Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 67


The wolf officers' eyes when looking at the young master suddenly became much more ambiguous, with a hint of understanding and wait-and-see attitude.

The young master is still young, and now he is just beginning to understand love and the beginning of his feelings. I think it is a very awkward time.

This was the young master's first time in love, and it was also the first time he had someone he liked. Even the meeting and the pursuit felt a bit clumsy, like a young wolf cub. I don't know what had just happened in the house, but looking at how the young master was getting along with the girl, it seemed that although the young master liked her, he hadn't actually pursued her yet. But looking at the girl's previous reaction, the young master should not be without hope.

The wolf officers were all experienced people, and they all looked at the young master's reactions with interest.

Zi Lan didn't notice the deep meaning in the wolf officers' eyes, and only said, "I'm relieved that she's okay. I've already made an appointment with her to meet again next time. Let's go back to the Wolf Territory."


The wolf officers responded with a smile.

Zi Lan's injuries were still very serious, and under the care of the Medical Immortal, he returned to the Immortal Car.

But after getting on the bus, the wolf officers still had some ideas of matchmaking.

They stayed in the mortal world to observe Xueli, and now they have a good impression of Xueli. Although they would not spy on what was going on inside the house, Xueli's outings, medical training, and participation in the Xinglin Association were all within their field of vision. They saw that Xueli was humble, gentle, polite, and serious, and she was always trying hard to find the young master. Such behavior made it easy for the immortal officials in the Wolf Realm to like her.

Especially since Xueli didn't know that there were these immortal officials from the Ninth Heaven watching. A person might pretend to be a good person in front of outsiders, but for someone like Xueli who knew nothing but was still consistent, it must be true.

No one would dislike such a junior.

But it's rare that she has this intention. If she doesn't tell anyone, other people won't know. The Wolf Officer decided to help her secretly.

After the young master got on the car, the wolf officer who was standing by told Zi Lan about Xue Li's experiences in the past few days. He sighed and said, "Speaking of which, we have been following and observing Fairy Xue Li here for a while. Since Fairy Xue Li came to Xinglin Peak, she has been trying to find clues about the young master, running around day and night. These days, she has asked almost everyone in Xinglin Peak."

Zi Lan paused when he heard what the wolf officer said.

His heart suddenly felt like being gently pinched.

He immediately realized that the experience that Xue Li had just briefly told him was probably not as easy as she said.

It was not easy for Xueli to come out of the fairyland she was used to living in alone. She was still trying her best to attend the Xinglin Club for him and try her best to find out about him.

Xue Li has been worried about him these days.

Thinking back to when he went to see Xueli just now, he saw the unconcealable ecstasy and joy on her face for a split second, her starry eyes shining like sparkles.

Zi Lan was slightly distracted and pursed her lips unconsciously. For a moment, she couldn't tell what she felt in her heart. She felt touched, distressed, and also had a vague feeling that the person she liked was worried about her surprise and joy.

This kind of joy mixed with admiration was very unfamiliar to Zi Lan. This strong and complex emotion hit his mind violently. He was not even sure for a moment how he should behave normally, and he could not help but clench his fists.

Zi Lan maintained this somewhat stiff posture and returned to the Wolf Realm.

The wolf king and the wolf queen had been waiting outside the wolf zone for a long time.

Seeing Zi Lan coming back from outside, the Wolf Queen immediately asked with concern: "Is everything going well?"

Zi Lan did not doubt him and nodded, "It went very smoothly. Thank you, Father and Mother."

The group took the young master and the Wolf King and Queen back to the Wolf Palace.

Zi Lan was still very weak and had not yet recovered from his injuries. After seeing Xue Li, he seemed to feel relieved, but such a serious injury could not sustain him going out for a long time. A trip to see Xue Li like this was already very tiring for Zi Lan. When he returned to the Wolf Palace, he was already pale and sweating profusely.

But as soon as he returned to the Wolf Palace, Zi Lan immediately said to his parents solemnly: "Father, Mother, I have something important to report to you!"

The Wolf King and Queen immediately understood that Zi Lan was going to talk about his time in the outside world.

Zi Lan had just woken up, and as soon as he woke up he rushed to confirm Xue Li's safety. The Wolf King and the Wolf Queen knew nothing about the experience he had faced alone, and it was very likely that the matter was of great importance and had to be made clear.

But seeing Zi Lan seriously injured and in pain, the Wolf King and Queen were also very worried.

The wolf king sympathized with the child, slowed down his tone, and comforted him: "Don't be anxious, speak slowly, don't hurt yourself, but tell us everything you know, we will listen patiently. Zilan, what happened to you in the past six months? Why did you lie alone in the forest that night? And what happened to you that night when you made such a big light?"

