Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 23


The big snow wolf's claws were so smooth that Xue Li rolled from the soft cushion into the snow wolf's fluffy long hair. It felt like falling headfirst into a slightly large dandelion and suddenly sinking into it.

Xue Li opened her eyes wide, looking confused.

Then Zi Lan carefully coiled up her tail, slightly turned her body, and wrapped her in her hair.

Zi Lan has his own considerations.

He had just felt it. Although it was spring now, it had been a cold snap in the past two days. Even the fairyland was a little affected and the temperature was colder than usual.

Zi Lan has suffered from cold since childhood and is very sensitive to temperature drops. However, he cannot sense warmth as clearly as normal people and can only rely on guesswork.

He could clearly feel that the temperature was lower than the previous two days, and there was a slight chill. He was worried that the little nine-tailed fox would get cold if she huddled up to sleep outside, so he decided to come over and sleep with her, using his thick wolf fur to keep her warm.

Although he is afraid of the cold, his fur is very thick and has body temperature. If the two of them stay together, the little nine-tailed fox will definitely not be too cold.

When Zi Lan thought about this, he hugged the little nine-tailed fox even tighter.

Strangely enough, he really felt a hint of winter returning. It was clearly the midday sun now, but he seemed to be even colder than when he slept in the forest late at night a few days ago. He was slightly chilled.

However, Zi Lan's harmless behavior really scared the little nine-tailed fox.

Snow Wolf usually doesn't come out to bask in the sun for a nap. He stays inside the house. Even if he occasionally takes a rest outside, he just lies quietly on the porch without any other movements. This is the first time he came out to sleep with her during her nap, and he even wrapped himself around her!

Xue Li was surrounded by the snow wolf and her vision almost went dark. Not only was his shadow directly covering her, but the wolf's size alone was enough to completely enclose her in its fur.

It was indeed a little chilly these past two days due to the late spring cold snap, but it was noon now and the midday spring sun was warm. Xue Li did not feel particularly cold, but rather felt the weather was pleasant. She never imagined that the Snow Wolf came to keep her warm.

She had been sleeping soundly, but she never expected to wake up in wolf fur. Needless to say, the whole fox was terrified.

She was stunned for a second.

Then he started to struggle hard!

"Ahhh! Let go! Let go quickly! It's so dark!"

Xueli waved her four little feet vigorously and her tail kept wagging back and forth.

Zi Lan had originally closed his eyes, intending to sleep peacefully with the little fox in his arms, but Xue Li began to struggle as soon as she entered his arms, forcing Zi Lan to open his eyes and look at her.

Zi Lan wondered if she had hurt the little fox with her movements, and asked awkwardly, "What's wrong? Aren't you taking a nap today?"

Xue Li felt the big snow wolf let go of her a little, and her struggle became much less intense. But when she looked up, she saw the big snow wolf's innocent face with its ears drooping.

When Xue Li saw the Snow Wolf's expression, her heart felt like it was stabbed gently. She couldn't bear it anymore and suddenly felt as if she had done something wrong.

Xueli said in a panic: "Don't look so disappointed! You are so big and you don't usually take a nap. You suddenly came over to sleep next to me and even pulled me over. I was just startled..."

Xue Li suspected that this big snow wolf might not have a correct understanding of its own size. His original form was so much larger than a smaller animal like her. Even if he had no ill intentions, just his proximity was enough to make people subconsciously feel a pinch in their hearts.

But this snow wolf has been sticking to her very much recently.

Xueli was afraid that she had really hurt the big snow wolf's heart, so she jumped and danced in front of him anxiously. Finally, after thinking about it, she stepped on the big snow wolf's front paws and moved back to the snow wolf step by step, and found a place to stay quietly.

Zi Lan saw that after the little nine-tailed fox was wrapped in his arms, although it woke up, it jumped around in surprise after finding that it was wrapped in a warm place, and wagged its tail at him, looking very happy. Then she took small steps closer to him, looked to the left and right, and finally chose a position she liked, lying down comfortably and rubbing against him.


