Warm Fuzzies

Chapter 93


After the day's teaching was over, Xueli walked back in confusion, holding the piece of paper given to her by her husband.

Xue Li thought about it for a whole class but still couldn't figure out what the intermittent content on these papers meant, especially her husband's attitude was also concerning.

Xue Li has a studious personality. Although these are not medical knowledge, after all, her husband specially gave them to her. She still wanted to find out, so she thought very carefully. On the way back to her residence, she held the paper in her hand and considered it.

For Xue Li, Zi Lan's condition is the most important thing now, so she ran to Zi Lan's room when she had nothing to do to see if he was feeling better. So after class that day, Xue Li went directly to Zi Lan's room.

She went over and changed shifts with the medical fairy who was looking after Zilan.

"Xueli, are you finished class?"

Zi Lan had been waiting for Xue Li to come over for a long time. He hoped that she would come early, but was also afraid that she would not come due to something unexpected today. It was not until Xue Li came back from get out of class that Zi Lan finally felt at ease. He suddenly seemed to be more energetic, and the invisible wolf's tail secretly started to wag a little.


Xue Li took off her cloak and hung it on the wooden stand, saying, "It's just over."

She asked Zi Lan again: "Are you feeling well? Will you feel cold if you do this?"

After the extra stove was removed in the afternoon, the temperature in Zi Lan's house was the same as that of other rooms in the Wolf Palace. Xue Li felt very comfortable, but she knew that Zi Lan was not used to this kind of room temperature.

Zi Lan did feel a little cold, but he had been carrying the cold aura for nearly twenty years, and it had been difficult for him to feel warmth since he was born. He was also very good at tolerating it, so how could he not be able to bear even this coldness? In Zilan's opinion, compared to the past, it is at best a little cold.

So he replied: "Very good, not cold."

"That's good."

Sydney became happy.

She and Zi Lan briefly chatted for a few words, then sat down at the small table in the room, took out the written paper given by her husband again, held it in her hand and looked at it in confusion.

It's not surprising that when Xue Li usually has homework, she will do homework, play with herbs or practice in the house.

However, Zi Lan still wanted to talk to Xue Li more. Seeing that she was holding a piece of paper and looking attentively, her expression seemed to be confused, and her white fox ears were moving in confusion, Zi Lan took the initiative and asked in confusion: " What are you looking at?"

Xue Li replied: "This is the fairy language lesson that Mr. today gave me. He told me to think about it myself. I can understand the literal meaning, but I always feel that there is some deep meaning in Mr.'s words, but I can't see this... "

Xue Li said that she was really distressed, so of course Zi Lan wanted to help her.

He guessed that it might be some allusions and sayings from the fairy world. Xue Li had just arrived in Jiuchongtian and didn't know much about this place. He had grown up in Jiuchongtian since he was a child, so there shouldn't be anything he couldn't understand, so he said naturally: " Give it to me and I'll look at it for you, maybe I can understand it."


Xue Li handed him the paper cheerfully.

Zi Lan reached out and took it, originally with the intention of studying it, but unexpectedly when he saw the words on the paper, his scalp exploded after just reading a few words!

This is his word!

The content on this paper... isn't it the love letter he wrote in Little Wonderland earlier!

Zi Lan's mind suddenly became chaotic, and the shock was no less than a thunder exploding in his mind!

His expression suddenly changed, his eyes opened slightly, and the hand holding the letter was very stiff. He couldn't figure out what was going on for a moment, and he was frozen in place in shock, unable to move.

Xue Li also noticed something strange about Zi Lan, and she asked in confusion: "What's wrong? What do the short sentences on this paper mean?"

Xue Li moved forward to take the letter back from Zi Lan's hand, but unexpectedly, Zi Lan quickly moved out of the way.

Zilan said in a panic: "No, it's nothing."


Zi Lan clearly saw something, but Xue Li couldn't understand why he didn't want to explain it to her.

