Warhammer: The Worst Start There Is (40k)

Chapter 29: The Last Wish 4/5


Guilliman's rage seemed tangible, scorching the air in the hall.

The delegates trembled in fear, not knowing why the Primarch was so angry.

"My Lord, my family, the Kalima family, has served the Empire for three thousand years. We have never betrayed the Empire. You cannot deprive us of our rights like this. Is such a cruel decision a reward from the Empire to its loyalists?"

The planetary governor of Planet Sara said tremblingly.

"Loyalty?" Guilliman raised his voice, examining the fellow in front of him. "Billions of people died on this planet, hundreds of millions defected and became cultists. I didn't kill you, and this is my reward for not defecting.

"We were appointed by your father, who gave us hereditary rights. You can't depose us because of something like this." Another woman stepped forward and tried her best to explain the legitimacy of their rule.

"Your titles were granted by the Terran Senate, and you only speak on behalf of the Emperor. The first generation of the Terran Senate was formed by me, and I have absolute authority to make decisions."

(The Council created by the Emperor was dissolved during the Horus Heresy, and after the war ended, Guilliman arrived and was appointed Regent, rebuilding the Council of Terra.)

"Sir, we are..."

“… … ..”

... ... ..

Other representatives also stood up, and their questions flew towards the Primarch like snowflakes.

As their own rights were threatened, they seemed to have lost some of their respect and fear for Guilliman.

Power is corrosive, Sicarius thought. It erodes respect, it erodes common sense, it makes people greedy and selfish.

The Primarch was saving the world, but these people were showing resentment because their rights were being violated.

The rights of a planet can make people lose their minds.

How terrifying it would be if it were the power of a star zone, a star field, or even an empire.

Perhaps, they would kill the Primarch directly to safeguard their own ruling interests.

Sicarius felt a little horrified at his own outrageous thought.

Perhaps one day, he will need to make a choice, to choose the empire defined by Guilliman, or the empire defined by the Terran Council.

Guilliman will not compromise with those conservative forces. From the time he awakened until now, he has made no secret of his disappointment with the current state of the Empire.

He desperately wants to change the current empire and pull humanity back from the abyss of ignorance and depravity.

And those who have ruled the empire for thousands of years will never willingly give up the power in their hands.

They will do all kinds of terrible things to pursue their own luxurious life and family interests.

... ... .

All the delegates were driven out in a rage from Guilliman.

After a moment, Sicarius returned, saluted respectfully to his Primarch, asked for forgiveness, and then spoke.

"Sir, there is a man who may meet your requirements, but he has been infected with the disease and will die soon. He cannot come to see you in person. If you wish, can you move to the hospital?"

After thinking for a moment, Guilliman stood up and said, "Let's go and take a look."

... ... ... ... ...

The emergence of a Primarch excited the people of Sara.

They came from all directions, outside the iron defense line established by the Honor Guard, shouting the names of Guilliman and the Emperor.

Many people had tears in their eyes and were so excited that they could hardly control themselves.

Some devout believers ran to kiss the ground where the Primarch walked and cried loudly, thanking the Primarch for saving them from the nightmare.

"All crazy." Guilliman looked at those people and whispered.

"They are very excited, my lord," said Sicarius.

"If my father saw this, I wonder how disappointed he would be. He doesn't like such fanatical beliefs. To be more precise, he doesn't like any belief at all." Guilliman said.

Sicarius said nothing, he had not experienced the time with the Emperor.

I don't know what she really is like.

Guilliman entered a makeshift hospital, where the injured soldiers and civilians were encouraged by his presence.

"You are outstanding." Guilliman did not hesitate to praise, "You defended this planet and dealt a heavy blow to the arrogance of Chaos. Without you, we would not have won so easily."

His words made the people in the hospital extremely happy.

There was pride on everyone's face. They had been recognized by a Primarch, which was an extremely honorable thing.

Many soldiers were so excited that they secretly clenched their fists. They would continue to serve the empire until the end of their lives and the empire was finally redeemed.

In order to further encourage the people, Guilliman even allowed a soldier with a broken leg to hold one of his armor-covered fingers as a reward.

He was too big for ordinary people to shake hands with him.

The cheers shook the hospital, and the soldier who received special treatment burst into tears. At this moment, he was willing to give everything for the Primarch.

Amid people's respectful and admiring gazes, Guilliman walked into the deepest ward.

A dying Imperial loyalist lies on his deathbed.

The sound of beeping medical equipment filled the space around him.

His body was covered with pus, but there were no wounds. All this was the result of the disease.

"His name is Jie An, with the rank of colonel. He is the commander of the Third Defense Regiment and the defender of Sara. When his immediate superior ran away, he took the initiative to assume the responsibility of defending Sara. Otherwise, Sara would not have been able to hold out for so long. Unfortunately, his internal organs have been corroded during the battle, and we are powerless to do anything."

A doctor next to Guilliman introduced the patient's condition.

Guilliman opened the door to the ward and stepped inside, bending low.

The ward was filled with a disgusting smell, like the smell of rotten watermelon mixed with rotten fish.

Guilliman adjusted his breathing, trying to adjust to the sickening smell.

As for whether there are germs in the air, he is not worried.

The Primarchs possess the most powerful immune system in the real universe, and ordinary germs cannot cause any harm to them.

"Colonel Jian" Guilliman lowered his voice and called out to the poor Imperial hero with pity.

He gave everything for Sara Star, but now, he can only wait to die here.

How unfair fate is! The loyal ones gave everything for the empire, while the despicable ones enjoyed a life of glory and luxury on their corpses.

The patient tried his best to open his eyes, turned his head at a very small angle to look at the original body, and a smile appeared on his pus-covered face.

"Is it you, my Lord Primarch? The Holy Emperor has not abandoned me. You are so kind that you are willing to come and see a dying man."

"No, you are a hero of the Empire, Jian. This world will have your sculptures and stories, and you will be sung forever." Guilliman said.

"No, I didn't fulfill my duty. I let so many people die. I should have protected them and the world, but I didn't. If you hadn't come, everything I did would have been in vain."

There was a hint of crying in Jie'an's voice. He cried for his own incompetence and for the arrival of Guilliman. It was the Primarch who saved Sara and those innocent civilians.

"If it weren't for you, Sara would have been turned into a plague death star before we arrived. You delayed the enemy's steps and gave us the opportunity to annihilate them. I will award you the Imperial Medal of Honor in the name of the Imperial Regent to commemorate your contribution to the Empire."

"Thank you, Primarch, this is my honor." Jiean said crying, happy for the recognition.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Guilliman asked.

"Will you grant me the Emperor's mercy? I can feel the organs within me rotting away, torturing me, forcing me to succumb to pain, trying to make me sell my soul."

Jiean's eyes looked at Guilliman's flawless face, full of begging, and every second of life was painful.

Being recognized by Guilliman, his life is complete.

It's time to leave.

He would never give in to pain and sell his soul to those twisted beings.

He was always loyal to Mankind, to the Imperium, and to the Emperor.

Guilliman was silent for a moment before speaking, "If this is your last wish, I can grant it to you."