Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 82


Zi Lan has an aura that Xue Li feels close to.

The moment Xueli saw Bai Qiu, she turned around in surprise and said, "Wuwu!"

Zi Lan was caught off guard by Xue Li's bright almond eyes, and his heart almost stopped for a moment. However, the next moment, Xue Li excitedly half-threw herself on his chest, grabbing his white fur coat and looking at him all over.

Xue Li actually wanted to throw herself into Zi Lan's arms. After all, she hadn't seen him properly for such a long time. And they finally met yesterday, but Zi Lan looked so weak. However, because he was in human form now and the big snow wolf's body was covered with wounds of varying sizes, Xue Li forced herself to hold back.

She asked happily, "Are you awake? When did you wake up? Are you still feeling uncomfortable? Are you in pain? Do you feel cold after coming out?"

Zi Lan was still a little weak, but when he saw Xue Li's clear eyes, he felt that the joy of seeing her again far outweighed the physical pain.

Zi Lan shook her head: "I just woke up, and I don't feel any discomfort anymore."

As he spoke, he looked Xue Li straight in the eye. Zi Lan felt subtly embarrassed. He felt that if he looked into her eyes, his behavior would become clumsy and he would easily do something ridiculous.

After meeting again after a long time, he didn't even know what to say to Xueli first. He hastily looked away, paused, picked up the peach he had just picked, and asked Xueli, "Do you want to go back to the house and eat peaches together?"

Just saying these few words made Zi Lan inexplicably nervous.

"Let me see your injury first!"

Xue Li grabbed the velvet edge of Zi Lan's fur coat and said with concern.

So Xue Li pulled Zi Lan back into the house.

When they returned to the room, Xue Li quickly forced Zi Lan to sit down, put the medical box aside just in case, and then sat opposite him to take his pulse.

Zi Lan's pulse is steady and strong. Although there are still hidden dangers, for a patient, such a pulse is not too bad. As long as he is taken care of for a few more days, he should be able to go back in time to attend the Xinglin Conference.

Xue Li said happily: "It looks like you have gotten much better! But if you are injured, you should be careful not to do strenuous activities, and remember to eat nourishing food and keep warm. I will make two more doses of medicine for you later, and discuss with the medical immortals here to see if I can give them to you..."

Xueli spoke excitedly.

Zi Lan didn't comment, but just watched Xue Li quietly muttering while diagnosing his body.

From Zi Lan's perspective, Xue Li lowered her head slightly, her snow-white fox ears moved among her hair, her black hair was like clouds, her eyelashes were long and thick, and her skin was so white that it seemed as if it could be blown away. When she lowered her head, her hair fell on her shoulders, and a small section of her neck was revealed at the back of her collar, as delicate and bright as moonlight.

Zi Lan's eyes flickered slightly, and he couldn't help but look away uncomfortably, hurriedly shifting his attention elsewhere, and then he saw the big spiritual peach that he had picked and placed on the table.

This peach looks juicy and plump because it comes from a peach tree that has been growing in the fairy garden for a long time and is full of spiritual energy.

Zi Lan remembered that Xue Li had been staring at the peaches under the tree before, so he wanted to get the peach for her to eat. However, the peach was so big that it might be difficult for Xue Li to hold it with both hands. If it were to turn into its original form, the peach might be as big as a fox. Besides, this kind of peach is full of water, and Zi Lan was afraid that it would be inconvenient for her to hold it and eat it. After thinking about it, he took a dagger nearby and cleaned both the peach and the dagger.

Although it is a small dagger, it was originally used as a weapon. The blade is shiny and sharp, and the handle is carved and inlaid with jade.

Zi Lan raised his dagger and simply cut off a small piece of the fullest part of the peach and handed it to Xue Li's mouth.

Zi Lan is good at using two swords, and even his movements of slicing a peach look clean and beautiful.

When Xue Li saw the peach handed to her, she was stunned for a moment. She was staring at the peach not with the intention of eating it, but wanted to study whether it could be used as medicine or something. But the Snow Wolf might be wrong.

Thinking of this, Xue Li couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

However, the big snow wolf had already handed the peach to her, so Xue Li still took a bite of it with the dagger.

Zi Lan asked: "Is it delicious?"

The moment Xueli ate the peach, her ears stood up with joy!

