Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 113


I saw the little tiger jumping up and down in the yard, jumping up and down when there were butterflies, and jumping up and down when the leaves flew by.

It's not like the usual casual fun. It has a very serious expression and a very fierce expression. Sometimes it will jump very high, accompanied by a fierce tiger cry of "Ah!"

The little tiger has not yet transformed into a human form. Apart from listening to Xue Li's sermons and singing, there is no specific way to practice. This method of training his hunting ability is probably the most serious form of training in the little tiger's opinion.

The little tiger, who is usually lazy and playful, will become more aggressive after being stimulated by his sister. Xue Li and Zi Lan were quite surprised, but they also felt a little distressed in their eyes. Xue Li actually felt that it was good for the little tiger to be enterprising, but there was no need to put too much pressure on herself. It just kept its original pace and worked steadily and step by step.

Just when Xue Li was hesitating whether to go over and point out the little tiger, she saw the little dragon girl slowly swimming out while maintaining her original shape floating in the air.

The little dragon girl was invited to sleep in the rabbit nest with Princess Jade Rabbit and the others last night. She had never had the chance to leave the dragon palace in the past. It was rare to have a safe medical fairy like Xue Li by her side to play as she pleased. She played to her heart's content in the little fairyland. It seems that he still hasn't woken up yet, rubbing his eyes with his little dragon paw.

She swam out and saw the little tiger that was constantly jumping and catching in mid-air. She floated over in surprise and asked doubtfully: "What are you doing?"

Little Tiger: "Ah ah ah ah!"

The little tiger waved its paw, as if to tell her not to come and cause trouble.

But Xiao Longnu said: "It doesn't matter. I am a divine dragon after all. My scales are very hard and I won't be hurt."

After speaking, she asked strangely: "Is this how you tigers practice? How about I come and play with you?"

With that said, the little dragon girl flew very high, swimming in the air where the little tiger seemed to be able to reach it but just barely, inducing it to come and catch her.

Sure enough, the little tiger took the bait and immediately flew over to catch the little dragon girl floating in the air.

At this time, Sister Tiger also woke up from the nest. When she opened her eyes, she was startled to see that Brother Tiger was missing. When she looked out the window, she saw Brother Tiger playing outside.

Sister Tiger suddenly became energetic and ran out happily, jumping and playing with Brother Tiger.

So soon there were two little tigers flying around outside Sydney's window.

Xue Li saw that the brother and sister had reconciled and the two tigers and one dragon were having a great time. None of the things she worried about happened, and she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, Brother Tiger saw Xue Li waking up after playing for a while, and immediately ran back and walked around Xue Li.

Zi Lan watched the little tiger circling around the snow pear and asked, "What's wrong with it?"

Xue Li was also wondering. She thought for a moment and said, "Is it urging me to sing?"

As soon as Xue Li said the word "singing", Brother Tiger immediately settled down and lay on the ground obediently without moving.

In this way, Brother Tiger's intentions are easy to understand.

In the past, when Xue Li sang, Sister Tiger would always listen attentively, but Brother Tiger would always walk around, fall asleep while listening, and even run away when she refused to listen. It was rare for Xue Li to see Brother Tiger be so obedient and cooperative.

Xueli was surprised, but it was rare for Brother Tiger to be so motivated. Xueli couldn't refuse, so she ran to the porch and sat down where she usually sang.

Brother Tiger immediately sat down under the porch.

At this time, Sister Tiger also ran over happily, sat down next to Brother Tiger, and said happily: "Sister Xueli is going to sing? I haven't heard Sister Xueli sing for a long time!"

Little Dragon Girl didn't know what happened, so she swam over curiously.

Xue Li looked at the three children squatting expectantly under her porch, feeling a little proud and a little embarrassed. She cleared her throat, wagged her tail, and then hummed softly.

Xue Li's voice was fresh and moving. She didn't sing loudly, but the little animals in the wonderland seemed to be able to feel it and naturally gathered around her.

As if being attracted by something, as soon as Xue Li started singing, animals with or without spiritual intelligence kept running over to listen.

Many small animals soon gathered under the porch.

