Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty

Chapter 100: Smile


Two days later, in the evening, the east wind was strong and dark clouds were rolling in. The setting sun gilded the edge of the dark clouds with a golden edge, which was the last ray of light left by the sun in the world.

A gust of wind suddenly blew, and the thin body of the eunuch Cao Tai trembled. A shrill voice next to him said: Eunuch Cao, should we ask the inner palace guards to send troops to surround the inn and control the people so that they don't run away? Who will take responsibility for this

Cao Tai said coldly: The Queen just fainted, why are you panicking? Besides, Guo Dushi is the commander of Xiangdu, he will run away.

The eunuch who spoke in a shrill voice was fat and named Wang Zhong. He had a pale face but no blood, and was more sinister than Cao Tai. Although this guy was also a eunuch in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he was not of the same kind as Cao Tai.

Not long ago, the queen suddenly vomited a mouthful of dirty blood, but there was a moment of panic, and then the queen fainted.

Wang Zhongdao: The young lady cannot follow the emperor's wishes. We must carry the empress back to Tokyo and recuperate in Zide Palace.

Why are you panicking? Cao Tai is also a little angry. Can you calm down

Humph! Wang Zhong flicked his sleeves and turned away.

In fact, there was no need to surround the inn, as Guo Shao had already come to the inn himself and stayed in the outer courtyard with the imperial doctors to inquire about the news.

It looked like it was going to rain that night, and there were no stars to be seen. But after a night, the weather cleared up. Sure enough, the old saying is true: if you see morning glow, don't go out; if you see evening glow, you can travel a thousand miles.

Fu gradually opened her eyes, and it took her a while to remember that she was in Chenzhou. She felt as if she had had a long nightmare, and when she turned around, she saw two palace maids sleeping on the bed. Outside the gauze cabinet, there was an eunuch and several palace maids sleeping soundly on a round table.

The newly emerged sunlight of the morning sun shone in through the open doors and windows, and tiny dust particles danced lightly in the light. The whole house seemed to be a cage fallen into a lake, leaking water on all sides, and the light was the waterline.

Fu felt as if she had returned to her childhood. She didn't know where she was, but there was a scene in her memory: she and her father came downstairs from an inn in the afternoon. Lunch time had passed, but dinner had not yet begun to be prepared. The waiters were all lying on the table taking a nap. What a quiet and simple time.

Fu called out to the maid lying on the bed. The maid had her face buried in her arms, and she didn't know which one it was. No one answered, so Fu slowly stretched her arm out of the quilt, put it on the maid's shoulder and lifted it. The maid raised her head, opened her sleepy eyes, and soon a look of joy appeared on her face.

The Queen is awake, the Queen is awake

Fu was surrounded by a group of people. The eunuch Cao Tai said excitedly: "Your Majesty, you scared us. What does Your Majesty want?"

Fu said softly: I want to rinse my mouth, I'm very hungry.

Quick Cao Tai dance with his hands and feet.

She was able to sit up by herself and eat the rice porridge with gusto, and she ate two small bowls in a row before shaking her head and saying no more. Everyone was staring at the queen's face. Mu Shanggong had the most exaggerated expression, her eyes wide open. She opened her mouth when the queen opened her mouth, and then seemed to be eating as well, concentrating on it and forgetting everything else. The group of people were simply crazy, and they served the sick Fu for a long time.

Then Fu refused to listen and wanted to get out of bed to look at the sky. She said she really wanted to see the world.

Outside the back door, birds were chirping from somewhere, and crickets were also joining in the fun. The yard, which sounded very quiet at first, seemed very lively. Everything was competing to enjoy life in this season.

With the help of two people, Fu Shi slowly walked to the door. A ray of sunlight shone on her face. Her face was still pale, but it glowed beautifully in the sunlight. She raised her head and felt the breeze blowing on her face, and the wind still blew the few strands of her untidy black hair that fell from her ears. Her originally round face was now deformed by thinness, becoming a real oval face, with sunken eye sockets and dry lips, but a slight smile appeared on her lips.

Envoy Guo, tell me who you are looking for in Huashan. Did you see Chen Tuan, the son of Fuyao? The old imperial physician who had studied the classics for a long time dragged Guo Shao. There were more than a dozen people around, talking and arguing.

Who is that little lady

Guo Shao squeezed out of the crowd and said: Who could this teenage girl be? I bought her.

He ignored the imperial doctors and walked straight to the entrance of the Moon Cave, looking inside for a while. The eunuch who told him the news did not bring out a single word from the queen. The queen should not have said anything, so the eunuch had nothing to say. Qingxu was still inside, but since the queen was fine, they should not make things difficult for Qingxu and would send him out sooner or later.

The yard was quiet, without any movement.

