Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 117


Angelica shook her head honestly and said, "I don't know."

But he paused, and said firmly: "But this is the result calculated by Lord Yuanjun, it must be correct! I think there is just some reason that we don't understand. The matter of heaven is always mysterious."

Gan Cao said, "In the past, there was only one fox, Fairy Xuexin, in the entire snowy mountain. Shaoyin Yuanjun said that she probably had no parents and was a fox born by nature in the snowy mountain. Perhaps the immortal fate that Lord Yuanjun mentioned refers to this? Fairy Xuexin was lively and cute, and had a deep relationship with Lord Yuanjun. Later, she met Lord Changyun... What happened a thousand years ago must have made Lord Yuanjun very sad."

The two fairy children were both a little depressed when they talked about the past thousand years.

At that time, the entire Nine-tailed Fox tribe disappeared, along with Fairy Xue Xin and her husband Lord Chang Yun, who had a close relationship with Xue Lian Peak. When Shao Yin Yuanjun heard the news, she almost couldn't stand.

Looking at the entire Nine Heavens, the person who suffered the most from the incident with the Nine-tailed Fox Clan was probably Fairy Shao Yin. However, since it was a violation of the Heavenly Rules, Shao Yin could not show any abnormality at all.

In the eyes of Gancao and Danggui, Fairy Shaoyin had undergone some subtle changes since then. She became more solitary and taciturn, and more devoted to her medical skills. She used to refuse to see visitors, probably because she was afraid that people would find out that she secretly kept Fairy Xuexin in the inner palace. But since then, she seemed really unwilling to interact with others, especially unwilling to have a close relationship with others.

She devoted all her time to practicing medicine, just like trying not to be distracted, but sometimes, Gancao would see Fairy Shaoyin staring at Fairy Xuexin's old things in a daze. It had been a thousand years, but they were reluctant to throw away any of Fairy Xuexin's things, and they were all left in their original places.

As Danggui was chatting, his eyes fell on the snow lotus pond not far away. The clear pond water reflected the clean sky, and countless medicinal lotuses were floating in the water.

Angelica lingered and said, "Back then, Fairy Xue Xin loved to sit there and watch the moon. She watched the moon there every night and hummed a beautiful tune."

He said with some anticipation: "I specially arranged a room for Fairy Xueli that is close to the lotus pond and can see the moon at night. Licorice, do you think the fairy will like it?"

Will do.

The sun gradually sets in the west and the bright moon rises into the sky.

When it was almost time to go to bed at night, Xueli finally put down the book and planned to take a rest. She was sitting quietly by the water, looking at the moonlight and her own reflection reflected in the mirror-like pool under the night sky, just like a little nine-tailed fox.

It was not until the night that Xueli discovered that her aunt, as the Snow Lotus Fairy, had planted many medicinal lotuses in the Fairy Palace, and there was more than one lotus pond. In addition to the ice pond where her aunt transformed when she first entered the Fairy Palace, there were also several other more ordinary lotus ponds. There was such a pond outside Xueli's house, and she saw it from the window and couldn't help but come out to take a look.

At this moment, in the still water, there was a little fox as white and fluffy as her, which poked its head out and appeared between the lotus and the moonlight.


Xue Li stretched out her paw to the water surface and touched it lightly, and the reflection of the little white fox spread out with the ripples.

But after a while, the water surface returned to its original state.

Looking at her reflection in the water, Xue Li always felt that there was someone like her in this fairy palace.

She was still thinking about what she saw in the overturned box when she accidentally broke into the inner palace during the day.

Have there been little foxes like me living in this fairy palace before

What kind of fox is she? A white fox? A red fox? A black fox or a mountain fox

Why is her aura so similar to mine? Is she also a nine-tailed fox

Xue Li tilted her head towards the water.

Just at this moment, Zi Lan saw her sitting by the lotus pond, so he walked over, sat down silently beside Xue Li, then lay down beside Xue Li and rubbed her gently.

Zi Lan was a big one after all, and Xue Li noticed him as soon as he approached. She turned her head, called out softly twice, and licked Zi Lan's face carefully.

Xueli asked: "How are Little Dragon Girl and Little Tiger?"

Zi Lan replied: "Just went to bed, already fell asleep."

