Warhammer: The Worst Start There Is (40k)

Chapter 96: The terrible face of liberal religion


Under the man's fanatical shouting.

Countless believers prostrated themselves on the ground, praying for the blessing of the Four-Armed Emperor.

The believers' eyes were fanatical and full of firm faith.

Seeing the believers' performance, the man stroked his smooth scalp and smiled with joy.

over time.

Even he could keenly sense that the day of ascension was approaching.

The Great Matrix will come soon.

The time for return has come.

The patriarch has issued an order that they must speed up, take control of the planet Vitria, and prepare for ascension.

"We should spread our ideas and concepts. We will overthrow the nobles and tycoons who oppress us and build an equal, harmonious and beautiful world."

"A world where everyone is equal, where we only need to work eight hours a day, and where we are no longer oppressed by those damn nobles and plutocracy. In this world, we will be the masters of our own homes and control our own lives."

The man raised his hands and shouted, his tone excited, passionate and inspiring.

It is so contagious that people can't help but shout along with him.

“Down with oppression.”

“Down with oppression.”

“Down with oppression.”

The believers followed the men's shouting, becoming more and more fanatical and passionate, ready to join a grand uprising and fight to overthrow oppression.

"Very good, now let's proceed to the last step. This is the holy water taken from the Church of the Divine Emperor. After taking it, we will feel the power of the Divine Emperor, and it will strengthen our faith."

The man clapped his hands, and several believers with equally smooth scalps walked out of the darkness.

They came out holding a huge sculpture of the God-Emperor with four arms.

There was another person behind holding the so-called holy water.

Every believer needs to take holy water.

The fanatical belief made the believers drink it without hesitation.

The man smiled and watched as many human believers drank the so-called holy water.

That was not holy water at all, but a nutrient solution mixed with the twisted gene-seed of the great patriarch - the Genestealer.

Once ingested, these gene seeds can alter the host's physical and mental state within hours.

The host will forget the infection process and automatically submit to the will of the Great Patriarch.

Its distorted genes will mix in the human body.

Once the host and its mate reproduce, the next generation will also be gene stealers.

At this time, a believer who was mixed in the crowd quietly left the gathering place.

From a door on the side, he found another secret path and sneaked into the sect.

In fact, he was not a believer of this so-called liberal sect, but a detective named Shur.

Schur is asked by a woman to investigate the disappearance of her daughter.

For this, the other party promised a generous reward.

The reason they approached him was that Shure was a little better than his lousier colleagues.

Although they are all idiot detectives, Shul is the best detective in the entire hive.

Shull wanted to refuse the commission.

In the hive world of Vitria, disappearance means death, and there is no possibility of recovery.

The Hive Gang or various forces will never spit out the meat in their mouths.

The tycoons controlled all of Vittoria's wealth.

Yet he is unwilling to fulfil even a little obligation.

All policies are aimed at maximizing the exploitation of civilian wealth and labor.

Civilians need to give everything for a job.

Time, energy, and everything else you have must be given to the chaebol.

Only in this way can they make a living.

Once they lose their labor force, they will be immediately abandoned by the factory.

In order to better oppress the civilians, the chaebols eliminated all possible ways for the civilians to survive.

It is stipulated by law that all the resources of the entire planet belong to them.

Civilians were not allowed to mine anything privately, nor were they allowed to plant anything.

They established various strict laws, formulated various so-called standards, publicized their loyalty to the emperor, and attacked the means of production that were not under their control in the name of the emperor.

Traders who do not have their permission are not allowed to enter the planet to provide work and supplies to the locals.

Forcing people to buy food and water from them.

Even the house is like this.

Many chaebols have developed a perfect harvesting chain.

These actions are intended to ensure that every penny they give to workers returns to their pockets.

The various actions of the chaebols have led to high unemployment rates throughout the world, rampant gangs, and the continued existence of various illegal industries that cannot be stopped.

Except for the upper levels of the hive, everything else was in chaos.

Human trafficking, black market organs, and illegal drugs are all prevalent among gangs, who use them as a means of survival.

It goes without saying what a terrible fate a girl's disappearance will bring.

The gangs will not give up any cash cow that can make money for them.

However, that woman gave too much.

If I could help her find her daughter.