The queen did not ask for an audience, nor did she say a word of thanks, nor did she react at all. However, the eunuch Cao Tai said in front of so many people that the queen had improved, and described the situation in detail, so it should be fine. In any case, the queen's recovery was always a very happy thing. Guo Shao no longer cared about it, and happily left the yard, then returned to the inn to tell his entourage the good news.

Looking back, the sun is shining brightly.

Guo Shao's excitement grew stronger and stronger, as if his whole body was full of life, and there was a force surging in his body, with nowhere to vent. He said to Yang Biao and others: "The spring breeze is blowing and the horses are galloping. If we don't ride now, how can we enjoy our trip?"

The group went to the stables of the inn to get the horses they had brought with them, mounted their horses, and galloped out of the city, completely disregarding the rules of the city. People didn't care, as they had seen a lot of such things during this period. When they saw such a scene, passers-by hurriedly moved aside from the road; the war was far away in Huainan, but the atmosphere of war had already spread throughout the country, and those who didn't know thought it was some urgent military information.

The group of four riders ran on the post road for a while. Guo Shao felt unhappy, so he ran to a wasteland and galloped wildly in the fields.

Ah Wu, Guo Shao raised his head and howled loudly, letting go of the reins with both hands and spreading his arms. For a moment, he wanted to embrace the world. Haha, Yang and Luo were infected by his emotions and laughed heartily.

There was no one around. Guo Shao shouted again: "I can fly freely all over the world. Thank God, thank the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother is omnipotent and can do whatever she wants."

Jingniang sneered in contempt.

Guo Shao, Yang Biao and Luo Mengzi looked at each other in bewilderment. They had just run quite a distance, so they reined in their horses and laughed at each other. Guo Shao felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing the happy faces of his two brothers, he realized that neither of them cared about Empress Fu, but just followed him to make his elder brother happy.

Guo Shao was in a good mood and said excitedly: We brothers should do bigger things and have bigger goals together.

Yang Biao's expression froze after hearing this, Luo Mengzi gradually stopped smiling, and Jing Niang and he also looked at him. They seemed to be thinking about something bigger. The atmosphere was strangely cold.

As the passion in his heart poured out, Guo Shao slowly fell into deep thought. He had a vague idea in his mind, but for a moment he felt that it was not realistic enough. The world is full of many unexpected things, and thinking too far ahead may not have much effect.

His mind returned to Fu. Although Guo Shao didn't care about her indifference after her recovery, he was still slightly hurt. He cared about her so much; a while ago, he often had an impulse to risk his life for her.

Maybe it was just self-conceit. The kindness and merit could only stay at this level. Fu would reward herself, and it would definitely be generous. But was this what Guo Shao desperately wanted to get from her

Although Guo Shao had known for a long time that she was the queen, it was only at this moment that he seemed to truly realize what the queen was, the emperor's most beloved and important woman.

Faintly, Guo Shao recalled the past events of his previous life. When his sister and brother-in-law first confirmed their relationship, their relationship was still very good. Once, the couple walked in front and flirted with each other, and Guo Shao walked behind and couldn't get a word in. He felt very awkward. He was not jealous of his brother-in-law, but he did feel like an outsider.

It's so similar to how I feel now.

He showed his loyalty to Fu Shi, but he was still worried, fearing that the emperor would be angry. Guo Shao suddenly realized that they were a couple. He couldn't imagine Fu Shi being a spoiled child in front of another man. But Guo Shao didn't even have the right to be angry. Even he himself felt that his mind was very abnormal and wrong. What did the couple's business have to do with me

He still felt uncomfortable, perhaps because he was too obsessed. He showed his affection to the queen in the beginning just to have a backer; it was because she was the queen that she could become Guo Shao's backer. When did his mind start to change and go astray

People's emotions change faster than the weather, and it's not just women.

Just now he was excited and happy to be able to do whatever he wanted in the world, but a moment later he felt powerless again, like a rootless duckweed drifting with the current. He could struggle but could not make any waves.

Too powerless, too weak

Guo Shao raised his head and looked to the south, where there might be war going on. The people around him also looked in the direction he was looking. Yang Biao said calmly: We haven't caught up with the battle to conquer Huainan yet.

We brothers fought all over the country, why on earth did we do that? Guo Shao asked casually.

This question is too difficult, even Yang Biao, Luo Mengzi and Jing Niang cannot answer it.

The sun was rising, like a ball of gorgeous red color. Under the brilliant light, the mountains and rivers were still broken. But this brokenness could not last long. The world would eventually unite after a long period of division, and it had been judged by some people. In the near future, a new era would come, which might be familiar to Guo Shao or unfamiliar. He was a little apprehensive, but more of it was expectation.

: I saw many readers leave comments in the book review area, and I feel very honored to have recharged for the first time for this book. Thank God, thank the Queen Mother, and bless you.