Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 52


The letters were wrapped separately, but there were no seals. The Wolf Queen could easily open them, but when she turned the envelope over, she was shocked again.

To be honest, the paper of these letters is a bit rough. At first glance, they are not from the Wolf Realm Immortal Palace. When the Wolf Queen first saw these letters in Zilan Divine Realm, she thought they were from Zilan these few months. During the period of uncertainty about life and death, I expected that a situation like this would happen today, so I deliberately left a letter in secret to let them know the situation.

However, as soon as she got the letter, the Wolf Queen knew it was not the case, because the front of the envelope read "Xueli Personally" written neatly.

The Wolf Queen hesitated for a moment, but when she saw her son who was seriously injured on the bed and the crisis the twenty-eight palm star beasts were facing now, she took out the letter and opened it in her hand.

What caught my eye was indeed Zi Lan's handwriting.

You are like light snow, the first time I saw you, my heart was moved...

It seems like the moonlight chases the cloud shadows, and the breeze blows like the heart of the water...

Chao Si Qing, Mu Si Qing, when will the light snow take care of my heart...

I haven't seen you for a day, and I don't understand my love...

The Wolf Queen looked at it very seriously at first, but the more she read, the more shocked she became. So many letters turned out to be... love letters? !

The Wolf Queen looked at Zi Lan's injured appearance when she was found, and combined with the fact that Zi Lan was in a state of embarrassment when she fell from the golden tower platform, she subconsciously felt that Zi Lan might have been detained by someone with sinister intentions in the past few months. Where is he? Especially for a child like Zi Lan, it is impossible not to take the initiative to contact his family if he is fine, but there has been no news for more than half a year.

The Wolf Queen was worried about Zi Lan every day, but looking at these letters, it seemed that he was not as miserable as she and the Wolf King thought. Not only was he not tortured, but he seemed to have met his sweetheart.

After all, the handwriting of these letters was clear and regular, and it didn't look like someone was forcing him to write them.

Each letter was signed at the end. Looking at the date, the earliest letter was written more than a month ago, and the latest letter was just a few days before Zilan was found.

It seems that the time when Zi Lan was missing was not very bad, but it was probably because he was unable to contact the outside world for some reason. And for more than half a year, he should not be alone, but living somewhere with other people.

But what kind of person is this "Sydney" in the letter

According to the writing in Zi Lan's letter, this girl is as beautiful as the bright moon and snowflakes, as beautiful as the reflection of clouds in a mirror, her temperament is noble and pure as a jade pot with ice heart, and her whole person is like an illusion in the water, which will disappear if touched.

After the Wolf Queen read it herself, she handed the letter to the Wolf King and asked him to read it also.

The two of them were thinking about it. At this moment, the medical fairy who was taking care of Zi Lan suddenly said with emotion: "Young Master's luck these days should be pretty good."

The Wolf King and Wolf Queen came to their senses and asked with concern: "What do you say?"

The medical fairy said: "There are traces of healing on the young master's body. All these injuries on his body are new injuries that he suffered before, and the old injuries have been healed. According to what the Wolf King and the Wolf Queen said before, the young master fell from the cloud platform. He should have been seriously injured when he was on the cloud platform. Even if the young master was not injured on the cloud platform, he would have been seriously injured just by falling from the ninth heaven. These injuries would have taken a long time to heal on the ninth heaven, but the young master was undergoing new training. Before the injury, all the old injuries had returned to normal, which almost saved his life! Moreover, I just checked and it seems that he has not had a cold for several months since the young master has been missing! "

The medical fairy said in amazement: "The young master is born with a sick body. No matter how he treated and practiced in the past, he would still fall ill several times a year. For so many years, he relied solely on decoctions and medicines to survive. There has never been such a long time without falling ill. I think the young master The master's physical condition is much more stable than before. For a while, the young master has been outside, and there must be medical immortals with very good medical skills helping him treat his illness and injuries. "

After hearing the medical fairy's words, both the Wolf King and the Wolf Queen were shocked.

The Wolf Queen immediately set her sights on the letter left by Zi Lan and stared at the word "Sydney" on the envelope.

The Wolf Queen's fingertips brushed over these two words.

If this girl is the medical fairy whose medical skills are so good that she can cure Zilan's injuries and stabilize his cold illness, that would be really amazing.

Moreover, she seemed to be the one Zi Lan fell in love with, and he also gave her two swords with heirlooms.

The Wolf Queen was a little curious about this girl, and since Zi Lan was not awake yet, it was best to find her and find out the situation.

