Warhammer: The Worst Start There Is (40k)

Chapter 75: The unlucky demon prince


The life of the entire planet is decaying under the terrible power of the virus bomb.

Even microorganisms were completely eroded.

The huge amount of decaying matter produced a thick flammable gas that enveloped the entire planet's atmosphere.

Yin Se launched the second strike of the Extermination Order, the Fire Storm.

The warships that received the order simultaneously launched light spear attacks on the planet's atmosphere.

Accompanied by bright and burning beams of light, the atmosphere mixed with flammable gases was ignited like dried cotton.

Giant fire tornadoes formed by temperature differences appeared on the surface, connecting heaven and earth, as astonishing as pillars of fire supporting the sky.

The majesty of those fire tornadoes can be seen clearly even from the deck of a warship in low-Earth orbit.

The air mixed with flammable gases burned violently, forming a howling storm of flames that swept across everything in sight.

The plains and mountains were reduced to scorched earth, the remnants of life were burned up in the flames, leaving only barren rock formations.

The ocean was also burning violently. The huge marine organisms and microorganisms turned into bloody water, releasing large amounts of flammable gases.

The rotten orc corpse was reduced to ashes in the raging flames in a matter of seconds.

Scorching hot winds swept across the planet's surface, and deadly fire tornadoes reduced abandoned buildings to ashes.

Nothing can escape this disaster.

Whether it was flesh, blood, buildings, or metals, they all melted and flowed in this unimaginable high temperature.

The remaining debris of human buildings and the crude buildings of the orcs collapsed and overturned in the raging flames.

The fire burned for nearly forty minutes before it slowly died down.

The entire planet was red, and after a long time, the terrible temperature slowly dropped.

It was four hours later when Corvo and others came out from underground.

Looking around, the whole world was charred.

This is the power of the Extermination Order. All signs of life will be completely wiped out, thus achieving the effect of purification.

Trembling and with a head full of silver hair, Dan Luns returned to the surface after twenty years.

Looking up, the mountains and rivers that came into view were all charred black.

Seeing that everything was gone and only ashes were flying, his eyes were filled with confusion.

"Rebuild from the ruins, Denrens," said Corvus. "This world belongs to the Imperium again. The great Lord of Ultramar, the Thirteenth Son of the Emperor, Guilliman has returned. You no longer have to worry about the invasion of the Orks. The Imperium will be rebuilt, and your safety will be given priority consideration."

Corvu had no honorific title for Denluns.

It is somewhat inappropriate to call someone an old person simply because they look old.

In terms of age, Korvu is older than Denluns.

It's just that he underwent reconstructive surgery and doesn't look old.

"Lord Guilliman?" Denrens looked confused. He didn't know what this name meant.

The same is true for the other survivors.

They looked confused, completely unaware of the weight of this name.

Corvo didn't blame them.

They are just mortals, and most of them have never left their own planet or even the area where they live. Many things are just legends to them.

The Primarchs were active ten thousand years ago, and by now those heroes who once walked among the stars and helped the Emperor build his great empire have long since become myths and legends that cannot be traced back.

Even the war between the Empire and Chaos seemed absurd and like a fairy tale in many remote star regions of the Empire.

Distance erases many things and makes real things seem unreal.

Several gunships dropped from the sky, and after their hatches were opened, a group of mechanical priests, technical slaves, and political officials walked out.

These are the administrators and builders chosen by Guilliman for those worlds without order.

The Empire owns two-thirds of the galaxy and has enormous industrial and war potential.

Now, the most important thing is to release this potential.

Only in this way can we ensure that mankind can safely win the next war.

It is extremely necessary to carry out reforms in every imperial world.

Each expeditionary force recruited a large number of reform builders and political officials.

They traveled to various planets with the Primarch's orders and new technologies, helping the locals to transform and develop their potential to provide more assistance to the Empire.

Three weeks later, the Silver Skulls withdrew from the planet Yelia.

The Mechanicus, Tech-Servants and Political Officials remained, as well as members of the new Ecclesiarchy reformed by Guilliman.

Their mission was to rebuild the planet, making it habitable for humans and capable of providing high-quality resources to the Empire, as the Primarch had designed.

Resources are not limited to coal and iron, but also include a large number of talents, conscripted soldiers, etc.

Corvu and others have accomplished their mission. They are sharp swords and weapons in the hands of the empire.

The Yelia galaxy no longer needs weapons, what it needs is construction and development.

It is time to place this sword somewhere else and continue fighting for the Emperor and the Primarch.

As the Yelia star in his field of vision shrank to the size of a basketball, Korvo also focused his attention and prepared for the next battle.

"Never stop fighting until death." Corvo's heart was extremely firm, and he had no fear of the next war.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

Macragge's Glory.

In the deep prison.

“You can’t do this!!”

"No, no, please."

“Ah! Ah!”

Cherubel, the Demon Prince, screamed in despair.

Seeing the Primarch approaching step by step, he was so scared that he tried to shrink into the corner of the cell.

"I'm happy that you're willing to tell me about the subspace. But I don't like your tone."

Guilliman grabbed the Daemon Prince Cherubel, and the giant Primarch grabbed the other's neck with his palm, "You'd better be honest, demon. Other mortals fear you because they fear your power. But I can easily crush you to death, and completely shatter your essence, leaving you in nothingness forever."

"Don't make me angry, or I don't mind killing you."

With that, Guilliman threw Cherubel to the ground.

Vincent Horn stood at one end and saw this scene with awe in his eyes.

Cherubel and him had been entangled in grievances for many years.

This demon is always thinking about how to kill Vincent Horn.

And thus play with his soul.

Normally, when Vincent Horn faced this demon, the other party was extremely rampant, constantly trying to seduce Vincent Horn to succumb to his inner desires.

But in front of the Primarch, the Demon Prince was tortured terribly. Not to mention being seduced, he would be beaten even for saying a few more words.

Just now, Cherubel made two demon-like noises, and was then pinned down and beaten by Guilliman.

"Regent of the great human empire." Cherubel said respectfully, no longer daring to show the slightest bit of arrogance.

He didn't want to use himself to try to see if he could be resurrected after being killed by the cursed one.

Cherubel: ┭┮﹏┭┮, why is it so miserable for me, a demon prince

Not only was he sealed by Vincent Horn, but now he was also beaten and humiliated by the cursed people and their own children.

He was also forced to become a demon traitor, performing various deception rituals and detaining those subspace demons.

Those summoned Warp demons thought they could have a feast in the real universe and harvest a large amount of flesh, blood and souls.

As a result, he was beaten as soon as he arrived.

Not only were they forced to provide information to Guilliman, but they were also enslaved by his engravings and forced to sign extremely unequal contracts.

So far, twenty Warp Daemons have been killed by the damned and their children.

Those demons crawled out of the subspace happily, and then ran back with ugly faces.

Those Warp demons were not under the command of the Four Gods, and after being beaten and enslaved by Guilliman, no one would stand up for them or seek revenge.

"This is a very good attitude." Guilliman looked at the demon host lying on the ground, which had transformed into demon horns and black flesh wings, and showed an elusive smile.

"Okay, I will remain the regent of the great human empire." Cherubel said humbly.

"How is Magnus doing?" Guilliman asked.