Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 10


Bai Lu's expression was suddenly indescribable.

But Xue Li did not lie to her, she was really trying to communicate with the giant snow wolf, and she really felt that although they could not understand each other's speech, they were not completely without similarities. It was a bit like two languages with the same root. This made Xue Li feel very novel about this foreign wolf.

Xueli said, "He is an outsider wolf after all. We know very little about him, so I want to learn as much as possible. This morning, I came to check his wounds, but he was hungry. He should have taken more care and rested with such serious injuries. Moreover, he hadn't had a drop of water since he fell. I gave him some of my food, but he couldn't eat so much. I hadn't had breakfast yet, so we ate together."

"No wonder I couldn't find you this early in the morning."

Bai Lu nodded in understanding.

Having said this, she subconsciously lowered her head to see what Xueli had given the wolf to eat, but the next moment she saw radishes all over the ground and baskets of radishes.

Bai Lu was confused.

After a while.

The white deer was shocked and said, "You actually gave all the carrots to the wolf!!"

Xueli felt embarrassed when she saw Bailu looking at the radishes on the ground with horror. She rushed over to hide the fallen radishes in the basket, saying, "What does it matter? There are so many radishes anyway, and the wolf is hungry. I just let him eat a few more."

Bai Lu looked at the radishes poured out on the ground. It was not a matter of eating a few more. Xue Li had put them in a basket! It was obvious that the basket could not hold all the radishes, so he had to use a bigger one. Even though the Snow Wolf was huge, it would not take that much food to prepare for him.

Now even the little deer had to admire Xueli's genius. Not only did she get rid of the radishes she disliked, but she also fed such a big wolf. In the end, she had a reason to explain to Aunt Shao. It was really killing three birds with one stone!

Xiaolu said, "When Aunt Shao comes back, if she knows that you got away with it like this, she might be very angry!"

Xueli said: "My aunt won't be back for another six months! There's no need to worry so early now, right? There's still some in the house. It's not like I won't eat..."

Xueli wanted to look like her aunt was angry and felt worried. She shrank her neck and shuddered, but she still said, "Besides, you see, after I gave the carrots to this wolf, he ate them all. In this way, we don't have to worry about him eating meat and attacking other people in the future, right?"

Bai Lu was slightly stunned, and looked at the ground as Xue Li said, only to see that several radishes had indeed been eaten, with some radish leaves left on the ground that had not been picked up and not eaten. It seemed that the Snow Wolf had really eaten the radishes given by Xue Li, and had no objection.

This did make people feel more at ease, but Bai Lu was still worried when she saw such a big wolf that didn't speak. She said, "He did eat carrots, but this only confirms that he can eat vegetarian food in critical situations. It doesn't mean he won't have the hunting instinct after he recovers. We still have to be cautious."

Xueli thought about it and nodded in agreement, "That's true. Then when he can move a little, I'll let him live in my house and observe him for a while."

Bai Lu said guiltily, "Thank you for your help."

To be honest, there are only a few animals that are not afraid of this wolf. Bai Lu has always been a little surprised that Xue Li could remain calm in the face of this huge snow wolf of unknown origin and could even immediately heal her wounds.

Zi Lan was listening to the little nine-tailed fox and the little deer talking "ao ao ao" and "woo woo woo" in a language he couldn't understand. Although he couldn't understand a word they said, from the way they glanced at him from time to time, Zi Lan could vaguely guess that they were talking about him, so he became a little nervous.

He was in better spirits than yesterday, and he looked around unconsciously.

The little animals who were good friends with the little nine-tailed fox happened to gather nearby today, probably because they were worried that something might happen to her. The white deer stayed by Xue Li's side, the little rabbits stood on their hind legs and surrounded her, and many birds perched on the branches and looked down.

Zi Lan memorized the appearances of Little Nine-tailed Fox and his friends one by one, but when they met his gaze, they seemed to unconsciously tense their bodies and show vigilance.

Zi Lan was actually quite surprised at the relationship between Xue Li and the animals in the fairyland. Their Snow Wolf Clan, as the divine beast of the wolf clan, had always been feared by other races of animals because of their huge size and fierce fighting. It was okay to get along with other wolves in the Nine Heavens Wolf Realm, but the lower fairyland they were in charge of also had many other animals like this fairyland. Although the smaller animals were residents of their star-controlling divine beasts and had a natural sense of closeness to them, they would not play with the little fox as easily as here. When the residents of the Wolf Star Fairyland faced the Snow Wolf, they showed more respect and awe for those with high cultivation.

The look she received at this moment was not unfamiliar to Zi Lan and was understandable.