The Fox Fairy, the Jade Rabbit, and the Pheasant also woke up early in the morning. The Fox Fairy was already continuing to build a new house, and the princesses were also teaching the little animals who got up early. Who knew that they were only halfway through their work when they saw the little animals? The animals began to run happily towards Sydney's cabin.

The gods were naturally curious about what happened, so they got up and came over to have a look.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I got closer, I saw the little nine-tailed fox sitting on the porch singing.

She is all white and looks exquisite and cute, with nine white fox tails trailing behind her. Bathed in the clear sunlight, she is as agile and elegant as the legendary nine-tailed fox.

Her voice had the unique sweetness and brightness of a little beast, like snowflakes falling in the center of water. Her voice was not particularly loud, but somehow, because of her singing, everything around her seemed to be silent. This kind of sound paired with a beautiful and elegant song like "Looking for the Moon" has an indescribable beauty and naturalness.

The fox fairies all liked this kind of music like other little animals, so they immediately ran over together dragging their tails and sat at the end to listen. As a result, a small circle of foxes formed around the little animals soon.

Princess Jade Rabbit listened intoxicatedly for a while, then remembered that she had brought the piano with her. She quickly transformed into a human body, took out the piano, and sat down on the spot.

Jade Rabbit cannot sing the whole song "Looking for the Moon" like Xue Li, but of course she has heard of such ancient famous songs, and can also play a few notes. When Xue Li sings the part she knows well, she raises her hand to touch the strings , accompanied her with a few notes.

Xue Li had closed her eyes and hummed happily, but suddenly she heard the sound of a serious piano, which made her open her eyes. She didn't expect that in addition to small animals, even gods would be attracted to her. .

Xue Li immediately became shy. Although she was willing to sing to the little animals, she always felt that such a casual a cappella singing was not so popular. When she saw Princess Jade Rabbit and Princess Pheasant coming with the fox fairies, she felt embarrassed to continue singing.

Xue Li blushed and finished singing the short section accompanied by Princess Jade Rabbit, and then stopped uneasily. However, the gods were very excited and thought she had finished singing normally.

Princess Jade Rabbit said: "Xueli, your voice is so good! This is the first time I have the opportunity to hear the complete "Looking for the Moon"!"

Princess Pheasant smiled and said, "Although I heard that you can play "Searching for the Moon" before during the Palm Star Club, I still think it sounds very good."

Fox Sanbai said in amazement: "Fairy Xueli, you sing so beautifully! If you sing again next time, please invite us to listen together! Don't think we are all one or two hundred year old fairies with no sense of music. Princess Jade Rabbit is so good, but she also knows how to play the pipa, bamboo flute, etc., and can play music for you."

The fox fairies all said yes.

Even Little Dragon Girl swam around happily and said, "Sister sings so beautifully, I feel like my body has become more comfortable!"

Xue Li didn't expect that she would receive so much praise and recognition for singing to the little animals, and she couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Especially the little animals who had been listening to her singing seemed to agree with her, which made Xue Li even more flattered.

She blushed and said, "Thank you."

Everyone praised Xue Li almost exaggeratedly, especially Princess Jade Rabbit. She nestled next to Xue Li and was almost unwilling to leave. Later, even the little animals dispersed, and Princess Jade Rabbit reluctantly left.

"Searching for the Moon" is a song that helps immortals meditate, enlighten themselves and practice peace of mind. After listening to it, not only the intelligence and understanding of small animals will be improved, but the gods will also feel clear-minded.

The little tiger cubs and the little dragon girl also quickly chased each other to play, but Xue Li was the only one left who was still feeling hot.

When she turned around, she saw that Zi Lan was still squatting silently next to her. She quickly turned around and buried her in Zi Lan's fur with a "ouch" and buried her in his arms.

Zi Lan naturally hugged Xue Li quickly and gave her a comforting lick.

The construction of the new fox realm is in order.

