Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 8


The white deer turned up its ears in surprise, was shocked by the size of the snow wolf, and asked in a low voice: "Xueli, what kind of animal do you think this is?"

Xueli looked at Zilan carefully and said uncertainly, "It should be... still a wolf, right?"

The white deer was confused and said, "But how can a wolf be so big? The average wolf seems to be only a little bigger than his tail, and he is white."

Xue Li herself couldn't explain it clearly, but apart from wolf, she couldn't think of a more appropriate word to refer to this species.

Xue Li simply said, "Don't worry about it for now, just let him recover. Thank you all for your help today. Why don't you go back first? I still have some things to deal with, so I'll stay here for a while."

Assisting with treatment is not an easy job. The rabbits have been delivering water for several times and they look droopy. The white deer is not as energetic as usual. At this time, the sun is gradually setting. After walking in the forest for a day, the animals should go back to rest.

So the little animals said goodbye to Xue Li without any hesitation and returned to their nests.

After her friends left, Xue Li guarded the giant snow wolf alone.

She checked the Snow Wolf's physical condition. Seeing that it was getting dark, Xue Li felt uneasy about letting such an injured person sleep in the wild.

She vaguely remembered that there should be a cave nearby. It was too difficult to transport such a large snow wolf that couldn't move on its own back home. Pushing it into the cave might not be very comfortable, but at least it could shelter it from the wind and rain. The only question was how to transport it there

Xue Li thought about it. After all, she was the most powerful fairy fox in the entire fairyland. Even if this snow wolf was very big, it was only a short distance to the cave. Maybe she could succeed if she tried hard

Xue Li's heart was a little restless. As she thought about it, she put her head against the uninjured side of the Snow Wolf, avoiding his wound and began to push forward with all her strength.

Anyway, try pushing hard for a while. This wolf might look big but actually be quite light. Just use a little force... Hey, hey, hey—hey, hey, hey—woo, woo, woo… I can't push it, so forget it. I give up.

Xue Li pushed with all her strength for a long time, but the snow wolf, which was several times bigger than her, didn't move at all. It didn't even seem like a moving thing.

Xueli felt deflated and fell to the ground with a helpless "wow".

She glanced at the snow wolf in disappointment, but now that things had come to this, she could only let him sleep in the wild for a while until he regained his ability to move.

As the night deepened, Xue Li looked back at the Snow Wolf with nostalgia, then went back to the house to find a larger sheet to cover him with to block the wind, and then went back to the house to rest.

Zi Lan slept very soundly. When he woke up, it was already late night and near dawn.

When he woke up, he found himself covered with a sheet. Although it was thin, it was surprisingly large and could completely wrap a body like his.

Zi Lan paused. He had already smelled the scent of the little nine-tailed fox during the day, and now there was a similar scent on the bed sheet, which was obviously left by her, which made Zi Lan's heart move slightly.

He was just about to take the sheet off to take a closer look, but as soon as he moved a little, the excruciating pain made him stop immediately. He clearly realized that he was a genuine seriously injured soldier. Not to mention transforming into a human body, he couldn't even move the slightest bit at this moment.

Zi Lan's mind was a little clearer than during the day. He tried to use his spiritual sense to check the surrounding environment and tried to contact his parents in the Ninth Heaven. However, he soon found that it was not possible. His spiritual sense was too weak and he could only move in a very small range. In this fairyland, he could not feel even the slightest information from the outside world, as if he was isolated from the world.

Zi Lan had no choice but to close his eyes and check the things he had in his spiritual realm.

He originally broke through on the Cloud Platform, and falling into such a place was completely unexpected, so he did not bring many personal belongings to the fairyland.

The double-edged sword he used to break through the realm had already broken halfway, but there was still a pair of swords in the realm of gods. This was a gift prepared for him by the Wolf King and the Wolf Queen before he was born. They were real divine weapons. The sword bodies were made of ancient black iron fished out of the Wanhan Pool, and were sharpened to be extremely sharp and indestructible with the immortal spirit of the Wolf King and the Wolf Queen. Each hilt was embedded with a gem passed down from generation to generation in the family. Although the shapes could change to a certain extent according to the owner's wishes, and could also be used as a pair of swords, they were essentially a pair. Zi Lan also regarded them as a gift from his parents, and rarely used them as weapons on weekdays.

Apart from this, he only had some medicines on him just in case, because he could not take things from the divine realm or use medicine when breaking through. These were also the things he usually prepared, and the quantity was scarce.

Zi Lan looked at these things in silence, thinking about what to do next. His current mobility was still too limited, so the most urgent thing was to heal his wounds first. After he recovered, he would first understand the general situation of this fairyland, and then try to communicate with the people here by writing...

Before Zi Lan could finish his thoughts, he suddenly heard a faint sound in the forest. He immediately stopped thinking and looked in that direction with instinctive vigilance.

But then he saw the little nine-tailed fox named Xueli, jumping out of the grass with its little paws. Seeing that he was awake, it called out excitedly twice and ran towards him in two steps at a time.

