Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 54


The girl had almond eyes, red lips, black hair and snow-white skin. When she emerged from the clouds riding a tiger, her whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of light. She was so beautiful without any makeup, so pretty that it seemed unreal.

The four green-clothed disciples were attacked by the demon snake that they could not solve. Some fell and some rolled, and their bodies were covered with sand and mud. It was the most embarrassing moment. At this time, they suddenly saw such a beautiful fairy stepping out of the fairy mist and appearing in front of them. The four of them were dizzy. Looking at Xueli stepping out step by step, they thought they had stepped half a foot into the fairyland. They could only maintain a stiff posture and stare blankly, unable to move their eyes an inch.

The eldest brother was particularly absent-minded and didn't move for a long time.

However, Xueli didn't know what they were thinking. She nailed the snake demon to death and saw four strangers still lying nearby. She hurried forward and asked, "Are you all right?"

The four people didn't know how to respond to the fairy and shook their heads.

The two younger male disciples blushed with excitement when they saw that such a beautiful fairy actually condescended to talk to them.

Xue Li said with satisfaction: "That's good."

She had never really fought against evil spirits, and was afraid of hurting mortals by mistake. When she saw their rosy complexions and full of energy, Xue Li felt very happy.

After seeing that the mortal was fine, Xue Li looked around, then jumped off the tiger, ran forward a few steps happily, then picked up the nailed demon snake, turning it over and over excitedly to look at it!

After releasing the needle, Xueli did not forget to use a smoke spell to shrink it. There were two reasons. One was that she was afraid that her move would not be fatal, and if the snake broke free, the smoke would make it lose its direction and unable to find its opponent. The shrinkage would make it no longer able to attack. The other reason was that Xueli immediately fell in love with the snake and had to pick it up!

At this time, Xue Li was excitedly checking every part of the snake up and down, not leaving a single inch.

The gods protect all spirits and normally do not kill, but this is different for evil demons and evildoers who have eaten humans and maliciously prey on mortal spirit animals to plunder their cultivation. The law of the jungle is also a natural law for unintelligent animals, and the heavenly world will not interfere. However, practicing Taoism with the intention of longevity is to go against the will of heaven and change one's fate. A righteous cultivator will restrain his desires, only eat spiritual herbs and dew, and not touch the fate of others, naturally jumping out of the law of destiny; evil cultivators will indulge their desires, forcibly seize the life span and cultivation of others, and nourish their own Taoism. This behavior violates the laws of heaven, endangers others, and is extremely evil. It is not tolerated by heaven, so it must be severely punished!

According to the rules of the fairy world, such evil beasts that break the rules will be punished by heaven and will not be tolerated in the world. From the perspective of the gods, they should repay kindness and pay back grievances. They eat the flesh and blood of others, so they should repay flesh with flesh and blood with blood. It is better to let them eat the flesh and blood of living beings and then save lives. After they have paid for their sins, they can enter reincarnation again.

In a sense, this medicinal material is very rare!

A snake is full of treasures!

Xueli counted them happily one by one. If her tail hadn't been retracted, she would have been able to fly by now.

Snake gallbladder can be used as medicine, scales can be ground into powder, and the snake body can be used to make wine... Oh, there are also venomous fangs, so good, I will pull them out and keep them, they can be used in many elixirs!

Seeing how big it has grown to its original form, I’m sure we can make a lot of all kinds of medicines after it recovers to its normal size!

The four green-clothed disciples watched helplessly as the beautiful and elegant fairy in white opened the snake's mouth to look inside with great interest, picking and choosing everywhere with natural movements and skillful techniques.

As beautiful as she was, she looked as familiar now, but even so, the fairy was still very pretty.

On the one hand, they were shocked by the fairy's beauty, and on the other hand, they were shocked by the fairy's skillful examination of the snake without any movement for a long time.

After a long time, the oldest brother slowly came back to his senses first. He took a step forward and asked tentatively: "That... fairy? Thank you for saving us. How should we thank you?"

Although the girl in front of him looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, everyone had just seen her easily subdue the snake demon with three silver needles, and she was full of fairy spirit that could not be concealed. She was a genuine fairy! How could the eldest brother dare to neglect her? There was a hint of awe in his words unconsciously.

Xue Li was happily thinking about which part of the snake to put which medicine on, but when she heard the other person's voice, she remembered that there were other people there, and she quickly turned around to look at the four people.

The situation was too urgent just now, and Xue Li had no time to think about it. It was only then that she realized that these four people were the first mortals she had seen.

All four of them were dressed in green, looked good, had horses beside them, and had some items that could prove their identities. Because they were frightened by the demon snake and fled everywhere, the four of them were now covered in mud and sand, and looked not very decent.

The eyes are eyes, the nose is a nose, and except for the lack of fairy air on her body, she seems no different from herself.

Xueli replied, "You're welcome. It was just a coincidence. It's nothing to worry about."

