Warhammer: The Worst Start There Is (40k)

Chapter 12: Planetary Governors and Rogue Traders


The five hundred worlds controlled by the Ultramarines can be said to be the most dazzling pearls of the empire.

The public security is good and the people's living standards are generally among the best among all the planets in the empire.

During the Horus Heresy, the loyalist forces were divided across the galaxy.

Guilliman even thought about using the Five Hundred Worlds as humanity's second base in the fight against Chaos, and formed a Second Empire with the other two Primarchs, Sanguinius, the Primarch of the Dark Angels and the Primarch of the Blood Angels.

Of course, this idea had not yet been realized, because they discovered that the Emperor was not dead yet.

The three Primarchs dissolved the Second Empire, led their troops to support Terra, and sealed the relevant records of the incident.

Even if it is not realized, the potential of the Five Hundred Worlds can be seen.

The Five Hundred Worlds are Guilliman's strength and must not be lost.

Upon hearing of his resurrection, some planetary governors who were not in such a bad condition and rogue traders like Mary came over.

The others were either trapped by the current dire situation or unwilling to respect the orders of a resurrected Primarch and come to Macragge.

The Emperor and the Primarch have long since become legends in mythology. Ten thousand years is enough time to change a lot of things.

The imperial truth of the past was swept into the dust of history, and the hated state religion became a member of the Terran Supreme Council.

The Mechanicus became increasingly closed and conservative, and the Terran Senate became increasingly pedantic.

After the Cadia incident, the huge empire lost blood as quickly as a bleeding zombie and even found it difficult to react quickly.

After ten thousand years of nourishment, the forces of all parties have long been intricately intertwined and deeply embedded in the depths of this empire, and the constantly blood-sucking empire wants to devour it completely.

Those who were unwilling to come were waiting and watching, not wanting their rights to be taken away by a suddenly resurrected Primarch.

Hundreds and thousands of years of rule have long made them believe that the power in their hands is innate and a symbol of their superiority.

Anyone who offends this has undoubtedly become their enemy.

Guilliman had no time to deal with them for the time being; he had to first deal with the worlds that were still willing to support him.

He must reform and renew the old system and build the Five Hundred Worlds into a solid backing. Only in this way can he support his next plan.

Optimize the population structure, provide conscription, re-establish the wealth distribution system, and stimulate people to produce more food and weapons.

The bloated administrative departments and aristocratic system must be streamlined to reduce the financial burden and improve efficiency.

There is also a need to further improve the learning of the entire population and establish a research structure independent of the Mechanicus to provide more military forces and backup technicians for his upcoming expedition.

The Mechanicum and the Empire are merely allies, each holding a position in the Terran Senate.

Guilliman is not the Emperor, he cannot guarantee that the Mechanicus will not suddenly escape his control.

We also need to consider that if the Emperor revives and declares Guilliman a traitor to the Empire, which side will the Mechanicus choose

Choose the Holy God of All Things, Omnissiah? ? Or choose the resurrected Thirteen Sons of the Empire?

This question is obvious. Perhaps some members of the Mechanicus would choose him, but they would definitely be a minority.

He must have his own scientific research institution and a complete scientific research system to digest all kinds of knowledge in the database.

To do all this, we need the help of these planetary governors.

Souls born under the red light should not allow the existence of these families that are superior to ordinary people.

But the complexity of this world far exceeds my original world.

Even if he is a time traveler, he is also a Primarch, and with the help of the ruling template, he can gain unimaginable abilities.

But there is no way to fully control every world.

The empire was too large, and its means of communication and navigation were too inefficient.

There is also no powerful enough artificial intelligence to use.

The Chaos Evil God can not only contaminate flesh and blood creatures, but can also invade the Internet.

This world cannot use the kind of intelligent system like the super god world to manage the world.

Nor should one intelligent system be allowed to take charge of too many combat units.

If we blindly pursue the path of intelligence, once invaded by demons, the intelligently controlled units will be corroded by flesh and blood and will shoot at humans.

Under the command of the Chaos God, there are many viruses and demons that can be used for intelligence and the Internet.

To develop large-scale intelligence in this universe and entrust the entire world to one intelligence is to seek death.