Xueli asked: "What about you? Aren't you going to sleep yet?"

Zi Lan said, "I'll come out to see you."

When Zi Lan said this, his tone was not much different from usual, but his slightly uneasily wagging tail and slightly reddened ears revealed the lovesickness he was trying to hide.

He simply wanted to see Xueli, and it seemed that he would not be able to sleep well if he didn't take a good look at her.


Xueli lowered her head shyly.

She could see the intention behind Zi Lan's words. Although she was shy to say it, she actually wanted to see Zi Lan. During this period of time, she had been running back and forth between the Star Palm Association and the Little Fairyland. It was only when she went to her aunt's fairy palace that they had time to be alone like this.

In the moonlight, two white animals sat side by side.

Zi Lan sat for a while, paused, and lowered his ear to say, "Xue Li, I'm sorry, it would be better if I could take care of the little tiger today."

"I can't blame you. I am also responsible. Fortunately, it's all over now."

Xue Li comforted Zi Lan.

But she thought about it and asked again: "Wuwu, why do you think there are those things in my aunt's inner palace?"

Zi Lan lowered his head and looked at the little nine-tailed fox sitting by the spring, its nine tails spread out behind it and its little ears moving on its head.

It can be seen that Xue Li should care about this matter very much.

But unfortunately, Zi Lan himself had no idea and could not provide more valuable information to make Xue Li feel at ease.

He thought about it, lowered his head, and touched the little nine-tailed fox's body with the tip of his nose.

This is an intimate gesture, with a certain degree of companionship and comfort.

Zi Lan said, "I don't know. But Fairy Shao Yin deliberately placed those things in the Fairy Palace. Perhaps she was indeed closely related to the Nine-tailed Fox Clan in the past, but for some unknown reason. If she really knows a lot, it would be a good thing for us. When she comes back, perhaps we can ask her directly."


Xue Li felt a little itchy from being rubbed by Zi Lan. She couldn't help laughing a few times and rolled around by the pool. She seemed to feel a little more relaxed.

At this time, Zi Lan looked up at the moon in the sky and said, "It's a full moon tonight."

Zi Lan sat upright, looking up at the sky with his head, his fluffy wolf hair blown back by the wind, his eyes were determined, from this angle, he looked most like the wolf king.

Xueli asked, "Do you like the moon too?"

The moon is the light of the night and a beacon for wild animals.

Even though the divine beasts do not need to work hard to make a living like the wild beasts on earth, they cannot escape from many instincts, so many of the star-holding divine beasts like the moon.

However, the Snow Wolf tribe like Zi Lan is different from the nine-tailed fox and jade rabbit who worship the moon. The way they worship the moon is not to worship it, but to howl at night.

Xueli rubbed Zilan with great interest and said, "I want to hear you howl at night!"

Zi Lan was a little at a loss for what to do.

It is their wolf tribe's habit to howl at night, but in addition to symbolically howling at the moon, it often has other meanings.

For example, now, if everyone in the wolf territory howls at the full moon together, it would be fine, but on the night of the courtship period, when a male wolf howls at a female wolf, it means courtship.

Of course he knew that Xue Li had no other thoughts, but when he howled in front of Xue Li at night, it was difficult for him to control his emotions. He would have other thoughts in his mind, feel nervous, and be afraid that his howling was not good enough.

At this time, Xueli was already scratching him in confusion, saying, "Can't you howl?"

Zi Lan looked at Xue Li's expectant eyes and ears that stood up in worry. He couldn't say no at all, so he could only say, "... No. But it's too late now. This is not a wolf territory. Howling at night might disturb others... Please wait a moment."

After saying that, Zi Lan manipulated the spiritual energy to create a barrier around them that prevented any sound from coming through. Then he cleared his throat, took a step forward, and stretched his body straight.

He raised his head to the night sky and howled, "Awoo—Awoo, Awoo—"

His voice seemed to disappear in the wind, and to Sydney it sounded like a song.

What was even stranger was that she felt as if the song was being sung for her.

Xue Li stared at the big snow wolf blankly, watching his fur fluttering in the wind like waves, his wolf eyes looking straight at her, as if waiting for an answer. Even the appearance of this original snow wolf standing in the moonlight made Xue Li feel his handsomeness that transcended race.