Fox Sanbai obviously has some leadership and deployment talents. Although the other fox immortals are young and weak, they are also very capable. In addition, after listening to the music sung by Xue Li, everyone's efficiency seemed to be slightly higher. Within a few days, the Fox Realm was built quite decently. Because the spirit beads brought by Zi Lan as a gift from the Wolf King and the Wolf Queen have expanded the Little Fairyland several times, the additional fox tribe living in will not only make the Little Fairyland look less crowded, but will be more than enough.

The fairyland was quickly and bustlingly built.

Princess Jade Rabbit and Princess Pheasant had to go back because they had to continue the star palming meeting, so they only stayed for three or four days. After teaching the little animals what they could at this stage, they had to go back. Princess Jade Rabbit, in particular, seemed particularly special when leaving. Reluctant to leave.

But Xiaolu seemed very happy about the new developments in Little Fairyland. She jumped up and said to Xueli: "The houses over at Fox Sanbai are almost built! They said that they want to find a way to open in Foxland first in the future. How many shops are there? By then we will have a market here like other fairylands! The animals here don't have fairy money, so he said they could exchange it for fruits. The fox fairies also said they wanted to open a school. All the little animals here go to school and teach everyone how to practice so that everyone can transform into immortals as soon as possible... Of course, these are just preliminary ideas, and we still need to settle down the fox immortals first. "

Xiaolu usually likes to be lively, and is extremely excited about the changes that have taken place in Xiaoxian. He comes over every day to tell Xue Li what he has learned.

Xue Li also thought it was a good thing.

Their wonderland is not big yet, and is expected to remain this small in the short term. However, Xue Li also plans to give the currently homeless fox fairies a gregarious place to live while trying to find other nine-tailed foxes.

Their current plan is to keep the forest as it is. The homes of the fox fairies are in the forest just like other small animals. However, building a market on the other side of the river is mainly to facilitate the fox realm to communicate with other fairy lands and to facilitate everyone. Object exchange.

Xue Li was originally worried that the fox fairies had lived in other fairy lands before and might not be able to adapt to a too simple life. Unexpectedly, these fox fairies are all wild foxes who ascended from the mortal world. They originally lived in the forest. Returning to the forest is like returning to your hometown. Especially for some who have been promoted to immortals for a short time, the houses are not very suitable for them. After discovering other animals living in the cave, he abandoned the house and happily ran into the forest to dig a hole.

Moreover, these fox fairies who have been trained in the mortal world are more familiar with the cultivation methods of spirit beasts than the gods who were born in the fairy world. They have more common topics with small animals. They look at the spirit beasts as if they are watching their descendants, and they can teach them. Practice.

When all the conditions were taken together, the fox fairies quickly integrated into the atmosphere of the forest smoothly, and the two sides got along very harmoniously.

Seeing this, Xue Li finally felt relieved. She was originally prepared to spend a long time helping, but she didn't know it would go so smoothly. It was almost completed in the blink of an eye.

Xue Li looked in a trance as she looked at the vibrant forest scene.

"Things here in Little Fairyland are almost over, what are your plans next?"

Seeing Xue Li looking out the window in a daze, Zi Lan walked over to her, sat down with her, and asked.

He said: "The Palm Star Club will continue for a while. Our side ended earlier than expected. We can go back early."

Sydney is also considering this issue in the past two days.

When she said goodbye to the Wolf King and the Wolf Queen, including bringing the little dragon girl out, she had already agreed on the day to return. They would definitely go back to the wolf realm. But the time has not come yet. You can stay in the little fairyland or return to the wolf realm.

But Sydney had other ideas.

She looked out the window at the little dragon girl who was playing happily with two little tigers, thought for a moment, and said, "No. I was wondering if I could go to my aunt's fairy palace in the ninth heaven."

The author has something to say: A behind-the-scenes conversation about the construction of Little Wonderland Forest

Fox A: The biodiversity of this fairyland is really good. In fact, there are very few foxes with spiritual intelligence now. I also practiced with other spiritual animals in the mortal world. I am worried that I will only see foxes in the future. After all, when I came from the Snake Realm, there were really only snakes.

Fox B: Yes, yes, it would be better to have more animals.

Foxes wagging their tails


Thank you very much, Mr. Meow, for throwing another landmine at me! ! Kiss and rub Maomao! ! lick