Warlock of the Magus World

Chapter 1196: Emergence


Gale Canyon.

The violent wind elemental force, with regular power, formed a terrifying storm in the canyon.

Even wizards above the seventh level cannot last too long in the canyon.

At both ends of the canyon, the armies of the world of gods and the world of wizards formed two well-defended camps, and dazzling runes shone in the sky all day long.


A layer of earth element roared, the whole land trembled, and large chunks of black granite condensed and turned into the face of a certain woman.

"Mother of the Earth! You are finally here..."

Whoosh! Whoosh! Digital rule beings flew out of the wizard camp in an instant, and the leader was the former Lord of Darkness.

"According to the alliance's order, the affairs here will be handed over to you..."

The Lord of Darkness handed a grimace seal to Mother Earth: "In addition... now the production in the Gale Canyon, except for 50% of the alliance, the rest is yours..."

Although the land of silence built by the will of the two worlds has no signs of life, it is full of other treasures.

Wizards and gods discovered very early on that the elements here are extremely rich, and it is very easy to produce various precious mineral veins.

Of course, for them, no matter how precious gems are, there are some things that even an eighth-level extreme wizard cannot easily give up.

For example, in Gale Canyon, some kind of crystals of wind elements are produced. What makes wizards and gods crazy is that there is a very small probability that some of these crystals will contain some broken understanding of laws!

There are even lucky ones who ascend to the sky and enter the realm of rules with this step.

According to Leylin's speculation, the wills of the two worlds are the existence of the core level of the original source, even in a state of deep sleep, the laws will overflow, and it is normal for some rule crystals to escape during fierce battles.

However, for the existence of other rules, this is simply a surprise.

Even if wizards don't need these rule crystals, they can give them to younger generations or exchange them with other beings.

Even... It is rumored that in the core of Gale Canyon, there is a very small probability that law fragments with the power of space-time rules will be produced! This is a temptation that even those eighth-level extreme wizards cannot resist!

According to several investigations, the wizard and the gods have identified three places where space-time fragments may be produced, and these three areas have instantly become the core of the two sides' competition.

This is how the three battlefields of Gale Canyon, Dark Cage, and Swamp-Blade Hills were formed.

It's just that Leylin's luck seems to be unlucky. He mobilized all his subordinates, but he didn't even see the shadow of space-time rules. Instead, he found a lot of other incomplete rule fragments. Unfortunately, it was useless to him, so he could only join Treasure Vault or exchange with other wizards.

However, as long as there is a chance to get in touch with the laws of time and space, those eighth-level extremes and powerful divine powers will not let go!

This time, the mother of the earth center was transferred here, and she also made a lot of deals secretly and paid a lot of money to succeed.

"Goddess Chauntia, the mother of the earth, I'm sure that the other party is in the camp of the gods on the other side. The kind of all-encompassing divine power is not something ordinary gods can possess..."

Of course, the Lord of Darkness knew the goal of Mother Earth, so he sold a favor at will.

"The other party seems to like entering the gale vortex to find rule crystals recently, and began to single-handedly attack our rule wizard..."

"... I see, thanks again for your help, the dark friendship will always be remembered in the wizarding world..."

The mother of the earth core assured that the huge core of the earth emerged, and the endless roots spread on the earth. The ground, which is harder than the wizard alloy, could not stop the spread of the roots. Soon, the entire wizard camp was already in the center of the earth. Under the control of the mother, and the scope of detection is still spreading outward.

"I think the other party has a problem, such an obvious trap, do the gods treat us as fools?"

Inosit, who followed behind Mother Earth, snorted coldly.

"Of course I know this, but I can't wait any longer..."

The huge pupils of Mother Earth seemed to be trembling slightly, "I need the divine power of the other party to make up for my original path and foundation. This is my only chance to advance to the ninth level. No one is allowed to destroy it, absolutely!!! "

"Okay! But we need to call more people, even if it turns into an Armageddon..."

Inosit shrugged his shoulders, "No matter what, we have more wizards than the opponent, and our strength is at an advantage. As long as we push steadily and steadily, no matter what conspiracy the opponent has..."

"You're right!"

The Mother of the Earth Center agreed, and the eyes that looked into the Gale Canyon could not conceal the fiery and longing.

In the giant snake fortress.

A huge web of black emotions spread throughout the entire space, with terrifying fluctuations, continuously absorbing the essence of original sin emotions, making Leylin's power stronger day by day, the nightmare hydra entrenched at the core of the emotional web It also seemed more and more unfathomable.


