Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty

Chapter 123: Forced surrender and expansion of territory


The envoys of Southern Tang came to seek peace in the name of the king Li Jing. The conditions were: Li Jing removed the title of emperor and changed his name to the king of Southern Tang; ceded Shouzhou, Haozhou, Sizhou, Chuzhou, Guangzhou and Haizhou, and paid tribute of one million gold and silk every year, begging the Zhou Dynasty to stop fighting. But Chai Rong rejected the envoy's conditions without hesitation, and asked for the entire territory north of the Yangtze River; and made a naked threat without ambiguity that if the Southern Tang Kingdom did not comply, he would cross the Yangtze River to the south, directly destroy the Southern Tang Kingdom, and use their treasury to reward the soldiers.

Chai Rong first rejected the request for peace, and then summoned several important civil and military officials to discuss military affairs.

Guo Shao was fortunate to participate in the discussion of this military and national event. This was unprecedented. Before this, he could only obey orders from his superiors, and he had no idea what they wanted to do except guessing. But now he finally had the opportunity to personally participate in such a major event. However, Guo Shao did not say a word during the whole process, just listening to what they wanted to do.

The first important news was that Han Tong had set out from Tokyo, bringing with him hundreds of warships that had been built and trained before the war, and was heading towards the Huai River.

Many people spoke during the meeting, expressing their own opinions.

However, the words of the Privy Councilor Wei Renpu were the most direct: This was the second time that the Southern Tang Kingdom had asked for peace. If there had been a first and a second time, there would have been a third time. First, they would make a show of force, and they would cross the river to the south and destroy the Southern Tang Kingdom in one battle, so as to force them to ask for peace for the third time; secondly, they would simultaneously prepare to expand their territory to both wings.

Guo Shao roughly understood the strategy from Wei Renpu's words: the court actually only wanted the land north of the Yangtze River, on the one hand to enhance its own war potential, and on the other hand to cut off the possibility of the Southern Tang Kingdom looking for an opportunity to attack; but it was not in a hurry to prepare to destroy the Southern Tang.

In addition to the intention of controlling the Huai River, the most important purpose of the warships and navy brought by Han Tong was to intimidate the Southern Tang Kingdom.

This is simply fraud. It turns out that countries also play this trick. If this kind of military secret is leaked, the Southern Tang will have a good idea and will not be so afraid of Zhou's fraud. Guo Shao realized that Chai Rong had regarded him as his own person who could be trusted to a certain extent.

Wei Renpu brought a rough map hanging on a wooden frame to the upper position again. This time, Guo Shao saw the map clearly from a close distance. The map was very different from the ancients' drawing methods. The biggest difference was the use of circles and lines to outline important towns and roads and water systems. It seemed that Wei Renpu borrowed the drawing method of the Qinfeng map presented by Guo Shao last year. No wonder Wei Renpu seemed to like him.

The Privy Council agreed on a strategy that could take into account both the strategy of forcing the Tang to surrender and expanding territory. Han Tong's navy had entered the Huai River near Shouzhou from the Ying River, and could start from Shouzhou and go down the Huai River, while at the same time advancing eastward from Shouzhou by land troops, using both land and water. First, they would eliminate the Southern Tang navy on the Huai River, then reach Chuzhou via Haosi; after dredging the Guanshui River northwest of Chuzhou, they would go south to the Yangtze River from the Caoqu.

If there is progress, our Great Zhou army will show signs of seizing the southern crossing of the Yangtze River. The ruler of the Southern Tang will certainly panic and fear the loss of the capital of Jinling, Jiangning Prefecture. Now Nanjing is forced to surrender. Wei Renpu spoke calmly and calmly. At the same time, the navy was transferred along the way to the Yangtze River. The land troops swept across and tried to seize the eastern banks of the Huai River, such as Haozhou, Sizhou, and Chuzhou. The Huaibei garrison troops attacked Haizhou and Lianyungang on the north bank of the Huai River. Once they were obtained, the occupied land would be connected, and they could further border the Wuyue Kingdom to echo this expansion. It was a strategy to have the best of both worlds.

Some generals were confused and frightened, and looked confused for a while. Guo Shao found that he knew more about this than many generals, and he knew exactly what Wei Renpu wanted to do. This was the first time Guo Shao participated in the formulation of such a grand strategy.

If Wei Renpu could put it simply, it was nothing more than scaring others while encroaching on the territory of Jianghuai. He just investigated some land and water terrain and chose a route. The war route was a broken line, starting from Shouzhou and advancing eastward in a straight line; then turning southward to the Yangtze River.

Chai Rong thought it was a good idea. When he first entered Huainan, he had planned to break through the middle route. The first big step had been achieved by breaking through Shouzhou, and the strategy this time was to enter the second stage: expanding the victory and forcing a surrender.

He said: We can attack in two directions. When Han Tong's troops and the troops of Shouzhou attack eastward, the troops of Dianqiansi can attack Xiongtai, and at the same time clear the obstacles for the warships to go south after reaching Chuzhou.

Chai Rong said: "According to reports, there are 50,000 to 60,000 garrison troops in Haozhou, and there are hundreds of warships of the Southern Tang navy between Hao and Si. If we move eastward from Shouzhou, there will be a major battle. Who will lead the naval and land forces in the north?"

All the civil and military officials looked at two people: Zhang Yongde and Li Chongjin.

Zhang Yongde was silent. The Iron Cavalry Army was now near Yangzhou, and part of the Control Crane Army was at Qingliu Pass. They were all in the southern area. Besides, the emperor seemed to have let slip before: he wanted the troops of the Palace Front Department to attack Xiongtai. Zhang Yongde had just been promoted to Palace Front Inspector, the supreme commander of the two main forces of the Palace Front Department, and there was no reason for him to manage the operations of the troops of the Guard Department.

