War Prisoner

Chapter 58: Aren't you afraid that we are bad guys?


When dawn broke, the city fell.

The mighty battle sound instantly turned into the screams and screams of women, children and children. In any war, once civilians are involved, the city will be full of blood, and no one will escape.

Jiang Tangzhou, Ting Yu, and Xie Yi and Yan Qing, who were found later, stayed in a safe place in the city. Ting Yu couldn't sit still for several times and wanted to go out to see the situation.

This time, just outside the street, a woman screamed for help again and again, her voice was desperate, as if she knew that she was bound to die, if she died, it would be worth it, but the man who did it would be worse than other beasts Ting Yu got up directly: "No, I have to go out and have a look."

Xie Yi also stood up: "I'm with you."

Jiang Tangzhou opened his mouth to try to persuade her, but the scream was really terrifying, so he lowered his eyes, sighed heavily, and said, "Xie Yi, protect her."

Xie Yi nodded at Jiang Tangzhou, and the two left the room very vigilantly.

Yan Qing poured a pot of white water and handed it to Jiang Tangzhou, and said worriedly, "I hope you're safe."

After half a stick of incense, the movement outside suddenly disappeared, and the sound of Ting Yu and Xie Yi talking, they didn't come back directly, but the footsteps got farther and farther away.

"Master, why don't you take a nap." Yan Qing said worriedly, "My servant sees your complexion is a little pale, maybe you'll feel better if you sleep."

"No need." Jiang Tangzhou shook his head lightly, his eyes were full of worry, "Even if I lie down, I can't fall asleep now."

Yan Qing didn't persuade anymore.

Jiang Tangzhou had a lot of things on his mind, worried about what would happen to Tingyu's side, and even more worried about Yin Wenzheng's situation. After all, seeing Qin Guo's unstoppable situation, Heng Guo's side might not be able to withstand it.

I don't know what's going on in Qinguo, but the army is suddenly strong, and it actually broke the city.

Later, there were several times when they directly faced their hiding place and killed people. Jiang Tangzhou didn't make any movement, just kept his head down and said nothing.

At noon, there was finally no movement in the city.

But Jiang Tangzhou still didn't go out to be on the safe side. It wasn't until mid-afternoon that he moved his stiff body and stood up, saying, "Yan Qing, go outside to see the situation."


Jiang Tangzhou drank the glass of water that had been too cold for a long time, and Yan Qing pushed the door open while drinking the water.

A strong smell of blood rushed to his face, and Jiang Tangzhou felt that the water in his mouth had turned into thick blood in an instant, soaking every corner of the person's body, making him unable to even say a word.

Different from the rusty smell that lingers on the desert of the dead all year round, this is a fresh, individual life. Just a day ago, they might still be cooking at home, yelling that their children have had enough fun and come back for dinner.

Jiang Tangzhou sat for a long time before standing up.

Yan Qing supported him, and the two walked outside.


Not all the people in the city were slaughtered. The plan of Qin State was to massacre the city. However, when Heng State came to reinforce them, the Qin State people were barely driven out of the city. The city will not be broken. It was devastated.

The weather is still gloomy, the scorching sun is firmly blocked by the dark clouds, and no light can come through. It seems that there will be a heavy rain soon. If it rains heavily, the blood on the ground may be washed into a trail. Blood River, just imagining that scene makes people feel terrified.

At the end of the street, there was an octogenarian old man, holding his grandson and staring at the front stupidly. The grandson buried his head in his arms, and looked obedient and well-behaved, neither crying nor fussing. .

Yan Qing felt a little pity, and couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Master, can this servant give her something to eat?"

Yan Qing was smart, and when she got out of the tent, she brought some dry food, and there were a lot of pancakes and some meat in the bundle.

Jiang Tangzhou nodded.

Yan Qing hurriedly brought out two meat pancakes, and handed them over: "Old man, where do you live? We'll take you home. These are pancakes. You and your grandchildren should eat two first to fill our stomachs."

The old man stared blankly at the pancake for a while, then finally looked away, and said in a low voice: "Dead, all dead... What are you doing when you go back... Why didn't I die?"

Seeing that she wouldn't accept it, Yan Qing stepped forward to grab the grandson's hand. Who would have thought that the old man would open Yan Qing's hand suddenly, such a big movement, instantly exposed the grandson's face to Yan Qing's eyes. In the line of sight, Yan Qing suddenly took a step back in fright, her face turned pale.

The grandson who thought he was still alive had one eye widened, but the other had been hollowed out long ago, and he was already out of breath.

"Good boy..." The old man gently stroked the child's head as if he wasn't afraid at all, and whispered, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, grandma will take you home..."

Yan Qing had a sore nose, took out two pancakes and stuffed them into the old man's arms, and then stood back beside Jiangtangzhou again.

Although Jiang Tangzhou already had an ominous premonition, he still asked, "What's wrong?"

"Then...the old man," Yan Qing sniffed, before saying, "The baby in my arms has already died."