Suddenly, the devouring head at the core of the Nightmare Hydra opened its vertical pupils, showing a puzzled expression.

Hoo hoo... A large amount of black mist condensed, the original nightmare Hydra turned into the appearance of Leylin, the dark crystallized emotional power condensed into a suitable and luxurious robe, draped over his body, his eyes flashed The phantom of the Nightmare Hydra, the many black hairs seem to be some kind of network, connected with the emotional network of the whole world.

With Shar's authority over the magic net of shadows, Leylin once seized the power of the goddess of the magic net, Mystra, so he is familiar with the structure and laying of this kind of network.

Between Leylin's eerie and handsome brows, a nightmare vertical eye emerged, and the void twisted, revealing a rune.

"help me… "

A burst of weak emotional power was transmitted from it, with fear and urgency.

"It's the mother of the earth's core! It was actually banned... the location is - inside the vortex of the strong wind... have they finally made a move?"

Leylin sighed slightly.

He was also a little shocked by the strength of the gods' attack this time. The mother of the earth core is an existence of the eighth-level limit. It is ten times more difficult to trap her than to kill her directly!

"Is it Leylin?"

At this time, the mysterious imprint of a twisted black circle on the back of Leylin's hand also flickered.

"I am Inosit, and now I and the Mother Earth are trapped in the vortex of the strong wind by the other party. This is a trap. Not only the Earth Mother Goddess Chauntia, but also the God of Nature Sivanus also shot … Contact the Wizarding Union to rescue us as soon as possible! When we can only support thirty hourglasses at most, oh, damn…the other party has interfered, and the connection will be cut off!”

The signal suddenly became hoarse, and the secret imprint flickered a few times unwillingly, but finally went out completely.

"damn it… "

Leylin cursed, and a doppelganger suddenly appeared in the joint meeting of wizards.

"Mother Earth and Inosit were ambushed by each other, we need reinforcements now..."

In the conference room at this time, there were only a few scattered figures, which seemed a little empty and lonely.

"Jiejie... Isn't this the Lord of Original Sin? You came to ask for help? It's a pity that most other extreme wizards have assigned tasks. Of course, if you don't mind, my body can be dispatched at any time..."

A twisted shadow greeted it, with obvious playfulness.

"It's such a coincidence..." Leylin took a deep breath, and stared coldly at the twisted shadow.

Wizards are all guys who pay attention to their own interests. No matter what kind of friendship they had with Mother Earth, now that they are in trouble and they don't have enough strength, few guys are willing to make a move.

Just like the last time they sat and watched the Lord of Chaos and the Foul Eye fall.

Knowing this well, Leylin didn't try to win over any foreign aid, but just disappeared into the meeting room.


On the giant snake fortress, almost all wizards saw a strange scene.

The terrifying phantom of the Nightmare Hydra emerged, with terrifying determination, wrapped around the figure of a certain wizard, and disappeared into the void in an instant.

"It's the castle master!" Of course the wizards recognized their leader, and began to salute respectfully, only a few eyes were filled with worry.

"Jie Jie... Sure enough, his body has been activated..."

In a certain hidden space, the former body of the twisted shadow emerged.

"Sure enough, as you said, there is an arrogance and pride in the other party's character..."

Another black shadow said, the golden light in the pupil has an immortal taste.

"The opponent is the lord of original sin, so he will naturally be affected by the power of the law. The influence of the seven deadly sins cannot be eliminated so easily, let alone magnified thousands of times by my twisting power..."

The Distorted Shadow snorted coldly: "Just don't underestimate the other party, I have suffered in this regard before!"

"Don't worry, don't you know the strength of our dispatch this time?"

The black shadow with golden eyes assured.

"We have no intention of underestimating this lord of original sin. With the strength of the eighth-level limit, coupled with the series of things before, no god dares to make such a big deal..."

Hei Ying spoke slowly, and seemed to feel a little bit embarrassed.

"Especially you, who are willing to abandon your identity as a wizard and join the camp of our gods..."

It looked at the distorted shadow: "After this operation is successful, we will start your god conferring ceremony and give you the priesthood of [Chaos], which is enough to support you to reach the level of powerful divine power..."

"Chaos? The spoils of war stripped from the original Lord of Chaos? Jie Jie... I like it..."

The distorted shadow sounded like a night owl's voice, and disappeared again.