Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 3


This change is long-lasting, just like the arrival of the little white fox, which injects real fairy-like spiritual energy into this place.

Shao Yin looked out the window.

Little Xueli was curiously stretching out her paws towards the little animals under the porch, wanting to play with them, and soon ran down to join them.

Although these little animals are not intelligent yet, little Xueli is happy to play with them, just like real friends.

Shao Yin watched Xiao Xueli play with them for a while, then turned back to continue picking herbs.

As she was picking, she looked at the medicine jars and herbs in front of her and suddenly became dazed.

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

Living in this fairyland, taking care of the little white fox, picking and processing herbs every day, leading a comfortable and peaceful life, working from sunrise to sunset, and resting from sunset to sunrise, he was unaware of the passage of time.

Thinking back now, her time spent training and studying at Xinglin Peak, from the attention she received when she first entered the sect to the despair and helplessness she felt when she was forcibly expelled from Xinglin Peak in a rainstorm, seems as if it happened in her previous life.

When she was in the sect, she didn't care about the open or covert struggles and was devoted to practicing medicine. Now, no one disturbs her in the fairyland. Although the fairyland is small, it has a rich variety of medicinal flowers and herbs, and they are easy to plant. Shao Yin's practice is more effective with half the effort. Her fairy skills are improving day by day, and her understanding of medicine is advancing by leaps and bounds. It is even easier than when she was in Xinglin Peak.

Although Shao Yin was excited about the progress in medicine, after the excitement, she sometimes felt empty, as if something was missing.

Shao Yin concentrated on taking care of the herbs.

When Xiao Xueli returned to the house, the sun was setting and it was already evening.

She had water on her body, and it was obvious that she had been rolling in the creek. As soon as she entered the door, she squinted her eyes and shook her fur.

Shao Yin had almost finished collecting the herbs, so she took a dry cloth and walked over to help her wipe her fur carefully.

Little Xueli cried "woo woo woo" and took the initiative to get into her aunt's arms. She cooperated by rolling over in the body cloth, exposing her belly.

Shao Yin simply held her on her knees and helped her wipe it.

Little Xueli lay obediently in her aunt's arms and was rubbed, and she pricked up her ears and rubbed her affectionately.

But after a while, Xiao Xueli suddenly asked, "Aunt, you said that the place where we live is a fairyland. Does that mean we can go out besides the forest and the stream?"

Shao's sound paused.

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"Because there are so few people here, and every time I run to the other side of the stream, I feel like the spiritual energy has reached its end, and I can't go any further."

Xueli is at an age when she is very curious and wants to know everything.

She wagged her tail and asked, "Aunt, what is it like outside the fairyland?"

Shao Yin felt a pain in her heart when she thought of her own experience. She stroked Xueli's head and said, "Outside... it's not as simple as in the fairyland."

"There are many people out there. Some are good, some are bad, some are strong, some are weak, some are independent and can stick to themselves, and some just follow the crowd. These people make up the human world of all shapes and sizes, making it lively, happy and full of human touch, but also... painful, cruel and cold."

"The human world has interesting places, but you are still too young. The cold side of the human world is too dangerous for you, so I and the environment of the fairyland will protect you."

"You can't leave Wonderland now. When you grow up and have the ability to protect yourself from difficult situations, you will definitely have the opportunity to go out and see the world."


Little Xueli didn't quite understand what Aunt Shaoyin said, but she was very obedient and nodded seriously.

Shao Yin looked at her gently, wiped the little white fox dry, and then helped her smooth her fur bit by bit.

"Oh, right! Auntie, have you not sorted out the herbs yet? Let me help you sort them out!"

At this time, little Xueli noticed the clay jar of herbs that Shaoyin had placed on the ground, which had not yet been completely put away. She rolled off Shaoyin's knees and jumped happily to the side to help.

Shao Yin looked at her positive and cheerful appearance and smiled faintly, then moved over, intending to simply teach her how to classify.

But to Shao Yin's surprise, before she could open her mouth, she saw Xiao Xueli wagging her tail and happily dividing up her remaining herbs.

It is easy to say that classifying herbs, but Fairy Shao Yin did not do the ordinary classification. She directly packed several herbs according to the formula and quantity and classification, so that she could directly use them for grinding and refining next time. Moreover, this time she classified more than one kind of medicine, but also semi-finished products that she planned to test the effects.

Without waiting for her to teach, Xiao Xueli picked up the herbs and divided them into several portions. Although the quantities were a bit rough, the categories were roughly correct.

Shao Yin asked in surprise: "Xue Li, why do you group these together?"


Little Xueli tilted her ear, put the small section of plant stem with leaves in her mouth on the paper bag, and put another group together.

She said, "Aunt, you told me before that these herbs can be put together to make a calming incense. I see that the remaining herbs you have look a bit similar."

Shao Yin pointed to another medicine bag with a different herbal combination and asked, "What about this one? Why did you use the main herbs as the base but put different spiritual herbs in it?"

Little Xueli said, "Because the markings on the medicine wrappers are different colors, they must be different kinds of herbs. Aunt, didn't you say that the same herb will have different effects when paired with different things? The same herb is a magical medicine when paired with one herb, but it may be poisonous when paired with another herb. I saw that there were herbs with opposite medicinal properties, so I put them in there."