Zi Lan's mind was confused for a long time, and he couldn't think clearly about the current situation for a moment. When he suppressed his emotions and managed to calm down, he immediately closed his eyes, opened the divine realm, and placed those few things he had always placed in the divine realm. The letter was taken out.

The letters are all intact in the divine realm, not a single letter is missing.

Zi Lan quickly opened the letter.

So much time has passed, and he has been in and out of consciousness for a long time. He can no longer remember how he put these letters in the first place and whether they were sealed or not. On the surface, there are no signs of damage on the envelopes, but with the repairs of the Wolf King and the Wolf Queen, Because, it is not difficult to seal the letter intact.

Zi Lan hurriedly looked at the letter he took out.

The content on the letter paper was exactly the same as the content on the paper Xue Li had just given him. It was just that the more ambiguous content was extracted from what he had written. Even the handwriting was deliberately written in his own handwriting. The contents of these letters were all Zi Lan wrote it himself, and it is absolutely impossible for anyone to happen to come up with so much of the contents of his letter, word for word.

Zi Lan felt like his head exploded with a "bang".

His memory went back and he understood it all at once. It seems that it was during the time when he was brought back to the Wolf Realm. The Wolf King and Wolf Queen knew nothing about what happened to him during this period. Because they were anxious, they would naturally try to find clues from him. His Divine Realm was to his parents. It is easy to open. When the Wolf King and Wolf Queen see a letter in his divine realm, of course they will open it and read it.

Maybe many wolf officers also looked at it in order to find Xue Li.

No wonder he felt as soon as he woke up that everyone in the world knew about Sydney...

No wonder he said he wanted to find Xue Li. Everyone from the Wolf King to the Wolf Officer was extremely considerate and understanding towards him...

No wonder when seeing him and Xue Li together, the wolf officer often showed meaningful expressions...

Zilan's cheeks instantly turned red!

He even began to find it difficult to understand why he had not noticed such a simple thing earlier. He felt strongly embarrassed by his words and deeds during this period, and for a moment he did not know how to face his parents and other wolf officials in the future.

Xue Li on the side still didn't know why.

She was confused when she watched Zi Lan look at the paper her husband gave her with a strange expression and then pull out so many letters that Xue Li had never seen before. She asked Zi Lan curiously: "What are these letters?"


Only then did Zi Lan suddenly realize that Xue Li was still looking at him. He panicked when he heard her voice. In desperation, he wanted to hide the letter and just said: "This is a letter someone sent to me before."

But in the blink of an eye, Xue Li had already seen the words on Zi Lan's envelope, which clearly said "Xue Li's kiss".

Xue Li was also surprised when she saw her name. She said, "But this envelope has my name on it. It's obviously for me."

Zilan didn't know how to explain, so she had no choice but to remain silent.

Xue Li was naturally curious. She couldn't completely give up reading the letter with her name on it. The more Zi Lan refused to give it to her, the more she felt itchy, so she reached out to grab it from Zi Lan's hand.

Zi Lan hurriedly avoided, but Xue Li snatched him and half of her fell on him. Zi Lan was still resting in bed, and couldn't help but blush when Xue Li came over. The bed was such a small place, and Zi Lan had no place to hide. If he wasn't careful, he would Snatched by Sydney.

Xue Li took the letter and ran back to the table in a hurry. She took the letter Zi Lan had opened and started reading it.

Zi Lan didn't want to show the letter to Xue Li in such a hurry. Although he did want to give the letter to Xue Li when he wrote it, and give it to Xue Li when she can read the fairy language, but writing is one thing, really It's one thing to give it to him. Xue Li's reading ability has long been able to read fairy tales at will, and Zi Lan is not mentally prepared to give it to him.

But he was very graceful. Now that Xue Li had successfully grabbed the letter, he didn't run over and snatch it back without giving up. Instead, he sat stiffly on the bed and waited for her reaction.

