Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 36


A moment later, Shao Yin and Xue Li returned to the house with a big snow wolf behind them.

The first thing Shao Yin did when she returned to the house was to check the situation inside.

Because there was a den for a big snow wolf and two little tigers in the room, the furnishings were completely different from the past. The shelves, boxes and tables were piled on one side, making it look very crowded. There seemed to be a lot more things in Xue Li's own room, but Shao Yin's own room was still the same as before. Xue Li hadn't moved anything and it seemed like she went in to tidy it up and clean it often.

Shao Yin looked through the boxes in the house again and was surprised to find that the box of radishes she had left for Xueli was actually empty! The bottom of the box was empty, and it seemed that it had been washed.

Shao Yin raised her eyebrows in surprise. You know, the little white fox at home would never eat radishes without her watching over it. It would rather hide the radishes until she got home and scolded it. Why is it so obedient this time

Shao Yin showed a look of surprise, closed the box of carrots, and went to look through the other boxes.

The white deer and other small animals stayed obediently outside the house, only nervously poking their heads out of the door to look inside.

"Xiaolu, Aunt Shao won't be angry, right?"

The little rabbit clung to the door frame and asked anxiously.

"If Aunt Shao gets angry, will Xueli be okay?"

Bai Lu wasn't actually sure, especially since she had just stuffed Xue Li and the big snow wolf together not long ago, and her heart was beating very fast at the moment.

She looked inside the house with concern and whispered, "I hope everything is OK..."

It was one thing for them to play around in the fairyland, but it was another thing in front of Aunt Shao. Aunt Shao was the head of the family in the fairyland, and everyone would unconsciously shorten their necks by three points in front of Shao Yin, and would be much more obedient. Although Bai Lu was worried at this moment, he didn't dare to really break in, so he had to hide at the door and peek.

A row of small animals' heads popped out from the door of the wooden house.

After Shao Yin walked around the room, she returned to the main room and sat down opposite Xue Li and the big snow wolf.

Xueli felt guilty, her ears and tail were flattened, and her little paws were tucked in front of her body, as if she was trying to shrink herself into a small ball to reduce her presence. Shaoyin had lived with little Xueli for many years, so she knew what she was doing. Shaoyin knew at a glance that this little fox wanted to hide behind the snow wolf when things got bad.

Having said that, Shao Yin's gaze unconsciously fell on the big snow wolf again.

To be honest, even the steady Shao Yin was surprised when he saw the snow wolf.

She had never seen such a big wolf before, with ivory-white fur draped over his body like thick winter snow, and dark eyes that were deep and bottomless. He was an extremely exquisite giant, and when he sat in the house, he was both graceful and intimidating.

But it was strange that although she had never seen this kind of animal before, she did not feel shocked or amazed, nor did she feel terrified. She felt more like "how could this kind of wolf be here" rather than "how could there be such a wolf".

Shao Yin was confused for a moment.

While Shao Yin was observing the giant snow wolf, Zi Lan was also observing it.

Judging from Xue Li's expression, the other person's human form, the performance of the small animals in the fairyland, and the fact that this person had never appeared before but suddenly returned to the fairyland, Zi Lan could easily feel that the woman in front of him should be the "Auntie Shao" who appeared in the conversation between Xue Li and the little white deer.

The woman in front of him looked about thirty years old, and she had some spiritual energy, but overall she was a mortal. Because of the practice of breathing, the life span of mortal monks could be extended, and they would look younger than their actual age, but after all, they had not yet become immortals, and the years would still leave traces on their faces.

In this case, this woman should be older in the mortal world than she looks. Considering that she started raising Xueli when she was in her twenties, she must be at least thirty-eight or thirty-nine years old now, which matches the time when the ancient Lotus Fairy Shaoyin came to the mortal world.

She was wearing a light-colored short jacket and skirt. The sleeves were slightly narrower than those of ordinary jackets to facilitate movement, and could be slightly rolled up so that she could wear a bodice over it. The hem of the skirt was slightly short, just covering the top of her shoes so that it would not drag on the ground. There was also a medical box next to her that she had placed on the ground after returning to the house.

