Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 32



The little monkey scratched his head. Although his appearance was more like a human, he was still unsure about what a human body should be like.

Bai Lu's eyes scanned the Snow Wolf's facial features one by one. After a while, he said with satisfaction: "I think it should be!"

Straight eyebrows, clear eyes, straight nose, and thin lips.

The facial features of the big snow wolf transformed into a human form, and no matter which aspect you picked out individually, there was nothing wrong with it.

This man must be good looking! Finally there is someone in Wonderland who looks like Xueli!

The white deer felt quite excited and happily stepped back and forth outside the cabin.

It's not that she's anxious for Xue Li to get married and have children, but Xue Li has long been the only one in the fairyland who can transform into a human body, and a real fairy body at that. Having a suitable candidate in the fairyland is definitely better than having nothing.

The animals in the fairyland are still wild, and they are quite unrestrained in their thinking about relationships between men and women. They are not shy about this. In Bai Lu's opinion, dating is quite interesting. Xue Li can finally have a handsome guy to practice with! As long as the man is handsome enough, even if Xue Li is slow to get along, it's not bad for her to play with him and practice getting along with the opposite sex.

Thinking of this, Bai Lu looked at the two figures in the room, and the more he looked, the more he felt that they were a good match.

The question is, will Sydney be interested

Bai Lu was unsure, but not too worried. Good feelings come quickly if they come. The emotional tension between men and women comes as soon as they are expected, just like the spring rain.

Besides, it was the first time for Xue Li to meet a man who could transform into a human body like her. She must be quite curious about him at this moment.

Bai Lu guessed correctly.

Xue Li was indeed surprised at the giant snow wolf's human form.

Xue Li was picking herbs, but she was not able to concentrate as usual. After picking one batch of herbs, it took her a long time to start picking another batch.

At this time, the man in the room opened his eyes. He had finished meditating and circulated his spiritual energy around. When he opened his eyes and saw that Xue Li was about to start a new round of picking herbs, he stood up and walked to her to help her.

When Xue Li saw the man transformed from a giant snow wolf approaching, her heart tensed for a moment. She turned around and saw him sitting opposite her.

Before the big snow wolf could no longer transform into a human, it would often come over to help her sort the herbs, but Xue Li didn't have the same strange feeling as she did at this moment.

She hurriedly lowered her head and tried her best to concentrate on picking up the herbs, but because of the presence of such a person, she was quite uneasy. Her eyes kept unconsciously glancing at the man wrapped in a white fur coat sitting opposite her, secretly looking at him. As a result, she sat there staring at the herbs in front of her for a quarter of an hour in silence, and she was unable to concentrate.

Xue Li looked at the substandard herbs in front of her and blushed slightly, feeling a little embarrassed by her own gaffe.

She forced herself to calm down, refocus her attention, and reached out to grab the herbs, and at this moment...


Zi Lan came here specifically to help her, so naturally she had to imitate her in picking herbs. When Xue Li stretched out her hand, it happened to touch Zi Lan's hand, which she had not yet retracted, in the small medicine basket. Their fingertips touched, and their slightly hot body temperatures collided, and Xue Li let out a surprise cry.

His fingers were long and slender, and there seemed to be calluses on his hands, which were a little hard, which scared Xueli.

Xue Li quickly withdrew her hand and drooped her fox ears slightly to hide the slightly pink tips of her ears due to distraction and embarrassment.

Zi Lan was also stunned when he touched Xue Li's hand.

The hand he just touched was soft and warm. Even without comparison, Zi Lan could feel that the hand was much smaller than his own. The moment their fingers touched, he almost had the urge to grab the little nine-tailed fox's hand and hold it in his palm, stroking her fingertips, kissing her knuckles lightly, entwining their ten fingers, and holding her in his arms.

It turns out that girls' hands look like this.

Zi Lan thought in a daze.

However, seeing the panic of the little nine-tailed fox, he straightened his slightly stiff back and forced himself to maintain the original posture without moving, with no change in expression.

He kept reminding himself in his mind to be patient, be patient, don't be anxious, take it slow, and don't appear to be rushing things.

They had just met for a short time, and Xue Li had only seen his face for three days. He couldn't scare her. What was important now was to repay the favor, not to scare the little fox.

Xueli blamed herself for not paying attention and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention just now..."

Zi Lan understood her gesture and said in a muffled voice, "It's okay."

So the two of them went back to sorting the herbs.

Because of this little episode, Xue Li found it increasingly difficult to concentrate, and she stared at the herbs absentmindedly for a long time.

It took Xue Li a long time to realize that she was distracted, and in her panic she even sorted the herbs incorrectly. Fortunately, the big snow wolf didn't know how to sort them and didn't notice that something was wrong with her.

Xue Li herself was very ashamed. She hurriedly corrected the mistakes and forced herself to concentrate.

Pick herbs, pick herbs, pick herbs...

The forcing soon had its effect, but Xue Li was fully focused while Zi Lan was not.

He raised his eyes quietly, looked at Xue Li's focused profile for a while, then lowered his head quietly.

It was the first time that Xue Li encountered someone other than her and her aunt who could maintain a human form, and it was a man. She was really surprised.

Because of this rarity, she was able to maintain her human form for a longer time than normal, and get along with the giant snow wolf which also had human form.