Shao Yin herself couldn't remember when she had taught Xiao Xueli all these things, and most of them were mentioned casually when she was collecting herbs or making medicine. Unexpectedly, Xiao Xueli actually remembered them and was able to apply them in practice.

Even though Xiao Xueli might have just let it go like a child playing, Shao Yin's eyes lit up little by little when she heard what she said.

But at this point, Xiao Xueli couldn't help but ask in confusion: "But I remember that this kind of herb with opposite medicinal properties must be picked in spring when the ice and snow melt. But it grows for a very short time, only two months, and most of it is during the coldest period, so it is difficult to pick. Aunt, how come you have so many?"

Shao Yin pursed her lips and smiled, then casually picked up an unopened bud from the herbs and placed it in her palm. Then she slowly mobilized her spiritual energy, stretched out her hand to show Xiao Xueli, and said, "Look what this is?"

Little Xueli poked her head out to take a look, and saw that the slightly dry flower bud that had been plucked was being stimulated by Shao Yin's spiritual energy. It was becoming full again, gradually regaining its vibrant color, and slowly blooming, revealing the rose-colored stamens.

Little Xueli shook her ears in amazement.

Shao Yin explained: "This is the art of melting snow. It can melt snow and bring back spring, and eliminate the cold evil energy left behind in certain situations. This kind of herb can only be used in early spring because the cold energy left behind from the severe cold is too heavy, but as long as the magic is used, the problem can be solved."


Little Xueli looked at the flowers in Shao Yin's hand with great curiosity.

She carefully stretched out her paw and touched her aunt's palm, and found that it was indeed warm, but it was not ordinary warmth, but a gentle and happy feeling.

Xueli said happily: "Aunt is so amazing!"

Shao Yin asked with a smile: "Do you want to try it yourself?"

"not bad!"

Little Xueli pricked up her ears.

Shao Yin nodded: "Of course."

As she spoke, she told her the secret of the snow-melting technique.

Little Xueli tried her best, imitating her aunt's way to mobilize the spiritual energy in her body, stretched out her little paws, and made her little white hair stand up, but she still couldn't warm up Xiaohua.

However, as Shao Yin watched Xiao Xueli imitate her use of fairy energy, the light in her eyes became brighter and brighter.

Although Xiao Xueli is currently unable to use such difficult medical methods due to the limitations of her cultivation, her method is correct and she uses it very clearly, showing her great talent.

When Shao Yin was on earth, she was unable to teach her unique medical skills to anyone. Even her master couldn't understand the trick after she told him the truth. But if the little Xueli in front of her is so smart, maybe she can learn it.

Shao Yin couldn't help but ask: "Baby, do you want to practice medicine with me?"


Little Xueli was still trying to warm her paws, but when she heard her aunt's words, she raised her head.

She didn't really understand medicine, but she watched her aunt fiddling with medicinal flowers and herbs every day, and she gradually found it interesting and fun, like stepping into an unknown world.

Little Xueli immediately jumped up and said, "I want to learn! I want to help my aunt!"

As she spoke, little Xueli jumped happily onto her aunt.

Shao Yin immediately picked her up with great joy and held her in his arms.

The little white fox rolled over and laughed, waving its paws to play with its aunt. The scene of one person and one fox was very heartwarming.

So from that day on, little Xueli began to learn medicine from her aunt.

Since it is a practice, there will be hardships.

Xiao Xueli was young, and Shao Yin would never let her out of her sight for too long. From then on, she always kept the little white fox by her side, and let her watch by the side whether she was picking herbs, pounding herbs, or practicing medicine. She also taught her magic.

When Shao Yin was picking herbs, she took her to various places in the forest and pointed out the herbs on the mountain to her one by one.

"This is green leaf grass, which can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and has a relieving effect."

"These two herbs look very similar, but this one has a tiny toxin and should not be used carelessly. The difference between them lies in the rhizome. You have to separate their leaves and carefully identify them."

Shao Yin led her to pound the medicine step by step: "This kind of hard-shelled fruit is difficult to crush. You should hold the pestle like this. If you really can't crush it, you can use a little magic power."

"You should meditate like me. Practicing medicine is different from practicing medicine in the mortal world. Magic and immortal power are also our medical skills. If you want to use some difficult magic, you must have a foundation of cultivation. You can't slack off in your practice."

As her aunt practiced medicine, it was naturally impossible for little Xueli to always use the fox form. She gradually became accustomed to and proficient in human form.

Time passed day by day.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed.

Time passes peacefully in the fairyland, and more than ten years have left almost no trace on the scenery of the fairyland.

The cabin remained the same, outside the cabin there were lush trees, green spring grass, and a clear blue sky. The only figure in the cabin was the young girl, who was graceful and slender, and already in her teens.

She was pounding medicine. She had white ears and a white tail. She was wearing simple and elegant clothes, but she had an elegant temperament. She just picked up a handful of grass leaves and put them into the mortar, then crushed them neatly with skillful techniques and graceful posture. The room was immediately filled with the fragrance of medicine.

At this time, a half-grown young white deer came to the door, gently raised its front hoof and knocked on the door, calling out: "Xueli! Do you want to go out and play with me?"

The girl who was pounding medicine paused, turned around, and revealed a beautiful and bright face.