Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 104


Moon Goddess, Drunk Xin.

The moment he recalled the name, Lord Xuanwu felt dizzy for a moment, and a tide of memories surged up from the depths, as if bringing him back to the magnificent ancient times ten thousand years ago.

Moon goddess.

He is a true humble gentleman, an ancient god.

He was born with the moon and was one of the earliest ancient gods born between heaven and earth.

Zuixin is just like the bright moon he controls, bright and clear, flawless and pure. Those who have actually seen the Moon God Zuixin in those days were all impressed by his noble character and demeanor, and they still talk about him with relish and praise him endlessly until now.

Of course, this also applies to Lord Xuanwu himself.

He is now a celestial beast, a thousand-year-old divine tortoise revered by all the immortals. The younger generations envy his ten-thousand years of cultivation, worship him for supporting the pillars of the sky, and regard him as one of the earliest gods to come to the world. Little do they know that in those days, he was just a small turtle between heaven and earth.

In the world, the sun and the moon rose first, then there were countless stars, and then all living things were born. He was born before the stars, but after the sun and the moon.

Lord Xuanwu will never forget the time when he swam across the Starry Sky River. He looked up in the water and saw the Moon Goddess sitting among the clouds playing the flute. The clean hem of his clothes looked like a flowing cloud blending into the wind.

Zuixin sensed that a living being was approaching, so he put down his jade flute, lowered his head and looked at him. Seeing that it was the little divine turtle swimming in the Milky Way, he smiled at him, raised his sleeves and pushed the water in the Milky Way to create ripples, helping him to reach the sea of stars.

There is nothing more pure and white in the world than this.

He had never heard anyone say a bad word about Yueshen Zuixin.

But the white clothes, the white jade flute, and the sword in the flute all match the appearance of the Moon Goddess Zuixin in the past.

The heart of the Black Tortoise God was beating hard, and he couldn't sort out his myriad of thoughts.

All the gods present were surprised to hear the word "Moon Goddess". The Jade Rabbit gods and immortal officials who were still looking after the Moon Palace were even more panicked.

The only one who was confused was Xueli. She looked at the expressions of the others around her, wondering if she had missed something, and asked in confusion, "Who is this Moon God?"

The Black Tortoise God finally came back to his senses. He knew that Xue Li was confused. He looked around and saw that the other gods were all less than three thousand years old. Although their cultivation was not bad, even if they knew about these things that happened so long ago, they might not know all the details.

The Lord of Black Tortoise simply stood up, waved his sleeves, and started from the beginning.

As he lifted his sleeves, which were slightly shorter than ordinary clothes, the golden palace suddenly became dark. In the middle of the golden palace, between the two rows of seats where the gods sat, the scene gradually changed as the immortal energy of Xuanwu God flowed through. The immortal energy became like a galaxy with clouds and mist floating on it, flowing in this small area of the golden palace. In the middle of the galaxy, a round moon like a silver plate rose slowly in the clouds.

Xuanwu God said: "When the world was first created, the moon was pure, like the condensed water in a cold pond or the first snow in the early morning of winter. At that time, the god who was born with the bright moon and in charge of the bright moon was the Moon God."

Xue Li looked at the starry sky and silver moon in the center of the golden palace in amazement. She used her fairy energy to imitate the movement of celestial bodies and displayed a small starry sky in the room. This was something that no ordinary deity could do.

But what surprised Xue Li even more was that the silver moon displayed by the Black Tortoise God was indeed clean and flawless. It was a pure white light at a glance, unlike the moon she saw from the window every night, which always had a few gray and dark spots on it.

Xuanwu God sighed, "The Moon God's name is Zuixin. He was originally the most upright God in the world. But since he disappeared, the bright moon has not disappeared, but it has become blemished."

Xueli looked at the flawless moon she had never seen before, and couldn't help but feel a sense of time passing by. But she was still stunned when Xuanwu Divine Lord spoke, and repeated: "Missing?"


The Black Tortoise God nodded.

Xueli asked: "Why did he disappear? Did he have an accident like Zilan did? Or did he encounter something?"

Xuanwu God shook his head and replied, "I don't know."

"have no idea?"


The tone of Lord Xuanwu carried the weight of time, but when he talked about this topic, there was also a bit of silence with mixed feelings.

He said: "It's not what you said. The Moon God may have left the Moon Palace on her own. There must be some other reasons..."

