Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 79


Since Zi Lan returned to the Ninth Heaven, although he was seriously injured, the cold that had plagued them for many years has remained very stable. The medical immortals all inferred that it was because Zi Lan's illness had been effectively treated outside, and he had been safe for more than a month. Therefore, even the Wolf Queen gradually felt at ease and relaxed her vigilance. When she heard that Zi Lan had suddenly fallen ill, she was caught off guard.

Zi Lan is seriously injured now. If he catches a cold, it will be worse than before. The situation is absolutely serious and can be said to be extremely critical.

Upon hearing the wolf officer's words, the wolf queen's expression changed immediately.

She hurriedly said, "Quick! Let's go back to Wolf Territory right away!"

Although the Wolf Queen herself does not know much about medicine, if Zi Lan is really in danger, she and the Wolf King can be by his side to pass on their spiritual energy to Zi Lan and try their best to save her beloved son's life.

As they spoke, the two of them hurried to the Ninth Heaven, but after the Wolf Queen had taken a few steps, she slowed down and looked towards the mortal world.

Zi Lan said that Xue Li was a medical genius, and it was Xue Li who saved him when he fell into a mysterious fairyland.

Now it seems that Xueli is indeed an excellent medical fairy. Although she is still young, the medical fairies in the fairy world also praise her highly. She is the disciple of the fairy Shaoyin. Zilan's cold evil has stabilized recently, which is probably the work of the fairy Xueli. In this case, Xueli is likely to be better at controlling cold diseases than the medical fairies in the Ninth Heaven. Why should we go far away

Thinking of this, the Queen Wolf immediately changed direction. She said to the Wolf Officer, "Wait here for a moment. I will take Fairy Xueli back with me."

After saying this, the Wolf Queen quickly flew back to the mortal world.

Xue Li had just finished dealing with this important matter and had not yet left the hall. She was looking at the noisy crowd in a daze.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a gust of fairy wind blowing, and in the blink of an eye, she saw a heroic fairy appear in front of her.

Xue Li opened her eyes wide, she had never seen a fairy suddenly appear in front of her, especially the one in front of her was a strange fairy she had never seen before. Xue Li almost screamed out loud, but she subconsciously looked around and found that except herself, no one seemed to notice the appearance of such a woman in the temple.

The Queen of Wolves immediately made a gesture to silence Xueli, and then came straight to the point: "Fairy Xueli, don't panic. You may not have seen me, but you and I are not completely unrelated. I am Zi Lan's mother. Zi Lan is now in the Ninth Heaven and has suddenly developed a cold. It is very dangerous, so I would like to ask the fairy to go back with us to treat Lan'er's cold."

At first, Xue Li was surprised to see this beautiful fairy appear in front of her, but after hearing the second half, she was horrified.

The big snow wolf's cold disease has actually broken out!

It was the first time that Xue Li saw Zi Lan's mother. She saw a beautiful woman in front of her, with beautiful hair and elegant clothes. There was an indescribable aura when she stood in front of her, and there were some similarities between her facial features and Zi Lan.

Xueli was shocked by the Wolf Queen's demeanor, but when she heard that Zi Lan was ill, she was of course extremely worried and said quickly, "I'll go with you!"

As she said that, she was about to pick up the things around her. The medical kit was not beside her at the moment, and she had to take the little tiger with her.

Xun Wang saw that Xueli's face changed for no reason, and he stood up in a hurry and asked, "Xueli, what's wrong with you? What happened?"

Xue Li hurriedly explained to Junior Master Uncle, "Junior Master Uncle, someone is looking for me. I have to leave Xinglin Peak for a while, maybe for several days. If Xinglin will restart and I haven't come back yet, please help me discuss with the Peak Master and see if I can delay it for a few days. When I get there, I will find a way to contact you."

Xun Wang was confused. He heard Xueli say that someone was looking for him, but they had been sitting here quietly and hadn't seen anyone. But Xueli was a deity, so maybe they had some unique way of communicating.

