War Prisoner

Chapter 87: I trust you……


Mrs. Bu knew that the general situation was over, but it was impossible to just sit and wait for death.

The little chain crawled to Jiangtangzhou's side at some point, and in the midst of the lightning and flint, he raised his hand and pressed the dagger against Jiangtangzhou's throat. The tip of the knife penetrated shallowly, and a drop of blood fell down the wound.

Jiang Tangzhou closed his eyes and said in a low voice, "You think you can threaten him by capturing me?"

Bu's complexion changed slightly, but he still insisted and said: "Don't go in! If you take one step further, the Ai family will directly take the life of King Zhen!"

Bigen frowned tightly, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, we..."

Yin Wenzheng raised his hand, shook his face expressionlessly, and said, "Bushi, your Qin Kingdom is at the end of its strength, stop now, and I can spare your life."

After Yin Wenzheng's words fell, the Heng Army outside aggressively stepped forward and took a step closer, looking extremely terrifying.

Na Bu's face became more and more ugly, but he gritted his teeth and rushed to Jiangtangzhou's position, holding Xiaolian's arm, pushing the tip of the knife further into Jiangtangzhou's neck, the feeling of being cut did not hurt. It was so painful, Jiang Tangzhou endured the pain, but didn't show it on his face.

Yin Wenzheng's face was extremely ugly, and when he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Jiang Tangzhou: "Yin Wenzheng, I told you the news about you at the border, I'm sorry, I took advantage of you."

Ting Yu on the side was even more startled, then quickly lowered his head, his brows tightened.

Yin Wenzheng's eyes flickered slightly, and he stared fixedly at his direction. The silence spread for a few moments, and finally the string broke with a "Zheng". He almost gritted his teeth and said, "Why?"

Jiang Tangzhou could feel the other party's eyes staring at him closely, so he took a deep breath and went up to him, saying, "No matter what... I am a Qin countryman. I am very lucky and grateful to be blessed by you, but we Not the same world... "

"Enough." The long sword in Yin Wenzheng's hand was stabbed fiercely into the ground by him, and he actually pushed it three inches away. He stared at Jiang Tangzhou with red eyes, as if he had suffered a deep blow. Immediately afterwards, Yin Wenzheng quickly turned his head away, and said word by word: "Do you know that I wanted to share this world with you?"

As soon as Yin Wenzheng said this, everyone present was in a deep uproar, even Heng Jun was no exception.

Bigen's eyes widened suddenly, and he said, "Your Majesty, do you know what you said..."

Yin Wenzheng didn't care about other people's reactions at all, but just looked deeply at Jiang Tangzhou, and said word by word: "Since you never take the relationship between the two of us into your heart, it's fine." After finishing speaking, Yin Wenzheng Wenzheng looked away, closed his eyes, and said word by word: "Kill."

"Your Majesty, have you considered it?" Bi Gen squeezed the weapon in his hand, looked at Jiang Tangzhou and said every word, "If you have considered it, we will not care about other things."

Jiang Tangzhou took a deep breath, and didn't feel his whole body relax until he heard Yin Wenzheng utter the word "um".

Nabu's head was already confused by the scene in front of her—she thought she had got a trump card, but she didn't expect that the trump card was not as effective as she imagined, so she turned her head and shouted: "You You bitch, didn't you say that the friendship between the two of them is very strong, Ling Tinglan will never put Jiang Tangzhou in danger!"

Yan Qing held the dagger in her hand, her face full of panic and fear, she kept shaking her head and said: "How is it possible, how could..."

Ting Yu held the cotton ball in his hand, stared at Yan Qing angrily, and cursed: "You traitor! How dare you betray the Lord, you forgot who saved you in dire straits, you forgot when you The two sisters who were decapitated in different places were blessed to be able to be buried in peace! You white-eyed wolf..."

One sentence after another finally stabbed Yan Qing's emotions to the verge of collapse, and she couldn't help crying: "No... I didn't betray you, I just... I just want to get the medicine... I just want to get the medicine for my father..."

Jiang Tangzhou's eyes moved slightly, but he clenched Bu's arm tightly, and with a slight push, the dagger deepened a little.

Bu Shi finally panicked.

Because he found that instead of stopping, the Heng Army continued to move forward, seeing that Yin Wenzheng was about to step over the threshold and enter the main hall.

She raised her dagger and shouted: "If you take another step, Aijia will cut off his head!"

Yin Wenzheng said with a gloomy face: "You cut it, but I want to appreciate how you cut it."

"Empress Dowager, let's run!" Xiao Lian said tremblingly, with tears and snot streaming down his face.

Grabbing the dagger, Mrs. Bu couldn't hide the panic in her eyes anymore. She realized that Jiang Tang Zhou was really useless—

In fact, in this hall, there is not only one exit through the hall gate.

There is a secret passage behind the dragon chair, which all the emperors knew. The reason why she knew it was because the late emperor was seriously ill, and she got it out of her formula.

If she escapes now, there is still a glimmer of life.

Mrs. Bu was about to retreat, and when he was about to throw away the dagger, a voice suddenly fell into his ears: "Since it's useless, kill it!"