As she said this, Xue Li looked hesitantly at the little demon snake in her hand. Although she was the one who killed the snake, it was these four mortals who discovered it first. Would it be a bad idea for her to just take it away without making any noise

Xueli hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly lifted up the snake and asked them, "Do you want this? Should I share some with you?"

Although the four disciples were also medical immortals, they were not able to make such a high-level immortal medicine that required a snake demon with their mortal medical skills. Although they were curious about the fairy, they tensed up when they saw the fairy holding the snake so close to them. Just by seeing the shrunken snake and thinking of its bloody mouth just now, the four of them had goose bumps all over their bodies, their scalps were numb, and they immediately shook their heads like rattles.

Xueli was immediately delighted: "Then I'll take it?"

Take it away! Take it away!

The four of them nodded vigorously.

Xue Li was overjoyed. She happily flipped through the medical box she carried with her, took out a gourd from it, and carefully pushed the demon snake into the gourd.

The four disciples didn't breathe a sigh of relief until Xue Li completely received the snake.

However, at this time, the leading disciple also noticed the rattan medical box that Xueli always kept beside him, and couldn't help but say, "Fairy... Could it be that she is also a medical fairy?"

Xue Li's attire was obviously that of a traveling doctor, and she was carrying such a large medical box. She had no intention of hiding it, so she nodded and immediately asked, "You too?"

The four of them answered yes.

The eldest brother was very grateful to Xueli for helping him. Otherwise, he alone would not be able to protect his three junior brothers and sisters. He asked Xueli with gratitude, "May I ask why the fairy is here? Where is she going?"

Xueli had just arrived and wanted to ask someone for directions, so she said vaguely, "I want to go north."

Another male disciple immediately said happily: "What a coincidence, we are also going to the north! Our master's sect is in the north!"

When the eldest brother heard this, he also said, "This place is deserted, with no village in front and no shop behind. It will take a long time to find a village if you walk north. I wonder where the fairy is going in the north? If you don't mind, how about coming with us?"

The little sister was scared away by the giant snake before, and she was still in shock after escaping death. She was thankful that a powerful fairy came out to save them, but when she heard that the eldest brother took the initiative to lead the way, she immediately said anxiously: "Eldest brother! Why are you looking for trouble again! If we want to pass through the village, we will have to take a detour again. What time is it now! Do you really want us to lose to those people from the Red Clothes Sect?!"

The eldest brother said, "Ajin, stop making trouble. The fairy just saved us. If we can help her in any way, how can we not help her?"

The junior sister named Ajin knew she was in the wrong and was speechless, but she was eager to go home at the moment and couldn't help stomping her feet to vent her anger.

Xueli was stunned when she heard their words and asked, "Can we find the village by going north?"


The eldest brother stopped paying attention to the younger sister and replied quickly.

He was afraid that Xueli would mind what his junior sister had just said, so he hurriedly explained for his junior sister: "I'm sorry, fairy. My junior sister is young and hot-tempered, and she spoke without thinking, but she didn't mean it. Fairy, please don't take it to heart. Our sect is not far from here. Although it takes a long way to go to the village, it won't delay much time. If the fairy needs us to lead the way, just let us know."

Actually, Xue Li didn't mind sleeping in the open air, but she was not familiar with the place after she came out, and she was concerned about the big snow wolf. In fact, she wanted to find a place with people nearby as soon as possible to ask about the big snow wolf's situation. When she heard that these monks could take her to the village, Xue Li became a little hesitant.

But seeing the little girl next to her glaring at her senior brother angrily, as if she really had something urgent to do, Xue Li felt a little embarrassed to speak.

She pondered for a long time, and finally blushed and said, "Well, then please take me a ride. But you should just follow the route you originally planned to take. When you get to a place close to the village, just point me in the direction, and I can go there by myself."

When the eldest brother heard that the fairy wanted to go with them, he was immediately delighted, but he did not refuse Xueli's words and promised: "Don't worry, fairy! We will definitely take you to your destination safely!"

After the matter was decided, the four mortal disciples immediately remounted their horses. Xue Li also walked back a few steps with the medical kit on her back and sat sideways on the tiger.

Brother Tiger had been getting impatient waiting. He didn't care about whether the snake was a demon or not. He only cared about whether the snake was delicious or not. Evil snakes were the same as other meat and could not be eaten. As a result, Xueli was not fed to him. Brother Tiger was getting angry. He grunted twice in complaint from his throat before he obediently let Xueli sit on it.

The group walked tacitly in the direction of Xinglin Peak in the north. Although they were leading the way, the eyes of several mortal disciples kept falling on Xue Li.

Xue Li is very beautiful, her beauty can be said to be the most beautiful that has never been seen in the world. She has a temperament and is not worldly. Although she wears simple clothes, she is extremely elegant. Her every move carries with it an otherworldly beauty that is fascinating.

