Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 69


Xue Li's name was written neatly on the standing list, and the flowers placed near her name formed a dazzling sea of flowers, making her name far more conspicuous and eye-catching than others, and visible at a glance.

The Queen of Wolves didn't expect that when she came to see her son's sweetheart, she would see such a scene. She was inevitably surprised.

Seeing that there were many medical immortals gathered around Xinglin Peak who seemed to have come to watch the Xinglin Conference, she stepped forward and asked, "Are you here to see the Xinglin Conference? Why are there so many flowers under the name of Fairy Xueli?"

It seemed that these medical immortals had been watching and staying here for quite some time, and they were all familiar with each other. Seeing that the Wolf Queen had extraordinary cultivation, they all bowed respectfully, and then mentioned the Xinglin Society with a smile on their faces.

"Yes, we are here to see the Xinglin Society."

A medical immortal replied with a smile.

After one person spoke, the other immortals followed suit and explained happily.

"The Xinglin Association meets every five years. It's boring for us to practice alone in the cave palace all day, so we come to join the fun when we have time."

"Although most mortals' medical skills are not very sophisticated, their ideas are quite broad and interesting, and they often have novel ideas. Immortals also started out as mortals, and some of the younger generations with outstanding talents are really amazing and worth watching."

"Many of us were born in Xinglin Peak and participated in the Xinglin Association in the past. The memories of our time in the mortal world... were mixed with joys and sorrows, but now they are all gone. It is always refreshing to return to the old place, and sometimes you can find some good seedlings. You never know when you will be a fellow traveler in heaven."

After roughly explaining their origins, the medical immortals saw that the Wolf Queen was a stranger, so they asked in a respectful and friendly tone, "Sir, is this your first visit to Fairy Xueli?"

The wolf queen thought for a moment and then answered, "Yes."

She asked, "Is there anything special about this Snow Pear Fairy?"

"Of course!"

When the Wolf Queen asked this, the medical immortals' faces immediately lit up. After all, there are many things about medical immortals that only medical immortals can see.

One person said: "She is an excellent medical fairy! Her medical skills are amazing!"

Others chimed in and tried to give examples from many angles.

"I first came here when she made the silver bell flower bloom. Although many flower fairies can make the flower bloom, the one she used was not an ordinary flower blooming technique. And few people can do it as well as Fairy Xueli, who has an extremely precise grasp of the measure."

"She is also very good at using silver needles. Needle techniques like this cannot be mastered without years of rigorous practice."

"I came here to see this person after hearing from a friend that this person appeared in the Xinglin Association this year. Although this Fairy Xueli has not yet ascended to heaven, she has already gained quite a reputation among the medical immortals in the fairy world!"

"And this fairy is only sixteen years old! It's hard to imagine that such a young fairy doctor could have mastered such medical skills."

A medical fairy spread out his long sleeves and pointed to the flowers on the main peak in front of them to the Queen of Wolves: "Look at these. Xinglin Peak has always had a tradition of offering flowers by name. The disciples of Xinglin Peak will place flowers under the names of the medical practitioners they admire. The flowers you just asked about were placed there by the young disciples who thought Fairy Xueli would win the championship."

These medical immortals talked a lot at once. The Wolf Queen did not understand all the in-depth parts about medicine, but she knew that they all expressed their approval.

The Wolf Queen originally just thought the scene was astonishing when she looked at the flowers, but after hearing what the medical immortals said, she really felt it was amazing.

But she asked again: "Fairy Xueli is a fairy, and the other opponents are just mortals after all. Isn't it natural that she will win the championship?"

"No, of course not!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as the Wolf Queen said this, the other medical masters immediately shook their heads in opposition.

He said: "Medical cultivation is different from ordinary cultivation. In addition to immortal energy, it also requires a lot of knowledge and experience. If a god is a mortal who has cultivated medicine, it is natural for him to beat mortals, but usually he is hundreds of years old in the immortal world. And this fairy Xueli is so young. Apart from being born with immortal energy, her other starting points are no different from those of mortal medical disciples. It is amazing that she can reach such a level at her age!"

Others also nodded and said, "Not only can we win the Xinglin Conference, if a similar medical conference is held in the Immortal Realm, I think Xue Li's level will be more than enough to show off her talents, not to mention getting the top few places."

At this time, an immortal said with emotion: "How come such an outstanding junior was trained by which medical friend? How come I have never heard of him before?"

