Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 64


"What little wonderland?"

The medical officers knew nothing about Zi Lan's recent experience. Seeing the young master's panic, they were completely confused.

Zi Lan didn't dare to delay and immediately threw off the quilt and ran out!

"Little Lord!!"

"Master, you can't just stand up now!"

"Young Master, you are still injured!"

Seeing Zi Lan's ridiculous behavior that disregarded his own health, the medical officer hurried forward to stop him and tried to send him back to his bed.

Zi Lan ran down from the bed, and after only a few steps he felt a piercing pain in his body, as if not an inch of his body was intact. However, he was concerned about Xue Li's safety, and still insisted on running out, and no one could stop him.

At this moment, Zi Lan caught a glimpse of his own reflection in the warm water in the copper basin that the doctor in the room was using to treat his wounds. Zi Lan was stunned and froze.

He looked more miserable than he had imagined.

His hair was disheveled, his upper body was naked, and his body was covered with bruises and wounds that had not yet healed. His body was wrapped in gauze, but there were some places that could not be wrapped in gauze and were only covered with medicine. At first glance, there were grooves all over his body, which was extremely glaring and terrifying.

His face was also injured, with a crescent-shaped crack extending from the side of his ear to his chin. The wound had not yet healed, so the mark was quite eye-catching. He was originally quite handsome, but this wound was like a terrifying mark on his face, which would make people shudder at the sight of it.

This look was so terrifying that even Zi Lan was frightened and froze in place.

The Medical Immortal hurriedly caught up with him and noticed that the young master seemed to have noticed his current appearance from the reflection, and hurriedly comforted him, "Young master, don't worry. The injuries you suffered this time are too serious. The old injuries have just healed and the new injuries have been added. The healing speed is inevitably slow. Although the current injuries look terrible, they are only temporary. We will definitely do our best to treat them. After recovery, there should not be too obvious scars."

The Medical Immortal spoke with confidence, but Zi Lan was still shocked by his current appearance.

He could feel that his injuries this time were probably more serious than last time, and it was obvious from his body's reaction. He must have been unconscious for a long time, but Zi Lan couldn't tell how long it had been. And even after being unconscious for such a long time, his injuries were still so serious that he felt severe pain even when he moved.

But this is natural. This time he was facing off against the figure hidden behind the black fog. The danger was far greater than before. Zi Lan didn't even expect to come back alive. He was lucky to be rescued.

Just looking at himself at this moment, Zi Lan couldn't help feeling a moment of panic.

He didn't know how Xue Li would react when she saw him in his current state.

No one wants their loved one to see them at their worst. Zi Lan himself is not afraid of damaging his appearance, but he felt like he was stabbed when he saw the blurry shadow in the water. If Xue Li saw it, she might be scared.

Zi Lan knew that he originally had a pretty good appearance. If he had looked like this from the beginning, he would not have the courage to express his feelings to Xue Li.

Zi Lan couldn't help feeling flustered when he thought about letting Xue Li see such a scene, but he was really worried about Xue Li's condition. He didn't know what was happening in the fairyland and it made him uneasy.

Zi Lan insisted, "I want to go see Xueli."

After Zi Lan said this, he realized that the group of wolf officials and medical immortals in front of him might not know who Xue Li was. He was about to spend more time explaining it, but before he could say anything, he saw the medical immortals looking at each other with meaningful eyes.

The looks in their eyes made Zi Lan vaguely feel something was strange, but she couldn't tell what was going on.

At this time, a medical fairy said, "Young Master, please wait a moment. Fairy Xueli is fine. If you really want to see Fairy Xueli, we have to ask the Wolf King and the Wolf Queen for permission."

Zi Lan was surprised that they seemed to really know what Xue Li looked like, and he always felt that the gazes of the Medical Immortal and the Wolf Officers focused on him were different from usual.

However, his concern for Xue Li left him no time to care about anything else. After hearing what the Medical Immortal said, he immediately nodded.

