Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 31


Xue Li stared at the person in front of her in a daze.

He was a young man whom she had never met before, about seventeen or eighteen years old, a little older than her, tall and straight, with a handsome face and eyes like night stars. He was very handsome, but his eyes were deep and sharp, still with some wolfish shadows.

Zi Lan was still wearing the clothes he wore when he stepped into the Golden Pagoda, with a thick white fur coat draped over his shoulders and wearing a dark brocade robe, which was an easy-to-use garment for movement in the Ninth Heaven. It seemed as if he could draw a weapon at any time. After all, he had entered the Golden Pagoda in order to break through the realm. But now, as he sat upright and motionless, there was an indescribable elegance and nobility in him, like clear snow in the wind.

Xue Li stared blankly at the man transformed from a snow wolf who appeared in front of her. She didn't react for a long time and even forgot to pick up the book that fell on the ground.

Sydney had never seen anyone like this before.

Xue Li had thought that the big snow wolf might be able to transform into a human body like her. His immortal aura was stronger than both hers and her aunt's, and he was also spiritual. Logically speaking, it was very likely that he could transform. However, Xue Li had lived in a fairyland since she was a child, and she was not sure about the situation outside the fairyland. Moreover, she was the only person she had seen who had an original form and could transform into a human body. This was a blind spot in her understanding of the world, and she usually didn't think about it in this way. Therefore, at first, she just turned the thought over in her mind and forgot about it.

But now, the big snow wolf really took shape in front of her.

He was taller than both her and her aunt, with a flat chest, broad shoulders and a narrow waist, and a rather slender figure.

Xueli had read in medical books and heard from her aunt that this kind should be a boy. Just like animals and birds have male and female differences, the human body also has male and female differences.

It's strange to say, Xue Li has read so many medical books and seen so many diagrams of the human body's meridians and blood vessels. She knows the man's body structure and qi channels very well. She is so familiar with them that she can easily heal or kill a man with just one needle, but this is the first time she has seen the real thing.

He was obviously not some poor orphan little snow wolf.

The young man's white fur coat, collar pattern, jade belt, and pendant, contrasting with Xueli's plain skirt, all showed that he was different from herself.

He had a background, relatives, past, and lifestyle somewhere outside, and these things seemed quite rare and valuable. However, what Xueli cared about was not these, but the other person's appearance.

There are only two human beings in the wonderland. Xue Li faces the small animals in the forest all day long, so she is not very sensitive to people's appearance.

But for some reason, she felt a strange feeling when she looked at this man. She felt that he looked very... decent? Pretty? It was a bit like seeing a particularly beautiful and straight bamboo in the forest, which made her want to admire it. However, her aunt was also pretty, but the feeling was different.

This in the end is why

Xue Li looked at him in confusion.

In fact, at this moment, under Xue Li's gaze, Zi Lan also felt very nervous.

He saw Xueli open her bright almond eyes and look at him doubtfully from bottom to top. Her eyes were pure and frank, without any intention of hiding anything. Zi Lan saw that the snow-white ears on Xueli's head moved strangely, as if she was quite surprised by his appearance at that moment.

Zi Lan felt awkward under Xue Li's scrutiny.

Although not as exaggerated as Xue Li, Zi Lan has been limited by colds since childhood and has actually had little contact with girls, so he doesn't know how to react now.

He knew that he should be good-looking. First of all, he had the foundation of a divine beast. Secondly, his parents were famous for their outstanding looks among the Snow Wolves. He himself was often praised, but he felt it was useless. Everyone had different aesthetic preferences. He was not sure what the little nine-tailed fox felt about him or whether he liked his appearance. He had an inexplicable feeling for Xue Li, so of course he was nervous at the moment.

For a moment, both of them fell silent.

Finally, it was Zi Lan who spoke first: "My immortal energy has basically recovered and I can return to my human form. Thank you for your careful care during this period. I think it's better for you to know that I can return to my human form, so I came here specially to let you see it. I hope I didn't scare you."

Of course, they both knew very well that they still couldn't understand each other, but it seemed that if they said a few more words, they would be more likely to convey their meaning.

Xue Li was also surprised that she didn't know how to get along with the big snow wolf because it had turned into a human.

At this time, when Xue Li heard Zi Lan take the initiative to speak and there was a sound between them, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

What she heard was a string of words she had never heard before. Xueli slowed down her voice and murmured, "So you can become a human..."

Xue Li only said this, and didn't know what to say next. Only then did she realize that the note that she had just dropped when she was startled by the snow wolf's human form was still on the ground. Xue Li blushed and quickly picked it up.

She now understood why the Snow Wolf had no interest in the cave. He was not the kind of wolf that was used to living in caves.

Xue Li caught a glimpse of the den she had built for the big snow wolf from the corner of her eyes. She suddenly felt a little embarrassed and said hurriedly, "If you can become a human, should I build a bed for you outside? Or build a house for you somewhere else in the forest?"