Zi Lan was very anxious at the moment, waiting fearfully for any news from Xue Li. He felt like a child who had written a paper he knew little about and was waiting for his teacher to mark it. Every moment of waiting was torturous.

Xue Li read line by line, but just after reading a little bit, she blushed.

At the same time, she also understood what was probably going on.

These short sentences were probably originally taken from Zilan's letter to her, but only a small part was taken, so they seemed discontinuous and meaningless.

These letters were originally love letters written by Zi Lan to express her love for her.

You are like light snow, the first time I saw you, my heart was moved...

It seems like the moonlight chases the cloud shadows, and the breeze blows like the heart of the water...

I miss you in the morning, I miss you in the evening, when will the light snow take care of my heart...

If I don’t see you for a day, I can’t understand my lovesickness...

Yue Qing doesn't know how to describe it. Is your heart like my heart

Zi Lan wrote it with great care and put a lot of emotion into it. At this moment, hot emotions rushed over her face, and Ren Xueli could see the strong affection hidden in it at a glance.

Xue Li's face became even hotter, not even sitting down for a while, nor holding these letters.

Zi Lan waited for a long time, then she saw Xue Li turned into a little nine-tailed fox with a blushing face, holding the letter in her mouth and quickly ran to the corner, then directly found an inconspicuous place and balled up into a small ball of fur and stopped moving. .

Zi Lan looked at the group of foxes in the room and felt a little at a loss, and said tentatively: "... How about you return the letter to me?"

But Xue Li said decisively: "How can that be done! The letter you write to me is mine!"

After saying that, Xue Li immediately put all the letters she had pressed under her back into her arms again, kept them tightly, and then stuffed them all into her divine realm in one breath. The letters disappeared completely. From Zi Lan's perspective, it felt like Xue Li ate all the letters at once.

Zi Lan: “…”

After Xue Li stuffed the letter, she wrapped herself into a little ball of fur again, curled up shyly and became motionless.

Zi Lan was very confused. When he saw Xue Li turning into a fox, he also got out of bed and turned into a big snow wolf.

Zi Lan usually seems to be quite smart, and the wolf officials also say that he has a rare talent, but I don't know that when it comes to Xue Li, he always seems to be particularly clumsy.

Zi Lan looked at the nested little fox ball and wandered around the room twice in bewilderment. After a while, he had the courage to go over, lowered his head, and nuzzled the motionless little fox ball with the tip of his nose.


Xue Li called to him.

Zi Lan thought for a while, then cautiously turned sideways, slowly moved the little fox over, and carefully brought her into his arms.

On the other side, the Wolf King and the Wolf Queen had originally planned to gather the twenty-eight tribes of palm star beasts for a meeting. Now that Zi Lan's condition is basically stable and Xue Li has settled in Jiuzhongtian, they can finally make arrangements for this. Something happened.

The letter was sent out a few days ago by the Wolf Queen despite her busy schedule.

Each of the twenty-eight clans of palm-star divine beasts has nine-day duties, and they are very busy performing their duties, so it is difficult to find a day that can allow everyone to come together.

Now time flies, the fastest batch of immortal kings and gods from various Palm Star Wonderland to arrive in the Wolf Realm have already arrived.

The Golden Dog Clan, the Golden Dragon Clan and the Pegasus Clan made an appointment. The gods of the three clans were all sitting in the same fairy car. They were talking at this time.

In the middle of the conversation, the female Queen of the Horse Clan paused and suddenly said: "By the way, have you seen the changes in the drawings of the stars and beasts some time ago? The drawings of the Nine-tailed Fox Clan have been restored!"

The author has something to say: Wolf Ball: Fox Ball is so shy, he must be able to join a group. group


I’m very grateful to a little pomelo furball and a little white rabbit candy furball for throwing a mine at me! ! Kiss and rub the fur! !

Thank you very, very much to yz07, the little furball, for throwing a grenade at me! ! Roll on the spot five thousand times with super strength, kiss, hug and rub Maomao! !

I love you cute(づ ̄3 ̄)づ