Shure no longer had to worry about making a living for the rest of his life.

You can even find a better imperial world to spend the rest of your life.

During this time, Shule heard a lot about what was happening among the stars.

Merchants passing through Vitria said that the thirteen primarchs of Ultramar had resurrected and launched the Indomitus Crusade to cleanse the empire of aliens and chaos forces.

To be honest, that kind of thing is too far away for Shure.

There was no way that a leader waging war among the stars and a lousy detective hanging around in a hive city could have any intersection.

The farthest place Shule had ever been was another planet in the Vetria system, which he had visited as a crew member when he was young.

The stars were too far away for him.

It's not something someone like him can expect.

Those grand wars that stretched for light years were even more out of reach for him.

However, Shul learned from those wandering merchants that Ultramar was the best developed star field in the empire.

People there value technology and live a prosperous life.

The gap between the rich and the poor is not as terrible as that in Vitria.

After completing this mission and getting some money, you may be able to go to Ultramar.

After all, with the protection of a Primarch, it is safer than other imperial worlds.

Thinking of his future arrangements, Shule showed a hint of joy.

The future is promising.

Get away from this fucked up world as soon as possible.

A beautiful life is beckoning to you.

After days of investigation, Shul finally confirmed that the woman's daughter disappeared at the hands of this so-called liberal sect.

The state religion is the orthodox religion of the empire.

It is also the only officially designated religion.

Once the priests discover any heretical sect, they will mobilize troops without hesitation to completely eliminate it.

Smash the statues of heretical gods and hang all the heretics on the stake.

Even such cruel and harsh measures could not prevent the rise of those heretical religions.

There are still many sects in the hive city.

They hide in the dark corners or sewers of Chaohu Lake.

Growing secretly and thrivingly.

Shure knew about these guys, but he never reported them.

I went to report it today, and my body was thrown into the sewer the next day.

This world is so cruel.

The laws in the hive city are just for show, and gangs and tycoons trample on them with impunity.

The Imperial civilians who are loyal to the Emperor are just their playthings.

This is sad, but it is the absolute truth.

The lighting in the passage was not bright, probably due to unstable voltage, and the lights installed on the ceiling flickered.

The air circulation system also seemed to be broken.

The air was filled with dust, and after a few breaths I felt my throat was full of dust.

This environment made Shure feel a little bad.

But for the sake of his own reward, he endured it.

As long as he completes this mission, he can leave this disgusting world.

"The mission will be completed soon, and the great day of ascension is coming soon."

"Give everything we have to the Great Mother and become one."

The sound of conversation and footsteps came at the same time.

Shule was so frightened that his legs almost went weak. He hid in a dark pipe nearby.

He is not some god of war who can defeat ten people alone.

The only weapon in his hand was an old model laser gun.

If he could sneak in, he really didn't want to do it.

After all, energy batteries are also an expense.

In the hive, weapons are not difficult to obtain.

As long as you have money, those gangs can help you get melta or plasma weapons.

Sadly, Shure has no money.

At least there's no money to buy melta and plasma weapons.

Those are good guys.

With one shot, not to mention people, even iron would be turned into iron juice. The lethality is extremely high.

But the price is also very expensive, which is not something that ordinary people can afford.

Those hive gangs probably don't have any.

If there is, it is the bottom of the box.

Normal people use laser guns, while the less fortunate ones use the old-fashioned gunpowder guns.

Before Shule set out, he thought he didn't need any powerful weapons.

His mission was to find the woman's daughter, and it would be best if he could rescue her.

If not, just tell the woman the location.

The other party will solve the rest of the problems and he will be paid accordingly.

This was agreed in advance.

And Shure would not tell the other party the news without receiving subsequent compensation.

Shul was hiding in the darkness, and the two believers who walked past were unaware that someone had sneaked in.

They walked past Shul, knowing nothing, talking about so-called ascension and oneness.

Shule hid in the dark, not daring to make any sound.

He heaved a sigh of relief only after the other party walked away, crawled out from the gap in the dark pipe, and continued to move forward.

He was very good at infiltration.

Sometimes, when the income from the detective agency is not enough to cover his expenses, he also needs to make some extra money.

Those gang headquarters became places he frequented.

If his camouflage and stealth skills were a little worse, I'm afraid he would have been dumped on the street by the gang.

