Warhammer: The Worst Start There Is (40k)

Chapter 47: Reality 1/5


Hawke listened to those people's complaints and sighed slightly.

"Holy Emperor, we are born sinful and should be tempered by suffering."

The missionary's voice echoed on the horns of public vehicles.

They are always so noisy, as if as long as the noise is loud enough, people will believe them.

The emperor doesn't have that much time to deal with these lunatics.

A slightly unorthodox idea came to Hawke's mind.

He knew that such thoughts were somewhat disrespectful, but he couldn't help himself.

Those priests say the Emperor loves everyone, but why is there such a big difference?

Some people have everything, while others have nothing.

Obviously, the emperor couldn't handle it at all.

Those guys are just using the Emperor's name to cheat and deceive.

Hawke turned his head and looked out the window, looking at the chaotic and multi-layered hive city with flashing neon lights, his eyes became more and more confused.

He doesn't know what the meaning of his life is

Never-ending work, closed living quarters, and twelve-hour workdays.

Apart from these, he seemed to have nothing.

And those pastors are still saying they are happy.

Where is happiness

As Hawke was daydreaming, the public vehicle stopped at a slightly shabby metal platform.

The No. 2 station of District 36 has been arrived. Passengers heading to Residential District No. 2 will get off at this station.

A mechanical announcement sounded, interrupting Hawke's deep thought.

He stood up hurriedly and walked towards the car door.

The moment he stepped out of the vehicle, he heard a beep.

Credit points for public transportation are deducted directly into the Public Transport Board's account.

Citizens living in Hawke's Hive will receive a data chip when they reach adulthood, which records their various information and financial account numbers.

This chip is not the private property of citizens, but belongs to the Mechanical Association.

The Mechanical Association is responsible for maintaining the various machines in the hive city, and they are responsible for all mechanical products.

The data chips are just something they rent out to citizens.

When a citizen dies, the Mechanical Association will remove the chip from the corpse, format it, and then rent it to another person.

Hawke suspected that his data chip was at least two hundred years old, perhaps longer, at least three or four generations old.

A lot of things about Empire are like this.

The service life is much longer than that of ordinary people.

Coupled with the maintenance of the Mechanical Association, these things can often be used for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Hawke, who had just got off the bus, was pushed by the passengers who got on.

The other party did not apologize, but walked straight into the carriage, found a seat and sat down.

Hawke was used to this.

In this cold, cruel and oppressive world, everyone is so numb.

Walking in the metal corridor that exuded the unique stench of metal, Hawke heard a buzzing sound and looked up above him.

A luxurious private hovercraft, engraved with the Imperial double-headed eagle emblem and the family crest, flew overhead, shuttling between the high-rise buildings of the hive city.

Hawke's eyes were filled with envy as he stared at the car as it went away until it was out of sight.

These private hovercrafts were luxuries that he could not afford even if he worked hard all his life.

They belong only to nobles with strong family heritage.

Walk through the corridor connecting the metal platforms and go a few hundred meters forward to reach the crowded residential area.

There are people coming and going here, and the place is bustling with noise.

Some small vendors were loudly selling things, medicines, meat, wine, etc., as well as contraband obtained through special channels.

In some places, there are floating projections, playing advertisements of various chaebols or chambers of commerce.

In some dark places, there stood gang members with various patterns painted on their faces.

They often have good stuff in their hands. As long as you have enough credit points, they can get you powerful plasma guns, well-maintained prosthetic limbs, and even various contraband drugs.

As law enforcement officers moved through the crowd, they would stop in front of a stall owner from time to time to ask for their share of the kickbacks.

If you do business in a residential area, you have to pay taxes to the Hive City, give a portion to the gangs, and a portion to law enforcement officers. The rest is your own profit.

Each settlement is large enough to accommodate millions of people.

When people are able to work formally and have income, they will be forced to be allocated a house and pay rent.

Don't think about living with friends, save more money.