In the past, after sorting the herbs, Xueli would turn into a little nine-tailed fox and jump around. Most of the time, she was too lazy to change into a human body even for a simple job like sorting herbs. But today, she has been maintaining her human body almost since she got up.

Xue Li soon discovered that getting along with the giant snow wolf in the body of a fox was completely different from getting along with the giant snow wolf in the body of a human.

It was clearly the same lifestyle as before, but Sydney felt it was different.

When Xue Li was walking, watering the flowers, or playing with the little tiger, she would always feel inexplicably nervous when she saw Zi Lan who was also active in the yard. It was obvious that Zi Lan was just helping her, or practicing, or doing some chores as before, but Xue Li couldn't help but pay attention to him.

But as soon as she raised her head, she would be met with the dark eyes of the big snow wolf, which frightened Xueli so much that she quickly avoided his sight.

At noon, the two had lunch together.

The food was pretty much the same as usual, with some side dishes added to the rice, and today each person got two radish cakes.

Ever since the big snow wolf gave her two large baskets of radishes, Xue Li never dared to feed him a lot of radishes against her conscience again.

However, today both of them were human beings, and Xue Li took out the chopsticks that she and her aunt used when eating, and handed a pair to Zi Lan, and they sat down at the table together.

Xue Li was about to eat, but before she picked up her chopsticks, she saw Zi Lan lean over naturally, pass his chopsticks in front of her, and silently take her two pieces of radish cakes out of her bowl.

Xue Li was stunned for a moment.

The big snow wolf was very close to her when he clamped her, his hair almost fell on her shoulders, and Xue Li could clearly feel his breath approaching.

Xueli glanced at him sideways.

But the big snow wolf helped her eat the two carrot cakes normally.

When the two of them remained in their original form, the big snow wolf helped her eat in the same way, taking food from her bowl and eating it for her. After they became friends, it would sometimes even lick her. Xue Li didn't think there was anything wrong with that.

But at this moment, Xue Li felt her face burning.

At this time, Zi Lan noticed her gaze and turned to look at her.

Xue Li was afraid that Zi Lan would come over and lick her again, because there were no men in the fairyland, and Xue Li was not very familiar with the boundaries between men and women, but she vaguely knew that people could no longer lick each other's fur, so she quickly turned around to eat.

But even so, Xue Li was still very curious about the giant snow wolf's body.

He was obviously stronger than Sydney, taller, and had a very powerful body.

However, on this day, Zi Lan frowned while meditating and looked a little uncomfortable.

Xue Li is a medical genius and she often observes him. After spending a few months together, Xue Li has discovered that the Snow Wolf is very good at forbearance. She doesn't know whether this is due to his race or his own personality.

So when she saw him frowning, Xueli's medical instinct kicked in. She immediately thought of the wound on the big snow wolf's body, and nervously ran over and asked, "Are you okay?"

Zi Lan saw Xue Li running towards him in a panic, looking at him with concern in her almond-shaped eyes. He naturally wanted to show off in front of a girl.

He said, "Not bad."

Because Xue Li was too close to him, he could smell the faint herbal scent on her, and his eyes flickered slightly.

Xueli was indeed serious. She quickly reached out to take off his fur coat and said, "Take off your clothes quickly! Let me see the wounds on your body."

Since Zi Lan was able to transform into a human body, he usually wears clothes, so his injuries are not as obvious as when he was in wolf form with bandages wrapped around his body. In addition, the snow wolf is kind and patient, so it is easy to forget that he is still injured. However, Xue Li of course always remembers it.

Snow Wolf has not changed his medicine since he was able to transform into a human, but according to the date, he should change it in the next two days.

Zi Lan looked at Xue Li's expression and guessed her intention. After a pause, he finally understood and planned to stand up and transform into his original form.

Seeing this, Xueli hurriedly stopped him and gestured frantically, "No need! Just use your body to show me the injury! It's easier to see the injury because there's no hair covering it. And your original form is too big, so it's not very convenient for me to apply medicine."

Xueli gestured out a long list of contents as best as she could, paused for a moment, wagged her tail shyly, and then gestured out another paragraph honestly, "Besides, I've only heard about men's bodies from my aunt, but I've never seen them. I want to take a look, so I can practice my skills in diagnosing injuries in the future."

There are all kinds of animals in the fairyland. To be honest, Xue Li has had plenty of opportunities to practice. She can rely on observing women, but there are only human men that she has never seen. As a medical fairy, this is the sample opportunity that she has always lacked. It is impossible for Xue Li not to be interested.

Zi Lan has been wearing clothes since he was able to transform into a human. Due to his cold, he is always wrapped in a thick fur robe. Xue Li can't see clearly. Although she can barely make out the outline of his body, except that his chest is flat, his shoulders are broad, and his muscles and bones seem different, she can hardly see the details. The most important thing is that she can't touch him. Xue Li is very curious.

Zi Lan did not fully understand what Xue Li was demonstrating. She only roughly guessed that Xue Li felt it was convenient for her body, and she seemed a little curious about his body.

Zi Lan felt a little helpless, but when he saw Xue Li prick up her ears and look at him expectantly with shining eyes, he paused for a moment and started to take off his shirt.

The author has something to say: Foxball: (looking forward to it)


Thank you very much to Corgi is not a plane, Lao Li's little wife, and jojojojoooxx, all of whom threw a mine at me! Kiss, hug and rub my fur!!