Even the white deer, who seemed to have the closest relationship with the little nine-tailed fox and the most intelligent one, sometimes looked at him with a hint of timidity and fear in his eyes. Only the little nine-tailed fox was different. When she heard what the white deer said, she first hurriedly stuffed all the radishes into the basket, and then drooped her ears in disappointment at the other party's words, but immediately argued with him, as if she had convinced the other party.

Combined with the few words he heard yesterday, it was not difficult for the Snow Wolf to guess that the little fox had secretly come to feed him and take care of him, but was discovered by her friends who came to play with her. So Little Snow Pear explained in panic and wanted to hide the radish given to him. The White Deer advised her to be careful, but the little nine-tailed fox did not give up. He straightened his chest and fought hard for him, and finally persuaded the other small animals temporarily.

The snow wolf moved his ears with mixed feelings. He could understand what those little animals were thinking. If he had encountered an unfamiliar and ferocious alien creature breaking in, he would not have let down his guard so quickly. But because of this, Zi Lan was even more moved by the little nine-tailed fox that tried hard to protect him.

At this time, Xueli and Bailu's discussion about the snow wolf also came to an end for the time being. She said, "Anyway, leave this matter to me. I will take care of him. Even if he is aggressive, I will definitely not let him hurt the creatures in the fairyland."

She paused, then continued, "You guys go play somewhere else for a while, we are eating now. The wound on this wolf should be healed in two days, I need to prepare medicine in advance."


When Bai Lu and the others heard Xue Li say this, they stopped caring and temporarily dispersed.

After the small animals left, Xue Li continued to eat fruit with the Snow Wolf.

Although the snow wolf was very big and indeed hungry, his appetite was not as large as expected, and was about the same as that of an ordinary young man. He only ate a small portion of the large basket of radishes and was full.

Xueli was a little disappointed when she saw the remaining half basket of radishes. But when she thought about the radishes that had been eaten, she cheered up again. She packed up the remaining radishes and placed them solemnly next to the Snow Wolf, saying, "These are all for you! Eat them when you are hungry! I will be back at noon!"

With that, Xue Li skipped back to the cabin.

As soon as she returned to the wooden house, she immediately transformed into a human form.

She straightened her skirt, let her black hair fall behind her, walked to the bookshelf, took out two volumes of books, spread them out on the small table, then took out paper and pen, ground some ink, and began to write something in the book.

Xue Li was writing about Snow Wolf's condition over the past two days, his treatment, and his recovery and reactions after treatment. At the same time, she also carefully drafted the herbs she would use for him next.

Her aunt had taught her that there were many kinds of diseases in the world, and they would vary according to region, family and habits. Since she was studying medicine, she should pay attention to accumulation when encountering various diseases. She should not be afraid of difficult and complicated diseases, but should constantly accumulate rich knowledge and cases in order to make progress. She should remain humble and cautious, and never think that she is knowledgeable and can treat all diseases.

Xue Li was also surprised at the size of the snow wolf. The severity of its injuries and the rarity of its species were things Xue Li had never encountered before. She thought that her aunt probably didn't encounter many cases like this, so she wrote it down so that she could show it to her aunt when she came back and they could discuss it together.

Xue Li recorded it in great detail, taking her half an hour and writing three or four pages to completely describe the Snow Wolf's physique and condition, and the medical record was completely written.

She breathed a sigh of relief, carefully put away the papers, tied them up with a thin string, and put them back on the bookshelf. Then she turned her gaze to the large box of radishes in the room and began to think about lunch again.

At noon that day, the Snow Wolf really ate the cooked radish.

Xue Li steamed the radish in the rice and sprinkled a lot of spices on it. She was extremely attentive and, considering the Snow Wolf's injuries, she even added magical herbs to it. The steamed radish was fragrant and appetizing.

Zi Lan was also surprised to see that Xue Li had prepared lunch for him so carefully, but somehow, he always felt that the little fox was looking at him very eagerly, as if it had great expectations for something.

Zi Lan didn't understand why, but couldn't bear to let the other person down, so she lowered her head and took two bites.

As soon as he finished eating and looked up, he saw the little nine-tailed fox looking at him expectantly.

Zi Lan was silent for a moment, thinking that the little fox was expecting his reaction after eating the food she cooked, and tried to answer: "...It's delicious."

"Ouch! Ouch!"

Although he knew that the little fox would not understand what he was saying, after Zi Lan opened his mouth, he saw the little nine-tailed fox jumping around happily and wagging its tail constantly. It looked very encouraged, and its expression of "If it tastes good, eat more" could be expressed even without words.

Zi Lan's skin under the wolf fur felt slightly hot, and he couldn't help but lower his head and pretend to eat to cover it up.

But he didn't notice that after he lowered his head and started eating, the wolf's tail behind him couldn't help but move slightly.