Jiang Tangzhou paused, and his expression inevitably showed a bit of grief. It is not difficult to imagine that before this old man's family should have three generations living under the same roof. In an ordinary family, he was already very happy, but now his family is ruined and he is displaced... Blame Qin Guo should still blame Heng Guo, or even himself.

War is like this. For the two countries, it may be just a contest, but for these ordinary people in it, it is a living and bright red life.

"Let's go." Jiang Tangzhou closed his eyes, barely suppressing his emotions, "Let's go and find Ting Yu first."

Yan Qing responded, and the two continued walking along the street.

Along the way, corpses were strewn all over the field. Occasionally, we could see living people, screaming for pain, and the smell of blood in the air could not be suppressed at all. Although it was not considered a massacre, the city was full of devastation, and it did not have much to do with massacres. difference.

Yan Qing saw too many corpses at once, and couldn't accept it, so she vomited it out at the end of the street.

Jiang Tangzhou supported her, and was about to pat her on the back when he heard a bluffing exclamation: "Master, let me go!"

Jiang Tangzhou breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what, fortunately Ting Yu was fine.

It doesn't matter if he is selfish, he will be shocked and saddened by the dead bodies of people he doesn't know, but he is more relieved than the safety of the people around him.

Ting Yu supported Yan Qing, made her vomit comfortably, and then turned around to report: "My lord, the city was almost slaughtered before Qin State retreated. Heng State has suffered heavy losses, and the previous camp cannot stay. Now I don’t know where to move, this place has almost become an empty city. Many houses have been burned, and there are no people to live in, what should we do next?”

"Have you heard any news from Yin Wenzheng?"

"The prince is fine," Ting Yu said, "Then Wu Cong was injured a little bit."

Jiang Tangzhou breathed a sigh of relief: "As long as there is no problem, then we..."

He glanced at the people in the city with some hesitation, finally gritted his teeth, and said: "Let's find out where there are still living people in the city first, and try to help as much as possible."

"Okay." Ting Yu nodded quickly, "It is said that there is a relief city set up by the Heng Kingdom 50 miles south of the city from here. There are people displaced by the war temporarily living in it. We can Tell these people to go over there."

"Yeah." Jiang Tangzhou nodded, "Then let's split up."

"No," Ting Yu shook his head, "Xie Yi and I still have to stay with you, I don't worry about you."

Jiang Tangzhou also knew that Yan Qing was a weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken, and that she was blind, which was indeed a bit worrying, so after a short pause, she responded to Ting Yu's words, and the four of them acted together.

Walking along the street, Ting Yu pulled out two or three still alive corpses from the pile of corpses, one of them died as soon as it was pulled out, Ting Yu was still sad for a while, but she forgot He is also very sexual, and soon found other living people, so he remembered to tell the living people where he could live temporarily.

The four searched around like this, and told everyone who could tell the rescue city, and they were relieved to have rescued all the people who could be rescued.

Jiang Tangzhou sat on the corner of the street for a while, and just when he was about to get up, he felt someone gently tugging at the corner of his clothes.

He was stunned for a moment, then turned his head away, only to see a blurry and small figure.

"What are you doing!" Xie Yi's sword was already on the child's shoulder.

The kid was quite courageous, he didn't cry or make trouble, and pretended to be calm and said: "Who are you?" Although he was already controlling his emotions, his voice was still trembling.

Jiang Tangzhou signaled Xie Yi to put away his sword, raised his hand and patted his head and asked, "Where's your father and mother? Why are you here?"

The child was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head, his eye circles turned red instantly: "They're all dead."

Jiang Tangzhou pursed his lips and said, "What's your name?"

"Yan Siran." The child hesitated for a moment, but still said, "I don't think you are a bad person, so I told you."

Jiang Tangzhou felt that the child was interesting. He should not be a child of ordinary people. He probably had some education in the family, so he smiled and said, "Why don't you go home?"

Yan Siran said after a while, "It's not home anymore."

Jiang Tangzhou felt a slight pain in his heart, and stopped touching his head.

After a while, he finally opened his mouth: "Do you want to go with us?"

"Grandfather..." Ting Yu opened his eyes and said immediately, "Take the half-grown child home, are you sure the crown prince won't say anything?"

"Didn't I bring you back as a half-grown child?" Jiang Tangzhou turned to Yan Siran and continued, "Although I have no blood relationship with you, it is enough to give you enough food and clothing. If you are willing to go back with us , we are leaving now."

Yan Siran only hesitated for two breaths before saying firmly, "Okay, I'll go with you."

"You kid," Jiang Tangzhou finally showed his first sincere smile today, "Aren't you afraid that we are bad people?"

"I'm not afraid." Yan Siran said, "I have nothing to gain from me. Even if you are bad people, you can at most kill me. Anyway, I have no family, and no one will feel sad when I die."

Jiang Tangzhou still thought it was funny when he heard the first half of the sentence, but suddenly he couldn't laugh when he heard the second half.

He squeezed Yan Siran's hand tightly, and said in a low voice, "Now you treat us as your family."