War Prisoner

Chapter 5: I underestimated you


Ting Yu finally saw his father, so unhappy, he immediately ran forward to hold Jiang Tangzhou's hand, and whispered a few gossips: "Everywhere in the Hengguo Imperial Palace is very quiet, those people don't talk, I'll stick to it. Standing there, no matter how you stand, it feels wrong. Fortunately, you are finally back, and you have not forgotten me. "

Jiang Tangzhou patted the back of her hand comfortingly, and said, "If you forget, no one can forget you."

Ting Yu has followed him since he was ten years old, more than ten years in a blink of an eye. If Jiang Tangzhou must be asked to name the most trustworthy person by his side, it must be Ting Yu. Although this girl's martial arts are so-so, and sometimes her mind is lacking, she is sincerely accompanying him.

The two of them followed a little eunuch on the nine-curved corridor, and finally turned to a remote palace. There was even a spider web on the red door of the palace. Ting Yu raised his hand to knock it out in disgust, and said, "What kind of hospitality does your Heng Country have?"

The little eunuch smiled and said, "Of course the best hotel is for hospitality, but this King Zhen didn't come here to be a guest..."

Jiang Tangzhou frowned calmly.

"What do you mean, you—"

With a wave of Ting Yu's hand, he hit the little eunuch's face, but he didn't hit it in the end. Jiang Tangzhou held her wrist and shook his head gently.

Ting Yu was so angry that she bit her lower lip, and withdrew her hand viciously: "Next time you dare to say such a thing, I will cut off your tongue, girl!"

The little eunuch guessed that Jiang Tangzhou and Tingyu were easy to bully, but he didn't expect Tingyu to have such a character, so although he still had disdain in his heart, he didn't dare to show it anymore, he just snorted softly and said: "That's it, go in." After speaking, he turned his head and left.

Ting Yu stared at his back fiercely, and said, "Master, why are you stopping me!"

"If you fight, it's just to relieve your anger for a while, and I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble." Jiang Tangzhou said lightly, "It's all about being quick with your tongue. If you don't listen to it, you won't feel anything."

Ting Yu snorted, "I don't care, I just remembered his face anyway!"

Jiang Tangzhou shook his head with a smile: "Before I was alone in the palace, I didn't think it was a big deal—those courtiers and princes didn't say anything embarrassing. Now that I walked with him, I realized that my status in Hengguo is real. It's not very high."

"You can't say that, Lord," Ting Yu also thought seriously, "No matter what, you are also Daqin's King Zhen, so they have to give you some face..."

Jiang Tangzhou smiled and shook his head: "You still think too naively. This time I am in a disadvantaged position, and I was pushed out because other people don't want to do this hard and tiring job. Hengguo, as long as Guarantee that my life is still alive, what else can I not do?"

Ting Yu was dumbfounded for a moment, and felt that he was too naive before.

"Don't think about it," Jiang Tangzhou said, tapping Tingyu's forehead with his fingers, "I'm not familiar with the palace's terrain, so you're not afraid of falling on me?"

"Oh!" Ting Yu came to his senses, and hurriedly supported Jiang Tangzhou across the threshold and walked towards the inner hall.

In the evening, two more people were called from the hall to help clean up the hall.

Ting Yu made the bed for Jiang Tangzhou, lit the candles, and the desolate house became a little more popular.

Jiang Tangzhou didn't think too much, and his mind was very calm. He simply tidied up and fell asleep. Tingyu tossed and turned on the bed for a long time before falling asleep in a daze.

In the middle of the night, screams suddenly sounded in the hall. Jiang Tangzhou thought he was dreaming, turned over and wanted to continue sleeping, but the door was suddenly pushed open, and Ting Yu rushed in from the outside: "My master Yeh—why are you still asleep!"

When Jiang Tangzhou opened his eyes, he could see a fuzzy double image of orange red in the place where the rain rushed over, and the flames almost shot into the sky.

