Warhammer: The Worst Start There Is (40k)

Chapter 56: Confluence of the Connor System


Sicarius walked into his lord's reception room with the unique steps of a sword master.

He is Captain of the Second Company of the Ultramarines Chapter, the Lord of the Watch, Champion of Macragge, High Lord of Ultramar, and one of the most skilled swordsmen in the Imperium of Man.

Sicarius's hand always subconsciously rested on the hilt of the sword.

This is his subtle combat awareness. He is always ready to fight. Even in the safest place, he always keeps himself tense.

“My lord,” Sicarius said.

"Any latest news?" Guilliman sat back in his chair.

"Saint Celestine was the first to arrive at the Konor system and clashed with the enemies there."

"How is the battle going? And what about the situation in the Konor system?" asked Guilliman.

"The situation on the battlefield is stalemate. The enemy there is very complex. There are Word Bearers, Iron Warriors, some traitors of the Black Legion, and those traitor forces driven away by the major expeditionary fleets. They have merged in the Konor system, among which the Black Legion is the most powerful force. The main star of the Konor system has not fallen yet. The Emperor's Scythes and some of the Azure Knights are still working hard to fight against Chaos."

The Black Legion was founded by Abaddon, the Warmaster chosen by the four gods.

After the death of Horus, the Sons of Horus broke apart into numerous smaller chapters.

They were unable to protect even Horus' body and his flagship, which were taken away by other chapters.

It was not until later, with the appearance of Abaddon, that things turned around.

He gathered the former Sons of Horus and some traitors who were eager to take revenge on the Empire, established the infamous Black Legion, and launched continuous expeditions against the Empire.

With the help of the Eye of Terror, the Black Legion is invincible. They always attack the Empire, and the Empire can only passively defend.

"It seems that they are still unwilling to give up and want to leave a nail in Ultramar to make us continue to bleed." Guilliman said in a serious tone, "But they underestimated my determination. Order the fleet to advance at full speed. We will support the Saints and the Konor system. After clearing out these traitors, the expedition can enter a new stage."

"As you wish, my lord, the fleet will proceed at full speed."

... ... ... ... ...

As time went on, the loyalists continued to drive out the traitors and the forces of Chaos.

The boiling Warp storm gradually showed signs of abating, allowing the loyalists to sail faster.

After three weeks of sailing, Guilliman's fleet jumped out of the warp outside the Konor system, at a safe point far enough away from the star's gravitational field.

As space twisted, rays of light burst out from nothingness.

A large number of warships appeared accompanied by etheric light.

Those distorted lights were like tentacles, clinging to the reinforced hull until the warship was far enough away, then they disappeared.

A robed servant hurried along the lumen-lit corridor.

His legs had been transformed into machines, allowing him to cling tightly to the steel corridor, ignoring the fluctuating gravity and the vibrations of Macragge's Glory.

A servo skull was floating behind him, and its red electronic eyes were buzzing. Red rays of light were scanning everywhere, alerting against some subspace demons that might sneak in when the guardian was not paying attention.

One of the servant's hands was as thin as an eagle's claw, tightly grasping the parchment with the latest data recorded, intending to deliver it to the most important person on the ship.

He walked past the other crew members and servants, no one paid any attention to him, everyone had their own tasks.

Some were loading artillery, some were sorting equipment for the Space Marines, and some were carrying down those injured by the shock and treating them collectively.

The instability of the subspace will cause some damage to navigation.

The servant arrived at the bridge control room of the Macragge's Glory.

Members of the Honor Guard in Terminator armor stood outside, scrutinizing everyone who attempted to enter.

Heavy-caliber bolters were fixed to their armored chests.

These huge warriors are like demigods in the eyes of the slaves.

Whether it was the fully enclosed blue power armor suit, the noble helmet that emitted a faint light and integrated a variety of Mechanicus technologies, or the buzzing power pack installed on the back, all of them filled the slave's eyes with an almost religious piety.

"This is the latest subspace observation data, presented to the Primarch." The servant respectfully presented the parchment in his hand to state his purpose.

"Go in." A low voice came from the communication loudspeaker on the helmet of a member of the Honor Guard.

With the sound of mechanical turning, the heavy door slid open and the servant walked in.

The bridge has a high ceiling and is decorated with marble sculptures on all sides.

Sitting around the huge control console were the power director, intelligence director, and energy director. They connected to the control console with neural cables and shared the data of the bridge. Behind each of them was a Thinker machine to assist them in completing their work.

Strategic divination shrines are lined up along the walls, waiting to be activated by battlefield analysts.

Captain Brech sat in his seat, surrounded by several holographic projections.

Each holographic projection displays a large amount of battlefield data.

The battle in the Konor system continues.

The fight between the two sides became increasingly intense.

Guilliman's fleet is approaching the battlefield, and Breh must find the best strategic entry point.

The servant ignored them and walked straight towards the Primarch, who sat on a huge chair covered with inscriptions.

"Sir." The servant said respectfully.

Guilliman took the data record from the servant. It was very thick, about three centimeters thick.

But the Primarch was very fast. After a dozen seconds, Guilliman finished reading it and handed it back to the servant, signaling him to seal it up.

After reading the data, Guilliman looked towards Breh's position.

"How's it going, Captain?"

"The enemy still has sixteen battleships and a considerable number of cruisers. Lady Celestine is gaining the upper hand, and her victory is a foregone conclusion. Our fleet will be responsible for intercepting them and try to keep all enemy ships in this starry sky, sir."

Guilliman did not say anything, which was considered as his tacit approval of Breh's action plan.

Victory in space combat is inevitable.

The traitor fleet, which was already on the brink of struggle, suffered a direct defeat after Guilliman's fleet entered the battlefield.

Groups of strategic ships joined the space battle along with the Macragge's Glory.

Rays of blazing light struck the traitor fleet’s tail and flanks.

Countless torpedoes traced deadly trajectories through space.

Dense fires lit up the rebel fleet.

Delayed nuclear bombs burned the traitor ships one by one to ashes.

The dazzling beams tore through the traitor's warships like butter,

The traitor fleets, fighting each other, were simply unable to resist the massive and coordinated attack of the loyalists, and one after another they were destroyed in the explosion.

The remaining traitor ships tried to flee, but the loyalist ships, which had already surrounded them, rushed forward like a pack of wolves and tore them to pieces.

Less than an hour after Guilliman arrived at the battlefield, the traitor fleet turned into huge fragments floating in the cold universe, gradually cooling down in the vacuum, and their bodies were quickly frozen into ice in space.

The war was over, and a voice transmission echoed through the bridge control room of the Macragge's Glory.

"My Lord, Celestine requests to board the ship."