This is a common attire for traveling doctors. Zi Lan has seen many female doctors dressed like this when they go out, including the skirts that Xue Li wears at home, several of which are of this style.

Judging from the appearance of the little nine-tailed fox, she has great respect for the woman in front of her. This woman should be her master. In front of this woman, the little nine-tailed fox seemed to be a little scared as if she had done something wrong. The whole little fox was wilted and shrank a little towards him.

At this time, the woman calmed down, came to her senses, and asked first: "So what's going on with this wolf? Why is he living in my house?!"

Under Aunt Shao Yin's stern gaze, Xue Li let out an aggrieved "howl", quickly hid behind the huge body of the snow wolf, hugged the wolf's tail, and then carefully poked her head out.

Xueli asked, "Aunt, will you promise not to be unhappy?"

Shao Yin said with a smile: "I am not happy now. Who would be happy to see such a big wolf squatting at home? Especially when your own child is actually huddled with him... You'd better explain it quickly."

As she spoke, Shao Yin cast a slightly unfriendly look at the big snow wolf.

Xueli also noticed her aunt's scrutiny of the big snow wolf. After a while, she finally said honestly, "Aunt, when you first left the fairyland, nothing happened in the fairyland. But about half a month after you left, one day we suddenly heard a loud noise, and we saw that it was this big snow wolf that fell from the sky and landed in the forest, breaking several trees..."

Xue Li recounted everything that had happened during this period in great detail, including how she treated the Snow Wolf's injuries and how everyone was worried about his whereabouts and how they tested him.

"He had scrapes, nicks, and scratches on his body. The wounds on his body were secondary. His internal spiritual energy was also severely damaged. I used hemostatic herbs and tranquilizing herbs on him. The situation was critical at the time, and there wasn't much I could do. Later, I added five cents each of soul-fixing herbs and golden tea flowers to his prescription, and I would change the base medicine from time to time. Later, for the convenience of changing his wounds, I moved him home..."

Xue Li described her treatment of the big snow wolf in great detail, describing what she was thinking, how she treated it, what herbs she used during the treatment, how much each herb cost, and how often the herbs were changed. She described everything clearly.

Aunt Shao was actually listening attentively. She frowned slightly and leaned slightly to the side so as to remember more details of what Xueli said.

After hearing everything, Aunt Shao looked at the size of the big snow wolf and nodded in appreciation, "You did a good job."

Doctors must be very careful when treating injuries. Different medicines must be slightly adjusted according to the patient's body shape, gender, and symptoms, and must not be used by the doctor. Just like a dose of a certain herbal medicine, the standard is three grams, but who should be given three grams? Should three grams be used for a seven-foot-tall, two-hundred-pound strong man, and three grams for a little girl who is only waist-high and light as a cloud

It would be fine if it was just a mild medicine that nourishes people, but if it was a herbal medicine that used poison to fight poison and had strong medicinal properties, in this case, this dose might kill a person. However, if the dose is too small, it will have no effect, and it will simply torment the patient.

Therefore, the amount of medicine used for each person must be very precise. Xueli grew up in the fairyland and had a lot of experience in treating animals, but she had obviously never seen this kind of big snow wolf. The size of the big snow wolf was rare in the world, and it was difficult to find references in medical books. Xueli could only estimate it herself.

Shaoyin knew the dosage Xueli reported just now was accurate as soon as she heard it, and she reacted quickly and did not delay the treatment because she was unsure of the dosage.

Shao Yin was a little upset at first because Xue Li had formed a big snow wolf at home, but after hearing about her treatment method, she gradually calmed down and a faint smile appeared on her face.

She looked at Xueli and said with satisfaction: "You have grown up, become more and more skilled in medical practice, and are much more stable than before."

Xueli was uneasy at first, but when she heard her aunt's words of praise, she felt a little proud and puffed out her little chest.

But she suddenly remembered something and said, "Aunt, regarding the scratches on the snow wolf... I looked at it for a long time, but I still couldn't tell what caused it."

For a wound like this that was obviously caused by an external object, it was important to find out the source of the wound, but Xue Li really couldn't figure it out at the time and the situation was critical, so she had to go ahead with it.