"It's gone!" Ting Yu hurriedly put on Jiang Tangzhou's shoes and socks, and helped him go outside, "One of the two maids died, and the other was lying on the ground half dead, the fire has already burned... "

As soon as Ting Yu finished speaking, the flames burned in, and the floating curtain was instantly swallowed by the flames. Ting Yu hurriedly pushed Jiang Tang Zhou towards the window, but the window seemed to be broken, and he couldn't push it away. open.

The only useful thing next to it is tea, and listening to the rain is just a drop in the bucket.

Ting Yu gritted her teeth, pulled out the long sword beside Jiang Tang Zhou's bed, and chopped it at the window. I don't know what the window was made of, it was extremely strong, and she was so anxious that she was sweating profusely.

Ting Yu was protecting Jiang Tang Zhou, and was thinking about how to rescue his father, when he heard a loud "bang", the window flew open, and a black figure suddenly jumped in from the outside, carrying Her grandfather flew out.

"Grandpa—" Ting Yu's eyes widened, and he shouted a little heart-piercingly.

Jiang Tangzhou could only hear the wind whistling past his ears.

In the dark night, his eyes are particularly useless, he can't see anything in the darkness, and he can only confirm his current situation with his keen sense of smell and hearing.

The person who robbed him flew for a while before stopping. He put Jiangtang Zhou on the ground, pursed his lips, and asked, "Thank you, brother."

"Thank me for what?" The man in black smiled lightly, tore off the black cloth from his face, and his scrutinizing eyes fell on Jiang Tangzhou, "Aren't you afraid of such a big fire?"

... This familiar tone.

"Yin Wenzheng," Jiang Tangzhou called out his name calmly, "You saved my life again."

Yin Wenzheng squinted his eyes and smiled lightly, raised his hand, and tore off the scorched corner of his clothes, and said with a "tsk": "It seems that in this place, the person who wants your life is not few."

Jiang Tangzhou raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "If you take my life, you can start a war between the two countries and continue the last unfinished war. Naturally, there are many people who want this kind of result."

Yin Wenzheng touched his chin and said, "Aren't you wondering why I appeared here and saved your life?"

"It's not really curious." Jiang Tangzhou said lightly, stood up at the same time, looked at the black shadow in front of his eyes without focus, and said, "Isn't it normal for a prince to appear in the palace?"

Yin Wenzheng's expression finally changed a little. Interest flashed in his eyes, but he didn't appear panicked because his identity was exposed. Instead, he asked with great interest, "When did you find out?"

"I can't see it. The other senses are naturally sharper than ordinary people." Jiang Tangzhou explained, "The person who chased you was used by the royal family, and your tone of voice in the palace today is very familiar. Naturally, it is not difficult to recognize."

Putting his hands together, Yin Wenzheng couldn't help applauding Jiang Tangzhou: "Although you are blind, you are not completely useless—then can you guess who set the fire?"

There was a slight smile on Jiang Tangzhou's face, and he said almost firmly: "His Royal Highness is not guilty at all for calling out to catch the thief here?"

During Yin Wenzheng's visit, there was genuine surprise in his eyes: "How did you see that?"

"I didn't see it," Jiang Tangzhou explained, "I smelled it—"

"You have a very faint smell of kerosene, as if His Royal Highness set the fire with his own hands?"

Jiang Tangzhou's guess was exactly the same as Yin Wenzheng's personal experience.

He did it himself, accidentally poured kerosene on his trousers and shoes, and found a place to change his clothes temporarily, but he never thought that, just like that, he would be caught by Jiang Tangzhou's sharp nose. It smelled out.

His eyes deepened, he stared quietly at Jiang Tangzhou for a while, and then said: "I underestimated you."

"It's just that I can't figure it out, why did you come to save me?" The smile on Jiang Tangzhou's face faded, and he looked fixedly at Yin Wenzheng.

Those eyes were empty and dull, but somehow gave Yin Wenzheng a chill in his back.