Zi Lan couldn't help but pause.

It was still dark at this time. He looked up at the sky, which was just beginning to show a glimmer of light, and fell silent in surprise.

In a flash, the little fox ran to the front.

Sydney woke up very early today.

She learned medicine from her aunt since she was young. She learned to hold a medical knife before she learned to write. She has a strong sense of responsibility for patients. The wolf was so seriously injured and sleeping outdoors, and she was not sure what species it was. She was still worried, so she ran out in the dark to take a look.

Of course she was happy to see Snow Wolf wake up, which meant that his spirit was better than before, and being in good spirits was the first step to recovery.

Xueli rushed to him in one breath, knowing that he might not understand, but still jumped happily and said, "You woke up! Do you feel better today?"

Zi Lan of course understood Xue Li's intention of coming here. He looked at the little fox jumping around in front of him, "Awooo awooo". Although he couldn't understand what she said, he could feel that she looked very happy.

Zi Lan was not good at getting along with girls, let alone a little nine-tailed fox that had been extinct for thousands of years and could not speak the same language. He felt his throat dry, but still answered speculatively: "I feel much better than yesterday... Thank you for healing my wounds, and thank you for preparing a blanket for me."

Strictly speaking, what Zi Lan was covered with could not be considered a quilt, but just a relatively large sheet. However, he had a cold disease since birth, and was much more afraid of cold than ordinary people. Although after years of hard training, the cold disease would not have a big impact on him when he was not sick, but this piece of cloth had the effect of keeping warm, and it had a special meaning in Zi Lan's heart.

Xueli heard the snow wolf also respond with a few "woops" and quickly jumped up and replied: "Woo!"

Zi Lan: “Awoo—Awoo—”

Xueli: "Awoooo! Awoooooo!"

The two of them talked incoherently to each other for a while, and no one could understand each other, but it felt like they had just had a chat, so Xueli jumped over happily, carefully put her little paws on it, lay on the snow wolf, and wagged her tail to check his injuries.

Xue Li came mainly to check on Snow Wolf's injuries. Such serious injuries were something Xue Li had only seen a few times in Wonderland, and Snow Wolf was an animal she had never seen before. Xue Li was not sure how serious his injuries would be and how long it would take to heal.

However, when Xue Li used her spiritual energy to sense the wounds on the snow wolf, she unexpectedly discovered that the big wolf's injuries recovered much faster than she had imagined.

He looked so dying when he fell yesterday, with wounds of all sizes all over his body, and blood dripping. But after just one night, all the minor abrasions on his body had healed, without even a scab left; the remaining major wounds had stopped bleeding, and no more spiritual energy was flowing out of the wounds; even the broken bones were growing and combining, and the repair speed was amazing.

At this rate, the wolf might only need half a month to be able to move. However, he was seriously injured after all, and it would probably take three or four months to fully recover to his previous state.


This was the first time Sydney had encountered such a situation. She felt surprised and amazed from the bottom of her heart.

She couldn't help but stroke the snow wolf's fur, wanting to climb on top of him and examine his physical condition more carefully.

Zi Lan could feel the little fox moving around near his body, but at this moment, his stomach suddenly made a long "gurgling" sound, and the sound was very clear in the deserted forest.

The fox and the wolf suddenly became quiet.

When his stomach growled, Xue Li was lying on the snow wolf, so she naturally heard it clearly. She let out an "Ah?" and turned her head.

Zi Lan's face suddenly felt hot under his hair. If he were still a human at this moment, his face would probably have turned completely red.

Zi Lan had certainly never been hungry when he was in the Wolf Territory, so the feeling now was new to him. Although hunger was normal, it was embarrassing to have a girl hear your stomach growling. Zi Lan stiffened awkwardly, wondering if Xue Li had noticed anything unusual.

But Xueli's reaction was normal. She blinked her eyes, then suddenly realized: "Are you hungry?"

If you think about it carefully, this snow wolf has not eaten anything since it fell into the fairyland. He is now repairing his body and needs physical strength. Even if his cultivation is high enough to practice fasting, he should not go without food. Xue Li was so busy healing his wounds that she accidentally forgot this.

She immediately responded, "Wait here for a moment! I'll find something for you to eat!"

Having said that, Xue Li got off the snow wolf, turned around and ran away, dragging her tail.

She quickly returned home, found the food at home, took out a basket and put it in one by one.

Before Aunt Shao Yin left the fairyland, she prepared enough food for her to last for the next six months. Because she was afraid that she would starve, she even put much more food than normal. At least it was enough for her to feed another wolf for a few days.

Taking the big snow wolf's injuries into consideration, Xue Li picked out some food that would be good for its recovery and put it in the basket.

When they had almost put all the radishes away, Xueli was about to run back with the basket in her mouth, but before she could turn around, the corner of her eye accidentally fell on a wooden box of radishes in the corner of the room.