The restrictions of various conditions mean that every planet colonized by humans has certain rights of autonomy, and the position of planetary governor is unavoidable.

In addition, another important role is the Rogue Trader.

The history of Rogue Traders is also very ancient, starting from the Great Crusade ten thousand years ago. After the Emperor issued the first Rogue Trader document, this role came onto the stage of the Empire and played an extremely important role.

Responsible for trade between various galaxies, and even has the right to trade with aliens, possessing unimaginable wealth.

The family power of some wandering merchants can spread to dozens or even hundreds of star systems. You can imagine how terrifying it is.

Where the Imperial Navy goes, Rogue Traders will go.

Where the Imperial Navy won't go, Rogue Merchants will go.

Salvage war shipwrecks, explore places where the light of the Astronomican cannot reach, and search for the lost relics and civilizations of mankind's golden age.

Stay away from the glory of the Emperor and trade with the aliens.

This group played a role in activating the imperial economy, providing the empire with massive taxes and supporting a large army and bureaucracy.

Without the help of this group, Guilliman would probably have to raise funds on his own.

After all, the Extreme Warriors under his command have no time to make money.

Just dealing with aliens and chaos has consumed all their efforts.

... ... ... ... ... .

Inside the magnificent hall, Ziller, dressed in gorgeous clothes, and many planetary governors and Rogue Traders expressed their loyalty to Guilliman.

Guilliman, who was sitting at the head of the round table, was not at all excited by their words.

He tapped the table in front of him before speaking slowly.

"I need a parliament that will help me implement my policies and carry out my will. I wonder who among you is willing to serve me."

Guilliman looked at the people before him, as he said.

He needs a parliament to help him formulate policies and promote his will and beliefs.

This time when he sets out to conquer every world, all worlds must be transformed according to his wishes.

Rather than just letting it go.

Such an action would earn him the hatred of a large number of opposing forces in the empire.

The Terra Senate, the Mechanicus, the nobles of various star regions, merchants, etc. will all hate him because he touches their interests.

But Guilliman had no choice, in this era when the Four Gods had resurrected but the Emperor still slept.

It is absolutely impossible to leave each planet alone as we did before.

The public security in many worlds is very chaotic, gangs are everywhere, a large number of the lower classes are used as consumables, the powerful are domineering, and they even run away at critical moments.

The average life expectancy in some worlds is as low as thirty years!!

Think about it, what a fucked up situation this is.

There are too many such situations. Living in such a world, so unfair and cruel, why don't people accept the power of chaos?

We have already reached the bottom of the abyss. Even if the chaos is bad, how bad can it get?

We must control and transform every world, establish a system of relative equality in which everyone has the opportunity to be promoted, so that we can have no worries.

Only those worlds that are rescued can continue to provide talents and soldiers for themselves, thus saving the human empire.

Ziller and others could not help but look at each other, as such words had already crossed the line.

Is this Primarch going to follow his brother's example and rebel against the Emperor's rule

They don't know whether the other party is telling the truth or just trying to fish for them.

Guilliman saw their hesitation. "This is not an act of betrayal. Although I have just awakened, I have already seen the entire empire. Ignorance and stupidity have filled the empire. The former glory and rationality are gone, just like zombies. If we make some repairs, it can certainly prolong the life of the empire, but it is further away from my father's dream. The necessary reforms can enhance our strength. Only in this way can we fight against Chaos and the rampant aliens."

After saying this, Guilliman looked at the planetary governors and Rogue Traders and asked in a deep voice, "Are you willing to serve me? You can make a decision according to your heart. I will never hurt you because of this, but I still have to tell you one thing.

The power of Chaos is already extremely strong, and here, the Empire is torn apart by the Great Rift. Nearly half of the human territory has lost the protection and guidance of the Imperial Astronomican and suffered from the ravages of aliens and demons. You have all seen with your own eyes how bloated and corrupt the Terran Senate is, and how closed and old-fashioned the Mechanicus is. If no changes are made, the Emperor's dream will be shattered in our hands, and even humanity will perish because of us. As the Regent of the Empire, the Lord of Ultramar, and the Primarch of the Ultramarines, I sincerely hope that you can become my helpers. "

As soon as Guilliman said this, many planetary governors and rogue traders looked at each other in surprise.