The wolf queen walked out of the house and called the wolf officer over.

The Wolf Queen said: "You order people to search in the lower fairyland and the mortal world to see if they can find a person named Xue Li."

On the other side, Xue Li in Little Fairyland didn't know that Zi Lan's love for her had been exposed in Jiuzhongtian, and the Wolf King and Wolf Queen were still trying very hard to find her.

At this time, Xue Li was following Aunt Shaoyin to make various preparations for leaving Wonderland.

Now that we have decided to go outside the fairyland to find Zilan, we must arrange everything carefully.

Shaoyin and Xueli packed their luggage for going out.

The two of them cleaned the house again, sorted and put away all the things that were not taken out, and the house was cleaned neatly.

There wasn't much else in their home, except for the piles of herbs. As Xue Li went out for the first time as a medical fairy, her medical kit and luggage must of course be prepared according to the most complete standards.

Needle kits, medical knives, medicine mortars... Xueli's box was packed to the brim, but the various items were neatly arranged.

In the luggage, clothes for all seasons are put according to the time of going out this time.

Handkerchiefs, needlework, water bags, everything you need is there.

After putting away the medical tools, I also selected some commonly used herbs, patent medicines and immortal grasses that are not common in the world and put them in the box just in case.

Because this was the first time for Xue Li to go out, Shaoyin also gave Xue Li some gold, silver and copper plates that were commonly used in the room, and carefully explained to her how to use them.

The fairy grass that has not yet grown at home is handed over to the little animals in the fairyland to take care of it. Xue Li carefully wrote down the details of taking care of the fairy grass so that they can check it at any time.

After loading the luggage and medical kit that the two of them carried with them, the small wooden cabin immediately seemed to be half empty, and it looked much lonely.

After roughly packing the cabin and luggage, you still have to decide what to do with the little animals left in the wonderland.

The little animals can only speak the fairy language in the fairyland, but they cannot turn into human forms and cannot leave. They can only stay in the fairyland to look after the house. Although the big snow wolf said that it would be safe when the rain stops, and Xue Li should not have to worry too much about the safety of the little animals in the wonderland, but after all, they have to be away for so long, Xue Li is a little worried.

It was also the first time for the little animals to encounter the situation where Xue Li was leaving Wonderland, and they looked at each other anxiously.

After thinking about it, Xue Li called all the little animals who were the first to become smart and said to them seriously: "When my aunt and I are not at home, the wonderland will be left to you, okay? You are responsible for taking care of the wooden house and taking care of the wonderland. Help other animals who have just opened their spiritual intelligence or have not yet opened their spiritual intelligence, and help them when they encounter difficulties. If you really can't solve the problem, you can write to me or my aunt. "

The little white deer, the little monkey, a few more little rabbits and little sparrows were all standing in front of Xue Li.

The little animals looked at each other, and then nodded solemnly to Xue Li.

They said: "Sydney, you can go out safely, we will take good care of the wonderland."

“Flowers and plants can be safely left to our care!”

"The previous thunderstorm should not come again, right? As long as there is no such situation, we can cope with it."

Xue Li smiled happily at them, then looked at Bai Lu, and said alone: "Xiao Lu, I leave the overall situation to you. You are responsible for arranging what everyone usually does. If there is any disagreement, it is up to you. to decide.”

The fawn is the earliest among all animals to develop its intelligence and is also the smartest and most mature. Therefore, it is also the first to play with Xue Li. The two have a very close relationship and Xue Li trusts her very much. In addition to Xue Li, Xiaolu's talents are also recognized by everyone, so the most important position should be given to her.

But Xiaolu had never been separated from Xueli for so long. Thinking that Xueli would leave soon, her eyes became moist.

The little white deer wagged its tail reluctantly, nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will work hard."

But then she reluctantly said: "Xueli, after you find the big snow wolf, you should come back soon!"

"Yes!" Xue Li promised, "I will definitely come back as soon as possible."

After all the major events in the fairyland were arranged, Xue Li looked at the two little tigers again.

These two little tigers are still very young. They used to live with Xue Li and Shaoyin. Now there are not many people in the wooden house. It would be a bit troublesome for the two of them to still live in it without opening their spiritual intelligence.

Aunt Shaoyin actually suggested that Xue Li take these two little tigers with her.

