Warhammer: The Worst Start There Is (40k)

Chapter 19: Generous and loving father


The Plague Fleet's fearless behavior and its determination to fight the Empire to the end cannot change their impending fate of failure.

The Imperial fleet was commanded by a Primarch, and morale was greatly boosted. The Imperial commanders tried their best not to make any mistakes so as not to lose the opportunity to attract the Primarch's attention.

Morale was boosted, and the number of warships in the Imperial Fleet exceeded that of the Plague Fleet. As the saying goes, it was difficult to lose when a dragon was riding on your face.

The Chaos fleet showed no intention of cooperating at all, and not long after the battle began, they were cut off by the Empire and were forced to fight each other.

"Keep on course, destroy their flagship, and win." Guilliman stared at the image of the Plague Fleet in the tactical projection. In the Plague Fleet there was a huge battleship, covered with filth, growing disgusting flesh and blood, and eyes full of malice staring at the battlefield.

The ship had been thoroughly corrupted by the Warp, and the blood and filth were proof of that.

"Concentrate all energy on the void shield in the front. The first and second battle groups stop chasing forward, outflank the Plague Fleet from the flank, lock on and attack the opponent's flagship, and attack first. All macro cannons are reloaded, the light spear power is turned to maximum, and the bow guns are fired forward."

Following Guilliman's words, the bridge of Macragge's Glory became extremely busy. Technicians, supervisors, and Mechanic Priests were all running around, carrying out the Primarch's orders to the letter.

The lower deck of the Macragge's Glory was even busier.

The junior officers yelled at the crew members, and occasionally whipped them or kicked those whose speed did not satisfy him.

A giant rumbling crane would load the macro guns with shells lifted to the gun deck by an elevator.

The Mechanical Priest maintains the complex energy pipelines and secondary meditator systems, chanting prayer poems to the God of All Machines in binary, praying to the Holy Machine Soul to keep the battleship running normally.

Following Guilliman's orders, the entire Imperial fleet accelerated to launch a final attack on the Plague Fleet.

Guilliman ignored everything else and focused his attention on the enemy's flagship, looking for the weak points of the enemy's void shield.

A battleship is about ten to twenty kilometers long and can easily burn an unprotected world to ashes.

In addition to being able to carry more cargo, the huge hull can also use thicker and more stable void shields.

The core of the battleship is hidden inside, with multiple layers of void shields protecting the hull which is several meters thick.

Normally, a battleship could withstand a bombardment for several hours.

Guilliman didn't want to wait that long. If a group of weak enemies could stop him for so long, how could he punch Chaos and kick the Greenskins

The information collected by the auspicious instrument and data radar flowed rapidly through Guilliman's child's eye.

He read a page of information faster than an average human could blink.

The Prototype can read a vast amount of information in a few seconds and make the best judgment.

Soon, the weakness of the Chaos flagship emerged in Guilliman's mind.

There, there was an area where the void shield was flickering. It was unstable, which meant that the pulse regulation device of the void shield generator was out of adjustment.

"That flagship, aim for these positions," Guilliman said confidently, his hands dancing rapidly across the datapad, pressing various buttons and activating holographic markers from the model lake.

The flagship's information was converted by the Thinker's computer into a projection. Several light spots appeared on the holographic projection. Those were the weaknesses of the Chaos ship's flagship.

The relevant instructions were quickly transmitted to the entire fleet via data link, and a series of confirmations were returned through the communications director.

"The entire fleet has locked onto the target."

"Then let's attack and put an end to this space battle once and for all."

Guilliman said.

After completing the maneuver, the Imperial fleet slowly tightened like a fishing net, and the overwhelming artillery fire submerged the Chaos ships.

Even the enemy's flagship was hit by multiple bombardments in succession, and its shield generator was flashing frequently.

Countless lances and torpedoes instantly covered the unprotected hull.

Under the combined attack of countless nuclear bombs, macro shells, torpedoes and light spears, the huge flagship only lasted less than thirty seconds.

A huge column of fire burst out from the center of the hull. Its crest broke during the bombardment, and a second later, the reactor exploded. A miniature sun enveloped the Chaos flagship in a perfectly shaped yellow sphere.

Guilliman, standing on the bridge, felt a burst of strong light, and then it dimmed.

The command deck's observation port's light-controlled color-changing filter automatically changes gear to pure black to protect the crew on the command deck.

With the flagship destroyed, the remaining Chaos ships posed no threat.

Guilliman asked Breh to deal with the rest of the matter. At this time, footsteps were heard.

Donas, the Chief Librarian of the Aurora Chapter, wearing power armor, walked in front of Guilliman.

"My Lord, we have detected abnormal fluctuations on the planet Sara II. The veil between reality and the warp is being weakened, and those Plague Warriors are trying to summon their allies."

"Then we need to speed up." Guilliman's mind flashed with what those traitors might do. That was definitely not something a normal person could endure. Just seeing those evil rituals could lead to contamination.

In order to summon the demons from the Warp, a bloody and cruel sacrifice must be performed.

After sacrificing their blood, pain and souls, those lifeless beings will gain bodies that walk in the real universe, causing huge casualties to mankind.

"Be prepared for battle. We need to descend to the surface to cleanse the filth." Guilliman said, "I will make the demons of the Warp regret and despair for coming to this world."

... ... ... ... ... ..

Sarah Star.

The outskirts of the Glix Hive.

Staring at the flickering light of the void shield of humanity's last fortress, Gurlo showed an expression of disgust.

These humans are so stubborn and have been completely brainwashed by the Corpse King that they foolishly refuse the gift from their loving father.

Gurlo walked towards the outer ruins of the Griks Hive. His swollen body supported a Terminator armor that was oozing with foul-smelling liquid, and it made a harsh sound as he walked.

If others saw this scene, they would probably be afraid that the power armor would be torn apart by the bloated body.

Gurlo's power armor is a very old model, belonging to the period of Horus's Heresy. At that time, the Dark Mechanicus who followed Horus built a new batch of Terminator power armor, whose power and performance far exceeded other power armors.

After thousands of years of corrosion, its power armor is no longer what it once was. It is rusty and flowing with foul-smelling liquid.

But because of the blessing of Nurgle, its power armor has become even better.

"They don't understand the love of a kind father. Human beings are always like this, narrow-minded and selfish." Gullo looked at the other plague warriors. They were also very large in size, but Gullo was always the biggest one.

"Kangai is the motto of the benevolent father Nurgle. He is so loving that anyone can get his kind love no matter they are rich or poor, old or young, healthy or disabled, as long as they pray to him. But these humans do not know how to be grateful. They worship the corrupt corpse king and refuse to accept the true power of the dark gods."

"We brought them gifts, but they didn't give us anything in return and even regarded us as enemies. I pity them. The Corpse King's biological son has arrived. In order to prevent these poor people from being controlled by the selfish, cruel, and greedy Corpse King again, we need to launch the final attack as soon as possible, completely defeat the fortress, complete the sacrificial ceremony, and turn this world into the garden of the loving father."