Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 91


As soon as Xue Li said this, the expressions of the Wolf King and the Wolf Queen immediately brightened, just like the rising sun reflected on the frozen lake, crystal clear, sparkling, and with the momentum of melting the ice. All the melancholy that had accumulated over the years on their faces melted away.

The Wolf Queen was surprised and delighted: "Really?! Is everything really alright?!"

The Wolf Queen's brows were relaxed and her eyes were shining, while the Wolf King's thin lips were loose and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. The medical immortals present felt that they had not seen such genuine joy from the Wolf King and Queen in nearly twenty years.

Xue Li said affirmatively: "It won't be a big deal."

However, Xue Li paused for a moment and added, "But forcing out the cold evil has caused great damage to Zi Lan's body. He will definitely have to stay in bed for a few days. In addition, there may still be some residual cold in his body. I will use the snow melting technique to help him clear the cold. However, the foundation of the cold evil has been completely eliminated, so there will be no serious problems. I will take good care of her, Lord Wolf King and Lord Wolf Queen, don't worry."

The wolf queen held Xueli's hand with great gratitude and said, "I trust you. Thanks to you for taking care of Lan'er."

The wolf king bowed solemnly to Xueli and said, "Thank you, Fairy Xueli, for saving my son."

The Wolf King is the most respected wolf in the entire wolf realm. Having the Wolf King bow to you can be considered an unparalleled gift.

Xue Li really didn't dare to accept this gift, and quickly waved her hands and said, "You're welcome, you're welcome. Zi Lan saved me and was seriously injured for me and other people in the fairyland. It is only natural that I do my best to treat his injuries."

The wolf king's lips trembled slightly.

Fairy Xueli really didn't understand the significance of Zi Lan's cold being cured to them. Zi Lan had a cold since his mother's womb, and many medical immortals asserted that he would not live to adulthood. Zi Lan was so diligent and hardworking, and he was also extremely talented. He relied on his perseverance to support himself until now. When he was young, he was only a little taller, slept more and woke up less. In order to overcome the cold, he endured hard training with his small body as soon as he woke up, and never played freely like other children. He endured more pain than others and made more efforts than others, but in the end he couldn't even leave his own small house. He had to wear fur clothes when he went out, and could only stay in the room with a fire all day.

As parents, they saw it all and felt pain in their hearts. They felt sorry for Zilan.

Now Zi Lan finally no longer has to be trapped by Han Sha. The Wolf King and the Wolf Queen both feel like the huge stone that has been weighing on their hearts for years has fallen off, and they become more grateful to Xue Li.

The wolf king said, "Fairy, don't be so modest. My wife and I are not only planning to express our gratitude verbally, but we will prepare a generous gift to express our gratitude to the fairy formally later!"

The wolf queen also said anxiously: "We want to go in and see Lan'er right now, is that possible?"

Xue Li immediately said: "Of course, of course, you guys go in."

The wolf king and queen were already impatient. As soon as Xue Li finished speaking, they rushed into the inner room impatiently, and Xue Li followed them in.

In the inner room, many medical immortals were still busy with their final work, packing up medical instruments and medicines, wiping the sweat off the young master, etc. When they saw the Wolf King and Queen and Xue Li coming in together, they cooperated and made way.

I saw Zi Lan lying on the bed, seemingly asleep. Although he was sweating a lot, his breathing was steady and one could tell with the naked eye that his face was much rosier than before.

The wolf queen felt relieved when she saw this, but she couldn't help asking, "When will he wake up?"

Xue Li replied: "Zi Lan just fell asleep because he was too tired from forcing out the cold air. He could wake up at any time."

Just at this moment, Zi Lan, who was lying on the bed, moved.

He frowned slightly and his eyelids trembled noticeably. The Wolf King, the Wolf Queen and Xue Li immediately came over with concern.

Zi Lan opened his eyes with great effort. He seemed to be still confused about his current situation. But after a moment of silence, he said in a trance, "... It's so hot."

These two words almost made the Wolf Queen cry for joy.

The wolf queen said immediately, "Okay, okay, as long as you feel hot. Fairy Xueli, can you lower the fire now?"

Xueli nodded.

The Queen of Wolves immediately made arrangements: "Quickly remove the stove here, Lan'er! Reduce two cauldrons first, and then see what happens with the rest, and bring some food over!"

