Warhammer: The Worst Start There Is (40k)

Chapter 9: Unyielding Battle


Those who had a say participated in the meeting convened by Guilliman.

Chapter Master Calgar, as well as the captains of each chapter, saints, mechanical sages and others all gathered in the council hall of Hera Fortress where Guilliman was.

The history of this fortress is very old. It has existed for 10,000 years and has witnessed many extraordinary historical events.

Recalling the time when Horus rebelled, the Warp storm raged, communications between the various star regions were cut off, the Emperor was trapped on Terra, and many loyalist armies were leaderless.

The primarchs of the three legions gathered here to discuss the fate of mankind's future.

Suddenly, ten thousand years had passed.

Everything has changed.

The long tens of thousands of years took away many things, but also brought many things.

Many traces of invaders can still be vaguely seen on the Hera Fortress.

The Tyranids, the Green Orcs, and Chaos have all invaded here.

As an important defensive location in Macragge, Hera Fortress is always listed as a key attack target by the enemy.

Not long ago, this place was also listed as a target that must be destroyed by the Chaos Army, and a large number of cultists, Chaos warriors, and demons were sent to invade this place.

When Guilliman awoke, the Chaos army had already reached the interior of the fortress, which was filled with ruins and corpses.

Now, the place has been almost repaired and the bodies have been moved away.

Broken marble columns and floors were replaced, and the shattered streets were repaired.

The Contemplator computer used for tactical projection and data storage had several new wetware replaced, allowing it to resume normal operation.

Guilliman looked around at the many Imperial heroes. If it weren't for his identity as the Emperor's own son - the Primarch, no one would have the ability to gather so many high-ranking figures.

Everyone here has the right to independently deploy and command the imperial fleet.

With just one word from them, they can decide the future of millions of humans and wipe out planets and individuals that they believe will pose a threat to human survival.

Everyone here has courage, strategy, and a sense of the overall situation. They have infinite love for humanity and infinite loyalty to the empire. They will sacrifice others and themselves without hesitation for the continuation of the empire and the survival of mankind.

... ... ... ... ... ..

In the center of the parliament hall was an oval table. The mechanical equipment inside emitted a soft humming sound as people sat down. One tactical projection after another appeared in the air, hovering in the mid-air.

These projections show the threats currently facing the Ultramarine.

The Cadia Fortress collapsed and the Great Rift has affected this place.

Demons and aliens are wreaking havoc on the human planet.

The people of the empire, who lived in fear, were in urgent need of redemption.

Next to the crowd, mechanical priests and mechanical slaves in dirty red robes were walking back and forth, maintaining the Thinker computers and various mechanical equipment used in the hall.

It is worth mentioning that the Thinker computer is a computer that uses the human brain as its core component.

During the Golden Age of Humanity, we encountered rebellion from intelligent AI. For this reason, the Empire absolutely does not allow the existence of robots and computers without human flesh and blood. This is one of the Empire’s red lines.

Anyone who crosses this red line will be declared a human traitor, and the Imperial Army will strangle them at all costs.

The Cogito computers use human brains, or wetware, derived from the brains of unforgivable Imperial sinners or clones of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

These brains are specially programmed and placed in hardened glass tanks, and a large number of data cables connect the brains and machines to form a thinker computer.

After everyone was seated, Guilliman walked to his own seat.

Everyone was looking at him, with undisguised enthusiasm and excitement in their eyes.

Their eyes moved as Guilliman moved.

For these loyal people, being able to travel with an emperor's own son is undoubtedly a huge honor, enough to be remembered for the rest of their lives.

Guilliman could feel these gazes and felt a little pressured.

Everyone is waiting for him to lead the empire and save humanity. Anyone who encounters such a thing will be nervous. After all, it is a battle with gods, and if he loses, it's GG.

"The current situation of the Empire is still very bad. In addition to the invasion of Chaos, the rampage of alien races such as the Tyranids and the Necrons has also made us vulnerable from all sides. You can speak freely about your ideas and opinions without worrying about your identity and status."

Guilliman's voice was not loud, but it was extremely penetrating.

His voice echoed throughout the council hall, making sure everyone could hear it clearly.

"Regent, you must rush to Terra. It is the center of the empire and the place with the most human elites. There, you will gain power and resources to rebuild the human empire."

The Black Templars' Chapter Master, Grand Marshal, Amaleki was the first to speak.

He had good reasons. Terra was the most important capital planet of the empire, and all the elites in the empire who could go to Terra would go there.

Wealth, status, everything there is so attractive.

As the son of the Emperor and a member of a mythical gene group, Guilliman had a legitimate reason to return to Terra, the birthplace of mankind. (This place was also called Earth in the past.)

He has the power to take over the highest authority in the Empire, the Senate of Terra, and restore the power of the Regent.

Hearing the words of the Black Templar Marshal, Guilliman said, "Now is not the best time to return to Terra. We cannot save the Empire all at once. We need some preparations and a stable rear. No one knows what the situation on Terra is like after the Great Rift. Going back rashly will only make us more passive. The five hundred worlds under Ultramar need to be saved. This is the best situation in the entire Empire and can provide us with enough warships and warriors."

Return to Terra?

Then shouldn't we just set the emperor on fire?

Guilliman was very skeptical. How long could he keep the secret of the soul of a time traveler hidden from the evil gods and the Emperor

Before his identity was revealed, Guilliman decided to gather as many of his closest confidants as possible, build up his own rear, and enhance his self-defense capabilities.

More importantly, Terra and even the entire Solar Segmentum are the territories of the Supreme Lords Council, the Inquisition, the State Religion, and the Mechanicus.

Although there are many loyal people, there are also many people who are keen on power. These people will never be willing to give up the power in their hands for the sake of loyalty.

Horus had always been upset because the Emperor excluded the Primarchs and Space Marines from the creation of the Terran Council. After being seduced by Chaos, he chose to betray and launched the massive Horus Rebellion.

Power is such a fascinating thing.

If Guilliman goes there, he will have to consolidate power, reorganize Terra, and unite the Empire again. The resistance in this process will definitely be great, and if he is not careful, it will cause riots and unrest.

Now is not the time to go there. Instead of wasting time on political balance, it is better to build up our own army first and break the situation violently.

Guilliman's words caused some discussion, and no one had much objection to him reorganizing Ultramar as the rear first.

Ultramar is the collective name for five hundred worlds. Compared with other worlds in the empire, each world here can be said to be a paradise.

Each world has complete industry, medical care and self-sufficient food, which is unimaginable in other imperial worlds.

Restoring law and order and production on the five hundred worlds under Ultramar is extremely important for saving the empire and saving humanity.

Guilliman threw out many proposals about war, preparing to sweep the entire Ultramar and maintain stability in this sub-star region.

The focus of the meeting then turned to how to pacify Ultramar.

After discussion, everyone decided to launch a full-scale counterattack war centered on Macragge.

Guilliman named this all-out counterattack war the Unyielding War, implying that mankind will not succumb to the dark fate spoken by the Chaos Gods, and will do its utmost to rise up in resistance.

The meeting ended, and Guilliman kept the Mechanical Magus Cawl.

He has some important matters to tell separately, things that will concern the future of the empire and mankind.