She looked at the peach with joy, her eyes full of excitement, and said in surprise, "So sweet!"

Zi Lan couldn't help but let out a gentle smile like spring breeze in the corner of her eyes.

When he was in the fairyland, he discovered that although this little nine-tailed fox didn't like to eat radishes, she liked fruits very much, especially sweet ones. She should like peaches like this.

Xueli really liked this peach, and her ears swayed left and right with joy.

Seeing that Zi Lan was busy feeding her and didn't even move, Xue Li urged him, "It's really delicious! You should try it too!"

As she said this, Xue Li thought that Zi Lan was having trouble eating the peach and the dagger by himself, so she happily took the dagger from his hand, and, imitating Zi Lan's example, cut off a small piece of peach and handed it to him to eat.

Zi Lan took a bite of the peach unexpectedly, and the sweet and fragrant taste immediately filled her entire mouth.

It’s really sweet and tastes much better than ordinary peaches, but it’s not because of the taste of the peach itself, but because of the pear.

Xue Li waited expectantly for his reaction and asked, "Look, isn't it really delicious?"

Zi Lan replied: "Yeah, it's really delicious."

As he said this, he quietly took the dagger back from Xueli's hand and continued to feed her. Xueli liked the taste of peaches and immediately ate several bites.

Zi Lan brought a crystal clear plate and used a dagger to slice peaches for her. Soon the plate was full, enough for Xue Li to eat slowly until she was full.

The two of them ate peaches and talked about what had happened during this period.

Xue Li asked with concern: "What have you been doing during your time in the Ninth Heaven? Nothing else happened, right?"

Zi Lan paused.

He had basically been recuperating and sleeping during this period, and his mind was not clear. There was nothing special he could say to Xue Li, so he could only shake his head.

Zi Lan said, "Apart from recuperating from my injuries, there's nothing special. How about you? Is everything going well at Xinglin Peak?"

Xueli's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she couldn't wait to say, "I'm vindicating my aunt!"

This was the most significant change that had taken place in Xueli and Zilan since their last meeting. Xueli was obviously very excited and showed great joy.

Xue Li immediately told the whole story, from how she was privately bribed by the master uncle, to how she discovered something strange about the medical instruments in the hands of the junior master uncle, and then to how she took advantage of the situation.

When Zi Lan heard that Xue Li had accomplished such a big thing for Shao Yin Fairy Ping Xue in such a short period of time, he was also stunned.

He looked at Xue Li's excited face when she talked about this experience and was very happy for her. However, thinking of Fairy Shao Yin's true identity in the fairy world, Zi Lan calculated the timing and felt that it was about time.

Xue Li will live in the Ninth Heaven for at least a while, and after she leaves the Small Fairyland, her interactions with the Ninth Heaven will increase. Even if she decides to return to the Small Fairyland, she will never go back to her previous closed life. There are so many medical immortals in the Wolf Palace, and Xue Li will know sooner or later.

Moreover, Fairy Shaoyin's reputation in the mortal world has been restored, and it is possible that she will end her tribulation and return to the Ninth Heaven at any time. It is a matter of time and it is imminent.

Zi Lan pondered for a moment and made up his mind.

He waited for Xueli to finish telling about her experiences in the mortal world, then asked her to pause and said, "Xueli, I have something to tell you about Fairy Shaoyin."


Xueli tilted her head in confusion.

Zi Lan paused to organize his thoughts, and then slowly said: "Fairy Shao Yin is not actually a mortal. She is actually an ancient lotus fairy who has already become a god in the fairy world. The reason she came to the mortal world is because of the tribulation..."

The other side of the Wolf Palace.

While Zi Lan was explaining the situation of Fairy Shao Yin to Xue Li, the Wolf King and the Wolf Queen were also standing in the study.

After sending Xue Li to rest yesterday, the Wolf King and the Wolf Queen were shocked at Xue Li's identity as a nine-tailed fox. They immediately took out all the information about the nine-tailed fox clan and read it overnight.

The nine-tailed fox clan has not appeared in the world for more than a thousand years, and people don’t even know why the nine-tailed fox clan disappeared without any warning more than a thousand years ago.

Although from Xueli's appearance, she seems to be unaware of her special identity, and given her age, it is impossible for her to know the details of the Nine-tailed Fox Clan a thousand years ago...