Before the Wolf Queen finished her words, several wolf officers who had been waiting for a long time came over to help remove the furnace.

The fire in the young master's room had been burning all year round for nearly twenty years. This was the first time that the fire had to be removed. For this reason, everyone seemed very happy as they removed the fire.

The Queen of Wolves was still busy preparing things. She lowered her head and asked, "Lan'er, are you hungry? Is there anything you want to eat?"

After spending three or four hours in the house, not only Zi Lan, but also Xue Li, the medical immortal and the wolf officers present had not eaten anything. They didn't even have time to drink a few sips of water. In fact, even the Wolf King and Queen hadn't eaten during this period. Everyone was hungry.

The wolf queen hurriedly arranged for everyone to rest and eat, but when she wanted to send Xueli away, she saw Xueli made a pause gesture, and then took the initiative to say to the wolf queen: "Master Wolf Queen, can you give me your hand?"

The Wolf Queen didn't understand why, but still handed her hand to Xue Li.

Xueli immediately grasped the wolf queen's wrist and felt her pulse. After a pause, she said, "It is indeed so."

"What's wrong?"

The wolf queen is inevitably nervous.

Xueli asked, "My Lord Wolf Queen, is there something wrong with your body? Do you often feel cold inside and feel uncomfortable all year round?"

The Wolf Queen shuddered reflexively upon hearing this.

Xueli actually felt strange before. Zi Lan said that it was a cold disease brought from the mother's womb. It was because the Wolf Queen fought with monsters when she was pregnant and the cold evil entered her body, which affected her. But Zi Lan's condition was so serious, how could the Wolf Queen, as a mother, not have any effect? Even if the Wolf Queen was healthier as an adult and had better cultivation, such a dangerous cold evil energy could not be easily suppressed. In this way, the Wolf Queen usually looks healthy and ruddy, and it is very likely that she is holding on, or she is afraid that others will worry, and she is actually pretending.

Xue Li looked at the wolf queen with her clear almond eyes.

The Wolf Queen was stunned. Seeing that Xue Li had pointed it out, she said frankly, "Yes, there are some. When I fought against the demon beast, the demon beast injected the cold evil directly into my body in the ice and snow, which affected Lan'er. I have indeed been injured since then... But I am an adult snow wolf after all. My ability to resist the cold evil was much better than Lan'er's. I have forced out a lot of cold air with my own cultivation. Although there is still cold air in my body now, I can still deal with it. Occasionally, I will ask the medical fairy to prescribe medicine for conditioning."

Having said that, with the Wolf Queen's level of cultivation, it has taken her more than ten years to clear the cold. Although her condition is not as severe as Zi Lan saw, it must be very stubborn.

Xue Li thought about it and immediately said, "After I made the Xuanri Yan Fruit medicine for Zi Lan to eat, I still have a small section of Yan tree branch left. That will also have the effect of dispelling cold. I'll grind it into powder and use it to treat your illness!"

When the Wolf Queen heard that Xueli still had some cold-repellent items, she immediately stopped her and said, "No need, it's okay for me. Since you still have some items from the sacred tree, leave them to Lan'er."

Unexpectedly, Xueli said confidently: "Don't worry, Lord Wolf Queen, he won't need these anymore. I'll bring the branches to you!"

Xue Li said this in a decisive manner, without the slightest hesitation, little did she know that it was this sentence that made the Wolf Queen feel most at ease.

The wolf's face was even more joyful, but she still stopped Xueli and said, "Good kid, there's no need to rush. You've been exhausted today. Eat something and have a good rest. My business won't take so long."

But having said that, the Wolf Queen was still a little surprised.

She usually hides it very well. Although many people know that she has suffered damage due to the cold, they don't know her specific condition now. If she doesn't take the initiative to show it, experienced medical immortals will rarely be able to easily see the truth. However, Xue Li has not been in the Ninth Heaven for long and knows very little about what happened before. Just by looking at her face and taking her pulse, he can immediately tell that there is still cold in her body.

Xueli herself might not know it, but the Wolf Queen had personally gone to the Xinglin Conference to see it.

The Xinglin Society has always been secretly followed by many immortals from all sides. At that time, many immortals were full of praise for Xue Li. By now, Xue Li's fame may have spread to various fairyland palaces, but Xue Li has rarely been out, so it is not clear yet.