Aunt Shaoyin was also startled and said, "Let me see."

So Xue Li immediately jumped onto the big snow wolf's back, dragging her tail, and nimbly helped him remove the gauze. She motioned for the snow wolf to sit with its back to her aunt so that she could see his injuries.

The hair on the Snow Wolf's wound had not yet fully grown back, and as soon as he sat down, the three-finger claw wound on his back was clearly visible.

Shao Yin was shocked at the mere sight of it, and blurted out, "This is a dragon wound!"


Xueli blinked and tilted her head in confusion.

Shao Yin knew that Xueli grew up in a fairyland. Although she had told Xueli legends and myths, Xueli could hardly imagine the species that did not exist in the fairyland.

Thinking of this, Shao Yin took out paper and pen from behind the table, ground ink and drew a picture. She drew a four-clawed dragon with deer horns and eagle claws on the rice paper.

Shao Yin said, "This is a dragon. Its horns are like a deer, its belly is like a snake, its claws are like an eagle, and its scales are like a fish. It is a mythical beast that combines the special features of many creatures. Depending on the color, there are blue dragons, red dragons, golden dragons, and so on."

When Xueli saw Aunt Shaoyin drawing, she curiously let go of the snow wolf's tail and ran over, putting her little paws on the painting.

She looked at the dragon in the painting, wagging its tail, and said, "Is this a mythical beast? Is it the same as me?"

Shao Yin nodded and said, "Same as you."

Xueli asked again: "Have you seen your aunt?"

"I… "

Shao Yin felt a sharp pain in her head.

Her first reaction was that she had seen it before. Not only that, it was not the first time she had seen dragon wounds. She had treated them countless times in the past. However, when she thought about it carefully, she could not remember when she had seen it or why she had seen it.

Shao Yin was dazed for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I haven't seen it... I probably heard about it from my master sometime in the past."


When Xueli heard her aunt mention the word "master", she wagged her tail and stopped talking obediently. Her aunt told her everything, but Xueli knew that her aunt didn't like to talk about the past at Xinglin Peak.

At this time, Zi Lan also walked forward and looked at the four-clawed dragon on the paper quietly for a while.

On the other hand, Xue Li thought that this was something related to her aunt's time at Xinglin Peak, so she quietly moved the four-clawed dragon drawn by her aunt behind her and hid it so that she would not look at it again.

At the same time, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the two little tigers huddled at the door, worriedly making gurgling sounds in their throats.

Thinking of the scene at that time, Xue Li lowered her eyes slightly and said, "In addition to this big snow wolf, there are also the two little tigers. I have also taken them in to live in my home temporarily."

Shao Yin paused for a moment, her thoughts slightly coming back to her senses from the strange feeling she had before, and asked, "What's going on again?"

Xueli said, "A few months ago, a huge thunderstorm suddenly hit the fairyland in the middle of the night. A bolt of lightning struck down the big locust tree in the north of the forest. The tigress who lived nearby didn't have time to return to the cave, and happened to be hiding under the tree with her two cubs... When we went there the next day, the tigress was no longer alive."

When Xue Li said this, she couldn't help but droop her ears in frustration.

The two little tigers seemed to sense that Xueli was talking about their mother. A few months after the death of their mother, they were no longer as sad as they were at the beginning, but when they heard Xueli mention her mother, they still huddled down sadly and sobbed softly at the door.

Aunt Shao also didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

Of course she remembered this family of tigers. When the tigress gave birth to two cubs, it was she who took Xue Li to take care of them.

Shao Yin's heart suddenly became heavy when she heard the news that the mother tiger had died and left behind two cubs.

I didn't expect so many things to have happened during the time she was away from Wonderland, and judging from Xue Li's expression, it seemed like she was far from finished.

The author has something to say: I actually want to write more, but if I write further it will be too late to update, so I'll stop here for now.


Thank you very much to Panda, Xian, Siqing, Yikou, Dawan and 29740041 for throwing a mine at me! Kiss, hug and rub my fur!!

Thank you so much jojojojoooxx for throwing three mines at me!! Roll over three thousand times and give me kisses, hugs and rubs!!