The Glause family does not like people who do not support their real estate, and law enforcement agencies will come to investigate and sentence anyone caught.

Once you get married and have children, you must improve your living environment, otherwise you will be charged with child abuse.

Not having children will also result in a sentence.

What to do if you have no job and no income

It was just like the guy in front of Hawke at this moment, lying in a slightly dark place, with all his belongings on him, sleeping wrapped in a tattered blanket, becoming a wanderer who was hated by the top leaders and was wanted to be humanely destroyed.

"Hey, Hawke." The Ranger saw Hawke and smiled.

"Hey, Madara."

Hawke greeted, groping through his own body and throwing an energy bar to the other party.

"Thank you, may the Holy Emperor bless you." The wanderer Ban took apart the energy bar, bit off half of it, and thanked in an unclear voice.

"How's your leg?" Hawke walked up to the wanderer and asked.

"It's not flexible anymore and it's hard to use. The Mechanical Association said it would cost 20,000 to repair it. If I'm willing to sell it, they can also recycle it at a very good price. I've made a plan. When the time comes, I'll sell this mechanical leg and get a crutch. Then, I can treat you to a good meal, Hawke."

Madara showed off his mechanical legs and clapped them, making a crisp sound.

Madara is not from this planet. He was originally a soldier stationed in other star regions. He was transferred here because of the war. After the war ended, he stayed here.

Originally he could still live on his soldier's pension.

Later, the Graus family took over the position of Governor of the Natal System, saying that the system government was in financial difficulties and could not continue. In order to allow the retired veterans to continue to demonstrate their loyalty to the Emperor, they cancelled their pensions.

Having lost his source of income, Ban had no choice but to live on the streets.

"You're already in a difficult situation. Wouldn't it be even more difficult if you need a crutch?" Hawke asked. "Perhaps you can ask the black market merchants. Their prices are much cheaper, but the goods may not be of the best quality."

"Don't try to persuade me, Hawke. I have lived for forty years and participated in more than twenty wars. I have seen green orcs and Zerg. I have seen enough. I don't want to live without dignity like this anymore. I used to be a warrior, but now I am begging for food like a wandering beggar."

Madara's words made Hawke stunned for a moment, and he thought of some bad things.

"Are you going to commit suicide, Madara?"

"Yes, I have had enough. I joined the army when I was seventeen, I have fought for the Emperor all my life, I have medals enough to cover my body. But now I am a wandering beggar, my honor can't even buy me a bite to eat."

"After I sell this mechanical leg, we'll go get something nice to eat, and then you can help me collect my body. Put my medal with my body. It's the only thing I have. When the time comes, the remaining money will be given to you, if there is any left after spending it all."

Hawke listened to what Madara said and opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

Suicide is nothing new, people commit suicide every day.

Desperate, incurring the wrath of the gangs, offending the nobility.

There are various reasons.

Living in such a depressing world, suicide is a relief.

"Let's go back." Hawke left as if escaping. He didn't want to discuss such a heavy topic with Madara anymore.

... ... ... ..

Dragging his tired body, Hawke returned to his cramped residence of only thirty square meters.

The room was shabby and cold. The wooden floor was badly worn and there were no traces of its past left on the walls, only shiny white spots.

The creaking ventilator shook its greasy blades, expelling the stuffy air and drawing in the equally bad air from outside.

Hawke turned on his battered holoprojector.

Before the program was officially broadcast, a commercial was played first.

Brave citizens of the Empire, be passionate again, and believe in the happy life that the Graus family brings you. The Holy and Great Emperor once said that a worker should die at his post, not on his sickbed. The Graus family has recently launched a new potion, Vitality No. 1, which can stimulate human nerves and make people full of vitality again.

What to do if you have no energy to work late at night? Drink Vitality No. 1. What to do if your wife is dissatisfied? Drink Vitality No. 1. What to do if you are sick and weak? Drink Vitality No. 1.

Look for Graus Vitality Potion No. 1, which guarantees full vitality.