Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 28


Although Sydney's wonderland is small, it is a whole forest after all. It is large enough for animals without intelligence. There are many species of animals in the forest, and there are several tigers alone.

The northern part of the forest was indeed the territory of a tigress. Xueli had a bad feeling when she saw so many small animals rushing towards her at the same time, and asked hurriedly, "Is it the one that usually brings the two cubs?"


The little monkey nodded desperately.

Xue Li's heart sank and she made a prompt decision.

“Take me to see it!”

The tigress lived deep in the northern forest, far away from the human habitation where Sydney and other intelligent animals lived.

There are indeed many animals in the forest, but most of the first ones to develop intelligence are small vegetarian animals that live close to Sydney, have friendly temperaments and are willing to get along with other animals.

There were actually quite a few carnivorous animals in the forest, and after Xueli arrived in the fairyland, they gradually became imbued with the fairy spirit and began to eat fruits and leaves. However, most of the beasts were aloof and kept to themselves, and rarely came out like the white deer and rabbits when they heard Xueli's singing. They usually hibernated in the secluded parts of the forest and rarely showed up. Over time, while many of the herbivorous animals had developed intelligence, most of the fierce beasts in the forest were still in a state of ignorance, and could only survive without hunting.

This is exactly what happened to the tigress who lived in the northern part of the forest.

It gave birth to two tiger cubs in the forest three years ago. It usually concentrates on wandering around the territory with the cubs, rarely leaves the territory, and does not interfere with other intelligent animals.

But after all, they are animals in the forest. As the only nine-tailed fox in the fairyland, Xueli also holds the key to the fairyland. She is familiar with all the animals in the fairyland and will help heal them when they are injured or sick. When the tigress gave birth, Xueli also followed her aunt to take care of it.

Xue Li remembered that the tigress was not in very good health and was a little thin compared to other tigers in Wonderland, but she was very protective of her cubs and usually kept the two cubs by her side, never leaving their side.

When Xue Li heard that something had happened to a tiger, she suddenly became solemn. She no longer mentioned washing and eating breakfast, and hurried over under the guidance of the little monkeys and rabbits.

Of course, the white deer and the big snow wolf followed closely behind.

However, even though she had made some mental preparation, Xue Li still felt a sinking feeling in her heart when she saw the scene.

The air was filled with a pungent smell of burning. The thickest and strongest locust tree in the forest was split in half, and its crown was charred by lightning. There was also faint smoke and faint sparks.

The mother tiger was pinned under a thick tree trunk, with marks of being hacked at, and was motionless. Two young tiger cubs surrounded her helplessly, whimpering softly.

The little monkey said, "We live relatively close to here. We found them when we went out this morning. It looked like they didn't have time to go back home when it rained last night. The mother tiger had to take shelter under a tree with her cubs, but she didn't expect the thunder to be so strong..."

Xueli's heart sank to the bottom. She quickly ran forward, transformed into a human form, and put her hand on the tigress's neck.

Although the two little tigers were not intelligent, they recognized Xue Li as the owner of the fairyland and a fairy who was good at medicine. When they saw her coming, they all moved away and watched her nervously as she touched the mother tiger.

It felt cold to the touch, without a trace of breath, and all the spiritual energy accumulated in the fairyland had dissipated.

Xue Li's solemn expression suddenly turned gloomy, and the atmosphere became quite heavy.

Zi Lan followed Xue Li all the way and was guarding her, now standing not too far away.

He looked at Xue Li's back with sorrow, as she seemed to collapse all of a sudden.

He understood what Xue Li's expression meant.

Zi Lan is the son of the Wolf King, and in a sense he is also the lord of the fairyland. There are many lower-level fairylands like this one under the name of the Wolf Realm. There are many creatures in the fairyland, some with intelligence and some without, some who can transform into human bodies and some who cannot.

Living in a fairyland does not mean that you can sit back and relax. There may be risks such as natural disasters, invasions by foreign enemies, and all kinds of accidents. The cultivation levels of living beings are different. Even if living in a fairyland, creatures with lower cultivation levels cannot be guaranteed not to die due to special circumstances like those in the mortal world. However, it is very painful to see the people in the fairyland leave.

Zi Lan saw Xue Li’s silent and depressed back and knew that she must be very sad now.

He took a step forward, wanting to go to her side and comfort her. But at this moment, Zi Lan's nose moved and she smelled a strange smell.

This breath had a familiar feeling, and was very similar to the smell he caught in an instant when he broke through the Golden Pagoda.

Zi Lan's ears suddenly stood up! He looked around vigilantly, afraid that something unusual might happen. However, the breath quickly disappeared in the wind, just like an illusion, and there was no trace of it anymore.

Zi Lan was stunned for a moment, wondering if he was being too suspicious, but he did not dare to completely let his guard down.

At this moment, Xue Li was staring at the lifeless body of the tigress, feeling filled with sorrow.

She had a feeling of tragic confusion.

Ever since wild beasts stopped hunting and her medical skills became more and more sophisticated under the guidance of her aunt, there has been no death in the fairyland for at least five years.

