War Prisoner

Chapter 41: You are hugging too tightly


"Doctor Lin, please come in quickly." Ruojian greeted her, and walked towards the inner courtyard at a very fast pace.

Imperial Physician Lin looked hurried, and asked in a low voice, "Did anyone catch it?"

"I caught it." Ruojian frowned lightly, and said in a low voice, "It was a dead man, he bit his tongue and killed himself after being caught, so I don't know who did it."

"How is the prince?"

"Doctor Lin, don't worry," Ruojian's voice trembled slightly, and she lowered her voice, "King Zhen blocked the hidden weapon for the Lord, so the Lord was not injured. It's just that he is now..." Ruojian sighed and did not continue. go down.

The two quickly walked through the corridor.

Doctor Lin also quickly understood what Ruojian's silent sigh meant.

The atmosphere in the inner courtyard was extremely depressing, as soon as Imperial Physician Lin walked in, a doctor was kicked out, accompanied by a hoarse "Get out", Ruojian stopped her pace: "Emperor Lin, slaves go in and report first. "

Lin Yi waited for a while before Ruo Jian welcomed him in.

There was an exceptionally strong smell of medicine in the room, and Lin Yi frowned tightly.

Yin asked Zhengping to leave the room, and Lin Yi put away the medicine box and stepped forward: "You didn't see anything?"

"The hidden weapon hurt this position." Yin Wenzheng supported Jiang Tangzhou's back of the head with one hand, and lifted it up slightly, revealing the back of his neck sideways, leaving only a tiny red mole there "The hidden weapon is a needle, and when it is pulled out, it will leave such a mark, which has not disappeared even after a day."

Lin Yi took a closer look, his expression gradually becoming serious.

"Where are the needles?"

Yin Wenzheng handed Lin Yi the needle that had been left aside for a day.

"It's... beauty killer." Lin Yi stood up abruptly, "You tell people to prepare..."

Lin Yi stopped halfway through his words, and looked at him hesitantly.

"What are you going to prepare?"

"Beauty Killer is made of cold mountain ice poison and nourished by the blood of ten thousand kinds of poisonous insects. Once it is poisoned, it cannot be cured," Lin Yi said in a deep voice, "it can only be delayed for three months."

Yin Wenzheng's face darkened instantly: "There is no antidote?"

"At least I don't know how to solve it." Lin Yi closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "This is such a ruthless method for those who want to assassinate the prince, and it has no intention of giving you a way out."

At this moment, Yin Wenzheng couldn't care less about assassination or not. There was only one thought in his mind—there was no antidote to this thing.

Yin Wenzheng looked at the person lying on the bed with a pale face, wondering why he blocked that blow for himself.

And he blocked it without any hesitation.

Didn't he think he would get hurt? Have you ever thought about the consequences

"His Royal Highness, do you still need to prepare things?" Lin Yi frowned and asked, "If you want to prepare, you need to use human blood as medicine..."

"Gu, go and order someone to prepare it," Yin Wenzheng stood up, and said in a deep voice, "No matter what the price is, you must first save Gu's life."


The bright red thick blood was fed into the mouth, and more than half of it was spilled out. Jiang Tangzhou's white clothes were stained with a dazzling red. At first glance, it looked like that part had suffered an extremely serious injury.

Ting Yu wiped Jiang Tangzhou's mouth, and was about to change his clothes, Yin Wenzheng stood up: "Go out, I'll change for him."

Ting Yu was stunned: "Ah? But..."

"I'll do it." Yin Wenzheng didn't give Ting Yu a chance to continue talking.

Ting Yu had no choice but to hesitate, stepping twice and going out the door.

With his thumb, Yin Wenzheng wiped away the blush that remained at the corner of Jiang Tangzhou's mouth, then lifted the quilt, and stripped off his upper body clothes, revealing his naked upper body. Jiang Tangzhou was already thin, and it was very obvious when he took off his shirt. Yin Wenzheng's eyes had just casually glanced at his upper body, but when he fixed his gaze on the scar on the opponent's waist and abdomen, he suddenly stopped, and his face darkened.

Jiang Tangzhou's upper body has no flesh at all, it looks like all the bones are obvious, and on the flat waist and abdomen, there are many scars that look like they were cut by knives, and they look like very old scars. It looked terrible.

Yin Wenzheng did not expect Jiang Tangzhou to have so many wounds on his body.

Although he knew that Jiang Tangzhou's status in Qin Kingdom was awkward, he felt that the other party was at least well-clothed and well-fed, and he didn't have to worry about eating and drinking, but it seemed that it was not what he imagined.

Yin Wenzheng's palm passed over the wound on the opponent's waist and abdomen, only to realize that Jiang Tangzhou's body was terribly cold.

Busily putting the quilt back on, Yin Wenzheng opened the cabinet, trying to pick out a slightly thicker piece of clothing, and sure enough, he found a piece of thicker fabric at the bottom, and dragged it out. Drag, I don't know what was crackling and dragged out together, fell to the ground, and rolled to the ground.

Yin Wenzheng looked down and saw that it was a small black jar with pills scattered all over the floor.

