Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty

Chapter 11: Every man has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country


The Big Dipper in the sky hangs in the night sky like a spoon.

Guo Shaoyang lay on the ground, thinking. Yang Biao beside him actually had no irreconcilable conflicts with him, but a while ago he was unwilling to admit defeat and fought for a promotion. Before the expedition, he even threatened to stab him in the back. Fortunately, Guo Shao did not bother with him, but shot an arrow to save him at the critical moment, otherwise how could the resentment be resolved? I think if you can be more open-minded, sometimes bad things can turn into good things.

Even late at night, wounded soldiers were still being sent back to the camp and the fire was burning all night.

When the military officer registered the names, he read Luo Mengzi's name, and Guo Shao finally found an acquaintance. Luo Mengzi was very excited to see someone he knew, and he couldn't speak clearly. We have a hundred people in our army, and we haven't met any other living people except you. Commander Wang died this morning.

The three of them gathered together and sighed. In the morning's Battle of Gaoping, the troops on the right wing were indeed much more unlucky and suffered the heaviest losses.

Luo Mengzi was a big, burly man with a big belly and a big, round head. He was wounded and wrapped in a piece of rag, which made him look very funny. Guo Shao looked at him and thought that he was not seriously injured, so he asked: "Why did you come back now?"

Luo Mengzi said: "General Guo Shi didn't know that we chased them and fought another battle. We were scattered by Zhang Yuanhui's cavalry in the morning. I saw Commander Wang's flag and followed him. Later, Commander Wang was also chopped off. I followed the soldiers of an unknown unit and ran to the east. Later, a general came and said that the Khitans had escaped and the Northern Han leader also fled very quickly. He told all of us who were still alive to follow the small army and cavalry and chase north. We ran past Ba Gongyuan and found a large group of Northern Han soldiers waiting in a valley, separated by a ditch. It was almost dark at that time, but we didn't rest and fought another battle. I don't know what the general who led us was called. If he was not his soldier, he would treat us like animals. He just drove us to the front to die. If I, Luo, hadn't been wearing a suit of iron, I would have been shot and leaked.

It was obviously a very difficult experience, but listening to Luo Mengzi's story it was inexplicably funny. When he heard about the water leak, Yang Biao couldn't help laughing out loud, and quickly frowned and scolded: Luo Mengzi, you are a rough guy who can't even speak.

Luo Mengzi was thick-skinned and didn't care about being scolded. He suddenly looked around mysteriously and whispered: "I heard a message when I came back that the war was not over yet. The government was winning and wanted to take advantage of the victory to march north to Jinyang and destroy the Northern Han. Fortunately, we were injured. I don't think it's a bad thing. We don't have to go again. Damn, we walked from Daliang to Gaoping and then walked to Jinyang. We lost all the weight after all this trouble."

Guo Shao wanted to laugh again when he heard this, but his smile was very ugly. The pain made him look sad, but some of his facial muscles looked like he was smiling, and his expression was really weird. He said: I didn't notice that you lost weight.

The three were chatting when suddenly someone in the camp shouted: "Guo Dutou, Guo Dutou!" Guo Shao hadn't come back to his senses yet, and Yang Biao reminded him: "Are you being called Dutou? Haven't you worked as Dutou for a whole day?"

At this time, the person who shouted again shouted: Guo Shao, Xiaodijun Guo Shao

Guo Shao then climbed up with the help of a stick and replied: I am here.

Seven or eight people leading horses came over following the sound. The general in front immediately attracted everyone's attention. Not to mention that his demeanor was different from that of the lower-level soldiers, just looking at the silk pattern on his waist, you could tell that his rank was not low. The man was in his twenties or thirties, with a thick waist and round arms, a big square face with a dark red complexion. If he hadn't been wearing armor, Guo Shao would have thought it was Justice Bao who came to the world. The man held two hardwood sticks, one long and one short, connected by an iron ring. This weapon was a bit like a nunchaku, but it was a very rare weapon at that time. When he heard others respectfully call him General Zhao, Guo Shao was suddenly excited.

Look at this head, could it be Zhao Kuangyin

Emperor Taizu of Song, Zhao Kuangyin, is a well-known historical figure even in modern times; Guo Shao had known that he was a person of this era, but even though he was in the imperial army, he never had the chance to meet him in person. If he really met Zhao Kuangyin, how could he not be moved? This is a famous figure who will be passed down through the ages, and Guo Shao actually saw him with his own eyes.

You are Guo Shao, the big man from Xiaodijun, Guo Shao, who speaks with full energy and clear pronunciation.

Guo Shao hurriedly said: “General Zhao, I am the general Guo Shao.”

Zhao Kuangyin nodded approvingly: It was you who shot and killed the Northern Han general Zhang Yuanhui with one arrow

Guo Shao tried hard to control his inner excitement and tried his best to show an attitude of neither humble nor arrogant: Yes, I heard someone shouting that Zhang Yuanhui was coming, so I drew the bow and shot an arrow, which seemed to have hit his neck.

Although he said it easily, it was not easy to shoot a moving target from a long distance in the chaos of the army, let alone hit a small target like the neck, and kill it with one arrow. Others did not understand, but how could General Zhao, who was also a military commander, not understand how difficult it was

Zhao Kuangyin laughed heartily and cheered with such vigor that it seemed to echo through the mountains.

Zhao Kuangyin laughed again and said: "Commander General Zhang is showing off his merits in front of the emperor today. There are many generals who fought bravely, but he only recommended two of them. One of them is you. Although you are a general, you deserve this honor for killing Zhang Yuanhui in battle. Zhang Yuanhui is known as the best general of the Han army, and his reputation is well-known throughout the world. When he died, the Northern Han army seemed to have lost its vitality."

Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of his country. The ruler of the Later Han Dynasty called himself the nephew of the Khitan barbarians and colluded with foreign invaders to kill the people of the Central Plains. Zhang Yuanhui and his minions were all accomplices. It would be a great pleasure for me to kill them, and it is also my job. Guo Shao didn't know if what he said was appropriate, but fortunately he was able to adapt to the situation and answer fluently when facing military generals who were much higher in status than him. If it were an ordinary low-level soldier, he might not be able to avoid stage fright and speak clearly.

Zhao Kuangyin's face showed a look of surprise, and then he laughed loudly: "What a great saying that every man has a share of responsibility for the fate of the country. I, Zhao Kuangyin, respect the most the heroes who are both righteous and brave. When he returns to the court in triumph, I will definitely invite Guo Dutou to drink with me. I will not leave until I am drunk."

Guo Shao hurriedly said: I am of low rank and humble status, and I am flattered by General Zhao’s courtesy and respect for the wise and humble.

Zhao Kuangyin said: By the way, today Commander Zhang mentioned you in front of the emperor, and the emperor said that you should be appointed as the commander. If you work hard, you will be rewarded after returning to the court.

Thank you, General Zhao, the commander of Zhangdu, for speaking well of me.

Zhao Kuangyin nodded and said: I have nothing more to say. If there is anything else, we can talk again on another day. You should take good care of your injuries.

Guo Shao hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted as he watched them leave. Yang Biao and others also hurried to say goodbye.

After the group of people led the horses away, Luo Mengzi said happily: "That's good now. General Guo Shi will get rich and the emperor will reward him. It's not like taking money down and sharing it among a large group of people." Yang Biao didn't say anything, but the way he looked at Guo Shao was different.

Guo Shao said generously: If there is really a reward of money, all brothers will get a share. Besides, Brother Yang's contribution in killing the enemy on the battlefield today is no less than mine, but he just didn't let his superiors see it.