Warhammer: The Worst Start There Is (40k)

Chapter 81: Magnus is pleased


Varun was shaken.

In order to serve the Primarch again, to be loyal to the Emperor again, what's wrong with using those dark powers

Valen stroked his mechanical wrist. The cold touch made his mind clearer and his thinking more comprehensive.

His arm was lost during the Tyranid invasion of Ultramar.

A cunning genestealer has infiltrated the planet Pharos.

Trying to direct their filthy race to this planet to harvest the biomass.

In order to appease the people's fear, Valen personally led a team to encircle and suppress the disgusting alien and the traitors corrupted by it.

It was a terrifying creature. Human bodies were like weeds in front of it and were easily cut off.

Valen's arm was also cut off by the dying monster.

After that incident, the priests of the Mechanicum installed a mechanical prosthesis for him, allowing him to continue serving the great Emperor.

"My lord, power has nothing to do with evil. This is a magic of equal exchange. Are you not willing to make a little sacrifice for those people? The Primarch has so many enemies. Those corrupt nobles are always keeping a close eye on him, trying to prevent his reforms."

"Terra is hostile to him, the Mechanicus is dissatisfied with him, and the conservatives of the Ecclesiarchy think he is a traitor. The Primarch is so weak and in urgent need of help from every loyalist, but you are unwilling to help him?"

The businessman patiently asked Valen questions one after another, leaving him unable to answer.

A simple ritual of sorcery would help him continue to serve the Imperium and his Primarch's cause of reform.

What does a small sacrifice matter for this great purpose

"This is a book that records witchcraft, sir, you can keep it as a collection." The merchant handed over the coverless book with both hands.

Valen felt disgusted, and a voice inside him told him that he should not touch such things.

Chaos is always deceptive, its promises are always false and not worth believing.

But he took it somehow.

"I just want to be more loyal to the Emperor and serve the Primarch better. As long as the final result is good, what does it matter if there are some mistakes in the process?"

Valen continued to comfort himself.

There is nothing wrong with doing this.

There is nothing wrong with being loyal.

Yes, for loyalty and for a greater cause, a little sacrifice is worth it.

"You can leave now." Valen stroked the coverless book and said to the businessman.

"Yes, sir." The businessman bowed respectfully and walked out.

Walking out of the grand planetary governor's palace, the businessman got on his hovercraft and went to a large building with few people.

It was a very secretive building.

Ordinary people don't know much about this. They can only often see a group of believers wearing robes holding the emperor's shrine and various scriptures.

It looks like a small group gathered here for the sake of faith in the Emperor.

However, it is not that simple.

If someone accidentally found a secret passage and walked into an unknown underground dark room, he would surely scream in fear at the horror inside.

The eight-pointed star of Chaos, absolutely forbidden by the Inquisition and the Ecclesiarchy, is engraved on every wall of the dark room.

Some slaves, their bodies covered with scars and their eyes lifeless from torture, were forced to kneel in iron cages and were whipped with thorny whips by Chaos Cultists or subjected to various inhuman tortures.

They use the suffering of their slaves to please the Chaos Gods and prove their own devout faith.

These slaves were missing persons from various cities in Pharos.

The inspection team checked many times but couldn't find the cause.

Unexpectedly, all these missing people were abducted here and subjected to evil rituals and inhumane torture by these cultists.

After the merchant entered here, he also changed into robes.

Led by several believers holding burning incense, they entered the underground secret room.

Pray to the nine eight-pointed stars carved in blood.

And on the altar, the sacrificial ceremony was proceeding in an orderly manner.

"Please, let me go."

The woman, covered in blood and tortured to the point of mental collapse, begged the man who grabbed her hair and dragged her on the ground.

“It is a gift to give your life to God.”

The man in the robe took out a sharp knife, held the woman's head and slashed it across her neck.

It's like slaughtering a chicken.

She tried to cover the wound, but blood oozed out from between her fingers.