The person next to him said, "I'm curious too. She doesn't look like she has no master. Brother Zhu even went to the immortal register to ask, but I don't know if the immortal there refused to tell me or he just couldn't find her. Anyway, he didn't get any information."

"If I could cultivate a disciple like this, I would brag about it so that the whole fairy world would know about it."

Several people discussed lively for a long time, and suddenly, a medical fairy said: "Actually... three hundred years ago, I made a special trip to the Ninth Heaven Snow Lotus Peak to pay a visit to the Shao Yin Fairy. At that time, I saw the medical skills of the Shao Yin Fairy. Now, this Xueli Fairy's medical skills are not like ordinary ones. It seems that she has some of the flavor of the Shao Yin Fairy."

This sentence made everyone silent for a while.

But the other medical immortals immediately disagreed.

"That's not necessary! How many years has it been since Shao Yin Xianjun left Snow Lotus Peak?"

"Although Immortal Shao Yin never refuses anyone who comes to ask for advice, she never accepts disciples. She said that teaching disciples is too stressful and will affect her study of medicine."

"Even when the Eastern Sea Medical Saint took his young son to the mountain to become a disciple, he was rejected outright by Fairy Shao Yin. What kind of talent and background must one have to change Fairy Shao Yin's opinion?"

Several medical friends said it was impossible. The doctor who originally proposed the idea was not very sure himself. After hesitating for a while, he stopped talking about it.

However, the Wolf Queen had already learned what had happened from Zi Lan, and knew that their brief guesses had already revealed the truth, and that what others dared not believe was actually true.

The Wolf Queen had previously known from the reports sent in by the wolf officers that the wolf officers praised Xue Li highly, but she had not known that Xue Li had gained such a high reputation among the medical immortals in the fairy world in such a short period of time.

The Wolf Queen heard so much from them, and seeing that the medical immortals were discussing heatedly, she quietly stepped away without saying a word and turned to go to the place where the Xinglin Association was competing.

The final exam begins today, and while the Wolf Queen was talking with other medical immortals, it was about to begin.

Xue Li has already drawn the topic and is thinking about a strategy.

For the sake of safety, young disciples who have reached a certain level of cultivation will not be allowed to face real patients during the initial test, but they can do so during the final test.

Several peak masters with good cultivation personally took the fake disease pills, but the specific effect of the treatment would be judged by the senior masters as a third party. Of course, what pills the peak masters took would not be known to outsiders except the referee, and it would be up to the medical practitioners participating in the Xinglin Association to judge for themselves.

Xue Li had no idea that Zi Lan's mother was watching her not far away.

Xueli looked very focused. She walked up to the peak master she had drawn, bowed humbly to him, and said, "Excuse me."

After the peak master took the pill, his face immediately turned pale, but he still nodded and greeted Xue Li.

Xue Li did not waste a moment, because she knew that the faster she diagnosed, the less suffering the patient would suffer.

She half-knelt respectfully in front of the elderly female peak master with a serious posture, placed her fingers on the other's wrist pulse, listened quietly for a moment, and soon made a decision.

Xue Li quickly opened the needle bag, and long and short silver needles spread out at once, sparkling in the sunshine on good days.

Xue Li took out a slender willow-like branch from the herbs provided by Xinglin Peak and lightly tapped it on several flowers and plants. It was unclear how she did it, but in just a short while, Xue Li used a small cup to get a cup of herbal juice.

She dipped the silver needles in the medicinal juice to expose the patient's acupuncture points. The silver needles were clamped on the fingertips by Xue Li. She took out several needles with one hand and applied acupuncture with the other hand. Her movements were extremely precise and neat.

The Wolf Queen was not as proficient in medicine as the Medical Immortal, but even so, she could still see that Xue Li was different from others at once.

The most important thing about medical skills is how to use them. The medical skills Xue Li uses are not necessarily fancy, but the key point is that she can perform every movement to the highest standard and beauty. The whole set of medical skills is like flowing water. Even a layman who knows nothing about it can feel the extreme elegance of a technique practiced to the extreme, as if the person and the medical skills are one. Not to mention how shocking and beautiful this scene would be in the eyes of insiders.

