Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty

Chapter 118: Elegant violence


With a hundred thousand strings of cash around his waist, he rode a crane to Yangzhou. After receiving the imperial edict, Guo Shao immediately rushed to Yangzhou to meet the emperor. He did not have the hundred thousand strings of cash tied around his waist, but his mood was roughly the same.

On the way, Guo Shao unexpectedly met the dejected Li Jixun, so he walked with him. Guo Shao put aside the past grudges and pretended to be calm and comforted him: People always have ups and downs in the world, and even the most famous generals on the battlefield are bound to make mistakes, so General Li should take it easy.

Hum Li Jixun seems very unhappy.

Maybe he was cursing the villain for succeeding in his heart. Guo Shao didn't care much about this. He just felt that Li Jixun was really pitiful. Among the ten brothers of their Yishe, Li Jixun was a big brother-level figure and had been in a high position for a long time. It was not easy for him to make a comeback this time. In the future, it would be difficult for the big brother to lose face in front of Zhao Kuangyin, the rising younger brother.

A few days later, the group climbed up a gentle slope along the post road. Suddenly, Guo Shao felt that the view before his eyes widened.

Although it is already autumn, Yangzhou is still picturesque, with green fields and fields of crops, and the blue sky and pure white clouds complement each other. The colors between the world are so beautiful and eye-catching. Good places are more natural and brighter than the colors in paintings, and they are more vast and more imposing.

The towers and houses in the city are full of the unique charm of East Asian classical architecture, antique and fragrant, like a fairyland on earth. In this war-torn era, there is such a quiet and beautiful place. This is a paradise but prosperous and wealthy, this is a preparation for heaven but has the warmth of fireworks on earth.

The Weiqu Canal, a section of the Grand Canal in later generations, meanders like a piece of silk between the green mountains and green waters. The water surface is like clouds and smoke, and birds fly gently over the water. Everything is full of poetic and picturesque beauty. Guo Shao no longer has any hatred in his heart, which has been completely cleansed. He feels that he is bathed in beauty, his heart is full of sunshine, and he wants to smile at everyone and be kind to everyone.

The picturesque landscape makes heroes bow down. Guo Shao felt that no one would not fall in love with this beautiful land at this time, and want to possess it and enjoy it. Guo Shao was really inspired to write a poem, otherwise he could not express his excitement and admiration at this time.

A team of war horses were galloping happily outside the city, seemingly destroying the tranquility and beauty, but it did not make people feel abrupt at all. The beauty of flowers must be matched with the majesty of men.

The sound of regular and heavy footsteps woke Guo Shao up.

He looked down and saw a purple square flag held by a general standing straight with both hands, with the words "Great Zhou" written on it. Behind the general, two lines of infantry were marching slowly, the formation was neat and the pace was rhythmic, it was like a performance. Iron helmets were lined up in the morning sun, and everything from their helmets to their armor was brand new.

The iron was shining with the unique black luster of metal; the strong and muscular bodies of the soldiers were bulging with the unique lines of muscles, full of iron blood and strength. The red decorations on the spears in the soldiers' hands were like red flowers dotted in the strength.

General Stop shouted a powerful and resounding word, and the entire team immediately stopped and stood still.

The general walked to the front side of the road, drew out his shining sword, and raised it into the air. The whole action was crisp and clear. The soldiers behind him were very tacit. Following the general's sword-raising gesture, the two teams turned around and faced the center of the road.

Everyone's feet slammed on the ground at the same time, creating a pleasant sound. It was really majestic and beautiful music. The soldiers' movements were natural and natural, yet very neat and impressive, which made people very happy.

Soon, a pair of tall cavalrymen in distinctive chain mail armor came up from behind. The young knight in front leaned forward and saluted: "Inner Palace Guard Du Yuhou Du Chenggui, I have been ordered to go out of the city to welcome Marshal Guo.

Guo Shao remembered Du Chenggui. Last year in Tokyo, he led the guard of honor to the market to pick up Yu Lian. It was Du Chenggui who led the inner palace cavalry to strengthen the momentum. Guo Shao always had an impression of people who were kind to him and owed him favors. Du Chenggui had never heard of any military achievements, but a year later, he was promoted from Dutou to Duyuhou.

Brother Du, long time no see. Guo Shao smiled. Du Chenggui smiled back: "I will lead the way, Marshal Guo, please

Everyone followed them all the way to Yangzhou City. Li Jixun followed silently behind them. Although he also enjoyed such courtesy, he probably didn't feel much enjoyment. There was also an old man in his fifties, Liu Renzhan, accompanying them, but if Guo Shao didn't say it, no one knew he was a prisoner. Because Liu Renzhan was not treated like a prisoner at all. He looked at the majestic momentum of the Zhou army and seemed to sigh.