Li Chongjin looked a little unhappy, but he didn't say anything. He looked at Guo Shao who was sitting behind him with an inadvertent look. This guy seemed to still be upset about the public humiliation he had suffered last time.

But Guo Shao had just been promoted to the commander of the Infantry Department, and his status and prestige were not enough to command the various armies, so it was impossible for him to be appointed to such a large-scale strategic operation.

Chai Rong said: I will personally attack Haozhou. Li Dushi, you will take over as the commander of Huainan. After meeting Han Tong, make preparations and control the troops to approach Haozhou.

Li Chongjin clasped his fists and said: I will obey your order.

Chai Rong turned to look at Guo Shao: You and Zhao Chao will lead the left and right wings of the Hujie Army and advance eastward first; and you must take orders directly from me.

Guo Shao hurriedly said: I will obey your order and return to Shouzhou immediately.

Chai Rong said: The government seat of Shouzhou will be moved to Xiacai, and Li Gu will be allowed to judge the affairs of Shouzhou Prefecture.

Guo Shao took Jingniang Yang and a group of personal soldiers and left Yangzhou first, heading north to Shouzhou. He did not return to the garrison near Shouzhou first, but went to Xiacai to settle Jingniang and others. Because Li Gu was in charge of Shouzhou affairs in Xiacai, which was the rear area, Guo Shao was not in a hurry to let Jingniang and Yang return to Beijing.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the second brother Yang Biao came to Xiacai Town. He said that Fu Yanqing's family had come to Shouzhou to look for Guo Shao, so Yang Biao brought them to Xiacai. Guo Shao hurriedly asked someone to invite them in to meet him.

Three people came, but the other two were leading horses and talking to the guards in the yard, obviously they were followers. Only a middle-aged man walked towards the living room door with a smile on his face.

This man was a scholar, not only wearing a scarf and robe, but also his movements were very different from those of a warrior. He stepped forward and bowed very formally: "I am Tan Liang, and I have been ordered to visit General Guo. I am from the family of the Hebei Wei Wang family, and I am a teacher. I hope General Guo will forgive me for disturbing you."

Mr. Qin, please sit inside. Guo Shao also said with a smile, "It is my honor to meet someone from the Wei Wang family."

Guo Shao could not tell whether Tan Liang claimed to be from Fu Yanqing's family. He had seen Fu Yanqing, but the people around him did not know him. However, after listening to what this person said, he could roughly guess whether it was true or not. Most likely it was not false. Who would come to see a Zhou army general under the guise of Fu Yanqing? The Fu family could not interfere in the military affairs of Huainan.

The two of them didn't know each other at all, and they had no common topics, but after sitting in the living room, they actually exchanged a lot of nonsense. This scholar spoke in a roundabout way, and was indeed not as straightforward as a military general.

Congratulations to General Guo on his great victory in Shouzhou. This battle is truly famous throughout the world. General Guo will surely become another famous general of our Great Zhou.

Guo Shaodao: No, no, it all depends on the government’s good leadership.

After talking for a long time, Tan Liangcai took out a letter from his sleeve pocket and handed it over: The reason why the King of Wei sent me down this time was mainly to deliver the invitation. The King of Wei knew General Guo during the battle of Jinyang last year, but he was too busy with military affairs at that time to talk to General Guo much, which was a regret of his life. I hope that after the battle in Huainan is over, General Guo will honor me by visiting the King of Wei’s mansion in Hebei. The King of Wei wants to talk about the past with General Guo again.

Guo Shao didn't care, he just took a look at it in front of him, and found that the envelope was sealed with Fu Yanqing's lacquer seal, and then he opened it and read it. It took him a long time to read the contents of the letter.

Tan Liang asked again: General Guo used to be a soldier in the Prince Wei's Palace.

Guo Shao smiled and said: I was a guard in Prince Wei’s mansion a few years ago.

Tan Liang sighed: "In just a few years, General Guo has become a great man. He is really a promising man. I would like to ask, where is General Guo's ancestral home? Where are his parents

Guo Shao sighed and said: "When I was young, my family lived in the countryside of Yanzhou. We were originally a wealthy family. That year, there was a severe drought and locust plague in my hometown, and the harvest was lost. There was chaos and thieves in the area of hundreds of miles. Many clansmen and fellow villagers fled to escape the famine. The Guo family was robbed by mountain bandits again. My father led the people to resist and was killed. My mother passed away early. I escaped alone and came to Yanzhou City. Later, I was rescued by King Wei, so I joined the army and served in the palace to repay his life-saving grace.

He didn't lie, he just spoke from his memory.

After listening to this, Qin Liang sighed and expressed sympathy. Guo Shao did not need sympathy because he had almost no feelings when he talked about these things, as if he was telling someone else's story.

General Guo is no longer the same as he was before, and he has never been engaged to any family, Tan Liang tried to find out.

Guo Shao frowned slightly. Didn’t the Queen forbid me to marry? She didn’t tell you. Guo Shao had to say affirmatively: My parents are not around, and there is no one to make the decision. I haven’t married yet.

Tan Liang smiled and nodded, saying: A real man should serve his country first and then start a family. It is never too late. There is no need to worry about what I said. I wonder if General Guo knows what I mean.

Guo Shao nodded and said: I understand

Tan Liang was very happy after hearing this, and kindly reminded in a low voice: The battle of Huainan has not yet ended, General Guo does not need to rush to make achievements, and the best strategy is to seek stability.

The two of them immediately had a great conversation, and they didn't need to say anything. They just hit it off immediately after exchanging glances. Guo Shao then invited Tan Liang to stay overnight at his residence, and asked someone to prepare wine and food for him. Then he quickly called Zuo You and asked him to write a reply letter to thank King Wei for his invitation, and copied it.