With a clang!

A sound came from a dark corner, and Shule picked up the laser pistol and pointed it in that direction.

He didn't want to kill anyone, but if he was exposed, he would have no choice but to kill.

These fanatical sects were the most terrifying, and he didn't want to be skinned and hanged.

But there was no one in the corner.

Shule felt a pair of malicious eyes flash across the darkness.

He wondered if his eyes were blurry.

After confirming that he was not discovered, Shule continued to move deeper into the passage.

The sect had strict external defenses, and it took Shul several days to disguise himself as a believer and gain entry.

The guards inside were quite lax.

In order to sneak in, Shure shaved his head and prepared to disguise himself at the critical moment.

Unexpectedly, it went very smoothly.

Along the way, there was nothing except meeting a few believers.

After walking for three or four minutes, he reached the end of a corridor.

After observing for a while and confirming that there were no guards, he walked in.

The room was very large, with the ceiling several dozen meters above our heads.

The place where Shule came in was a platform, about twenty meters above the ground.

A waist-high railing provided him with cover.

Allowing him to hide in the dark and spy.

Everything that came into his sight made him feel horrified and frightened.

"Emperor, what the hell is this!!"

The space below was large, stretching out into the distance, like a manufacturing plant controlled by the Technological Order.

It’s as big as the docks in the starry sky.

But there are no tall spaceships here.

There were only people here, hundreds and hundreds of them.

They hurried about, operating ancient machines, with weapons in their hands.

Laser weapons, particle weapons.

There's also a double-barreled cannon.

This sect has an army!!

Schur was disturbed by what he saw.

He took out his vision enhancer and searched for his mission target.

Soon, he found the client's daughter among those people.

The other person was not kidnapped, but was carrying a big belly with a look of enthusiasm and happiness on her face.

He stepped back step by step, and the mission ended here.

Shure won't take any more chances.

It was obvious that this sect was not just fanaticism, they were organizing a rebellion.

However, the next second, an even more horrifying scene appeared for Shule.

A giant creature, ten meters tall and covered with thick shell, walked out of the darkness.

There are strong and sharp biological limbs all around.

The huge monster frightened Shul, the hive's top detective, so much that he dared not move.

Just the sight of that terrifying beast made him tremble uncontrollably.

He never thought that such a simple task would involve such a terrible thing.

The so-called liberal sect is so scary!

Schur was not completely ignorant of the outside world.

From the mouths of those wandering traders, he learned that a terrible race was wreaking havoc in the galaxy.

They will release terrible monsters to lurk in the human world, slowly corrupting its society, weakening its resistance, and finally devouring it completely.

Shul used a visual enhancer to see the humans around the terrifying monster.

Maybe those guys can no longer be considered human.

Their backs are hunched and their faces are longer and more oval.

Some even sprouted extra limbs tipped with razor-sharp claws.

These guys are no longer human.

But a genestealer hybrid.

Shul had always believed that the battles that took place among the stars could not have taken place in Vitria.

This is the edge of the Charadon Sector, the edge of the Emperor's Astronomican.

It is small and no one cares about it.

Good luck will not come to this world, and bad luck will not come to this world.

But now, Shule knows he was wrong.

Vitria is facing an unprecedented crisis.

"We must leave here immediately." A thought came to Shule's mind.

He must find a way to escape, otherwise he will die here.

Being a hero would be fine, but in front of those terrifying beasts, hero is undoubtedly a mocking word.

As for warning the chaebols and nobles, that's enough.

There might be monsters among them.

To sound the alarm is only to seek death.

Shule turned around and prepared to escape the same way he came.

But he found that a pair of malicious eyes were standing behind him and staring at him.

It has a tail covered with barbs, sharp claws on both hands, and a smooth body that exudes a slightly rancid mucus smell.

It has an oval head with the mouth at the front, and when it opens it is filled with sharp teeth.

"The Emperor is..." Shule wanted to raise his gun and shoot, but was knocked to the ground by the opponent.

These gene seeds will distort his genetic spiral and his mind.

Fortunately, Shure didn't drop the gun.

He seized an opportunity and opened fire, hitting the man in the body.

The monster let out a scream and subconsciously released the limb that was controlling Shule.

Shule took the opportunity to break free, turned around and ran away.