The Wolf King and the Wolf Queen were already on their way, so the Medical Immortal ran to ask for their opinions, and finally came back with them.

The Wolf King and the Wolf Queen were very excited to see Zi Lan wake up. The Wolf Queen almost cried several times. She hugged Zi Lan and looked at him again and again, asking him if he was feeling any discomfort anywhere.

When Zi Lan saw his parents whom he had not seen for a long time, he was filled with emotion and could not believe that this was reality.

But he still had Xueli in his heart. He had countless things he wanted to say to his parents, but he had to make sure Xueli was safe first before he could feel at ease.

He said to the Wolf King and the Wolf Queen, "Father, Mother, I have one more thing I must do. When I fell from the Ninth Heaven and was trapped outside, I made a good friend outside the Ninth Heaven. Her name is Xueli. She saved me in the beginning. She is both my friend and my benefactor. When I was outside the Ninth Heaven, there were other people besides Xueli. My injury this time is also related to the accident in the paradise where we live. It's a long story for me to talk about what happened outside. I want to make sure Xueli is safe and then tell you what happened."

Zi Lan spoke anxiously.

He thought that this behavior, which seemed to disregard the overall situation and his own health, would require a lot of effort to convince his parents to let him go find Xueli as soon as possible. However, the wolf king and queen were surprisingly easy to talk to and did not try to stop him at all.

The wolf king nodded slightly and agreed calmly, "It's okay, this is completely understandable. Let the wolf officer take you to find Fairy Xueli. But you are not in good health now, so you must be cautious. The medical fairy will also accompany you. Don't stay in the mortal world for too long, come back as soon as possible."

Zi Lan was stunned for a moment, thinking that his parents' reaction was also a little strange. He also didn't understand why the wolf officer had to take him to find Xueli, but the joy of being able to go and confirm Xueli's safety outweighed everything. Zi Lan said in surprise: "Thank you, Mom and Dad!"

"You're welcome."

The wolf king smiled at him kindly.

The Wolf King and Queen even personally sent him out of the Wolf Kingdom.

The wolf queen comforted him, "Don't be too nervous. There is plenty of time. Just take your time in the mortal world. Dad and mom will always help you."

Zi Lan: “?”

Zi Lan didn't quite understand what her parents wanted to say and why they reacted so strangely, but she still nodded and said, "Thank you, Mom and Dad."

With the help of the medical immortals, Zi Lan boarded the fairy carriage without hurting his wounds. The Wolf King and the Wolf Queen watched the fairy carriage leave and waved to them from behind.

After Zi Lan got on the fairy carriage, he was about to indicate the direction and let the wolf officers drive the fairy carriage to the location of the small fairyland, but when he looked up, he found that the fairy carriage had already started moving, and the direction seemed to deviate from the location he had in mind.

Zi Lan frowned in surprise and said, "Stop for a moment. Xue Li doesn't live in this direction."

"No, the direction is correct. Fairy Xueli does live on this side now."

The wolf officer said firmly.

"Young Master, please wait a moment, you will see him soon."

Zi Lan was full of doubts, but no one from the Wolf Officer to the Medical Immortal seemed to think there was anything wrong. He had to temporarily suppress his doubts and uneasiness and stared at the scene outside the window.

In the end, the place the wolf officers brought him to was Xinglin Peak.

Because he had come out to look for the fairy Shao Yin who had come down to the mortal world to experience hardships, and Zi Lan has been getting along closely with the medical fairy over the years, he knew about this mortal world's medical immortal sect, but he never expected that the wolf officers would bring him here.

Zi Lan cast a puzzled look at the wolf officer.

What surprised him even more was that in addition to the Wolf Officer and the Medical Immortal who brought him here, there were actually quite a few people from the Wolf Territory gathered near Xinglin Peak. They all seemed to be hiding and guarding the surroundings. When they saw him wake up and come here, they all looked very happy and looked in his direction at the same time.