After entering the city, Guo Shao narrowed his eyes and looked at the pavilions and towers in Yangzhou City with interest, as well as the lush weeping willows. He felt that a secondary capital of the Southern Tang seemed more beautiful than the capital of the Zhou Dynasty.

When we arrived at the headquarters of the Great Zhou Emperor, we were amazed by the magnificent palaces, carved railings, jade bricks, small bridges and flowing water. No wonder Li Yu's artistic conception in his poems was so beautiful, it was not exaggerated at all, he was a realistic poet.

The Southern Tang Dynasty rested for decades and had a lot of trade with other countries. A large number of scholars and people fled from the north, and it was indeed very rich. No wonder the Southern Tang Dynasty had no motivation to march north. This place was so rich that everyone from the emperor to the soldiers and common people would have a lot of desire for the devastated northern plains.

Moreover, this was just a temporary palace of the Southern Tang Emperor, not an imperial palace at all.

Guo Shao and the others were full of worship as they walked up the white marble steps. They were greeted by a wide palace built on a high platform with seven gates in front. From the outside, one could see the bright mirror inside. Both sides were supported by large pillars and narrow walls, with a large open space. There were also pavilions outside, with various beautiful patterns carved on the jade railings.

No one made a noise. An eunuch stepped forward, bowed, and said: Only Marshal Guo and General Li are allowed to enter, the rest of you wait to be summoned.

Guo Shaohe had seen such a majestic, spacious and beautiful place before, so he walked forward cautiously, first untied his sword, and asked the eunuch to put it on the rack at the door, and then walked in calmly. In such a place, in such a high-end palace, all behaviors seemed to become more elegant and graceful.

The two of them walked slowly into the hall, and they felt that it was very spacious. From the house, they could actually see a large expanse of sky with white clouds as the background. The jade railings outside the open space seemed to be built in the clouds. This place was like a fairy palace. The person who designed this hall was definitely not a craftsman, he was a poet and an artist.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, two white cranes were circling in the sky. Guo Shaoru was in a dream. He could not even imagine it before. Modern high-rise buildings can be seen everywhere, but he really had never seen such a meaningful building.

A group of civil and military officials were standing in two rows, with the emperor sitting on top in a purple robe. Below the emperor, a man was speaking. He was the Privy Councilor Wei Renpu.

In front of him was a large map hanging on a wooden frame, with a rough map outlined with a thick brush. Wei Renpu was pointing at the map and saying something. He was a middle-aged man who served as a privy envoy, but also served as a military governor. In fact, he was a combination of a prime minister and a general, and his temperament fully demonstrated this.

Wei Renpu, who is 41 years old, has a handsome face and a tall and strong figure. His face and figure fully prove that he is a muscular man. However, such a man wears a civil servant's robe and his manners are full of elegance.

His voice was calm, low and magnetic, calm and composed. As expected, a man who could reach the highest position in the government would exude extraordinary grace. Guo Shao immediately admired him a little, hoping that he could also cultivate that kind of temperament and be as masculine and charming as Wei Renpu.

But it is hard to believe that under such an elegant movement, Wei Renpu's calm tone was talking about violence, war and killing.

Shouzhou, from here to here, a line is formed. The land of Huainan has been divided by the middle road of the Great Zhou Army. We are not going to defend this line, but to sweep to both wings. Attack is the best defense.

The army will march straight to the Yangtze River, threaten the capital of Southern Tang with force, and force the ruler of Southern Tang to cede all the land north of the Yangtze River. From here to here, not an inch less, all of Jiangbei will belong to the Great Zhou, and there will be no room for bargaining. If the ruler of Southern Tang does not comply, then continue with the first strategy and use force to attack and sweep the entire Jiangbei area.

Wei Renpu suddenly stopped, looked up at the direction of the palace gate, and said with a smile: The heroes of my Great Zhou army are here.

All the civil and military officials turned their heads and focused their attention on the young Guo Shao. They were all the most powerful people in the Great Zhou Dynasty, the group of people who ruled the entire country, and almost all of them were here. Being focused on by such a group of people, Guo Shao's heart was throbbing. This was the first time he became a leading figure in the court. He didn't know where his hands and feet were, but his whole body seemed to be out of control, nervous and excited, with mixed emotions.

Guo Shao really felt that this was a violent and evil regime. Force determined everything. If you could fight and win, everyone would abandon all prejudices and respect you. No matter your background, appearance, age or generation, force and military exploits were everything.

From the emperor to his ministers, the superstition about violence had reached a crazy level, and the emperor had reached an obsession with the feat of sweeping across the world and making himself famous for generations.

Guo Shao raised his head, gritted his teeth, strode forward in full view of the crowd, knelt on one knee, saluted and said loudly: "Your Majesty, Guo Shao, the Recruiting Envoy of Shouzhou, has been ordered to capture Shouzhou. I have finally lived up to the emperor's grace and defeated Shouzhou City. I have come to report to you."

Stand up. Chai Rong's eyes became bright.