Warhammer: The Worst Start There Is (40k)

Chapter 114: Sing these stories for future generations (please subscribe)


Many senior generals remained silent.

They looked at the holographic strategic projection and waited for Calgar to continue.

This is destined to be a tough battle.

Using limited military forces to stop the Zerg swarm like a torrent will inevitably come at a heavy price.

Perhaps more than half of them would not live to see the Primarch.

But this is their mission.

They will not reject their mission because of fear of death.

Calga also looked at the projection layout of Vitria, and his finger with a built-in sensor chip slid across the holographic projection.

"I have faced the Tyranids before, and I know how terrifying they are. But the Tyranids also have a weakness, which is that they rely too much on node creatures. So, I need you to make a plan. Once you find those large node creatures, you must kill them as quickly as possible."

"There is one more point, which is about the infiltration issue. We have carried out a comprehensive sweep of the rebels who pursue freedom but are actually controlled by the Genestealers. But never underestimate the intelligence of those abominable creatures. Any act of despising them will pay a heavy price for it."

"Carry out a comprehensive screening of the Hive City. Don't let your guard down. Also, keep a strict watch on important power supply units, weapon depots, and other units. Don't let them have any chance to take advantage of you."

The meeting lasted a long time.

Calgar conducted a comprehensive assessment of all fortifications to ensure that no major mistakes would occur.

At the end of the meeting, Calga looked around at these senior generals. He knew that some of them might die here.

Today's meeting will be the last time they see each other.

Even though some of them were mortals, Calgar still showed respect to them.

Any warrior who dares to die for the great blueprint built by the Emperor and the Primarch is worthy of recognition and praise.

"We fight for the Lord of Ultramar, and we will stand under the throne of the Emperor. My fellow soldiers, I wish you good luck in your military career." Calgar said, "Humanity will win, and the Empire will win."

"We will win."

"We will win."

The generals responded with firm voices.

They were not enthusiastic because they knew what kind of sacrifice was behind these words.

The Emperor will call back these warriors in large numbers and bring them under his throne.

War is coming, and mankind will never be afraid.

... ... ... ... ... ...

There was no peace anywhere in the camp.

The noise of construction work was heard everywhere.

Hawke watched his comrades build fortifications and deploy heavy firepower such as artillery and grenade launchers.

The war is slowly approaching, and everyone can feel it.

People have even started having nightmares.

According to the Propaganda Department, the Tyranids are less than a month away from the Vetria System.

The shadow of the warp created by the hive mind has enveloped the Vetlia system, tormenting every human being within it.

The astropaths have become useless.

They could find no more information in the warp.

Psykers with special talents or those who are sensitive to the warp are always roaring in the middle of the night.

Shadows tormented them.

The situation got worse and worse later on.

Everyone began to have those horrible, twisted nightmares.

Warp Shadow is a terrifying Tyranid soul force that can block the connection between the warp.

It makes it difficult to use any kind of psychic power.

Imperial scholars believe that the Warp Shadow is caused by the excessive gathering of Tyranids and the two-way communication between the Hive Mind, which has caused a large amount of psychic activity and paralyzed the ability of other life forms to use the Warp.

Just like a computer's memory processor, if there are too many threads occupying computing data at the same time, it will become stuck.

It is because of this that astropaths and warp travel are interrupted.

Of course, this is just speculation by imperial scholars.

So far, no one knows what the Warp Shadow is

Hawke knows more than the average soldier.

Their astropathic communications were severed, and the ships were no longer able to travel into the Warp.

This means that they have been completely isolated here.

Hawke checked the offensive and then headed back to the tent.

The chemical lamp produced by the military industry has a plastic switch.

Hawke reached out and twisted his hand, quickly turning on the lamp.

Chemical lamps provide bright light for the tent.

The layout of the tent is a bit simple, with a huge tabletop sand table placed in the middle and a street layout map hanging on the wall.

An hour ago, several commanders sat here for combat instructions.

Their mission was simple: to hold the streets from the Tyranids.

There is not much room for people like Hawk to display their talents.

The top leaders have already determined the position and role of each corps.

All they need to do is obey.

Hawke looked at the map and the sand table, thinking about how to enable his troops to complete the mission as much as possible while minimizing losses.

However, the advanced strategy was too complicated for him.

In addition, the top management has restricted their performance.

After seeing what happened, Hawke could only pray to the Emperor, hoping that the Primarch would arrive as soon as possible.

In such a grand war, no matter what he did, it would be of no use.

But Hawke was still thinking.

He wanted to keep as many of his people alive as possible.