At this time, Zi Lan had returned to the house with the help of the medical immortals. He should have lay down again to rest, but because the matter was too important, he insisted on sitting up.

Zi Lan said, "Father, Mother, I saw a man in the dark clouds that night."

Zi Lan frowned.

He woke up too quickly, and the coma lasting for more than a month made his mind very dull. Perhaps because the shock he suffered at that time was too great, Zi Lan could not remember many details of the fight with others that night. His memory of falling from the sky after he exerted all his strength was even more vague and fragmented.

But before that, the appearance of the person he saw in the dark clouds and the feeling he had at that moment were still vivid and clear.

Zi Lan tried her best to recall what happened at that time, and the man's face reappeared in her mind.

White clothes, jade flute, a proud and detached appearance, an indifferent expression, and black air and dark clouds surrounding him.

He turned around and looked at him, and when he was stared at by that person, he felt a cold feeling.

Zi Lan had never seen such a cold gaze before, it was like the ice frozen in a thousand-year cold pond, as if there was nothing inside, but it was bottomless. This unknown feeling made people feel terrible.

So Zi Lan paused for a moment and added: "That person is probably very dangerous."

"A very dangerous person?"

When the Wolf King and the Wolf Queen heard what Zi Lan said, they both paused and looked at each other in surprise.

Zi Lan nodded, frowning in pain, concentrating his mind, and began to tell the story from the beginning: "It all started on the day I broke through the realm in the Golden Pagoda. On that day, I was in the Golden Pagoda and suddenly felt a strange foreign breath, but I was concentrating on breaking through the realm and couldn't be distracted. I was not sure if it was my illusion, but later at the critical moment of my breakthrough, the four divine fire furnaces were suddenly extinguished one by one, and I clearly felt that something had taken me out of the illusion and pushed me off the cloud platform..."

Zi Lan told his parents in detail all his experiences over the past six months.

From how he was picked up by Xue Li, who was a medical fairy, and how they couldn't speak the same language in the fairyland, to how he later accidentally discovered that Xue Li was the disciple accepted by Fairy Shao Yin when she was experiencing tribulations in the mortal world, and that Fairy Shao Yin also lived in that small fairyland, and that the small fairyland had a barrier that made it impossible to contact the Ninth Heaven, he told her everything.

Zi Lan's storytelling talent is not outstanding, but this matter was full of ups and downs, twists and turns. The Wolf King and the Wolf Queen finally figured out what Zi Lan had been going through these days, and they were filled with emotion.

However, the Wolf King and the Wolf Queen were both surprised to hear about the unknown little fairyland in the fairyland and the barrier of the little fairyland.

The Wolf Queen sighed and said, "No wonder you haven't contacted Jiuchongtian for so long. It turns out it's because of this."


Zi Lan nodded.

But he immediately frowned and continued, "But I think that man is dangerous, and that's why. Such a solid barrier to avoid the world, even though I have the divine body of a star-controlling beast, I can't even communicate with the Ninth Heaven. But that man managed to get in, and he was able to transform into black mist and create such a dangerous storm... I recognized his aura, and the person who pushed me off the cloud platform in the Ninth Heaven was most likely him."

Zi Lan described it with difficulty. It is actually very difficult to describe a person's appearance clearly in words.

He said, "That man was not short, probably about the same height as me, but he didn't look strong. His skin was pale, almost bloodless, and he was wearing white that night. He had a jade flute on his waist, and there was a rapier hidden in the flute. And the look in his eyes..."

Zi Lan paused. Eyes are supposed to be the most difficult thing to judge, but after thinking about it, he said with certainty: "Very empty. His eyes are terribly empty. As long as you see that kind of eyes, you will definitely be able to recognize it."

The Wolf King and the Wolf Queen listened patiently to Zi Lan's description, remembered every detail carefully, and even had them write it down.

At this time, Zi Lan said seriously: "Father, mother, I don't know who that person is or what his purpose is, but I always feel that he must be strange. And his cultivation is higher than mine. I may have only seriously injured him. I am worried that he may come back and do something else, or have a bigger purpose..."

The wolf king and the wolf queen exchanged glances.

Zi Lan has been trapped in the fairyland during this period, and the Wolf King and the Wolf Queen have been investigating. They did not have Zi Lan's direct experience on this part, but what they saw was very different from Zi Lan's.

The Wolf Queen ordered someone to bring over a list of names that they had sent to various star realms some time ago, and said, "Lan'er, things may be more complicated than you think."

The wolf officer quickly brought in the name list, and the wolf queen handed it to Zi Lan.

She said, "Take a look."

Zi Lan was confused at first by the Wolf Queen's actions, but when he unfolded the list and read the names one by one, his eyes widened more and more.