At this point, Xuanwu Divine Lord couldn't help but sigh and said, "It's understandable that the Moon God would do that."

Seeing that everyone was looking at him in confusion, he continued speaking slowly.

"As mentioned before, Moon God Zuixin is also a gentleman admired by everyone among the ancient gods. He can be described as a pure breeze, bright moon, and flawless white jade. When he was young, he met Fairy Chenxia, who controls the clouds. They were childhood sweethearts and young couples. One controls the moon, and the other controls the clouds. They are in love and have a deep relationship. I'm afraid there is no such a perfect match in the world."

"And they both know music. After they got married, they forged a pair of musical instruments together. Fairy Chenxia holds the Moon-Watching Qin, and Lord Zuixin holds the Cloud Flute. They often play the Qin and the Flute in the clouds under the moon, and the Qin and the Flute sound in harmony. They are also good at composing music. You should know that there is a song called "Chasing Clouds" and a song called "Searching for the Moon" in the ancient fairy music. "Chasing Clouds" was written by Moon God Zuixin for Fairy Chenxia, and "Searching for the Moon" was written by Fairy Chenxia for Lord Zuixin. It is said that playing the two songs together is like a glimpse of the sound of the way of heaven."

Xue Li knew about "Looking for the Moon", but this was her first time in the Ninth Heaven, and it was her first time hearing about Fairy Chenxia. She heard from Xuanwu Shenjun's tone that it seemed like the ending was not good, so she hurriedly asked, "What happened next?"

Xuanwu Divine Lord was silent for a moment, and said: "In ancient times, it was not like today. Monsters were everywhere, natural disasters were rampant, and there were many evil demons with evil thoughts. The environment was very bad. Although the gods were born powerful, their cultivation was still weak at that time, and their numbers were scarce. There were no mortal cultivators to help them. They were numerically weak. In order to protect the righteous path, they fought against monsters and evil demons repeatedly. The battles between gods and demons were frequent, often one against a thousand or one against ten thousand. Fairy Chenxia fought in such a fierce battle. In order to protect the people of the world, she resisted the evil fire of all monsters with her body. By the time the Moon God rushed over, Fairy Chenxia had already been shattered and burned cleanly, without even a trace of immortal soul left."

After Lord Xuanwu finished speaking, everyone present fell into silence.

There were tens of thousands of ancient battles, and countless gods and immortals fell. Once they are listed in a book, sometimes there are only one or two sentences. Although you know how tragic it was, it is difficult to empathize with it. However, Xuanwu God was a person who experienced it firsthand in ancient times. When he told the story, the process and details are heart-wrenching.

The Queen of Wolves was silent for a long while before she vaguely confided, "I know Fairy Chenxia, but I don't know about her past with the Moon Goddess."

Xuanwu God said: "The woman has gone. The Moon God is someone we respect, so we will not talk about his sad story."

The Wolf Queen asked, "Could it be that the Moon God left the sky because she couldn't forget the pain she felt for Fairy Chenxia?"

Xuanwu Divine Lord shook his head and said, "No, it's not just that. Fairy Chenxia died tragically, and Moon God was indeed heartbroken. They had a deep relationship as husband and wife, and Fairy Chenxia's death was equivalent to causing Moon God to lose half of his soul. But Moon God couldn't collapse at that time. As an ancient god, he was naturally tough, not only because the world was not settled, but also for other reasons..."

Xuanwu Divine Lord paused for a moment before saying, "He and Fairy Chenxia left behind a daughter."

As soon as these words were spoken, all the gods and immortal officials present, except for the Jade Rabbit Clan who seemed to know something, showed expressions of great astonishment.

Lord Xuanwu knew that not many people knew about it, and he sighed again. Even though he had seen pessimism and separation for thousands of years, when he thought of this, sadness could not help but appear in his old eyes.

He said with regret, "She was an innocent little girl named Yuezhu. The name was given by Fairy Chenxia. Her features resembled Fairy Chenxia's, and her facial features resembled Moon Goddess. She had the best qualities of both. She was only eight years old at the time, and was very smart. If she could grow up, I think she would grow up to be as beautiful as Lord Zuixin and Fairy Chenxia."

"After Fairy Chenxia passed away, Lord Zuixin only had his daughter in his mind, so he naturally loved her like a treasure. He personally took care of her feeding, studying, and cultivation. Although Moon God was still modest and gentle at that time, she already had a look of world-weariness on her face. She only smiled when she saw her daughter."

