and the deliberately low voice made the unsuspecting Jiang Tangzhou listen in, "Promise with your body?"

"Yin Wenzheng!" Jiang Tangzhou was a little annoyed that he made such a joke, and said, "You and I are already husband and wife, so you still care about these things?"

Yin Wenzheng said unwillingly: "But someone is so polite to me that he doesn't regard me as a husband. Unless you call me a husband."

"..." Jiang Tangzhou knew that Yin Wenzheng was joking with him, so he directly avoided the other party's movements, raised his legs and walked away, "Let's go."

"Say something to listen, and you won't lose a piece of meat." Yin Wenzheng chased after him jokingly, and continued to play this harmless little joke with him, but Jiang Tangzhou blushed again.


Jiang Tangzhou's clothes had already been entangled in the solidified wound. If he wanted to bandage it, he had to cut the clothes off first. Ting Yu was originally doing this delicate work, but Yin Wenzheng snatched it half way through. He also made a "shh" gesture to her, signaling her not to expose herself.

But what a perceptive person Jiang Tangzhou is, he noticed it the moment he changed people, and he didn't hide it. Yin Wenzheng had just started cutting a piece of fabric when he asked, "What did you find out?"

"The one who stayed had a dumb drug hidden in his mouth." Yin Wenzheng lowered his eyes, and carefully treated Jiang Tangzhou's wound. "He couldn't say a single word, even if he was asked to write, he refused to write. He must be a dead man."

Jiang Tangzhou let out an "oh", and suddenly felt a little irritable—in fact, he was a little suspicious that the person was sent by Qin Guo, but there was no evidence, and he wondered if Yin Wenzheng would find out something.

However, Yin Wenzheng has already found out some things about him.

"Does it hurt?" Yin Wenzheng looked at the bloody wound. Although he didn't hurt his own hand, he still felt the same part of himself hurting again and again.

Jiang Tangzhou didn't make any movement from the beginning to the end, as if the wound didn't grow on his body.

Hearing Yin Wenzheng's question, Jiang Tangzhou froze for a moment, and said flatteredly: "It's just a small injury, nothing."

"Is this a minor injury?" Yin Wenzheng's subordinates exerted a little strength, and Jiang Tangzhou frowned calmly, but he still didn't say anything.

"It's really okay." Jiang Tangzhou smiled and said, "Just cut the fabric, and it will grow well by itself." As he said that, he was about to get up.

Yin Wenzheng suddenly pressed his palm.

Jiang Tangzhou froze slightly: "What's wrong?"

The weird atmosphere between the two lasted for a while, before Yin Wenzheng opened his mouth: "A little injury is an injury, just sit down and don't move."

Jiang Tangzhou hesitated for a moment before sitting down again.

Yin Wenzheng frowned and said, "Don't take small injuries to heart. When you really have a serious injury, is there still time?"

The medicine powder was sprinkled on the bloody wound, and Jiang Tangzhou dodged subconsciously. Yin Wenzheng held his wrist to prevent him from moving any further: "It hurts?"

"… fine."

Jiang Tangzhou lowered his head. From Yin Wenzheng's perspective, he could only see his extremely long eyelashes, which almost covered his gray pupils. The mole on the tip of his nose was particularly obvious because of the candlelight.

"I'm lighter." Yin Wenzheng said, he took out a black thing out of nowhere, and stuffed it directly into Jiang Tangzhou's hand, "Why don't you keep it in your mouth?"

"What is this?" Jiang Tangzhou asked him.

"Plum candy." Yin Wenzheng said, "Yesterday, the little girl from the third family stuffed it into my hand, and I couldn't throw it away in front of her, so I left it today. It should be... still edible, right?"

Jiang Tangzhou smiled, tore off the wrapping paper with dark patterns, put the plum candy in his mouth, and a sweet and sour taste permeated the tip of his tongue. Jiang Tangzhou actually doesn't like sweets, and finds it too greasy, so this plum candy is It's sweet and sour, but it suits his appetite, and his eyes are slightly bright: "Is there any more?"

Yin Wenzheng let out an "uh" and said, "No more."

There was a regretful expression on Jiang Tangzhou's face, as if he was a bit reluctant to finish eating the one in his mouth.

Yin Wenzheng wrapped his arms around him with white gauze before raising his head and said: "But if you like it, I will find a chance to ask that little girl where she bought it, and I will bring you some back when the time comes." .”

"Don't bother." Jiang Tangzhou hurriedly shook his head, "I was just asking casually."

Yin Wenzheng tied a knot on his arm, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at him seriously: "But I didn't just say that casually."

Jiang Tangzhou felt a little afraid to look directly into the opponent's eyes again, and dodged subconsciously.

"Don't get wet." Yin Wenzheng squeezed his palm and said, "Even if it's a minor injury, you should take good care of it. Isn't your body already bad?"

Yin Wenzheng's rare care, gentleness and consideration made Jiang Tangzhou faintly think of someone. He hadn't thought of that person for a long time.

"What are you thinking about?" Yin Wenzheng shook his hand in front of Jiang Tangzhou's eyes, "Such a living person can sit in a daze in front of you?"

"No, I just thought of it..." Jiang Tangzhou looked at him fixedly, the flash of light almost took him back many years, "It's just that you remind me of my mother."

"Your mother?" Yin Wenzheng was stunned this time, "I am an old man sitting in front of you, did you think of your mother?"

"Pfft." Jiang Tangzhou was completely pulled back to his senses by the other party, and he laughed for a long time before continuing, "When I was young, my knees were a little bit worn out, and she would feel sorry for such a small injury for a long time. After she left, I was the one who was stabbed If you put it right, no one will say that you should take good care of your injury."

Jiang Tangzhou rolled up his sleeves to block the injury.

The treated arm was covered with clothing, and it looked the same as usual, only the faint pain inside reminded him how serious the injury was.

He blocked it for many years.

After Yin Wenzheng heard this, he turned his lips up and said cheerfully, "You have never been stabbed, how do you know that no one cares about you? Don't jump to conclusions about things that haven't happened."

Jiang Tangzhou smiled: "No, I know."

Yin Wenzheng held the jade flute against his chin, and looked at him seriously: "After that, you came to look for me after being stabbed—no, you should not be able to move at that time..."

Yin Wenzheng thought for a while, and then said: "Then you just wait where you are, until I come to find you."

The sour taste of the plum candy in his mouth seemed to be sipped by him, and now only the cloying sweetness remained, but Jiang Tangzhou suddenly felt that the sweetness didn't seem so unbearable.

So he swallowed the last bit of sweetness: "Okay, I'll wait."

The author has something to say:

Baa, thank you all for supporting me after joining V!