The Young Master of the Kangsu Golden Dragon Clan...

General of the Red Leopard Tribe of Jixu…

The Celestial Horse Clan’s Immortal Official…

The years, as well as the names of individuals from each star beast clan, were listed prominently on the paper. It was shocking to think that these were once very vivid names.

Zi Lan didn't expect that there would be such a change in what he encountered, and he was immediately shocked.

The Wolf Queen had seen these names many times, but when she read them this time, she still felt a lingering fear.

Some of these names are deceased, some are missing, but none of those who are missing have ever returned.

Except Zilan.

Except Zilan.

When the Wolf Queen thought of this, she felt even more fortunate and felt that her son had escaped death.

The Wolf Queen could now think that Zi Lan's escape was probably related to the small fairyland he accidentally fell into. Although the barrier of the small fairyland blocked the Nine Heavens' communication, making Zi Lan lose contact, it also delayed the time for the so-called black fog man to find him, giving him a chance to recover from his injuries.

Zi Lan was suffering from a cold and had been outside for so long. Whether he fell into the small fairyland and escaped, or happened to meet the Fairy Xueli who could relieve his cold and help him heal his injuries, and the Fairy Shaoyin who had experienced tribulations in the mortal world, it was all the result of his good luck. If there was any mistake, Zi Lan might not be able to come back.

At this moment, the Medical Immortal noticed that Zi Lan's face was pale and he looked exhausted, so he hurriedly reminded him, "Lord Wolf King, Lord Wolf Queen, the young master is still injured and cannot work too hard. I'm afraid he needs to rest for a while."

Zi Lan's injuries were indeed serious and could not be healed in a day or two. It was already a stretch for him to go to the mortal world to see Xue Li, and talking to the Wolf King and Queen was already at his limit.

Seeing this, the Wolf Queen said hurriedly, "I understand. Lan'er, you should take good care of yourself. We are already investigating this matter. Just rest assured and take care of your health. We will get to the bottom of this matter as soon as possible."

Zi Lan nodded.

He remembered Xueli's instructions and said hurriedly, "I left the Little Fairyland in a hurry. Xueli and others still don't know my whereabouts. Xueli and Fairy Shaoyin came out to look for me because they thought I was dead or alive. I just went to see Xueli, but Fairy Shaoyin didn't know about it yet. Dad and Mom, can you send someone to find Fairy Shaoyin and explain the situation? Fairy Shaoyin knows how to get back to the Little Fairyland and can tell the news to others."

The wolf king and the wolf queen knew the limits of course. After hearing what Zi Lan said, they immediately nodded and said, "Okay."

Zi Lan lay down.

The medical immortal gave him some tranquilizers, and Zi Lan immediately felt a wave of fatigue coming over him.

But just as he was about to fall asleep, Zi Lan suddenly remembered that in order to illustrate the danger of the man, he had emphasized his own experience and Xue Li's medical skills, but had not yet told his parents that Xue Li was a nine-tailed fox.

He and Xue Li have been together for such a long time that he has become accustomed to the fact that Xue Li is a little nine-tailed fox. However, if other people knew that the nine-tailed fox had disappeared for a thousand years, they would probably be surprised. Zi Lan was about to get up anxiously to say something, but it was too late. His eyelids were heavy and he fell into a deep sleep.

According to the Medical Immortal, although the young master has woken up now, his injuries have not yet recovered, and his energy is only temporary. He will probably continue to sleep intermittently for a long time.

The Wolf King and the Wolf Queen looked at Zi Lan sleeping peacefully. Even though they knew his injuries had not healed, they felt much more relieved than before.

The Queen of Wolves looked at Zi Lan who was sleeping soundly, and thought about what he had experienced in recent days. She still felt a lingering fear, but then she remembered the snow pear that Zi Lan mentioned.

During Zi Lan's experience, he was able to return safely, and most of the credit went to the Snow Pear Fairy.

She is the disciple of Fairy Shao Yin, and the person Zi Lan fell in love with this time...

The Wolf Queen couldn't help but become more curious about her than before.

She had been observing Xue Li through the wolf officers for a long time, but this time, she felt that it was time for her to go and see her in person.

The author has something to say: Congratulations to Fox Qiuqiu on meeting his parents soon.


Too slow, too slow.

I feel that it may be difficult to update stably recently. I am really sorry, my friends. I have been writing for a long time but I still don’t feel satisfied. I will revise it later.

I'm sending a little red envelope to the fur balls today. I love you, cute qaq


Thank you very much to the happy little fur ball of walking in the clouds, the sweet potato little fur ball and the jojojojoooxx little fur ball, all of whom threw a mine at me! Kiss, hug and rub fur! !