The eldest brother was the calmest among the four, but he couldn't help but turn his head to look. The other two brothers couldn't hold back their tempers, and after a while they couldn't help but start asking about his well-being, and kept coming close to him.

"Are you hungry, fairy? We have some dry food with us."

"Are you thirsty, fairy? We just happened to get some spring water from the top of the hill above. It's very sweet!"

"Are you cold, fairy? It's already autumn, and winter is not far away. How about I give you the clean coat in my bag?"

The two male disciples vied with each other to present their treasures, and the admiration in their eyes could not be concealed. Although Xue Li rejected in panic, they still behaved very frankly, which made the junior sister at the side stare with eyes wide open, and she immediately became unhappy.

Before Xue Li came, she was the only girl in the team. She was pretty and young, and was taken care of by the senior brothers. But now, the senior brothers who usually surrounded her went to surround Xue Li, and even the eldest brother was a little hesitant. Even though the junior sister didn't care much, she felt jealous at this moment. She rolled her eyes at them, snorted, and turned away.

But even so, the little sister couldn't help but keep looking over there.

She kept glancing secretly in Sydney's direction.

Xue Li was riding on a tiger, her long black hair pinned with a simple wooden hairpin. Her profile was clean and fair, her facial features were regular, and her temperament was elegant. There was not a single flaw to be found.

The little sister had a strange feeling in her heart. On the one hand, she admired and envied her. She wondered why she was so beautiful. Are all real immortals so beautiful? When she cultivates to become an immortal in the future, will she also become as beautiful as this

But on the other hand, she felt a little jealous, wondering why she didn't look like this now.

The two thoughts were fighting in her mind, and after a long time of fighting, no one could tell who was the winner. The little sister thought that she should be pretty, and she thought that looking at her face more often could help her regain some confidence.

So she secretly took out the small mirror from her body. As a disciple with the lowest cultivation level, she was not of high enough status to be equipped with a medical box like the others. She could only carry a medical bag. She stuffed a lot of things into it like she was carrying an ordinary bag. There were few medical tools and herbs, but there were quite a few sundries.

After the little sister took out a small mirror from her medical bag, she secretly looked at herself behind the others' backs. She had never felt this way before, but after seeing Xueli's face, she felt that she was not pretty enough in every way. After she looked at herself, she secretly glanced at Xueli and immediately wanted to smash the mirror, becoming even angrier!

She snorted again and turned her head away, deliberately tilting her face away and raising her mouth to the height of the teapot. But she didn't last for half a minute, and turned her eyes back and continued to watch secretly.

The junior sister was too young to hide things, and Xue Li soon noticed her gaze and turned her head away in confusion.

The junior sister was caught off guard and met Xue Li's almond-shaped eyes. She immediately looked away in panic, her heart pounding.

But after a while, she struggled on the horse for a long time, then slowly opened the medical bag, rummaged through it and found three apples. She picked the largest one and carefully wiped it clean with the inside of her clothes. Then she slowly leaned over and said to Xueli stiffly, "Hey! Do you want to eat an apple?"

The junior sister's words were too harsh and sudden. Xue Li didn't expect that she would hand her an apple at this time, and she paused subconsciously.

However, in this moment of hesitation, the little sister was already so embarrassed that she could hardly hold it. She thought to herself that it was not easy for someone to muster up the courage to give you an apple, but it was not easy to hide a few apples from her brother! Her face turned red and she said angrily, "Forget it if you don't want to eat it, I'll eat it myself!"

Xueli reacted and said quickly: "Thank you, but I'm not hungry, you can eat it yourself."

The little sister's face turned even redder. She suppressed her voice and started to eat the food with a crunching sound.

But after this conversation, the originally quiet Xueli finally opened up.

She was a little nervous because her aunt had told her to be careful when she went out, and she was a little wary of other people. But now, Xueli saw that this group of people seemed to be good, and she actually wanted to learn about the outside world through these people, and wanted to know the news about the big snow wolf as soon as possible, so she slowly opened her mouth.

Xue Li took the initiative to ask: "You look like immortal cultivators from the mortal world, and you also practice medicine. Where are you from? Also, a few days ago, around midnight, probably in this area, did anything happen in the mortal world?"

Xue Li was afraid of exposing the Snow Wolf and getting into trouble, so she asked vaguely.

But the eldest brother was very excited when he saw the fairy taking the initiative to talk to him. He said modestly and proudly: "We are all from Xinglin Peak! We are disciples from Xinglin Peak who are going out to carry out missions."

Author has something to say: Xueli: Auntie!! Look, I picked up such a big snake!! I picked it up for free!! No one wants it!! We are using it as medicine!!

Shao Yin (surprised): Really? Who is so stupid as to not want this? (Turning over and over)


Thank you very much jojojojoooxx little fur ball for throwing me two more mines!! Rolling around and licking fur ball very hard!!