Warhammer: The Worst Start There Is (40k)

Chapter 6: victory


The burning Emperor's sword came down on his head, and the demon subconsciously raised the weapon in his hand to try to block it. The weapon was broken on the spot, and an arm burning with bloody flames was chopped off.

Even if they were human before, after being favored by the evil god and ascending to demon, they will gain unimaginable blessings and possess terrifying strength and body that ordinary people cannot reach.

Guilliman didn't know how many human planets this guy had slaughtered in the past ten thousand years, and how many skulls he had contributed to the Blood God Khorne, which made Khorne favor him and promote him from a human to a great demon of the Warp.

No matter how many ordinary people form the Astra Militarum, it is difficult to defeat a traitor who has ascended to demon status.

The Space Marines, known as the Emperor's Angels, also need the help of the Librarians with psychic powers to kill a demon.

Among the many troops of the Empire, only the Grey Knights, who are specially designed to deal with demons, would not have such a terrible casualty ratio.

The terror of the Great Demon is unimaginable. The powerful Tzeentch demon can even affect the entire galaxy and extinguish stars.

If demons of this level appear on any planet, an extermination order can basically be approved.

The Extermination Order is the Imperial Navy's use of whirlwind torpedoes, light spears and other weapons to physically exterminate an irretrievable planet. The bombing will not stop until there is not even a blade of grass left on the surface of the planet.

One can imagine how powerful and terrifying the Warp Demon is.

Even saints with the power of the emperor must be on high alert, otherwise they are likely to capsize.

But in front of Guilliman, a Warp Daemon was so weak that it was not even worth mentioning.

With just one strike, he cut off the opponent's arm and used the holy power of the Emperor's Sword to severely injure the opponent.

No matter how the demon roared, it could not reverse the fact that his weapon and arm were cut off by a sword.

There was disbelief in the devil's tawny eyes. He was severely injured by the opponent in one blow, which made him doubt his life.

Did this guy in front of me really sleep for 10,000 years and just woke up?

Even if the Primarch is scary, he can't be this scary, right

He was an old antique who had experienced the Great Crusade ten thousand years ago. Later, he followed his genetic father, Angron, in rebelling against the Imperium and defecting to the Chaos Gods. After the failure of the Battle of Terra led by Horus, he fled to the Eye of Terror with other chapters.

Even in the past ten thousand years, he has never come into contact with a Primarch who has ascended to demons, nor has he fought with a Primarch who is loyal to the Empire.

But his memory can't be wrong.

The Primarchs of ten thousand years ago did not have the power to severely damage the Warp Daemons with a single blow.

Celestine, Amarich and others were also shocked by Guilliman's performance.

Even though they were mentally prepared, after all, he was the emperor's own son, so it was normal for him to have great power, but this scene was too terrifying! !

One strike severely damaged the Warp Demon.

Guilliman actually possesses not only the power of the Primarch himself, but also the power of human faith collected for him by the Ruling Template.

As long as they trust and worship him, the more creatures there are, the stronger the power he can mobilize.

It is equivalent to a legendary god. The more faith there is, the greater the combat power.

When Guilliman stepped onto the battlefield, the Imperial soldiers who learned that he had resurrected screamed with excitement.

His name spread among the terrified civilians, and everyone regarded him as salvation sent by the Emperor.

Even though most of the planet Macragge has fallen into the hands of Chaos forces, there are still millions of soldiers and billions of Imperial civilians.

The blessings these people gave him were extremely terrifying, and it was extremely easy for him to fight against a big demon.

"I didn't expect that the so-called bloodthirsty and violent Khorne Daemon is actually the weakest of the four gods. Zizi, I guess your master is not much better. I strongly suggest you ask those followers of Shalish for advice. Their sissy moves are much more lethal than yours."

Guilliman taunted the other party, causing the big demon whose arm he had cut off to roar continuously, reaching extreme anger.

Salih is Slaanesh among the Chaos Gods, and is also the most hated being among the Chaos Gods - Khorne.

Guilliman's words were equivalent to suggesting that a strong man give up exercise and wear a set of beautiful girl combat clothes, which would be more lethal.

It was really murderous and heartbreaking, and the demon was so angry that he wanted to eat him alive.

It was a pity that his weapon was broken. Even as a great Daemon of the Warp, he could not withstand the attack of a Primarch and was defeated twice by Guilliman.

Several Chaos Warriors tried to launch an attack to rescue the great demon, but were swept away by Guilliman. The Sword of the Emperor cut through their bodies, cutting in half their armor that had grown flesh and eyes after being soaked in the Eye of Terror for tens of thousands of years.