She said: "These two tigers have not yet developed their intelligence and are still wild. The animals in the fairyland that have awakened their intelligence are not very big, so it would be inconvenient to take care of them. It's okay for them to stay with you." Continue to listen to your singing, and you will develop wisdom as soon as possible. Furthermore, these two tiger cubs are larger than normal tigers of the same age. Even tiger cubs have a deterrent effect. The world is dangerous and unpredictable, and you can take them with you. Stay away from those with bad intentions who think you are easy to bully when you are alone.”

Xue Li is a fairy. In fact, she should not encounter much danger in the mortal world. Those who have a little cultivation will respect her very much, but after all, not everyone has this kind of vision. After all, Xue Li was out looking for someone, so she always pretended to be a normal person and asked around. She was out for a long time, so it was impossible not to come into contact with other people, for fear that someone would not see her worth and would only cause trouble.

These two little tigers have been raised in the fairyland for such a long time. Although they are still little tigers, they are already much larger than the dogs that guard the homes in the mortal world. They also have sharp teeth. Most mortals will definitely recognize them when they see them. Afraid.

This was Xue Li's first time going out alone, and Shaoyin was very worried.

Xue Li listened to her aunt's words, but at the same time she was worried about the two little tigers, so she nodded.

But at this time, the little white deer on the side said again: "Xueli, if you want to take the tiger away, can you only take one with you? Can you keep the tiger sister in the fairyland?"

The little white deer said: "Tiger sister is about to develop spiritual wisdom. Even if you are not in the fairyland, it should be no problem. I want to wait for a while and wait for it to help us take care of the affairs in the fairyland after it develops spiritual wisdom. I can let It lives in my cave, and Sister Tiger is very obedient now, so I should be able to take care of her at night.”

What Little White Deer said makes sense.

In fact, it is not without problems for Xue Li to take two tigers out alone. The two tiger cubs are at the age where they are lively and playful. They will definitely have fun when they go outside, and they may even run around in different directions. It will definitely be difficult for Xue Li to take care of them by herself.

Xue Li knew that the little animals in the fairyland loved the two little tigers. Seeing the little white deer and other animals looking at her eagerly, Xue Li thought for a while and agreed.

To intimidate others, a little tiger is enough, not to mention that Brother Tiger is bigger and is indeed more suitable to take out, so Shaoyin has no objection.

But after the short-term home arrangements for the two little tigers were made, Shaoyin asked again: "By the way, how do you think it would be better to let the little tiger follow you? You can just let him follow you in the forest and go to places with many people. , Do you want to tie it up a little? I'm afraid it will get too excited and get lost. "


Brother Tiger shook his head. Although he was far from enlightened, he seemed to have a vague feeling that Shaoyin wanted to tie him up, and he was beginning to feel unhappy.

Xue Li looked at Brother Tiger, thought for a moment, and said, "How about letting it pretend to be my mount? In the mortal world, would it be weird to ride a tiger?"


Shaoyin was slightly startled. She looked at the little tiger, which was not particularly big. She didn't understand what Xue Li was thinking, and said, "There are people who practice Taoism who ride strange animals, but Brother Tiger is still a bit small, so he probably can't ride it yet." Bar?"

Xue Li said: "That's what I want."

As she spoke, Xue Li flicked her sleeves, and Shaoyin saw her lips move slightly, and she recited a few prerequisites quickly, and then the immortal energy turned into a golden light and surrounded the little tiger. In an instant, the little tiger turned into a majestic adult. A fierce tiger!

This is a magical technique that Zi Lan has used before in the fairyland, because Xue Li and other small animals wanted to play with it. It has changed many times since then, and Shaoyin has also seen it.

But Shaoyin is a mortal now. Apart from medical skills, she can only teach Xue Li very limited magical skills. She didn't expect that in just a few months, Xue Li would already be able to use these magical skills from the fairy world, and could easily kill a tiger like a big snow wolf. The change made me shocked!

The author has something to say: Thoughts after reading the love letter of Wolf King and Wolf Queen

Wolf King: Ersha is well written. Nod and like

Wolf Queen: Why didn’t you write clearly whether you caught up with me or not? The ending of this series is not clear, so have you caught up to it? Excitedly rummaging around looking for clues


Because the writing order was adjusted midway, some girls who read it early yesterday may have read it. I’ll send you a little red envelope for this chapter. Remember to leave a message.

And the second half of yesterday's chapter has been significantly revised. If you haven't re-read it before three o'clock yesterday, remember to look back and add Zi Lan's situation in the wolf realm.


Thank you very much to He Fenfei, the little furball, for throwing a landmine at me! ! Kiss, hug, and rub her fur.