War Prisoner

Chapter 42: Gamble with your life


Jiang Tangzhou finished the porridge served by Yan Qing, and he just put down the bowl when Yin Wenzheng entered the room.

Yin Wenzheng looked at him for a while, then waved his hands and said, "You step back first."

Yan Qing responded, tidied up the things on the case table and stepped back. The door closed, and the room fell silent. Jiang Tangzhou rubbed his stomach. He was a little full, so he asked, "Is it more serious?"

"No." Yin Wenzheng walked up to him, "You were killed by a poisonous beauty..."

When Jiang Tangzhou heard this, he almost expected what Yin Wenzheng would say next.

So before Yin Wenzheng could speak, he said, "The poison is gone, isn't it?"

Yin Wenzheng's eyebrows twitched slightly. He was still thinking that maybe even Jiang Tangzhou himself didn't know why, but it seemed that Jiang Tangzhou was very clear about his own situation.

Yin Wenzheng sat down beside the case, and after a moment of silence, he asked in a low voice, "Why?"

Jiang Tangzhou smiled: "Can I not say it?"

Yin Wenzheng didn't speak.

Jiang Tangzhou sighed: "You also hide a lot of things from me. I never ask because I know that everyone has their own secret. Since it is a secret, the less people know the better, let alone me. I'm from Qin Kingdom, you should be on guard against me, so I never asked."

Jiang Tangzhou fumbled to get the hot tea on the table, but he couldn't find it for a long time. It was Yin Wenzheng who took the corner things and handed them to him.

Jiang Tangzhou took a sip, and then continued: "Be careful, I have a lot of secrets, and I don't want you to ask me."

"You can ask me." Yin Wenzheng looked at him firmly and said, "If you ask me, I will tell."

Jiang Tangzhou's hands froze slightly, and the cup of hot tea was brought to his mouth. The scalding hot tea scalded his lower lip, but he didn't move away for a long time.

He rarely had such a tough moment: "But I don't want to say it."

Yin Wenzheng understood now, from Jiang Tangzhou's mouth, he definitely couldn't get anything out of it.

"Then why did you block that blow for me?" Yin Wenzheng looked at him without moving, with complex emotions flashing in his eyes, "If I ask you this, you can always say it, right?"

At this moment, Jiang Tangzhou drank the tea in his hand, put it on the table, and wanted to touch the teapot again. Yin Wenzheng grabbed his wrist and said in a muffled voice, "Don't move, be careful not to burn yourself." Yin Wenzheng Wenzheng filled the water in the teacup for him, and added, "Don't drink it yet, it's very hot right now."

Jiang Tangzhou said "Oh" and stared straight ahead, as if in a daze: "I didn't think much about it." After speaking, Jiang Tangzhou shook his head and smiled softly, "Things happened too fast, I didn't think much about it." It’s too late to think about it. Blocking for you is just a subconscious reaction, I don’t want to hurt you.”

Jiang Tangzhou felt that the hand holding his wrist was getting stronger, and it was so tight that his wrist hurt.

He just frowned calmly, but Yin Wenzheng noticed him and let go of his hand.

"Does it hurt?" he asked.

Jiang Tangzhou twisted his wrist and said, "It's okay."

"I'm talking about the back of your neck." Yin Wenzheng stood behind him, stretched out his hand to brush away his loose long hair, revealing a slender and slender neck. There was a bright red spot on the back of the neck near the earlobe, like a The red mole that was born there was exactly the same as the one on the tip of Jiang Tangzhou's nose.

Jiang Tangzhou didn't know that he had left a permanent mark here.

Yin Wenzheng rubbed his thumb over this wound, and the rough touch made Jiang Tangzhou itchy, so he subconsciously moved forward and said, "It's okay."

"..." Yin Wenzheng sighed silently, "Whatever happened to you seems to be okay."

Jiang Tangzhou smiled, but said nothing.

"You saved my life again." Yin Wenzheng looked at the other party nicely, as if he wanted to engrave this face in his heart, "You could have exchanged this life-saving favor for something, such as those three things. Write off everything, and even ask me to send you back to Qin Kingdom, I will try my best to do it for you."

Jiang Tangzhou was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Is there still time for me to ask?"

Yin Wenzheng also followed him and laughed twice: "You are really..."

"Ask Zheng," Jiang Tangzhou called his name, straightened his expression, and said, "This bit of poison is nothing to me, so you don't have to worry about it at all, because it's just my effort."

Yin Wenzheng looked at him deeply: "But what if it's not poison?"


"If it was a knife or a sword, would you still..." Yin Wenzheng swallowed, and a nervousness rose in his heart, "Will you still block it for me?"

Jiang Tangzhou turned the teacup in his hand, calm as water: "I will. Because when I blocked for you, I didn't think about what it was."


The beauty killed Yu Jiangtangzhou, it really was nothing, he was able to go to the ground the next day, and recovered as before on the third day, as if he hadn't been injured at all.

Two days later, it was Ling Yingchong's birthday.

As early as the day when Jiang Tangzhou sent the birthday gift to the fourth prince's mansion, the fourth prince's mansion sent an invitation card, inviting Jiang Tangzhou to attend the birthday banquet at the fourth prince's mansion that day, but Jiang Tangzhou didn't plan to go.

What Jiang Tangzhou didn't expect was that Ling Yingchong came to pick him up in person.

The majestic fourth prince, for the sake of a crown princess from an enemy country, condescendingly came to pick him up at the door - although it was under the banner of passing by and going back with the crown prince, anyone with a discerning eye could see what was going on.

Rumors and rumors are even more rampant.

So after getting into the carriage, Yin Wenzheng's face almost fell to the ground.

