War Prisoner

Chapter 37: A small leak will sink a great ship


Ling Xunqin accepted the imperial decree and set the action in three days. Yin Wenzheng himself was not in a hurry, but Jiang Tangzhou was a little anxious for him. If there was no movement from Ling Yingchong, wouldn't Yin Wenzheng's move be for nothing

What does it mean that the emperor doesn't rush the eunuch? Jiang Tangzhou didn't expect that he could feel it in Yin Wenzheng.

Although he couldn't sit still, he had a calm temperament. He didn't go to Ling Yingchong to inquire about the situation until the third day when Ling Xunqin left Beijing.

One is that he is afraid of scaring the snake, and the other is that Yin Wenzheng himself is not in a hurry, so why is he here worrying for him.

It wasn't until Ling Xunqin left the capital that Jiang Tangzhou asked, "Is there no movement from Ling Yingchong?"

Yin Wenzheng put on an expression of "you've finally come to ask me" and purposely whetted Jiang Tangzhou's appetite: "Guess?"

Jiang Tangzhou: "... If you don't say it, then it's fine."

Jiang Tangzhou is also a stickler. If neither of the two agrees, they will fight together.

Fortunately, Yin Wenzheng was willing to give in when facing Jiang Tangzhou: "Then Ling Yingchong didn't make a move, he had already expected that this job would fall into Ling Xunqin's hands, and sent his confidant to rush to him in a few days After leaving Chuinan City, now we are waiting to catch a turtle in the urn."

Yin Wenzheng stopped his movements, and a look of evil flashed in his eyes: "Then Ling Xunqin thought that the things he did were well hidden and no one would find out. Ling Yingchong has already laid a big net for him. This is a fight between the two of them, and it's also a fight between the forces behind them, we'll just wait and see who wins."

"No wonder you're not in a hurry." Jiang Tangzhou said now, "It turns out that you're holding on to any news."

Yin Wenzheng laughed again: "Aren't you wondering where I got the news from?"

Jiang Tangzhou withdrew his gaze and didn't look at him: "You look lonely, but if you really are, I'm afraid you won't live so long. Although you don't have other forces behind you, if you want to come, you have other bargaining chips."

Yin Wenzheng raised his eyebrows and smiled: "If you are curious and want to know, please beg me. I can't stand being acted like a baby the most. If you beg me, I will know everything without saying anything."

Jiang Tangzhou moved his hand away, avoiding Yin Wenzheng's "salty pig's hand" that stretched out his hand to cover the back of his hand, and said: "I'm afraid the most unbearable thing for you is the girl's acting like a spoiled child. I'm not a girl. You might just see me I feel goosebumps all over the place.”

Yin Wenzheng: "Maybe I can bear the girl's acting like a baby, but I can't stand being acted like a baby by you alone in this world."

"You haven't seen mine, how do you know you can't bear it?"

"So why don't you let me take a look at it?" Yin Wenzheng said more and more outrageously, and simply leaned closer, "Quick, let me have a look."

It was only when Yin Wenzheng got close that Jiang Tangzhou felt nervous and realized that he had been discussing with Yin Wenzheng for so long on such...inexplicable question.

He seems to have lost his mind and went crazy, what does it have to do with him if he acts like a baby or not

Besides, although he was curious about the bargaining chips in Yin Wenzheng's hand, he was not such a curious person. Whether he knew it or not, it wouldn't have a great impact on him.

So Jiang Tangzhou opened his mouth and spat out a word, very affectionately: "No."

Yin Wenzheng's eyes were full of disappointment, but he didn't say anything more, but said, "Do you want to go and see?"

"Look at what?"

Jiang Tangzhou was still in the questioning stage, and Yin Wenzheng, who did not intend to get his consent, had already wrapped his arms around his waist and half hugged him.

Jiang Tangzhou couldn't see the scenery in front of him clearly, and lost his sense of security, so he could only hug Yin Wenzheng's waist tightly, and buried his whole body in his arms. It smells bad.

"Where are you going?" Jiang Tangzhou asked in a muffled voice.

"You'll know when we get there." Yin Wenzheng seemed physically and mentally happy because Jiang Tangzhou took the initiative to hug me. He put one foot on the eaves, and his light work made him fly faster and higher.

Jiang Tangzhou knew that he was floating in the sky, so the sound of the wind rushed past his ears, but he didn't feel too scared. He was just thinking about Yin Wenzheng's temperament of "thinking about it and thinking about it" that needs to be changed.

But I have to say, flying in the air is something Jiang Tangzhou has never experienced in his life. He feels that the surroundings are extremely quiet, as if there are only two of them left in the world.

I don't know how long it took before Yin Wenzheng stopped. He landed softly on the roof of a roof, and the moment Jiang Tangzhou was about to speak, he covered his lips and said in a low voice, "Shh."

Jiang Tangzhou frowned.

Yin Wenzheng said: "I'll bring you to listen to the corner."

Jiang Tangzhou: "..." He had no choice but to signal that he would be quiet, and then Yin Wenzheng let go of his hand. The speed when he let go was still very slow, and he seemed a little reluctant to let go.

Yin Wenzheng stole a tile, and the voices of the people speaking below entered Jiangtangzhou's ears clearly.


Ling Xunqin was walking up and down the room anxiously.