"Lord Zuixin practically tied his daughter to his belt. He took her with him wherever he went, inseparable from her... There was only one place he couldn't take her to."

"At that time, the world was not at peace, and the Moon God had to go to the battlefield. The battlefield was too dangerous, and his beloved wife died on the battlefield. Naturally, the Moon God would not let the little girl get involved. So every time he went to the battlefield, he would give his daughter a small water clock with a very narrow tube, let Yuezhu wait in the Moon Palace, and tell her that her father would come back before the water in the pot leaked away."

"As a result, one time, the Moon God went out to fight as usual, and the little daughter waited in the Moon Palace with the water clock in her arms. When the water was about to run out, she excitedly ran to the front of the Moon Palace to wait for her father. But the Moon God fought hard that day and returned much later than expected. When he hurried back to the Moon Palace, he found that Yuezhu had been waiting for her father for a long time after the water ran out, so she ran away from the Moon Palace to find him and accidentally fell into the Black Ice Pond. Zuixin God, regardless of his own injuries, frantically fished his daughter out. Yuezhu was still alive at the time, but after soaking in the Black Ice Pond for a long time, the cold evil deeply invaded her body. She searched for medical immortals but could not be cured. She was tortured by the cold for many days and died of illness not long after."

Xuanwu God said sadly: "When Yuezhu was fished out of the Xuanbing Pond, he was still holding the water bell in his arms and refused to let go. We don't know what happened to Yuezhu for a long time after his death, but the Moon God has changed a little since then. He still speaks gently in front of people, but he is obviously taciturn, no longer plays the flute, and no longer likes to go back to the Moon Palace."

Xuanwu said, "Long before the Moon God disappeared, he often went out and no longer stayed in the Moon Palace, sometimes for three to five years, sometimes for three to four hundred years. I remember that the Jade Rabbits had been assisting the Moon God for a long time. At first, the Jade Rabbits were very anxious to find him, but later they got used to it. They always thought that the Moon God would come back after a few hundred years, so they waited day by day. As a result, one time, the Moon God never came back, so we don't know when he really disappeared or whether something happened to him. From a certain day, the moon became what it is today."

Although Yuezhu is the daughter of the Moon Goddess, she was too young and had no achievements in battle. As time passed so long ago, she was naturally gradually forgotten.

The last few words of Lord Xuanwu were obviously a response to Xue Li who was completely unaware of the matter.

The Jade Rabbit Clan knew all this. When the Jade Rabbit Princess heard what Lord Xuanwu said, she nodded and said, "That's true. We haven't touched anything belonging to the Moon God in the Moon Palace. Our ancestors said that the Moon God might come back someday."

Zi Lan didn't know much about these things, so he listened carefully from beginning to end. But when he heard Lord Xuanwu say "The Moon Goddess's daughter was invaded by the cold evil," he couldn't help but pause.

Zi Lan asked hesitantly, "Lord God, you said that Yuezhu, the daughter of the Moon God, fell into the Black Ice Pond. Could it be that the disease she had was...?"

Xuanwu Divine Lord had not intended to emphasize this aspect, but seeing that Zi Lan had heard it and did not hide it, he nodded at him and confirmed him: "Yes, Yuezhu's illness is the same as Young Master Zi Lan's before... It is a cold disease."

When Xueli heard this, she also felt that it was a cold, and she couldn't help but feel pity for such a little girl.

Xueli asked sadly, "Didn't Yueshen ask for help from my aunt at that time? Couldn't my aunt help?"

Xue Li didn't pay attention to the address in a hurry, but Lord Xuanwu could also hear that he was talking about Fairy Shaoyin.

Xuanwu Divine Lord shook his head and said, "Fairy Shaoyin is indeed a skilled doctor. If she were here, she might be saved... But Fairy Shaoyin is only 8,000 years old. This happened in the ancient times. When Yuezhu was in trouble, Fairy Shaoyin was still an ice lotus without spiritual consciousness on the top of a snowy mountain in the mortal world."

The author has something to say: I didn’t succeed in being a human today qaq

Keep working hard tomorrow.


Thank you very much to Qiushui Bailu, the little fur ball, for throwing me a landmine! ! Kiss, rub and lick the fur =3=