To the top management, those people are just an insignificant number.

The 502nd Regiment is just a relatively obedient and fighting group of 10,000 people.

Hawke guessed that's what the top brass thought.

Everyone who is in a high position has this feeling.

After all, so many troops are deployed in a battle. If the top leaders are too concerned with personal feelings, then there is basically no need to fight this battle.

Hawke felt the same way. If a platoon could save a company, why not do it

Everyone wants equality for all, but war commanders only consider how to win.

Those who are more responsible will consider whether they can reduce casualties while winning.

Asshole, I don't care about that!!

The soles of boots hit the concrete floor rhythmically.

Hawke looked at the newcomer, stood up and performed a less formal ceremony.


"No need to bow," said the visitor.

The visitor was the political commissar who was in charge of supervising the troops.

If Hawke remembered correctly, the other person's name was Abel.

The uniform is neat, with epaulettes on the shoulders representing the official rank.

In the Empire, the Political Commissar has great power and is responsible for integrating the various corps.

They are the ones who help the Empire maintain its fighting power and keep the soldiers in their positions.

Political commissars all graduated from official academies. They possess political acumen and military talents that ordinary people do not have.

The commander of each regiment has a slightly lower status than the political commissar.

Hawke's promotion was rapid, but it was undeniable that he was just a worker in a hive factory.

It was impossible for him to command a battle alone.

But the grassroots also need to see hope, and there must be rewards for winning.

After Guilliman launched the Indomitus Crusade, the existing veterans were dismantled and used to fill the new framework.

But even so, it is difficult to gather enough command levels.

Soldiers like Hawke who performed outstandingly became the new command level.

In order to ensure that the promoted low-level soldiers can understand orders, the position of political commissar is indispensable.

The Political Commissar taught these soldiers how to reorganize their troops and deploy them according to Imperial standards.

Abel walked into the tent and sat across from Hawke, looking at the sand table for a while before asking.

"How are the preparations going?"

"The situation is good. The company's tasks have been assigned," said Hawke.

"Do you have a lover?" Abel asked with a smile.

Hawke thought about it for a moment, then shook his head, "I joined the army before I was assigned."

"That's a good thing." Abel said, "Don't think I'm mocking you. Sometimes, if you don't have any worries, you won't be too scared. When I was in college, I had a relationship with someone. We even planned to get engaged, but we called it off later."

"Why?" Hawke asked puzzled.

"We are all people who have dedicated our lives to the Emperor. We are not qualified to enjoy those things." Abel said, "Joining the Astra Militarum will mean being transferred away from home, teleported into the warp, and fighting demons, traitors, and cultists. There are endless wars in the universe, and you will constantly wander in these battlefields, from your youth to your old age. You will even forget where you were born, and forget your family and friends."

"Natal people never forget where they come from," Hawke said.

"I hope so." Abel smiled. "My mission is to understand your mental state. The Zerg are coming. Those things always give people nightmares. People always have nightmares. Some people have been tortured to death and driven crazy in the past. I hope you won't."

"I haven't yet," Hawke said.

"Are you afraid?" Abel asked with a smile.

"Yes," Hawke said.

"Will you be a deserter then?" Abel asked.

"No," Hawke said.

Abel stood up and walked to the door of the tent.

"I hope not, Hawke. Remember that the Emperor's eye is upon you, and any attempt at desertion will be met with immediate execution.

After saying that, he walked out.

Leaving Hawke alone in the tent.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Deep inside the 502nd Regiment's camp, Old John and Kakar were sorting out the interview records they had obtained from various parts of the hive.

They plan to write it into a book to introduce the changes brought about by Guilliman's awakening.

The people of Vitria were once oppressed by merchants who used money to take away their freedom and then relied on the military force of the empire to maintain their status.

Those who claim to be loyal are nothing but a bunch of snakes, flies, rats and insects.

In the name of loyalty, they continue to undermine the foundation of the empire.

When the iron fist of justice arrives, they try to cover up their crimes with sweet words and flattery.

They disguise greed as loyalty, selfishness as justice, and oppress the true loyalists in the name of the Emperor.

Guilliman's arrival changed everything.

The sinners were exiled, and the capable began to gradually rise to power.

As long as the Vitria galaxy can be defended from the Zerg, the people here will usher in a new life.

Old John was ready to give it a name.

"The Great Guilliman".

Of course, many generals who once helped him also appear in the book.

But when this book becomes popular, they will surely become household names in the empire.

This is what many people dream of.

This is also what Old John and Kakar want to do, they want to sing the stories of these heroes for future generations.