One good thing about becoming a human is that your hands are more flexible and you can use gestures to express your ideas. Xue Li said this while gesturing desperately at the big snow wolf.

Zi Lan frowned.

It is actually a little hard to understand two people communicating like this, but fortunately if the meaning is simple, you can guess it almost exactly.

When Zi Lan saw Xue Li’s panic, he knew that even though he didn’t want to, he still scared the little nine-tailed fox.

He watched Xueli pointing at his bed and making a rectangle, then calmed down and said, "No, this is too troublesome. Besides, it's not good for me to stay in the same room with you at night in human form. It's more convenient to maintain the beast form. I will change back at night. Although I can transform into a human form now, I can't return to the Ninth Heaven by myself. I'm afraid I will have to bother you here for a while. But when I was in the Wolf Realm before, I maintained my human form more often. I guess I will have to maintain my human form more often in the future. This way, it takes up less space, and I can help you better when you have any problems."

Zilan also gestured while speaking like Xueli.

Xue Li looked for a while and vaguely realized that the original residence of the big snow wolf seemed to be in the sky, but it was still a bit difficult for him to go back.

No wonder he fell from the sky.

Xue Li nodded to show that she understood, and then she didn't know what to say.

The two were silent for a while.

Xue Li looked at the other person's black eyes staring at her, and suddenly felt embarrassed. She quickly stood up and said, "You must feel uncomfortable turning back into a human after such a long time! Why don't you rest in the room for a while, and I'll go tell the others that you can turn into a human!"

As she spoke, Xue Li jumped up!

Zi Lan only heard Xue Li speak a lot of words quickly, and didn't understand what she said. She stood up all of a sudden, and then quickly turned into a little nine-tailed fox, rushing out with a thump thump thump...

Not all the small animals were playing with the little tiger in Xueli's yard that day, but the news that the big snow wolf could transform into a human soon spread to the ears of all the intelligent animals in the whole fairyland.

Three days later, a large group of small animals gathered outside the wooden house where Xue Li lived, watching the strange figure.

Zi Lan was sitting upright in the room.

Ever since he was able to transform into a human body, he would spend half an hour every day meditating and circulating his spiritual energy to help him recover his spirit.

He did not look out the window, but even so, just by looking at his profile one could tell that he had handsome features, clear eyebrows and eyes, a high nose bridge, and a smooth and beautiful body contour.

Everyone stretched their necks, staring intently, trying hard to see more clearly.


The two little tigers were also wandering around the small animals outside the window, wondering why no one played with them in the past two days, and instead focused their attention on the man in the house who smelled like the big snow wolf.

After all, the little tigers are still children, and they really want to get the attention of others. Without understanding the situation, they try hard to jump around the small animals, arching their bodies with their little tiger paws to poke at each other, but in the end they are only touched on the head.

The little tigers had no choice but to stand on tiptoe and stick their heads through the door and windows to see what was happening inside the house.

Xue Li and the man transformed from the big snow wolf were both in the house.

Xue Li was kneeling in front of the table, sorting the herbs with her head down; the big snow wolf still didn't move, just meditating patiently.

"Is this really the big snow wolf?"

The little monkey looked at the man and asked uncertainly.

Bai Lu replied: "Xue Li said that she saw the big snow wolf transform with her own eyes, so it should be correct, and their smell is indeed the same."

The little monkey said: "But I can't see his ears and tail!"

Bai Lu said, "Xue Li said he put it away. He doesn't seem to be used to letting it out. But if he wants to let it out, that's fine."

Having said that, Bai Lu actually had a strange feeling when looking at the scene in front of him.

There was a man and a woman in the room. Xueli was very pretty. When she bent down to pick herbs, her white neck was exposed. Zilan was handsome and elegant.

Xueli used to be the only animal in the fairyland that could transform into a human body. At fifteen or sixteen, if she were a mortal girl or an ordinary animal, she would have been old enough to interact with other opposite sexes. But she could transform into a human body and an immortal body, which made her unique in the fairyland. After all, she was different from other creatures.

Who could have expected that a huge snow wolf would fall from the sky at this time.

Now, they are the only two divine beasts in the fairyland that can transform into human bodies. They happen to be a man and a woman of similar age. Even after transforming into humans, it is impossible to tell that their original races are different, and their looks are even more compatible.

Even Bai Lu felt that the two of them had a sense of harmony just by sitting in the same room.

Many of the intelligent animals around Xueli's age were actually in love, and even the white deer would occasionally flirt with the young male deer whose antlers had just grown. Although no one talked about Xueli's affairs, they were actually very concerned.

The white deer couldn't help but scrutinize the appearance of the snow wolf with a critical eye for a while, and then said in consideration: "I don't know much about the appearance of human men, but a young man who looks like this should be considered very handsome, right?"

The author has something to say: Bai Lu: I have a bold idea.

Little Tigers: Aa ...


Thank you very much to 24577451, Siqing, jojojojoooxx and yuki for throwing a mine at me! Kiss, hug and lift me up! !