Beside him, another man in a dark gray robe was extraordinarily calm in comparison. He closed his eyes and wondered what he was thinking about, until Ling Xunqin suddenly interrupted his thoughts: "Teacher, what are you talking about?" , This is what I should do!"

The person known as the teacher opened his eyes, his eyes flashed, and he quickly sank into the deep black pupils: "Qin'er, you are still so restless. As early as the last time you framed Ling and Jin, I I warned you, no matter what happens, don't talk too much, the end is already decided, your talking too much is just adding to your own doubts."

"There was nothing wrong with me last time!" Ling Xunqin said angrily, "It's just that I planned to kill two birds with one stone, but the crown prince came back safe and sound, and the fifth child was even more painless, just grounded!"

"It's not completely unrewarding," said the teacher, "at least we know that Emperor Ling Yu does have a lot of taboos about the Fourth Prince now."

"Hmph!" Ling Xunqin flicked his wide sleeves, sat down, and said coldly, "Fortunately, I took this job into my own hands this time, otherwise if the fourth brother snatched it away, the things we did behind our backs would be in jeopardy." All of them were poked out? But I just don’t know what the old man was thinking, and even sent me such a big eyeliner by my side. Now we really have to be restricted in everything we do, so we have to think about it carefully, how to put the vertical The matter in Nancheng has been dealt with cleanly."

"Qin'er, don't you find it strange?"

"What's so strange?" Ling Xunqin asked.

"How come it's such a coincidence that once the fourth prince returned to the capital, things in Chuinan City broke out?" The teacher frowned and asked, "You are not surprised, why are the refugees in Chuinan City hurting anyone? Hurt the fourth prince?"

Ling Xunqin's eyes moved slightly, and he suddenly raised his head: "The teacher means..."

"I'm just guessing," the teacher shook his head slightly, and sighed, "Qin'er, these days, the Crown Princess and Ling Yingchong of the Prince's Mansion are getting very close. There is something to do on the other end, but no matter what, we have to be 120,000 points, and we have to guard against it."

"You mean King Zhen of Qin Kingdom?" At this point, Ling Xunqin's eyes flickered slightly, but he smiled obscenely, "Teacher, don't you still understand that? Between the fourth and fourth sons, it is clear that he can't take care of his backyard stuff... The crown prince also stumbled, and actually married such a dirty bastard back to the mansion. One, they are better than him, at least the obedient ones sold in the small restaurant will not endanger his life... "

Jiang Tangzhou suddenly grabbed Yin Wenzheng's hand.

Yin Wenzheng shook him hard, but he couldn't get rid of it. Just as he was about to get up, Jiang Tangzhou put his arms around his waist again. Looking back, Jiang Tangzhou shook his head gently at him, signaling him not to move.

Yin Wenzheng endured it, the veins on the back of his hands popped out, his face was flushed red with anger, and his eyeballs were bloodshot.

Bisheng Jiang Tangzhou was still very calm, as if the two people below were not discussing himself, but another stranger.

Yin Wenzheng didn't know where Jiang Tangzhou had such great tolerance.

Jiang Tangzhou calmly signaled Yin Wenzheng to be quiet and continue listening.

When Ling Xunqin said that, he sneered, and continued, "I just don't know, how could that sick man surnamed Jiang have such a great charm that two people fell in love with him at the same time... Tell me, teacher, he Could it be that they used some weird means? I heard that Qinguo is very good at witchcraft, could it be... "

Jiang Tangzhou frowned calmly, and Yin Wenzheng clenched Jiang Tangzhou's wrist with his backhand.

At the same time, there was a knock on the door suddenly: "Third Prince, I have a guest to see you."

Only then did Ling Xunqin shut his voice, and Jiang Tangzhou shook his head at Yin Wenzheng. Yin Wenzheng closed his eyes and took a deep breath before getting up and leaving with his arms around Jiang Tangzhou.

It wasn't until the two of them landed in a relatively safe place that Yin Wenzheng said in a cold voice, "What did you stop me from just now!? That Ling Xunqin is talking nonsense, and he is determined to cut off his tongue!"

"He's just trying to use his tongue, but he can't really hurt me." Jiang Tangzhou shook his head and said, "If you really made a move just now, you would call it a surprise. What will you do with the big things you have to do in the future?"

"But when I heard what he said, I was so angry!" Yin Wenzheng said with a sneer in his eyes.

"Small intolerance can lead to great chaos." Having said this, Jiang Tangzhou chuckled lightly, poked his arm with his finger, and said, "I'm not angry as a client, why are you so angry?"

"Why am I so angry?!" Yin Wenzheng stopped abruptly, turned around and stared at Jiang Tangzhou fixedly, and said without hesitation, "He can say anything about me, but he can't say anything about you!"

Jiang Tangzhou's pace also stopped suddenly.

The other party's words, how do you think, how do you feel that there is ambiguity.

Yin Wenzheng also reacted: "I don't mean that... I mean, after all, you are from my prince's mansion, and if you insult you, it is also a insult to my prince's reputation, so, uh... left and right mean that, As long as you understand." He explained himself, but he didn't know what he was explaining.

Jiang Tangzhou listened, but only smiled lightly, the corners of his brows raised a little tenderly: "I understand, you don't have to be nervous."

"Who said I'm nervous?" After Yin Wenzheng retorted, he took Jiang Tangzhou into his arms and continued walking back with him in his arms, "Let's go, I'll take you back first."