Jiang Tangzhou also felt very embarrassed.

But fortunately, the fourth prince's act of acting like a majestic horse ended outside the Prince's Mansion. When it came to the birthday banquet, he restrained a lot, and only occasionally spoke to Jiang Tangzhou, without any impoliteness, as if he had done it on purpose before. It was the same for Yin Wenzheng.

Jiang Tangzhou followed Yin Wenzheng the whole time, and nothing went wrong.

After the birthday banquet was over, Yin Wenzheng was exhausted and began to sleep after getting into the carriage. Jiang Tangzhou sat on the other side, separated by thousands of miles, and closed his eyes to rest.

It wasn't until he got off the carriage and entered the Prince's Mansion that Yin Wenzheng finally said what he had been holding back for a day: "You have nothing to explain to me?"

Jiang Tangzhou paused: "What?"

Yin Wenzheng didn't dare to show his displeasure, so he pretended to smile relaxedly, patted his palm with the jade flute in his hand, and said, "What do you think?" He raised his eyebrows before continuing. , "As an orphaned princess, you are always so close to the fourth child, don't you think there is something wrong?"

In the past, Jiang Tangzhou could really openly say that the relationship between the two was innocent and nothing else.

But since Ling Yingchong said that to him last time, Jiang Tangzhou couldn't say it.

He coughed twice, struggled in his heart, and said truthfully: "I am close to him for a reason."

"What's the reason?" Yin Wenzheng seemed to be genuine, and smiled, "Leave me alone in the empty boudoir, and find other men to have fun. I want to see what reasons you can come up with to convince Gu .”

"I can't tell you yet." Jiang Tangzhou turned his head aside, still choosing to hide his true thoughts in his heart.

But what he said was right, and it is indeed inconvenient to tell Yin Wenzheng now.

The fewer people who know about it, the better.

Of course, Yin Wenzheng was not the one who was dismissed so easily. He took a step forward, hooked Jiang Tangzhou's shoulders, and almost pushed him towards the inner courtyard. With his lips close to the other's ear, he spoke in a semi-ambiguous way. Ask: "Then when can you tell me?"

Jiang Tangzhou frowned slightly, and avoided it calmly: "It's time to tell."

"But if you keep looking for him like this, I will feel uncomfortable." Yin Wenzheng hooked Jiang Tangzhou's chin with one hand, lifted it up slightly, and his eyes fell on the spot on the tip of the other's nose without missing a beat. On a red mole, at that moment, as if he had been bewitched, he subconsciously leaned in the direction of the other party.

Jiang Tangzhou couldn't see it, and he didn't hide it. The distance between the two of them was so close that it only took one of them to take a step forward to kiss.

Yin Wenzheng looked at the other party firmly, but he couldn't see anything from those eyes.

So he took another step back and joked: "The lonely concubine is obviously so good-looking, how could it be possible that you can't even find someone you like in Qin Kingdom?"

Jiang Tangzhou shook his hand, turned his head to the side, avoiding his movements and breathing, and subconsciously pulled his hand out——

He clearly felt that every pore on his body was tightly contracted, and somewhere was beating unexpectedly and crazily.

It was an emotion he had never felt for more than twenty years, strange and frightening.

Yin Wenzheng seemed to be true and half false, half true and half false, as if he wanted to oppose him, one hand hooked Jiang Tangzhou's waist, and held him tightly in his arms, and the hand wrapped around his shoulder Playing with the end of the other party's hair, he gave a low laugh, and his slightly hoarse voice fell into Jiang Tangzhou's ears so clearly.

He said: "I don't know if Gu has the qualifications to be your favorite person?"

Silence spread endlessly, and the two walked forward side by side.

But suddenly there was a "click". In the quiet small courtyard, Jiang Tangzhou accidentally stepped on a fallen branch, making a crisp breaking sound, as if something was awakened suddenly in the endless night, Jiang Tangzhou regained his composure. Come.

He couldn't see Yin Wenzheng's expression, but he could imagine his usual eyes, as if he wanted to strip his clothes off.

Jiang Tangzhou took a breath, calmed down, and said calmly, "The prince is joking again."

There was an undisguised look of disappointment on Yin Wenzheng's face, but soon, he smiled and asked, "How do you know if I'm joking or serious?"

"The crown prince and I are sympathetic to each other," Jiang Tangzhou said in a deep voice, seemingly determined, "I am also... very grateful that the crown prince is willing to give me a shelter."

Yin Wenzheng was still smiling, looking at him, but the light in his eyes gradually dimmed—the sound of the wind was still soft in his ears.

After a while, he curled his lips, tapped his palm twice with the jade flute, and said, "No fun."

He sent Jiang Tangzhou to the door, pushed the door open, "Here we are."

Jiang Tangzhou stood there silently and said, "Thank you."

"Let's go." Yin Wenzheng turned his back, waved the jade flute in a seemingly chic way, and said, "When will you become more interesting, Atang?"

Ruojian, who had been waiting here for a long time, saw Yin Wenzheng walking away, and hurriedly followed: "Master, where are we going?"

Accompanied by the cold wind with the temperature plummeting, Jiang Tangzhou heard Yin Wenzheng's voice jokingly blown into his ears: "Go to the side courtyard to have some fun. It's more interesting there."

Jiang Tangzhou lowered his eyes and closed the door calmly, separating himself and the other party into two worlds.

In Yin Wenzheng's world, relationships can be judged by whether they are interesting or not. But in his Jiangtangzhou world, this is not the case.

If you like it, you really have to gamble with your life.

But now Yin Wenzheng has not given him that kind of courage.

The author has something to say:

In fact, our Tangtang almost lacked courage!