Zi Lan was delighted, and somewhere in his chest seemed to be filled with warmth in an instant.

He arched his body, hugged the little nine-tailed fox tightly in his arms, and rubbed his face next to her.

When Zi Lan hugged her tightly, Xue Li couldn't help but panic again, but when she saw that the Snow Wolf seemed very satisfied, she had no choice but to lie down.

Anyway, the big snow wolf doesn’t usually take a nap, so it should be just once in a while. Just be patient and it will be over.

Xue Li was just awakened from her sleep and was not in a very good mood. Thinking of this, she felt sleepy again.

Xue Li yawned, rubbed her eyes, and curled herself up again, leaning against the big snow wolf's fur, and fell asleep again in a daze.

Soon, the sleeping little fox began to breathe evenly.

On the other side, Zi Lan held the little fox to her chest very carefully.

A breeze blew in from afar, and his white wolf hair was blown into wave-like arcs. A hint of coolness came through the contact between his skin and the air, causing Zi Lan to shiver slightly.

He felt that it was particularly cold today, even vaguely strange. The chill that he had not paid much attention to just now not only did not disappear as he lay down for a nap, but became more and more biting.

There seemed to be no temperature around him, except for the little nine-tailed fox on his chest, which was still warm and comfortably warm against his chest. Just by holding it, he felt a soft and warm warmth, like a natural little stove.

Zi Lan pursed her pale lips and tensed her body with difficulty.

The disturbing chill and the uncomfortable temperature made Zi Lan feel uneasy.

He subconsciously wanted to get closer to Xue Li, but was afraid of crushing her, so he restrained himself and remained motionless.

He had a cold body since childhood and was prone to cold diseases, so he was very wary of cold.

Zi Lan had a very bad feeling.

The symptoms of cold disease are different each time, and the time of onset is irregular. Sometimes it occurs frequently, sometimes it can be separated by several months, sometimes it only takes a short while to pass, and sometimes it will make the person unconscious for several days in a row, and it may even be life-threatening.

When Zi Lan was young, his illness was extremely serious. He slept more often than he woke up, and was in a drowsy and cold sleep all year round. But in recent years, as his cultivation has improved, his cold illness has obviously improved a lot, and he usually does not suffer from it continuously.

He has just been in this fairyland for a month. Last time, he fell from the Ninth Heaven and landed in this fairyland because he caught a cold during the process of breaking through the realm. Now it has been a short time since he last fell ill.

Not now, not here...

At least don't take it too seriously...

Zi Lan gritted his teeth and endured it, not daring to disturb Xue Li who was sleeping in front of him.

It was clearly a disease that made him feel cold all over, but because of his excessive endurance, Zi Lan broke out in cold sweat, and a small area of the wolf fur on his back was soaked. The cold sweat stuck to his cold body, and it almost felt like falling into an ice storage in the cold winter.

… … …

… …

Xue Li didn't know how long she had slept. She was awakened by a strange and chilly breeze.

This feeling is a bit like when winter is about to come, you don’t close the windows when you sleep at night, and accidentally kick off all the quilts.


Xue Li originally struggled not to wake up, but the air around her was getting colder and colder, causing her to sneeze and she had to open her eyes. Only then could she see the bright sun in the sky and the fairyland scene with birds singing and flowers blooming before her.

Xue Li was dazed by the sight and paused for a moment. She then realized belatedly that it was a spring afternoon, so why was it so cold

She turned her head in confusion and found that she had unknowingly laid back on her original small cushion. The big snow wolf, which had originally wanted to scoop her up into its fur to sleep together, now had a deeply frowned brow, clenched its teeth, a large area of its fur was soaked, and it was curling up into a ball with difficulty, looking extremely painful.

Xue Li was horrified and rolled up from the mat, turning into a human body!