Xueli didn't know why, she felt a little shy and a little excited. She thought Zi Lan's howl was very nice, so she imitated him and howled, "Awoo! Awoo!"

Zi Lan: “Ouch—”

Xueli: "Awooooo! Awooooooo!"

Xue Li jumped around happily under the moonlight, and she and Zi Lan howled in the night. If the barrier had not been set up before, I am afraid that other people in the fairy palace would have been woken up by them.

The two of them howled until midnight, and Xueli already felt tired.

Zi Lan looked at her and saw that she couldn't help yawning after howling, and said gently: "Go back to sleep."

Xueli nodded, and then said, "Wait a minute!"

With that, Xueli rushed back into the house, rummaged through the medical box that she always carried with her, and pulled out a packet of Sterculia lychnophora. She held it out and handed it to Zilan, saying, "Take some of this and soak it in water to drink! Don't hurt your throat."

Zi Lan paused.

It actually didn't matter to him. Howling at night was a normal activity for wolves, and it was okay to howl for a few days. Foxes, on the other hand, didn't bark very loudly. He was more worried about Xueli's small voice than his own.

Zi Lan pushed the Sterculia lychnophora back and said, "Keep some for yourself, too."

So the two of them each shared a few pieces of Sterculia lychnophora.

Zi Lan asked her, "By the way, have you found any clues about Xiao Long Nu's illness today?"

Speaking of this, Xue Li was shocked and said, "I have an idea!"

The first thing she thought of was the case of the water dragon she saw from her aunt. In addition, she found several other cases that were very valuable for reference. Her aunt was indeed knowledgeable and experienced. Xueli was very confident in the information she found this time. She felt that there was a great possibility that she could help Xiao Longnu.

She said, "I have thought of a way! I have some more information that I want to check with my aunt. Once it is fully confirmed, I should be able to cure Xiao Long Nu's illness!"

Zi Lan looked at Xue Li's excited expression and guessed that the situation should be very optimistic.

Xue Li is actually a very talented and outstanding medical fairy, but she still lacks some experience and opportunities. She can cure his cold disease at her age, so Zi Lan naturally believes that she can cure Xiaolongnu's rainlessness.

When talking about the progress of Xiao Long Nu's illness, Xue Li also looked much more optimistic and motivated. She temporarily stopped thinking about the things in the inner palace that she would not get the answer to unless her aunt came back, and forced herself to focus all her energy on Xiao Long Nu's illness. After saying good night to Zi Lan with confidence, she went back to the room and fell asleep.

Over the next few days, Xue Li went to bed early and got up early, concentrating on reading the medical books in her aunt's fairy palace based on her ideas.

She and Zi Lan stayed in the Immortal Palace for a full ten days. Xue Li read the medical books very hard. Not only did she read the books, she also took a lot of notes. There was a thick stack of excerpt papers, so much that she had to use fairy magic to collect them several times before she could put them all into the brocade bag.

When she left Snow Lotus Peak, even the two boys were surprised at how much effort she had put in.

"When she first ascended, Lady Yuanjun's medical skills were not as good as they are now, and she could not cure many stubborn patients. At that time, she encountered patients who could not be cured, and it was the same every time. The medical books and notes she collected from various places were so many that they could not be piled up, and we had to spend a long time to sort them out every time."

Gancao looked at Xueli with mixed feelings and said, "You are really like Lord Yuanjun in some aspects."

The author has something to say: From the perspective of Fox Ball

Foxball: I want to hear you howl at night! (Innocent)

Wolfball perspective

Fox Qiuqiu: I want to hear you howl at night!

↓Automatic translation

Fox Qiuqiu: I want to hear you say you love me!

Wolfball: ... (Turns into a red wolfball)

Wolfqiuqiu: Awoo, awoo—then let me try.


Fox Qiuqiu was forced to listen to Wolf Qiuqiu howling all night.


Thank you very much to Zhao Shiqi and Miao Daren for throwing a mine at me!! Kiss, rub and rub my fur!!

Thank you so much jojojojoooxx for throwing two mines at me!! Kiss and rub my fur very hard!!

Licking you hard