"Why aren't you talking? You guys who came out of the subspace are very talkative, aren't you? You weak ants."

Guilliman approached the great demon that he had severely injured step by step, with a teasing tone in his voice.

The golden flame of the Emperor's Holy Sword in his hand rose higher and higher, shining brightly and carrying a sacred aura.

Looking at the Primarch slowly approaching in front of him, the demon was filled with rage, but could only roar helplessly.

He was no match for Guilliman; the other party was only trying to humiliate him, which was why he didn't kill him with one blow.

Guilliman also referred to him as an ant, something he always said to humans, and every time he entered the real universe, he would say this contemptuously to the human warriors who tried to expel him.

Now, he was being told the same thing again. One can imagine how humiliating this was.

"You will pay the price. The gods will be watching you, Roboute Guilliman. What do you think you can do? Your return is just a game to excite the gods. You can't change anything..."

Before the Great Demon could finish his words, Guilliman swung the Emperor's Sword and chopped off the Great Demon's head.

The huge head rolled on the ground for several times and finally stopped next to a scrapped hoverbike.

The villain is always talkative. He is about to die, but he still keeps saying harsh words.

Guilliman bent down and picked up the demon head of Kabarda, holding it up.

Seeing the Warp Demon being slain, countless Astra Militarum, Macragge Guards, and Space Marines burst into cheers.

Even Celestine, Amaritch and others showed excitement.

The Warp Daemon is an enemy that they all find difficult to fight against.

However, the resurrected Primarch chopped off his head in just a few moves and took it as a trophy.

This invincible scene of slaying the Warp demon made all the warriors believe that Guilliman was the gift from the Emperor, returning to them to save the Empire and humanity who were about to slide into the abyss.

The Great Daemons were hacked to death by the resurrected Primarch. The morale of the Chaos army collapsed and there was no chance of any decent resistance.

The counterattacking human empire army was boosted by Guilliman's return. They shouted slogans and vows and launched a charge against the enemy.

No human traitor or Chaos Daemon can leave their homeland alive, and all invaders must pay the price.

The battle in Macragge's low-Earth orbit was also affected by the ground. The morale of the Imperial fleet was greatly boosted when it learned of the return of the Primarch and the losses suffered by the Chaos army on the surface. At the same time, support from other chapters also arrived at this moment.

Accompanied by intense flashes of light, one magnificent warship after another leaped out from the void of the subspace channel, entered the real universe, and launched an attack on the mixed fleet.

The Chaos fleet was defeated and realized that their mission had failed. They had no choice but to withdraw. However, the Imperial fleet refused to give in and vowed to destroy them all here.

In the end, only a few lucky Chaos ships were able to escape the gravitational influence of the star system, tear open the veil of reality, and escape into the warp.

The fighting subsided, and Macragge suffered unprecedented losses.

On the space battlefield, debris was burning everywhere and cold corpses were surrendering.

Rescue and cleanup operations quickly began.

The damage on the surface was equally severe. The city of Macragge was reduced to ruins, and countless people were killed and injured.

Compared with these heavy losses, people still feel that everything is worth it.

They welcomed back a son of the Emperor, and the dark universe was no longer hopeless.

Excited Space Marines, Astra Militarum, Planetary Defense Forces, and countless civilians came from all directions.

They expressed their excitement by shouting Guilliman's name and singing psalms of praise to the Emperor.

Originally, the war had entered an absolute disadvantage, but with the resurrection of Guilliman, they easily defeated the invading demons and traitors.

All cheered the name of Guilliman.

After ten thousand years of struggle in darkness, they finally received guidance from a great soul.

Guilliman is this great soul, whether he is a planetary noble in finery or a ragged civilian.

The survivors came from all over the planet and from other worlds in the Macragge Sector.

When Guilliman, wearing blue power armor, walked down from the battlefield, he was greeted with overwhelming cheers like a tsunami.

Everyone looked at Guilliman with excitement in their eyes. Some women holding children couldn't help crying and held their children high up, hoping that their children could see this mythical savior.

Calgar instructed the Extreme Warriors to use their bodies to build a quarantine line for the Gene-Father, otherwise he would be surrounded and overwhelmed by the fanatical people.

"Everyone is cheering. They hope that you, as the Emperor's own son, can save them from this eternal war."

Saint Celestine, standing next to Guilliman.

As a follower of the Emperor, she had the right to stand beside a Primarch.

"That is why I have awakened." Guilliman responded calmly.