The man threw the twitching woman onto the altar and let her blood flow into the rune patterns that had already been carved.

The woman's death was extremely painful, and the man mastered the technique of killing perfectly.

Make sure she dies, but not so quickly.

Her suffering continued until she finished praying.

The ceremony is over.

An elder with the Chaos Eight-pointed Star carved on his face walked up to the merchant.

"How's the plan going?"

"Perfect, he has accepted our gift." The businessman said respectfully.

"Very good." The elder smiled, then turned to look at the other believers, "The great divine revelation will come, allowing us to break free from the control of the Corpse King and truly embrace the gods."

The other believers also all had happy expressions on their faces and sang praises to the gods.

The elder looked at everyone's performance and was very satisfied. He looked at the businessman again.

"Keep paying attention and find a way to get him to perform the ritual as soon as possible. We will eventually overthrow the rule of the Corpse King and allow mankind to be reborn under the glory of the gods."

"I will, Elder. It has always been my dream to defeat the Corpse King and usher in the Age of Gods."

The elder patted the merchant on the shoulder and said, "Very good. Now go on and complete this task."

... ... ... ... ... ...

Standing on a balcony high above the Governor's Palace, Valen overlooked the entire city.

The city is prosperous and people have happy smiles on their faces.

After looking around the city, Valen looked into the distance. In the northeast, close to the inland, there was a towering steel mountain range.

There are a large number of spaceships coming in and out.

That majestic mountain is said to be the lighthouse.

In the past, the Nova Corps was responsible for guarding it, and now there are even more people guarding it.

It is heavily guarded and no one else is allowed to approach.

Varen knew what was there, a beacon, a beacon of the Warp that did not require the Emperor's power to function.

The Great Rift splits the galaxy, and it is said that the light of the Astronomican can no longer penetrate the rift and reach the other side of the Empire.

The Imperial world over there has lost the guidance of the Astronomican and can only grope forward in the chaotic subspace. The situation is extremely critical.

The Primarch hopes to solve this problem through this lighthouse and build a new lighthouse in the dark area of the Empire to help the human fleet navigate.

The Empire needs the sincere cooperation of every loyalist. Only in this way can human civilization continue to survive in this cold and cruel universe.

"I can do more." Valen said to himself.

He has made up his mind.

Use that little witchcraft to prolong your life.

"Yak." Valen shouted loudly to a servant he had recruited not long ago.

"My lord, do you have any instructions?"

A handsome young man dressed in servant's clothes walked in quickly.

His eyes were clear and pure, like a pair of gems.

His eyes revealed respect and admiration for Valen.

"Do you believe me, Yak?" Valen looked at Yak and asked.

"Of course, my lord, there is no doubt about that. You have brought more than two centuries of prosperity and well-being to Pharos." Yak's tone was sincere, without any hypocrisy.

"I want to ask you a question. If you can pay a small price so that I can continue to protect Faros, will you pay it?" Valen asked.

"Sir, are you kidding?" Yak asked with a smile.

"What's your answer?"

"Of course, I am willing to give everything as long as you can continue to protect Pharos."

"In that case, follow me, Ake."

... ... ... ... ... ... ..

The power of the Demon Primarch is extremely terrifying.

Especially those who have mastered psychic powers.

The destructive power is even more amazing.

The whole world turned into hell under Magnus' terrible spell.

The once prosperous hive city is now in ruins, with corpses everywhere.

Countless demons roamed there, preying on the surviving humans.

Twisted demonic plants grow on the ground, feeding on the tormented souls of the dead.

Magnus sits on a throne of the dead.

Through the sacrificial rituals of those poor fools, he saw the planetary governor accepting the merchants' books.

Soon, he will descend directly upon Pharos and sabotage his brother's plans from within.

A perfect layout.

"Guilliman could never have imagined that the loyalist in his eyes would become a sharp blade in my hand, piercing his heart and making all his plans come to nothing."

Magnus's laugh was full of pride.