The Xinglin Association was not a big problem. It was already the final stage. As one of the last four candidates, Master Bo was suddenly expelled from Xinglin Peak. He did something like this, so he would definitely not be able to participate in the Xinglin Association. What to do next? The leaders of Xinglin Peak would probably have to discuss it for a while, and the Xinglin Association would have to be delayed.

Xun Wang saw that Xueli looked flustered, so he stopped trying to stop her and said, "I know, you can go ahead without worry."

Xueli quickly thanked the junior master, said goodbye to the Wolf Queen, and returned to Kefeng to take her medical kit and the little tiger. The Wolf Queen had already had a fairy carriage waiting nearby, and Xueli boarded the fairy carriage, and the group went up to the Ninth Heaven at the fastest speed.

Under the leadership of the Wolf Queen and the Wolf Officer, Xue Li set foot on the Nine Heavens Fairy Cloud for the first time.

This should have been a very shocking moment, but because she was thinking about the Snow Wolf's condition, Xue Li didn't pay much attention to it. She pulled open the car curtain and stared ahead, not paying attention to the changes in the surrounding scenery.

The group passed through layers of clouds, watching the fairy clouds and green mist swirling around the car. Finally, when they arrived at a constellation, the fairy car went inside, and after a hazy fog, the view in front of them suddenly became clear.

We have reached the wolf realm.

Xue Li's consciousness just became hazy for a moment, and she felt the fairy carriage rushing straight towards the most magnificent palace in the center of the entire Wolf Territory.

After the fairy carriage arrived at the fairy palace, it continued to travel for a while and finally stopped in front of a fairy palace. The Wolf Queen got off the carriage first, and then, fearing that Xue Li could not get off, she turned back and helped her, allowing Xue Li to jump down carefully.

"My Lord Wolf Queen! The young master—"

As soon as the fairy carriage came to a stop, several wolf officers came up anxiously. They were about to report the young master's condition when they saw the Wolf Queen coming back in such a hurry and bringing back a girl with a medical kit. They were all shocked.

Xue Li turned around to get the little tiger out of the fairy car, and turned back when she heard the sound.

Seeing their expressions, the Wolf Queen introduced them, "This is Fairy Xueli. I brought her back to help cure Lan'er's cold. Find someone to take care of this little tiger. We'll go see the young master first!"

When the two wolf officers saw Xue Li's appearance clearly, they were all surprised for a moment, but after hearing what the Wolf Queen said, they knew that now was not the time to waste time, so they quickly said "yes" and quickly got busy.

The Wolf Queen took Xueli and walked quickly into the fairy palace.

Xue Li didn't know how many doors she had passed through. She was worried about Zi Lan's injury, so she walked faster without realizing it.

From time to time, medical immortals and wolf officials passed by in a hurry on the roadside. Finally, the Wolf Queen stopped in front of a closed door.

The doors and windows of this room were all closed, except for a small side door that allowed the medical immortals to come in and out. The medical immortals who came in were all in a hurry and were very busy.

The Wolf King and several medical immortals were guarding outside the door, as if waiting for the Wolf Queen. When they saw the Wolf Queen coming, they hurried over to talk to her.

The wolf queen asked anxiously, "How is Lan'er?"

The wolf king looked a little pale, and replied, "He's still sick, and it's very serious. I gave him some immortal energy, but it didn't work. The medical immortal said that I can't give him too much, for fear that Lan'er's body can't bear it."

Xue Li listened to their conversation anxiously. When she heard the wolf king say this, she didn't care about anything else and immediately said, "Let me go in and take a look!"

The wolf king was busy talking to the wolf queen, but then he noticed that there was someone behind the wolf queen. He was startled and asked, "Who is this?"

The Wolf Queen replied again: "Fairy Xueli, since she is the disciple of Fairy Shaoyin, I specially invited her to come with us."

Everyone knew the name and experience of Fairy Xue Li. After the Wolf Queen said this, everyone's eyes fell on Xue Li.

The wolf queen was afraid that Zi Lan's condition would be delayed, so she hurriedly said to her, "Go in quickly."

Another medical immortal also reacted and said, "I'll go in and take you in."