The Wolf King and the Wolf Queen have already sent a letter inviting the star-controlling beasts from other fairylands to come to the Wolf Realm for discussions in a while. By then, they will be able to introduce Xue Li to the others.

Of course, Xue Li is the Nine-tailed Fox’s business, but they haven’t told anyone about it for fear of the news leaking out. They will only announce it in person when all the sacred beasts of various tribes have gathered.

Thinking of this, the Queen of Wolves felt that Xueli should have a good rest, so she said, "There is no rush for anything. Doesn't Zilan need to recuperate for a while? You also need to rest up enough. Go and rest first."

Seeing that the Wolf Queen seemed to be quite sensible, Xue Li no longer insisted.

She had spent a long time today practicing the advanced magic of Snow Melting and was indeed tired. Xue Li rubbed her eyes and said goodbye to the Wolf Queen.

Xue Li went back to the house to rest for a day, then turned around and gave the sacred tree branch to the Wolf Queen. She also prescribed new medicine for the Queen, thinking that there would be no major problems.

Zi Lan's process of driving away the cold was also very strenuous. After waking up briefly to drive away the cold, he ate something to restore his strength, then fell asleep again due to exhaustion.

It was three days later when I woke up again.

Zi Lan had a very groggy sleep, and when he woke up, his first reaction was that he felt hot.

His own room was as hot as a steamer, even though he had reduced two stoves, the effect of the Divine Fire Cauldron was amazing. Even with only two left, the room was much hotter than other places. However, because of his past experience, the Wolf Immortals did not dare to reduce the number of stoves casually and had to keep them there.

Zi Lan felt uncomfortable with the heat as soon as he woke up, but strangely, he didn't hate this feeling, but missed it. He had never felt uncomfortable with the heat since he was born, and now this perception of temperature made him feel strange and moved.

Zi Lan closed her eyes for a while to adjust, and only opened her eyes after a long time.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Xue Li sitting in front of his bed reading a book.

Xue Li was reading a medical book she got from the Medical Hall. Since Zi Lan was not awake, she was reading the medical book of the Ninth Heaven to pass the time. But as soon as Zi Lan moved, Xue Li noticed it.

Zi Lan saw Xue Li's eyes brighten up, and she said happily, "You're awake!"

Having said that, she immediately put down her medical skills, ran to the table, picked up a medicine bowl that had been warmed on a small stove, scooped a spoonful of medicine, and fed the spoon to Zi Lan's lips.

The author has something to say: Langqiuqiu’s illness is almost healed, I think it’s about time to promote the new novel (*/w\*).

In my next article, I plan to write about the long-awaited "My Boyfriend is a Robot?"

The background is in the future. In fact, sometimes some little darlings ask me when I will write something that is not a fox theme. I may disappoint everyone. Although this article cannot be seen on the surface, the heroine is actually a fox. I tell you in advance, so that you don’t feel cheated when you see it.

The main difference is that her setting is not a fairy fox, but a real Arctic fox, with only one tail, and when the seasons change, her hair will shed, and the hair will fly all over the sky. In short, it is very scientific and not very interesting.


Xiao Ai is an ordinary girl born in the 27th century. By chance, she accidentally bought a super-realistic intelligent boyfriend-type venting robot. From then on, she had a robot boyfriend who worked hard and beat her at will to vent her depression.

But... what she didn't know was that her "boyfriend" was actually a real person.


When a top wanted criminal in the interstellar space was evading the pursuit of the federal army, in order to escape, he hid in the packaging box of a robot purchased by a girl and became her "boyfriend".

Regarding this legendary experience on the run, Mr. Fugitive said:

"I think she's so special. No woman has ever beaten me the first time we met."

"The moment her little fist hit my belly, I fell in love with her at first sight."

"She actually hit someone with her fists. She is so retro, so fresh, and so tasteful."

"I want to go on an adventure across the galaxy with her."


Some individual settings are still to be determined. Interested fans can collect them in advance. It is expected to be released at the end of the year. Since jj will lock the chapter as soon as the link is posted, I will not post the link. Please check my author column.

Those who only read fantasy novels can consider the next book "Senior Brother Has Many Secrets". The title is yet to be determined and it is expected to be published in the first half of next year.

Love you cute (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

Today's speech is a bit too long. I will thank you all for your tickets tomorrow. Thanks to you little cuties.