A wolf officer saw Zi Lan's confusion and explained, "Young Master, don't worry. Fairy Xueli does live here. You will know when you get closer."

Zi Lan felt uncomfortable being stared at by the wolf officers and was doubtful. However, as the fairy carriage got closer, Zi Lan actually felt Xue Li's fairy aura.

Not only that, the scene in the courtyard also felt familiar. Although this was obviously a guest peak of Xinglin Peak, the way things were placed in the courtyard and the way herbs were dried all reflected Xueli's personal habits. Even if it wasn't in the fairyland cottage, it was easy to feel at home.

The wolf officer asked, "Young Master, Fairy Xueli should be in the house, do you want to go down and take a look?"

Zi Lan couldn't wait any longer and was about to nod, but at this moment, he thought of his own reflection in the water.

Zi Lan hesitated for a moment. He was a little timid. He wanted to see Xue Li and tell her that he was safe, but he was afraid that Xue Li would be frightened when she saw his current appearance.

In just a moment of hesitation, Zi Lan said, "No! Wait here for a while, I want to... I want to think about it for a while."

The Wolf Officer and the Medical Immortal certainly had no objection. The Wolf Officer stopped the Immortal Chariot to give the young master time to think.

Zi Lan's mind was in a mess, but before he could think it through, at the same time, he saw the door of the mortal world's guesthouse opened.

Zi Lan looked over immediately, eager to catch a glimpse of Xue Li's figure.

But to his surprise, he saw a strange mortal man in blue clothes walking out of the guest house where Xue Li was staying together with Xue Li.

It was already dusk, and the sunset dyed the clouds in the sky red. The man in green looked about the same age as them, with a handsome face, dressed as a medical immortal. He seemed to be quite familiar with Xue Li. He was sent out of the house by Xue Li. He turned around and bowed to Xue Li, who also said goodbye to him. Then the man left gracefully.

Xun Wang had just finished discussing with Xue Li their respective situations over the years. He had said everything that needed to be said, and seeing that it was getting late, he said goodbye.

But it was the first time that Zi Lan saw this man, and he seemed quite close to Xue Li. Zi Lan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable with that mortal.

Zi Lan couldn't help but ask: "Who is this person?"

The wolf officers who had been guarding here knew the whole story and replied to Zi Lan, "That man's name is Xun Wang. He is Fairy Shao Yin's junior brother in the mortal world. He seemed to have sensed something today and came here to talk to Fairy Xueli."

After the wolf officer finished speaking, he continued, "Young Master, you should have confirmed that Fairy Xueli is fine. The Wolf King and the Wolf Queen ordered us to stay here to protect and observe Fairy Xueli, but we cannot contact Fairy Xueli. The Wolf King and the Wolf Queen will tell you the details after we return. Do you still want to go down and talk to the fairy? If you think it's okay, let's go back to the Wolf Territory today."

Zi Lan was originally hesitant because of his condition, but after seeing the other men, he suddenly became nervous and had an indescribable sense of urgency.

Zi Lan immediately said, "Wait here for a while, I'll go down and take a look."

Author's words: Langqiuqiu: I want to go see Xueli, she is my good friend and benefactor... Hmm? Dad and Mom, why do you look so weird

Wolf King: …

Wolf Queen: …

Wolf King (suppressing laughter): It’s nothing, we don’t know anything, let me kill you.



Thank you very much to Cici and Xinranzhi Aaron for throwing a mine at me!! Kiss, rub and knead the fur!!

Thank you so much jojojojoooxx for throwing two mines at me!! Licking the fur very hard!!

Thank you very very much, Meow Meow Little Fur Ball and Crane Flying Little Fur Ball both threw a grenade at me, and the whirlwind was invincible, rolling around for five thousand times, kissing, rubbing, and licking the fur! !

Love you cute (づ ̄3 ̄)づ