In particular, when looking at Xue Li, one can hardly feel the passage of time, and can't feel the slightest bit of unnaturalness. However, once one shifts one's gaze to the disciples competing with her on the same stage, one will find that the others haven't even started yet, and when Xue Li is about to complete a set smoothly, the others are still struggling to take the patient's pulse and diagnose what medicine the patient has taken.

The huge gap fully demonstrated Xue Li's extraordinary medical skills, which was simply like a dreamlike beauty.

After Xue Li gave her a few injections, the female peak master's complexion had returned to its rosy color. She then handed the medicine to her lips, held her shoulders and helped her hold the medicine bowl steady while she drank it.

After drinking the medicine, the female peak master's breathing gradually returned to normal, and she was even stronger than before taking the medicine.

Xue Li was a little worried and said, "Are you feeling unwell somewhere else? Although it's just fake medicine, it's harmful to your body after all. I just found out that you have some deficiency of Qi and blood. It's better not to participate in a competition like this. You'd better not force yourself to participate next time."

When the female peak master heard Xue Li say this, she was stunned.

This was a heartfelt opinion that was completely beyond the scope of the Xinglin Association competition. If he simply wanted to win the Xinglin Association by relying on his medical skills, there would be no need to say this to her.

This is the sincere advice a doctor gives to his patients, and it is the true heart of a medical practitioner.

The female peak master was of course aware of her own physical condition, and she had considered joining the Xinglin Association, but it was hard not to feel comforted when she heard the sudden concern at this time. She could feel that the other party really treated her as a flesh-and-blood patient, and sincerely considered her as a doctor, not just wanting to win the competition.

The female peak master stared into Xueli's clear eyes. These eyes were as clean as a clear lake and did not allow any worldly distractions.

The female peak master smiled gratefully and said, "Thank you very much. I am also a medical practitioner and I know my physical condition very well. Don't worry, fairy. The peak master who will come to serve as the patient during the Xinglin Association finals will rotate every year. This is a responsibility that should be undertaken, but I will definitely not come next time. And... thank you for your care, fairy."

The female peak master had already sensed it. Because Xue Li was worried about her lack of energy and blood, she slightly changed the prescription. Not only did this eliminate the medicinal properties of the fake disease medicine, but it also regulated her own body.

This was a risky move in the Xinglin Association, because the referee might not consider it. However, the female peak master was very touched, and she had tried for many years but failed to cure the old illness she had in her mother's womb. After acupuncture and a dose of medicine from Xue Li, she felt much better.

What is the level of medical skills of this Fairy Xueli

The female peak master was secretly surprised.

Xue Li felt a little uncomfortable after receiving such earnest thanks from the female peak master. In her opinion, this is what a medical genius should do. Could she just ignore the patient in front of her

After Xue Li was done, the elder from Xinglin Peak who was acting as the referee came over immediately. Although the disciples from Group Mei had not finished yet, he still came to see Xue Li's results first.

He felt the pulse of the female peak master, then, leaning on his crutch, picked up some of the medicine residue left by Xueli Pharmaceutical with his fingers and tasted it. An expression of great surprise immediately appeared on his face.

When Xue Li saw this expression, she knew that she was probably fine.

However, at this moment, she suddenly heard bursts of exclamations coming from the examination room next to her!

The four groups of the final exam all competed at the same time, and the open-air exam sites were not far from each other. Although Xueli's side was the most popular, there were always people who couldn't squeeze in or were more concerned about other medical practitioners, so there were also many spectators in other exam sites. At this time, the cheers came from the Lotus group, which was two groups away from Xueli.

That is the group that Junior Master is in.

Apart from the Plum Group where Xue Li was, the Lotus Group had the most spectators. Both sides were packed with people and it was hard to tell which side had more people. Moreover, at this moment, because Xue Li's performance had ended, people were still squeezing into the Lotus Group.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

When Xue Li heard that the people from the Mei group couldn't see the Lian group, they all stretched their necks to look around to get information.

Soon, someone passed the information over.

"Aren't Master Uncle and Junior Uncle assigned to the Lotus Group?"

"This competition is so fierce! It's almost there, just a little bit!"

"Junior Master is just a little bit away from defeating Master Uncle!"

"Although they are not in the same group, it seems that Master Uncle and Fairy Xueli have drawn the same set of questions!"

The author has something to say: The Wolf Queen: My daughter-in-law is so cute. (lick)



Thank you very much, Weiyao, for throwing me another mine! Pick him up and hold him high! !