War Prisoner

Chapter 84: It would be better to die in the cold palace directly


Although the palace is cooler than Zixing Mountain, it is still very hot.

There has been no rain in Qin Kingdom for half a month. If it continues like this, there will be a severe drought. At that time, the crops will not be harvested, and the people will live in dire straits. Even if Heng Kingdom has not invaded However, given the current situation of governing the country in Qin State, there may be civil uprisings. The fate of Qin State has come, and subversion will suddenly happen at an unknown time.

Jiang Tangzhou was only wearing a single piece of clothing, but he was still sweating all over. The sun was hanging high above his head, baking the already hot ground. Compared with the scorching temperature, Jiang Tangzhou felt even more anxious.

"Master, why don't we go in and wait." Yan Qing said worriedly, "Sister Ting Yu will definitely come in when she comes back."

As soon as Yan Qing finished speaking, she saw a small dot not far away gradually getting bigger. It was Tingyu who came in in a disguise and hurried in, and said quickly: "Master, sister Tingyu is back."

Jiang Tangzhou immediately stood up.

Ting Yu was panting heavily, a little speechless, Jiang Tangzhou hurriedly mixed a cup of tea for her, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Don't worry, Master, I'm fine." Ting Yu said, "I followed what Master said, I specially got out of the dog hole at the side of Leng Palace when no one was there, and looked around when I came back, but I didn't see anyone. "

"Thank you for your hard work." Jiang Tangzhou said with some guilt, "I also troubled you to drill a dog hole."

"What's the matter." Ting Yu waved his hand, swallowed the cup of tea in one breath, and continued, "I handed the letter to the crown prince, and the crown prince didn't say anything after reading it, only asked your situation… "

Jiang Tangzhou paused: "You won't tell the whole story, will you?"

Ting Yu was stunned: "Can't you say it?"

Jiang Tangzhou: "..."

"How did he say?"

"The prince didn't say anything. He drew his sword and planned to go out. I saw that he looked a little irrational, so I and the big root next to the prince held him back. After a long time of persuasion, he reluctantly Calm down, but I don't think he looks completely calm, but I was anxious to come back to get back to you, so I didn't stay long, and left after a while." Ting Yu scratched the back of his head, " Lord, shouldn't I tell you about your situation?"

"I'm afraid that he will do some bad things out of reason." Jiang Tangzhou sighed, and said, "Forget it, it's all said and done. We can just let it go. I hope he still has some reason."

Ting Yu said with a guilty conscience: "It's all my fault."

"Master, don't think about it." Yan Qing said, "Ever since Sister Tingyu went out last night, Master has been guarding and didn't even sleep. Now I'd better go back and get a good sleep."

"No need." Jiang Tangzhou shook his head lightly, "I don't feel sleepy now, I plan to go to Hanjing Palace."

"Hanjing Palace?" Yan Qing was stunned for a moment, "Master, absolutely not."


"My maidservant heard that the Hanjing Palace is guarded layer by layer, so tightly guarded that not a single fly can fly in. If I go, Mrs. Bu will soon know that if I don't tell you, I might not be able to enter..."

"Don't worry." Jiang Tangzhou said, "I know that there is a secret passage in Hanjing Palace. If I go in through the secret passage, no one will find out."

This secret way was discovered by Jiang Tangzhou and Jiang Yingzhou when they were very young. It can be said that only the two of them in the palace knew about it.

At that time, Jiang Yingzhou was not yet the emperor, and Jiang Yuzhou was not dead yet.

When Jiang Yuzhou was in good health, the three of them had been intimate for a while, touching fish and shrimp, climbing trees to pick fruit, whatever children like to do, they all did it together. At that time, the late emperor was still alive and lived in the Hanjing palace. The late emperor liked Jiang Yuzhou, so he asked him to accompany him in the palace.

But Jiang Yuzhou didn't like entering the palace very much, and one day he was summoned to enter the palace again, so he made an appointment with Jiang Tangzhou and Jiang Yingzhou, and waited for him outside Hanjing Palace, and when he came out, the three of them went to play together.

Later, for some reason, Jiang Yingzhou suddenly fell into a hole, and Jiang Tangzhou also jumped down to save him, only then did the two realize that this place was actually a secret passage.

At that time, Jiang Tangzhou was not blind yet.

He is an older brother, much more courageous than Jiang Yingzhou, and when he found that he couldn't go up to the cave, he simply walked along the cave for an unknown how long, when Jiang Tangzhou suddenly heard Jiang Yuzhou's voice.

Just as Jiang Yingzhou was about to happily call his name, Jiang Tangzhou covered his mouth. Through the gap not far away, Jiang Tangzhou saw that Jiang Yuzhou was being slapped on the palm of his hand by the late emperor, as if there was a poem No matter what, I can't recite it.

The first emperor said he had high hopes for him, but he didn't take it to heart at all, he knew how to play all day long.

Jiang Tangzhou was still young at that time, but his intuition told him that it was best not to make any noise at this time.

