Warlock of the Magus World

Chapter 1198: kill


The four elemental planes are stirring.

The earth, flames, storms, and seas—these four basic elements of the world constitute an essential blockade, with the roar of the gods.

Surrounded by such horror, the maniacal laughter of the Twisted Shadow seemed even more piercing.

"Before...were you also the one who exposed our plans for the two worlds and caused the Lord of Chaos and the Foul Eye to fall?"

Although Leylin was plotted by the regular magic weapon, Ichel's Thorn, his face was pale, and the true spirit of original sin weakened infinitely, and even the phantom of the Nightmare Hydra behind him seemed sluggish, but a pair of eyes were blooming brightly. fiery light.

"Yes! Who let the Lord of Chaos stand in my way?"

The Twisted Shadow has no scruples at this time: "Its chaotic rules should belong to me!!!"

"Furthermore, only by falling two level-eight extreme wizards can I see my sincerity, and I can count on you... Unfortunately..."

The twisted shadow glanced at Leylin, as if regretting that he didn't help Leylin succeed last time.

"At the joint meeting of wizards at that time, you also used the power of distortion to blind the oath of the true spirit?!"

Leylin said inferred.

"That's right! If there's anything unclear, I can tell you! Anyway, after today, the traces of your existence will be completely erased, and even the marks in the long river of time will no longer exist..."

"there is none left!"

A smile appeared on Leylin's face, causing a bad premonition to appear on the face of the twisted shadow.

"You should have heard it too, right?"

"Well! It's very clear!"

The void roared, and in the original annihilation environment, there suddenly appeared a hydra phantom with nine regular heads and eighteen pairs of devil wings covering the sky and the sun.

Under the protection of the power of original sin, the figures of many extreme wizards emerged.

The Lord of Darkness, the Ancient Tree of Life, the Blood Knight... and another intact 'Leylin'!

"you… "

The appearance of many extreme wizards repulsed the glory of the gods, and the twisted shadow let out a frenzied cry.

"Do you think... only your twisting power can deceive the true spirit of the rules?"

Beside the Mother of the Earth, Leylin, who was severely injured by Ichel's thorn, smiled secretly, his body suddenly spread apart, turning into the bloodshot original sin power in the darkness.

"I've used this trick before and demonstrated it to you in person, but you haven't even considered it yet..."

The expression in Leylin's eyes, as if he saw a fool, made the twisted shadow yell crazily:

"Impossible! Why is this happening? I have clearly blinded your mind with the power of distortion, no! Your power of original sin!!!"

"Finally found out?"

Leylin looked at the twisted shadow with pity in his eyes: "Your twisted power lost to my original sin power in the confrontation, and even your heart was blinded by me..."

"How...how is it possible?"

The Distorted Shadow is best at using the power of distortion to silently affect other existences, such as planting the twisted seed on Cyric, corrupting and devouring Inosit, and the arrangement on Leylin back then.

But Leylin's power of original sin is based on the emotions of the seven deadly sins, and it also has miraculous effects in manipulating people's hearts.

The collision of the two forces ended in the complete defeat of the Twisted Shadow.

Not only did the Twisted Shadow's previous attempts to blind Leylin's mind fail, but Leylin took the opportunity to deceive him, exposing the Twisted Shadow's conspiracy.

Being defeated in the most proud place, especially defecting under the witness of many wizards, is simply the biggest humiliation and blow in the wizarding career for Twisted Shadow!

"I'm going to kill you, kill you..."

Twisted Shadow went crazy.

"It's me who should say this! Your crimes should be judged by me!!!"

Leylin waved his hand, boom! boom! boom! boom!

The aura of the power of the eight disasters came engulfing the lord of natural disasters, followed by his chip clone and the mother of ten thousand snakes.

Numerous eighth-level existences made the faces of the gods even more difficult to look at.

For this victory and his own safety, Leylin gave up the swamp defense area without hesitation, and mobilized all his manpower here.

"In the name of the Wizards' Joint Conference, the Twisted Shadow has turned its back on the way of truth and given up the glory that belongs to wizards. It doesn't deserve to be called a wizard anymore!"

As a representative of other extreme wizards, the Lord of Darkness also issued a declaration: "From now on, the twisted shadow is the running dog of the gods! The enemy of all wizards!"

"Our plan has failed, evacuate here quickly!"

The will of the God of Nature came down, with a green radiance: "Save your strength!"

"What are we waiting for? Now is the best opportunity, as long as we end the opponent here, the war will end hundreds of years earlier!!!"

Leylin jumped forward with a long roar, and the Seven Deadly Sins radiated a strange light.

"Everyone, follow our previous preparations!"

There was a lot of calculating light in the eyes of Leylin's chip clone, which roared out suddenly.

