Warhammer: The Worst Start There Is (40k)

Chapter 77: The gift brought by Calgar


"It's a good thing that the situation has not worsened." Vincent Horn also smiled when he saw Guilliman's look.

The heavy task of guarding the demon took its toll on the elderly Inquisitor.

He is getting older.

When he walks, you can see that he is obviously old.

"You are not in good condition," Guilliman said, looking at Vincenthorn. "The demon has taken a heavy toll on you, quickly robbing you of your vitality and energy."

"Not everyone is as strong as you, sir. But I can still resist some of the pressure that Cherubel has put on me." Vincent Horn said, "I serve the Supreme Empire and persist for the survival of my people. My safety is not worth your excessive concern, sir. Death is not something difficult for me to accept."

Vincent Horn said sincerely.

When Cherubel faced Guilliman, he was as cowardly as a wimp.

But when facing ordinary people, he is still a twisted, evil, powerful and terrifying demon prince.

The energy required to resist the whispers of a demon prince is extremely terrifying.

It was a heavy burden for the aging Vincenhorn.

"If you wish to rest, I will allow you to do so," Guilliman said with a hint of pity.

Vincent Horn let out a hearty laugh.

"I would rather die on a battlefield than in a hospital bed, my lord."

Seeing Vincenthorn's firm attitude, Guilliman no longer insisted.

Everyone has their own choice.

Respecting others is the most important thing.

Guilliman walked towards the elevator and seven or eight minutes later, he entered the top floor of Macragge's Glory.

Walking out of the passage, the members of the Glory Guard still stood faithfully at their posts.

As always, they performed their duties silently.

Next to the Honor Guard, Sicarius was pacing back and forth.

He was not wearing a helmet.

This allowed Guilliman to see the expression on his face from a distance.

Some are happy, but also a little anxious.

It seems that he has a lot of information to make him look like this.

"What happened, Captain Sicarius?" Guilliman walked over to Sicarius' side.

Sicarius turned around and saluted, "My Lord."

"No need for such elaborate formalities. I told you to strive for efficiency, Sicarius." Guilliman said in a deep voice, "Tell me what happened or what is the latest intelligence?"

"Good news has come from many warbands including the Silver Skull, Fire Eagle, and Nova. They have completed the strategic tasks you assigned them, and the strength of the orcs is being rapidly weakened."

"This is indeed good news. We are constantly gaining advantages and victories. I believe we will be able to wipe out the orcs here soon."

"My lord, there is more bad news."

"Go ahead."

"We have discovered traces of the Tyranids. One of their tentacles is heading towards the Charadon sector and is expected to contact the outer galaxies of the Charadon sector in half a year."

"Tyranids?" Guilliman frowned.

"It's a tentacle fleet from the Behemoth Styran Zerg, approaching. So far, we don't know whether the main Zerg fleet is also heading to the Charadon sector. If so, it would be a terrible disaster." Sicarius said.

The Tyranids, also known as the Great Devourer, are a type of horrifying creature that comes from outside the Milky Way.

It exists only to devour evolution and expand the number of species.

The Empire officially confirmed that the entire race existed on the planet Tyranids, so they were called the Tyranids.

Tyranids typically appear in the galaxy as hive fleets.

That is, a cluster of giant space life forms that can transport or produce smaller individuals within their bodies.

The Tyranids are extremely adaptable and can devour other species to reorganize or modify the structure of their genome, thereby continuously improving their combat effectiveness and survivability.

A planet attacked by the Tyranids will eventually become a bare rock, and even the bacteria will be absorbed along with the atmosphere.

These guys are arguably the most terrifying threat to all civilized races.

To date, no species has any knowledge of the Tyranids outside of the galaxy.

What's even more terrifying is that every individual of the Tyranids is controlled by a hive mind called the Hive Mind.

The hive mind is so powerful that it is almost god-like and can materialize huge shadows in the warp.

Wherever its shadow goes, it is enough to drive psychics crazy.

Once besieged by the Tyranids, the galaxy would not even be able to send out a distress signal.

Even the descending demons may be cut off from the subspace by the hive shadow and forced to return to the subspace.

"Well, it gets more complicated. Orks, Zerg, and Necrons, we're facing three threats at once."

Guilliman shook his head and walked towards his strategy room.

Sicarius followed closely behind, maintaining communication with Guilliman as he walked.

"Should we recruit more regiments? The strength of the Zerg cannot be underestimated. We need more support."

"Each chapter has its own mission. The Great Rift is threatening the human empire. Those chapters must continue to perform their missions in their war zones and maintain the status quo of the empire as much as possible. If they are hastily transferred here, the various war zones will inevitably fall into trouble and may even cause those places to be out of the control of the empire."

Guilliman rejected Sicarius' proposal.

Pulling those chapters away would make the situation worse.

"What are you going to do?" Sicarius asked.

"Our current military strength is sufficient to deal with these threats. The Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar will also provide us with a steady supply of warriors and weapons. By the time the Zerg fleet reaches the Charadon Sector, our strength will have greatly surpassed what it was before."

Walking to the door of the strategic room, accompanied by the sound of mechanical rotation, two golden beams appeared and performed a child's eye scan on Guilliman.

After the scan was completed, a clear and pleasant sound was heard.

The metal door of the strategy room slowly opened.

"I'm a little worried. The strength of the Undead, the Tyranids, and the Orks should not be underestimated. It would be too difficult for us to deal with these alien races with our current military strength." Sicarius thought for a moment and said tactfully.

"I know what you want to say. You think the power in our hands is too weak and we can't win at all, right?" Guilliman said with a smile.

“Yes, my lord,” Sicarius said.

"Kalgar is on his way to support us. He has brought us a gift, a gift that will make the galaxy tremble under human feet again."

Guilliman smiled, a small smile on his face.

"Gift?" Sicarius looked confused. "What kind of gift?"

"It's a secret, Sicarius, but it won't disappoint you."

Guilliman activated the holographic projection in the strategy room.

The projection showed the details of the entire Charadon star region.

Red runes appeared on many planets, indicating that the Imperial Army was engaging in a firefight with the Orc Army in the galaxy.

There are more than 1,300 battlefields in the entire star zone.

Ordinary orcs are left to the Astra Militarum to fight and eliminate.

Those powerful Ork forces will be left to the Primaris Space Marines to fight against.

There are currently 30 chapters roaming around in various galaxies. They are divided into companies or combined together to provide support to various battlefields.

Sicarius looked at the Gene Ancestor's actions, confusion on his resolute face.

What gift did Calgar bring