She hurried to the snow wolf and half-knelt beside him. Without bothering to get the medical kit, she reached out her hand directly to the snow wolf's neck to feel his pulse, while checking his physical condition and starting to diagnose as quickly as possible.

It was obvious that the big snow wolf had a sudden emergency.

This symptom was not something that would occur when Xue Li bandaged the wound. Xue Li quickly realized that if she was not mistaken, this might be the old illness that she had discovered in Xue Lang before, but she could not tell what the disease was. And judging from the situation, it must be serious.

Xue Li put her hand on Zi Lan's neck. Even though she could feel the strange chill around her, the moment her fingers touched his body, Xue Li was still shocked by his low body temperature!

What she touched didn't seem like a living thing, but a piece of thousand-year-old black ice soaked in a cold pool!

Such a cold body is enough to freeze all the blood and spiritual energy, and the cold air is as sharp as a sword and will constantly stimulate the body. If it were a spiritual beast with insufficient cultivation or a mortal with no cultivation, it would probably die in an instant.

Xue Li did not dare to delay and quickly took the pulse and checked the body's reaction and the various manifestations of the Snow Wolf.

When Xue Li finished checking everything, she was suddenly shocked!

Severe cold invades the body and chills penetrate into the bones.

It was a cold disease! And it was the most serious one!

Xue Li was horrified. She had practiced with her aunt for many years, and her aunt knew many difficult and serious diseases. Among the various diseases her aunt told her, there were many that Xue Li would encounter in the fairyland, but there were also some that she had only heard about from her aunt even after studying medicine for more than ten years.

These were usually the most serious illnesses, which even my aunt herself rarely encountered. For some of them, my aunt didn't even know where she got them from. She only said that they had naturally come to her mind since she was born and she had never forgotten them.

Cold disease is one of them.

This disease is caused by a large amount of strong cold air entering the body. Most people with poor cultivation have no way to survive such a large amount of cold air, so naturally there is no such thing as a cold disease. But even if they survive by chance, it is extremely difficult to cure. The patient will repeatedly suffer from the torture of the cold air itself, and the process is quite dangerous and painful.

Xue Li didn't expect that the big snow wolf would suffer from this kind of disease, and was stunned.

Just at this time, the white deer who came to play with Xueli every afternoon came here as usual.

She was walking briskly, but just as she got closer, she saw Xue Li turned into a human and sat on the porch, while the big snow wolf in front of her was curled up with clenched teeth, covered in cold sweat, and looked to be in a very bad situation.


Bai Lu opened her mouth in fright, and the fruit she brought as a gift fell out of her mouth, but she had no time to pick it up. She rushed to Xue Li in a hurry and circled around them anxiously.

When Xue Li saw Bai Lu coming, she made up her mind in a flash.

She tried to stay calm and said to Bai Lu decisively: "Xiao Lu, can you go to my medicine cabinet in the house? And bring me the second jar of herbs in the third row and the sixth jar of herbs in the fifth row. And bring me some water and towels, and boil some hot water for me."

Xue Li’s request was very complicated, but Bai Lu also knew that the situation was critical and there was no time to delay.

Bai Lu nodded quickly, then quickly ran into the house to get what Xue Li needed.

After Xue Li and Bai Lu entered the house, they sat in front of Zi Lan and calmed themselves down.

She took a deep breath, stretched out her palms, and cupped her hands. Soon, a faint warmth and light golden glow appeared in her palms, and the light was divided into five petals, as if she was holding a golden lotus in her hands.

It's the art of melting snow!

The author has something to say: I arrived late at the second stop, sorry darlings qaq

I just glanced at the comments with fear and found that Maoqiuqiu didn't even get angry and scold me. You are so cute and have a good temper.

I will also give everyone a small red envelope in this chapter.

I'm going to the third stop. I don't dare to say what time it is, but it will probably be very late. Everyone should go to bed early and don't wait.