Mrs. Bu turned her head to look, but saw that the secret passage had been opened at some time, and her whole body was burned to pieces. The smoky Lu Yanfeng was standing there holding a blackened sword, with gloomy eyes Looking at Heng Jun, he said word by word: "Empress Dowager, do you really think they will let you live? No matter whether this King Zhen is dead or alive, you can't escape the death word—"

Presumably, the word "death" stimulated Bu Shi, and Jiang Tangzhou noticed that the dagger on his neck had been relaxed, and now it was holding him again.

"Empress Dowager, if you can't move your hand, it will be the end of the future." After that, Lu Yanfeng directly raised the long sword in his hand and stabbed at Jiang Tangzhou's chest——

The sound of the sword was ear-piercing, but at this moment Yin Wenzheng was several meters away from Jiangtang Zhou, and there was no time to save him, his eyes widened suddenly, he didn't care about so much, and flew up in an instant, heading towards Jiangtang Zhou——

However, it was too late.

Seeing that the black sword was about to sink into Jiangtangzhou's chest, Jiangtangzhou felt a sudden surge of strength from the back of his body.

He was pushed forward and staggered a few steps, but the expected pain did not come.

But behind him there was a long sword entering his body, and the sound of skin being ripped open.

Jiang Tangzhou's eyes suddenly widened, but when he turned his head, he could only see the faint red all over the ground—and the person lying on the ground.

The Heng army swarmed forward, and Yin Wenzheng hugged Jiang Tangzhou into his arms, holding him tightly.

Jiang Tangzhou stared blankly ahead, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and asked, "...is... Yan Qing?"

Yin Wenzheng frowned and said "hmm", staring at the panting person on the ground.

That sword just pierced her chest, and there was no room for change.

"Master—" Yan Qing shouted out the word almost with all her strength.

Jiang Tangzhou's whole body went limp, and Yin Wenzheng sat on the ground holding him.

He stretched out his hand to touch Yan Qing's chest, which was still oozing thick blood. The bloody breath filled his nostrils in an instant, and Jiang Tangzhou was still in a daze—all this happened so suddenly that he He couldn't react at all, he just kept saying: "Yanqing, don't worry, you must be fine, I will let Wenzheng take you back to stop your bleeding—someone, hurry up, help her stop the bleeding first..."

"Master..." Yan Qing smiled weakly, pinched Jiang Tangzhou's wrist, and said with difficulty: "No, it's useless...it can't be saved..."

Jiang Tangzhou suddenly fell silent.

"Master, you...do you believe me?" Yan Qing stared at the expression on Jiang Tangzhou's face, and said word by word, "I really didn't say a word, I just, I just wanted to help you get rid of the queen mother. I got the medicine there and told her your fake news... Grandpa, do you believe me?"

Jiang Tangzhou felt his eyes sore for a while, and tears filled instantly. He held Yan Qing's hand trembling uncontrollably. Finally, he took a deep breath and said seriously and firmly, "I believe it."

"Yanqing, I never doubted you." Jiang Tangzhou touched her cold forehead, "You are a very good girl."

Yan Qing's body, which had been tense all the time, finally relaxed at this moment. She bent her mouth and smiled with great effort. Looking at Jiang Tangzhou, she said, "Master, I'm very glad... to meet you. You don't have to feel sorry for me. , because of you, I have lived for more than a year, as if I picked it up... I am so happy... "

"Here... for you..." Yan Qing stretched out her hand, groped her chest very slowly, and finally took out a medicine that was still stained with blood, she smiled softly at Jiang Tangzhou, "Even... just one more This medicine can make you feel less uncomfortable, it's also... It's also good."

"Unfortunately, she promised to give me ten, but in the end only... only..."

The warm hand in the palm suddenly disappeared.

fall down.

Jiang Tangzhou felt as if a part of his heart suddenly became empty, and the little girl who had been by his side suddenly couldn't speak.

Yan Qing hadn't been with him for long, and she was an introvert who rarely spoke. When she was with Jiang Tangzhou, she was always chattering like Ting Yu. She didn't talk much, but she was able to arrange everything properly. Whenever Jiang Tangzhou was thirsty, he stretched out his hand, and there was always a cup of warm water by his side. Whenever he was sleepy, he turned around, and there was Mrs. Tang on the bed who had already warmed the bed.

She has always been meticulous and considerate in her work, moistening things silently. Jiang Tangzhou has long been used to having such a person by her side, and Jiang Tangzhou has always treated him like her own sister. She never thought that one day Yan Qing would betray him or leave he.

When she smiled, she always smiled lightly, and never let her emotions out too much, so Jiang Tangzhou never knew that she was so important in Yan Qing's heart.

There will be one less person in the future, and it is inevitable that I will feel stuffy all over, and I can't find an exit.

Jiang Tangzhou stretched out his hand and held the other's palm tightly, and when he closed his eyes, finally, uncontrollable tears rolled down the corners of his eyes, and he said again in a hoarse voice: "I believe in you, Yan Qing. "

The author has something to say:

The author is crying in a storm!