Xue Li immediately ran into the house with a medical kit.

"The young master is inside."

The medical immortal opened the small door for her and warned her, "Be careful, the young master is very ill now."

What the medical immortal said was true, because as soon as the small door was opened, Xue Li immediately felt the temperature dropped a lot. There was a blazing fire in the room, but there was not a trace of warmth. Zi Lan's coldness had already affected the environment outside.

Xueli walked in.

Zi Lan was lying on the bed, surrounded by many medical immortals busying around him. Several old medical immortals were sweating profusely in such a busy environment where the temperature was obviously low.

Because the situation was too serious, Zi Lan could no longer maintain his human form and turned back into his original form. He seemed to have no consciousness and just curled up in pain on the bed.

Xue Li ran to the middle of the medical immortals with a medical box on her back and skillfully felt Zi Lan's forehead and neck pulse.

The older medical immortals were surprised at first to see a young female immortal they had never seen before coming in, but when they saw the Wolf King and Wolf Queen following closely behind and nodding slightly to them, they said nothing and only looked at Xue Li.

Xue Li looked calm and her movements were quick. Although she was a little young and the medical box beside her looked a bit rough and worn, she was obviously an experienced person. And judging from the way she took the pulse, her technique seemed to be quite good.

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the old medical immortals, but considering the young master's health, they did not dare to relax.

At this time, Xue Li had quickly checked Zi Lan's physical condition. As soon as she stretched out her hand, she felt icy cold. Zi Lan's body was extremely cold, but after she finished the check with gritted teeth, Xue Li looked a little flustered.

The condition of the Great Snow Wolf is extremely bad.

His illness this time was too serious. Such a strong cold and evil energy was simply not something that ordinary people could resist, not to mention that Zi Lan was still an injured person.

The coldness that is suppressing Zi Lan must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Xue Li has not yet obtained the Xuanri Yan Fruit from the Xinglin Conference, so there is no way to cure the disease completely. Moreover, at this critical moment, even if she had the Xuanri Yan Fruit, it would be too late to refine it, and she could only rely on the snow melting technique.

However, she could only use one golden lotus in her snow-melting technique, and she couldn't control it as freely as her aunt. It was probably difficult for her to suppress such a strong cold evil energy.

How can I make the Snow Melting Technique more effective...

Xue Li's mind started thinking quickly, and in a flash, she had made a decision.

Xue Li immediately transformed into her original form of a little white fox. She mobilized her spiritual energy and used the snow-melting technique to direct the golden light of the golden lotus onto herself. Then, she jumped onto the bed, feeling warm from the melted snow, and dived into the arms of the big snow wolf!

The wolf king and queen were originally just anxiously waiting outside the door to see if Xue Li had any solution.

Although from what they had learned before, Xue Li should know the art of melting snow and had saved Zi Lan several times, she was too young after all, and it was difficult to judge how good her medical skills were. The Wolf King and the Wolf Queen were both a little anxious.

However, at this moment, they saw Xue Li move.

Before the Wolf King, Wolf Queen and other medical immortals in the house could see her use the snow-melting technique, they saw that Fairy Xueli suddenly transformed into a little white fox with nine fox tails that had not been seen for a thousand years!

Then she used the snow-melting technique and jumped into the young master's arms with golden light!

The author has something to say: Foxball: Zamaoli!


I wrote too much yesterday and was exhausted, so I will update late today. I will resume updating as early as possible tomorrow.


I am very grateful to Kaka Rouqiu, Tianzhuzi, jojojojoooxx and 28216157 for throwing a mine at me!! Kiss, hug and lift me up!!

I am very grateful to Xiyang Xiaomaoqiu and №羽ヾ沐灬↙ Xiaomaoqiu for throwing two mines at me!!! Super strong whirlwind rolling, kissing, hugging and lifting up high!!

Special thanks to yz07, the little fur ball, for throwing me a rocket launcher! ! Rolling around, doing backflips 10,000 times, rubbing and licking the fur, and lifting it up high! !

I'm so cute (づ ̄3 ̄)づ