The monster did not pursue, but watched the other party's escape with malicious eyes.

Everything belongs to the Great Matrix.

The twisted gene has been planted, and that human will become part of the mother, so there is no need to chase after him.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .

Vetria Legislative Hall.

The hall is decorated with exquisite sculptures and portraits.

These sculptures and portraits are all of the planetary governors of past generations.

In the eyes of many parliamentarians, these governors are respectable people.

They laid the foundation for the system of Vittoria, allowing the excellent genes of mankind to be preserved from generation to generation.

In this cruel galaxy, only outstanding people can control everything.

This is an unchanging truth.

The two arrays of meditators embedded in the wall were emitting a faint flickering light.

Accompanied by the humming sound of machinery.

A holographic projection appeared in front of each member of parliament, showing them the theme of this meeting.

"This is the most shameful betrayal of us."

A man in gorgeous clothes looked at the report sent from the depths of the starry sky.

Cursing viciously.

It was like a devout follower of the Emperor seeing a shameful heresy.

The legislative chamber is large, with hundreds of seats.

Sitting in these seats are members of parliament from various chaebols.

Judging from their family background, they are undoubtedly the most outstanding group of people.

Each of them is a descendant of a thousand-year-old family, and has received education and life that ordinary people cannot imagine since childhood.

Elegant and noble.

They are more like the masters of the planet than the civilians.

In fact, they are indeed the masters of this planet.

At this moment, they are discussing some upcoming events.

They are the highest representatives of power in this world.

The whole world runs according to their will.

Sadly, they soon won’t be.

Officials appointed by the Primarch are on their way, and merchants loyal to the Primarch will also replace their share of commerce and take over the industrial assets on the planet.

That is, they will lose everything.

"The Primarch should not have awakened. He would only mess up everything and make the originally well-functioning system even worse. The law of the jungle is the law of this world, but he wants to change this established fact with his own power. This is undoubtedly a huge mistake."

A young congressman also stood up.

His tone was indignant and full of anger.

His family has accumulated wealth for thousands of years, why should he be on equal footing with those common people

Is there still fairness in this world

Does this world still have meaning

The Primarch's various decisions were simply ridiculous.

A three-year-old could do a thousand times better than he does.

Since their parents didn't work hard, they deserve to be playthings of these outstanding people.

Why should we take away their power and wealth to accommodate those incompetent trash

Isn't it because they are useless that those people can only become workers and vagrants

Why should excellent people accommodate losers? !

How can this world make sense

"There is no chance of human salvation happening in his hands. His decision is foolish and ignorant. No one has ever succeeded against the will of the people. The entire empire is against him, but he insists on having his own way."

Another elderly councillor also spoke up.

He has lived for more than three centuries.

He considers himself loyal to the Empire and the Emperor.

The Primarch's decisions were the greatest betrayal of humanity, the Imperium, and the Emperor.

All the time, one can hear from merchants that nobles from other worlds complain about the Primarch's various decisions.

These complaints are public opinion.

If one goes against the will of the people, even the Primarch will fail.

"But what can we do? All the power is in his hands. Those armies are led by him. We can't do anything."

Someone sighed.

Just one sentence calmed the angry crowd.


There was nothing they could do but rage helplessly.

What a sad thing this is.

"We must not compromise like this," said the young congressman.

But no one agreed with the young congressman.

The merchants brought news of the purge of those nobles who had attempted to disobey the Primarch.

The Primarch's methods were cruel and cold.

Any noble who tried to resist was crushed and given the most terrible punishment.

You know, many of those nobles are loyal.

He was so cruel as to attack those loyal to the Empire.

"Alas, he has taken control of the Empire's military. The forces we have are powerless to counter the recklessness of the original entity."

An elderly congressman shook his head, his tone filled with grief and indignation.

Emperor, open your eyes and look.

Your descendants are destroying your empire through their foolish behavior.

Humanity is facing Chaos, and not only the threat of aliens, but now even the Primarch is harming the loyalists.

The empire is in danger.

The empire is in danger!!

Just when many congressmen were indignant.

An astropath in a long robe and with pure white eyes walked into the hall with the help of two guides.

The Astropath walked over to the Planetary Governor in the main seat and said, "Something has happened, my Lord."