Xueli grew up in the fairyland and depended on her aunt for survival. No outsiders had ever come here, and the creatures in the fairyland rarely went out. They were isolated from the world, but peaceful and happy. For Xueli, every animal in the fairyland was familiar to her. They either accompanied her or watched her grow up. They were all her family and friends.

Xue Li thought that she had learned medical skills well, and even if her aunt was not around, she would be able to protect her family and prevent them from dying from illness or injury.

However, no matter how superb her medical skills are or how outstanding her cultivation is, there are things under the laws of nature that she cannot keep.

Tears welled up in Xueli's eyes, but she couldn't cry now. Her aunt was not in Wonderland, and the white deer, the little monkey, and the rabbit were all helpless. If she cried, the little animals would have to distract themselves to comfort her, and they would be even more at a loss.

Xueli calmed herself down, reached out her hand, and stroked the tigress's face soothingly.

The two little tigers seemed to know what Xue Li's action meant. They lay beside their mother, sobbing and whimpering, making the weak cries of little animals.

Xueli said, "Let's move it out and bury it at the entrance of the cave where it usually lives. I will use my magical energy to pray for its soul to rest in peace in its new place."

The white deer and other small animals all looked sad when they heard Xueli's words. The white deer drooped its ears and looked worriedly at the two little tigers who were crying beside their mother.

Xue Li stood up, flicked her sleeves lightly, and recited a mantra silently. The heavy locust tree that was chopped off floated in the air as easily as a weightless cloud.

The monkeys and rabbits ran over quickly and frantically carried out the tigress's body. The white deer also protected the two little tigers who stayed beside their mother and refused to leave, for fear that they would be crushed by the tree.

Seeing them busy, Zi Lan didn't know where to intervene, so he could only stand aside to protect Xue Li.

Xue Li learned most of her magic from "Aunt Shao". Unlike her amazing medical skills, these magics were just very basic magic techniques commonly used by mortal sorcerers. But now that she is an immortal, she can use them quite well.

Only after the tigress and the fox cubs were moved away did Xue Li put down the big locust tree.

Together they carried the tigress's body to the cave where the tiger family lived. As it was a dwelling for unintelligent animals, the cave looked very simple, with only some hay that came from nowhere, ancient bones, and leftover fruit cores.

Xue Li worked together with the small animals to dig a long square hole in front of the cave and gently placed the tigress's body into it.

The little tigers were still reluctant to leave, and they looked at their mother tiger who was placed deep in the cave and was no longer breathing, calling "Woo woo". They seemed to want to jump in with her. But after all, they had lived in the fairyland for a long time and had vaguely obtained some spiritual energy. They seemed to know that this was the last place to say goodbye. Even if they jumped in, their mother would not come back to life and gently lick their heads with her tongue. So they could only scratch the entrance of the cave with their immature claws and call out miserably. The mud and sand on the edge of the cave were constantly rubbed off by their movements, forming an irregular arc.

The little animals were very silent. Each of them used one paw to quietly fill the hole with soil, leaving the little tiger crying anxiously around them.

After everyone buried the tigress, Xue Li picked some clean wild flowers and magical herbs on the spot.

The medical immortal has his own method of salvation.

She crushed the wild flowers and spiritual herbs together, slowly gathered spiritual energy, silently recited the mantra in her heart, and then quietly scattered the flowers and herbs onto the small pile of earth.

The flowers and plants scattered by Xue Li turned into white light the moment they left her palms. Although there was no wind, they floated away in a certain direction as if they had consciousness.

Finally, Xue Li took some grass stems on the spot, simply weaved them into a rope, tied a ring-like knot, and placed it on the mound where the tigress was buried.

This means the salvation is complete.

Xueli is a true nine-tailed fox mythical beast, a fairy with an ethereal body. Although she cannot bring the tigress back to life, her ethereal energy is enough to guide its soul to safely go to the mortal world, find its home again and be reincarnated.

But for a creature without intelligence and immortal body, its life in this world has truly ended. And for these two little tigers, they have truly lost their mother.

The little animals stood around the mound of earth in silence for a moment.

The two young animals leaned against the mound, snuggled up to each other, and sobbed softly, without any aggressiveness at all.

Xueli was silent for a while, but she calmed down and said, "This is how the tigress's salvation is completed. She will have a good life in her next life. Everyone can rest assured."

Xue Li's words seemed to ease the gloomy and sad atmosphere a little, and had the power to soothe people. After listening to her, the little animals' faces all looked better.

But after a while, the white deer hesitantly moved its hoof, looked at the two little tigers worriedly, and asked, "What should we do with these two cubs in the future?"

The author has something to say: The tiger family actually appeared before, when Zi Lan was just able to move and was wandering around in the forest.


I am very grateful to Mr. Mu, the little fur ball, the little fur ball of Gray Bird Feifei and the little fur ball of 34813236 for throwing a mine at me. I give them a hug and hold them high! !

Thank you so much jojojojoooxx for throwing two mines at me!! Kiss, hug and lick my fur very hard!!