But now the sudden appearance of a nine-tailed fox is undoubtedly an event that is enough to shake the fairy world!

The Wolf Queen took out a slender brocade box from the bookshelf, opened the treasure lock with a golden key, took out the scroll from the brocade box, untied the straps, and unfolded it in the study!

The scroll was like a wave that had lost its shackles, instantly surging back towards the front, spreading out in an instant, and becoming very long in an instant!

This is a huge painting, more than fifty feet long and six feet wide. The painting is divided into four sections, each with seven small paintings. Each small painting is a different mythical beast with realistic and lifelike expressions. There are a total of twenty-eight paintings.

It is a picture of star beasts.

After the nine-tailed fox became extinct one thousand years ago, the fifth picture of the nine-tailed fox perching on the moon in the first section of all the star maps in the world became dim overnight, and a faint cross mark appeared on the painting.

However, at this time, since Xue Li ascended to the Ninth Heaven yesterday, all the cross marks on the nine-tailed fox pictures in the star beast pictures have disappeared, and the colors have become brighter!

At this moment, the nine-tailed snow fox lying on the crescent moon appears on the paper, with a lazy and affectionate expression, as if it had life.

All the divine pictures in the world are like this.

While things are happening in the Ninth Heaven, the mortal world is also not at peace at this moment.

On the tops of the various peaks of Xinglin Peak, everyone was busy and shocked by the changes that had occurred in Xinglin and what had happened to the master, and there was chaos and noise.

At this critical moment, a woman in simple clothes carrying a medical box slowly walked to the foot of Xinglin Peak.

Shao Yin came here specially to see Xue Li.

She had originally gone out to the mortal world to look for the giant snow wolf, so she deliberately went in the opposite direction of Xue Li. Unexpectedly, a few days ago, a wolf officer from the Ninth Heaven came to give her a message, saying that Zi Lan had successfully returned to the Ninth Heaven and there was no need to look for him anymore. It was Xue Li who asked someone from Zi Lan to come and tell her. At the same time, Xue Li was staying in Xinglin Peak to attend the Xinglin Meeting because there were Xuanri Yan Fruits there.

Shao Yin was shocked when she heard the news and immediately headed towards Xinglin Peak.

Because of what happened that year, she had very complicated feelings towards Xinglin Peak. Shao Yin was originally worried about Xueli going out alone, let alone her being alone at Xinglin Peak, so after thinking it over, she decided to come and see it in person.

It was only fifteen years since she revisited her hometown. Standing at the foot of the mountain, Shao Yin looked at the Xianmen Dao Peak covered with apricot blossoms, which she had not set foot on for many years, and felt somewhat confused.

She stood hesitantly at the foot of the mountain for a while before slowly walking up.

Shao Yin was originally worried that she would be recognized, so she tried to avoid people. However, to her surprise, when she reached the top of the mountain, none of the disciples coming and going paid any attention to her. Instead, they were all busy with their own things, as if something big had happened.


“How unexpected!”

"terrible… "

"Snow Pear Fairy..."

"Master Shao Yin back then..."

Fragments of words kept falling into her ears, vaguely related to her and Xue Li, but the tone of these disciples' mention of them did not seem to be disgust or aversion.

Shao Yin was confused and couldn't help but want to figure it out. She played with her hair, trying to make herself look more natural and different from her past appearance. Then she picked and chose, and finally she chose a group of younger disciples who had definitely never seen her face, and asked: "Hello, I just heard everyone here talking about Fairy Xueli, is there something wrong here at Xinglin Peak?"

"You don't know?! It's become such a big fuss!"

The young disciple was very surprised to see that Shao Yin seemed to know nothing about what was going on here.

She looked at Shao Yin with a bit of surprise, then explained: "Fairy Xueli and Junior Uncle Xun Wang avenged Senior Sister Lin Shao's death fifteen years ago! Senior Uncle was expelled from Xinglin Peak yesterday!"

The author has something to say: After eating the peach, the fox Qiuqiu jumped around happily.


Thank you very much to jojojojoooxx, cat, sweet potato, sweet potato and talking about the little fur ball, they all threw a mine at me!! Kiss, hug and rub fur!!

Thank you so much to Andowei, the little fur ball, for throwing me a grenade!! I did a 5,000-round backflip and kissed, hugged, and licked her fur hard!!

Love you cute (づ ̄3 ̄)づ