Yin Wenzheng picked it up and put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it. There was no special smell, but maybe it was his intuition. Yin Wenzheng guessed that this thing must not be an ordinary pill, otherwise Jiang Tangzhou would not have hidden it here.

Yin Wenzheng only kept one on his body, and put the others back into the bottle and stuffed them into the closet.

After finally changing into clean clothes for Jiang Tangzhou, the temperature of the other party's body returned to normal, and his face became ruddy a lot.

Ruojian knocked on the door suddenly: "Master, can I light the lamp for you?"

"No need." Yin Wenzheng replied, "Gu will rest here tonight."

Ruojian stopped outside for a while before saying "yes" and turning to leave.

Yin Wenzheng turned off the lights in the room, and lifted the quilt to lie down. Compared with his own temperature, Jiang Tangzhou's body temperature was still very low, so Yin Wenzheng stretched out his hand to wrap the other person into his arms Inside, there is still a very faint smell of medicine.

I don't know when Jiang Tangzhou will wake up, or he may never wake up.


Yin Wenzheng didn't sleep well that night. He had a nightmare, dreaming that Jiang Tangzhou's body became cold and stiff, and he couldn't breathe.

Yin Wenzheng opened his eyes suddenly, and felt the body of the person in his arms still heaving up and down, and his weak breathing was also around him, so he relaxed all over.

Yin Wenzheng hugged Jiang Tangzhou even tighter. Just as he was about to close his eyes and continue resting, a very faint voice sounded in his ear: "Yin Wenzheng..."

Yin Wenzheng opened his eyes again in an instant: "A Tang?"

"You're strangling me to death." Jiang Tangzhou said with a weak breath, "You hug me too tightly, I can't breathe."

Yin Wenzheng hurriedly let go of his hand, and crawled out of bed with bare feet to light the lamp. The room was lit up quickly, and Jiang Tangzhou's complexion had returned to normal. Yin Wenzheng approached him and asked, "When did you wake up?" ?”

"It's time for a stick of incense." Jiang Tangzhou said, "I... am a little thirsty."

Yin Wenzheng hurriedly poured tea for him, helped Jiang Tangzhou half sit up, and said, "How do you feel?"

Jiang Tangzhou drank a cup in one gulp, and his throat became more comfortable. He said, "It's nothing serious. Why are you here?"

Yin Wenzheng averted his gaze, and he said hesitantly: "You have been poisoned, I was worried that something would happen to you in the middle of the night, so I came over to watch over you. I was a little sleepy after watching over you, so I came up to take a bed and sleep for a while .”

Jiang Tangzhou moved his body a little uncomfortably, and said, "Then do you want to rest for a while?"

Only then did Yin Wenzheng come to his senses: "Lie down for a while, I'll go find the imperial physician to check on your current condition."

Jiang Tangzhou nodded: "Okay."

Yin Wenzheng casually took off two pairs of shoes and went outside.

The quiet Prince's Mansion was brightly lit in the middle of the night, and the servants stood guard outside the corridor. Lin Yi, who was sleeping soundly, was woken up from his sleep, and the prince dragged him to see the prince without even caring about putting on his clothes. Concubine's current situation, she felt her pulse in a daze, and suddenly she woke up again, and stood up all of a sudden: "How is it possible?!"

Yin Wenzheng looked nervous: "How is it? Isn't the situation getting more serious?"

"It's impossible..." Lin Yi still couldn't believe it, so he sat back down again, put his hand on the other party's wrist, and stood up after carefully calling the other party's wrist, and asked, "Prince Princess Can you eat... something different?"

Ting Yu replied from the side: "My grandfather has nothing else to eat except to drink the bowl of blood."

Jiang Tangzhou rubbed his stomach and said, "No wonder I feel a little hungry."

"Your Highness, come out with me first." Lin Yi glanced at Yin Wenzheng, then raised his legs and walked out.

Yin Wenzheng ordered: "Go and prepare some food for the princess, something lighter." Only then did he catch up with Lin Yi.


"Your Highness, do you still remember that during the last summer hunt, the Crown Princess was also poisoned, and the poison disappeared in less than half a day?" Lin Yi asked with a gloomy face.

Yin Wenzheng nodded first, then came to his senses, frowned and asked, "You mean..."

"Yes." Lin Yi nodded slightly, "This time the beauty killing in the princess's body has also dissipated again."

Yin Wenzheng patted him on the shoulder: "Isn't this a good thing?!"

"But this matter is weird, and I always feel that something is not right." Lin Yi shook his head, put his hands behind his back, and walked a few times before he said, "It's okay if the poison from before is gone, after all, it's just a few times of medicine. The poison can be detoxified, but there is no solution to killing a beauty, but it was also detoxified by King Zhen himself, could it be... "

"You reminded Gu," Yin Wenzheng said with a slightly condensed expression, "Let's see what this thing is."

Yin Wenzheng put the medicine pills he picked up on the ground yesterday into Lin Yi's palm, and said, "This is something I dug out from his closet. I guess it might have something to do with his detoxification."

"Looking at it like this, I can't see anything," Lin Yi nodded slightly, "Since the princess is fine, I will leave first. After I understand this medicine, I will definitely inform His Highness as soon as possible."

Yin Wenzheng nodded slightly, and then Lin Yi turned and left.