Although the eighth-level existence is powerful, it is still too fragile in the battle between the extreme wizard and the powerful divine power. It must be united to exert the greatest strength.

"Based on the power of blood!"

The Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes opened her hands, and a star-sized snake ball emerged, carrying the roar of many giant snakes and the power of surging blood.

"With the power of disaster as the skeleton!"

The eight disaster lords roared in unison, and the disaster power that belonged exclusively to the disaster lord formed eight mysterious nodes, which formed a perfect balance with the blood energy in the snake ball.

"Blood disaster!"

The chip avatar came to the most critical core node, with terrifyingly powerful computing power, coordinating the power of the nine-bit rule, the bloodline and the power of disaster amplified each other, and finally formed a terrifying killing move.

The blood-red hexagonal crystals fell down like snowflakes, instantly blocking Tyr, the God of Justice, and Tempus, the God of Battle.

Bloody's ultimate move even formed a unique space, faintly carrying the power of the law of space, separating Tyr and Tempus from the vortex of the gale.

Afterwards, the Seven Deadly Sins in Leylin's real hand suddenly turned into a long cross sword, guiding the blood-colored crystals that filled the sky, falling down like a rainstorm and hailstones.

"Guardian of Pride!"

The armor transformed from the Seven Deadly Sins blocked Tempus' final blow, and the cross sword with the power of blood calamity pierced Tempus' forehead in an instant, and annihilated the opponent's true spirit.

The Seven Deadly Sins with the effect of 'The Silence of Death' completely annihilated even the last hope of resurrection of the other party.

"Evil wizard! You have killed another god. Not even the waters of the Styx can wash away your sins!"

Tyre drank sharply, but his body kept retreating.

At this time, an extremely strong regret completely occupied its heart. If time could be turned back again, Tyre vowed that he would use all his means to destroy the other party, at all costs!

Unfortunately, Leylin didn't give him this chance.

"Tyr, Mystra's ally! The previous grievances should end today!"

The Seven Deadly Sins were changing, countless forms of war flashed, and finally turned into a ferocious horned hammer with black barbs.

"The multiplication of anger!" "The increase of greed!"

The gigantic hammer of the Seven Deadly Sins, with the power to destroy everything, crashed down!

Tyre screamed, like a weeping little girl, and fled frantically to the rear.

It's a pity that the ultimate battlefield move created by ten eighth-level wizards cannot be instantly deciphered by the current Tire.

Endless blood sprays descended, completely blocking Tyre's path, and he had no choice but to accept his fate.


The moment the artifact in Tyre's hand came into contact with the Seven Deadly Sins, it let out an overwhelmed scream, and cracked inch by inch.

Then, a huge hammer hit its forehead directly, and the power of destruction spread.


After a loud noise, everything returned to calm, and Tire completely disappeared from the world.

The Seven Deadly Sins made a creaking sound, and the whole body squirmed slightly, and there was a feeling of satisfaction.

Under the engulfment of gluttony, the two powerful divine powers were turned into its nutrition, which actually made the seven deadly sins feel temporarily overwhelmed.


The bloodline calamity space spread out, and then Leylin saw a distorted figure with a shocked face. The opponent was attacking this space at this time, and it seemed that he still wanted to rescue one or two.

"What? Are you surprised?"

The Seven Deadly Sins in Leylin's hand turned into a thin sword commonly used by nobles. Leylin flicked the blade, making a crisp sound.

"Tyr and Tempus, two powerful divine powers, have fallen so quickly..."

Not only the Distorted Shadow, but even the other gods and even the Lord of Darkness who came with Leylin fell into a daze.

Afterwards, Twisted Shadow reacted the fastest, had completely given up on the plan of entanglement, and was about to flee directly.

But how could Leylin let him go

"The seven deadly sins have taken in too much energy this time, and this time it happens to be vented together!"

The bloody space rose again, covering the distorted shadow. Leylin's true self entered the space and looked at the distorted shadow in panic. The Seven Deadly Sins in his hand had peristaltic veins like blood vessels all over his body, and let out a huge roar.

"Energy release!"

The Battle of Gale Canyon was considered by latecomers to be an important battle to end the Second World War.

In this battle, the gods directly lost Chauntia, the mother of the earth, Tyr, the god of justice, and Tempus, the god of battle. The main gods of the four elements and the god of nature were also severely injured. The important undercover agent and pawn - Twisted Shadow was also caught out by Leylin and killed, causing heavy losses to the extreme.

From then on, the wizard's advantage became even greater, and the final battle began directly.

And Leylin, who contributed the most in this battle, is also widely sung, and his reputation spreads all over the star world, even after millions of years, it is still passed on.