So he made eye contact with Jiang Yingzhou, and the two backed away. Later, a palace lady passing by nearby found them and picked them up.

Later, Jiang Tangzhou kept this matter to himself, and Jiang Yingzhou didn't tell anyone. He was still too young at that time, and he might have forgotten it.

Jiang Tangzhou found the cave based on his memory—the cave hadn't been sealed yet, so he walked forward alone, and it didn't take long before he heard a voice.

Probably because I was too young when I was young and couldn't walk, so I walked for a long time, but now that I have grown up, I realized that the secret path is not as long as I imagined.

"Your Majesty, please drink this medicine." A woman's voice sounded, "If Your Majesty does not drink the medicine, this servant will not be able to explain to the Empress Dowager."

The person on the bed faltered twice, showing reluctant resistance.

The woman sighed, pinching Jiang Yingzhou's nose and about to pour it into his mouth.

Although Jiang Tangzhou couldn't see anything, he could hear Jiang Yingzhou groaning in pain. The water kept pouring down his throat, and he even coughed several times due to choking, and he almost couldn't catch his breath.

Jiang Tangzhou suppressed the impatience in his heart, and waited until the maid finished pouring all the medicine and went out of the inner room, then pushed open the so-called secret passage - it was actually hidden in the cabinet.

Jiang Yingzhou heard the movement.

He turned his head with great difficulty, and the moment he saw it was Jiang Tangzhou, a stormy wave of hatred erupted in his eyes.

But he couldn't say a word, he could only stare at Jiang Tangzhou viciously.

"Swallow the medicine." Jiang Tangzhou touched Jiang Yingzhou's mouth gropingly, without giving the other party any chance to refuse, he directly stuffed the medicine into the other party's throat.

After a while, Jiang Yingzhou was able to speak.

"Jiang Tangzhou, you ungrateful villain, you must die..."

As soon as he was able to speak, dirty words that people didn't want to hear came out of his throat. Jiang Tangzhou sighed softly and said, "Jiang Yingzhou, do you want to live?"

Jiang Yingzhou paused subtly, but followed by more excessive words: "Do you think that I will surrender to you willingly when you ask me this? Don't think that I don't know what kind of person you are. Back then you were I pretended to surrender in front of my mother and concubine, but in the end my eldest brother died tragically. I will never forget it in my life... "

Jiang Tangzhou realized that the current Jiang Yingzhou simply did not have the ability to talk calmly.

He fell into hatred full of heart and couldn't break free.

Jiang Tangzhou exhaled heavily, covered the opponent's mouth with his hand, and said word by word: "Jiang Yingzhou, if you were me, I would do the same."

Jiang Yingzhou opened his mouth and bit Jiangtangzhou's hand, but Jiangtangzhou still didn't let go of his hand: "If you suffer from the pain caused by human voodoo for many years, every time your master gets sick and needs medicine, you have to cut yourself open. Wrist, nourish each other with your own blood, believe me, you will become more terrifying than me."

The voice in Jiang Yingzhou's mouth suddenly weakened, and guilt flashed in his eyes, but he quickly put aside this emotion again, and said: "If it wasn't for my mother and concubine who rescued you from the cold palace, you might not have survived at all. If you don't go down, you are just using your blood to heal my brother, but you want his life, isn't it ungrateful?"

Jiang Tangzhou lowered his head, hid the sarcasm in his expression, and said lightly: "Rather than living half-dead like this, I might as well die in the cold palace."

"I also think you deserved to die in the cold palace back then." Jiang Yingzhou said, "What are you doing here? Are you laughing at me because I'm worse off than a dog?"

"I do owe your mother and concubine my life," Jiang Tangzhou said lightly, "so don't worry, I will rescue you. The reason why I came to you is just to tell you personally, let you calm down, you can talk Don't show things, if you are obedient, at least I can let you continue to live."


"I'm leaving." Jiang Tangzhou stood up quickly when he heard the movement outside, "If you shut up, maybe you can live for another few decades."

Jiang Tangzhou quickly entered the secret passage.

When Jiang Tangzhou went back, Yan Qing was not there, only Yu was dozing off by himself.

Hearing the sound, she bounced up, yawned big, and said, "Master, you're back."

"Yeah." Jiang Tangzhou nodded, "Just you?"

Listening to the rain as if he had woken up, he said quickly: "By the way, I just found out... Yan Qing went out sneakily, not knowing what to do. I always feel that something is not right, let's keep a little more time." mind."

Jiang Tangzhou patted her on the head and said, "I'm not feeling well this morning, I asked Yan Qing to prescribe some medicine for me, maybe he went to the imperial physician."

"Who knows." Ting Yu curled her lips, "I just think there will be no mistakes if you pay more attention."

Jiang Tangzhou shook his head helplessly: "Okay, go and prepare some bath water for me."

Hearing the rain's answer, he hurried to the back room.

Jiang Tangzhou's body still had the bloodstains from the torture in the black prison, and he felt a little uncomfortable. He really wanted to wash himself off.

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